DWIPTWIC :: Volume #1

#352: By 2 dozens 1, crosses holds up the day

Is the present......” “就是现在……” In holding up the day fell into the unbending instance, the platinum seized this opportunity vast, faced forward to hold the black ghost streamer in hand directly. 在擎天陷入僵直的瞬间,白金瀚抓住了这个机会,将手中的黑煞幡朝前照直一捅。 The flagpole length of spine shape rises suddenly, a jet black bone vertebra successively grows from front baseless, after extends several feet distance in a twinkling, withstand/top , on chest that holds up the day. 脊骨状的旗杆长度暴涨,一节节的漆黑骨椎从前端凭空长出,在霎时间延伸出十几丈的距离后,顶在了擎天的胸膛上。 Clang- 铛- With depressed impact noise, the four of black malignant influences from the black ghost streamer, same collide leisurely like the tide 随着一声沉闷的撞击声,黑色的煞气从黑煞幡上四逸而出,如同浪潮一样碰撞到 In this chapter content renewal... 本章节内容更新中...
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