DWIPTWIC :: Volume #1

#350: Golden will that dares to struggle

! 呼! Du Kang and book mountain tiger two people are coercing the strong winds, the flight in jet black desert, often can in the under foot see that shoulder to shoulder to assorted body that the punishment day city hurries. 杜康和书山虎两人裹挟着狂风,并肩飞行在漆黑的戈壁中,不时能在脚下见到向刑天城赶去的各色机体。 The momentum of this wave of punishment day resurrecting makes such big, after the punishment day moan hears, mountain tiger the flesh life like Du Kang and book only feels noisy. 这波刑天复活的声势闹得如此之大,刑天的呻吟声入耳之后,像杜康和书山虎这样的血肉生灵只觉得吵闹。 But has the punishment day descendants of fire seed, the feeling especially is profound, the pain and summon in punishment day moan, making in the punishment day descendants heart emerge the woe and grief that is hard to return to normal. 但拥有火种的刑天后裔们,却感受格外深刻,刑天呻吟中的痛苦和呼唤,让刑天后裔们心中涌现出难以平复的悲痛之情。 In the entire punishment day dwelling place of Buddhist immortals range, regardless of distance far, so long as heard the punishment day sound, her these do not know that was separated many generation of descendants, will hurry to the sound source unrestrainedly. 在整个刑天洞天范围内,不论距离有多远,只要听到了刑天的声音,她这些不知间隔了多少代的后裔,都会情不自禁地向声音源头赶去。 , besides this is the situation that the punishment day city cannot expect beforehand, they disseminates through the underground track the punishment day sound, is only for the metal ground punishment day city, treats as a giant resurrecting plate to use, did not summon the punishment day descendants to go to the set. 这是刑天城没能事先预料到的其外情况,他们把刑天的声音通过地下轨道传播开来,只是为了将刑天城的金属地面,当做一个巨大复活阵盘来使用,可不是召唤刑天后裔们去集合的。 This is the first variable in resurrecting ceremony, it seems like that the punishment day city so-called time-consuming several hundred years of preparation, has not made the ceremony attend to every detail.” “这是复活仪式中的第一个变数,看来刑天城所谓耗时几百年时间的准备,并没有让仪式面面俱到。” Book mountain tiger looks at the under foot gathering in groups, steps one crowd of big good shape body that the hoof gallops, said to Du Kang. 书山虎看着脚下汇聚成群,迈蹄奔腾的一群高大牛形机体,对杜康如此说道。 Although many high rank member before mortal from number god Buddha, but we are very clear, we cannot call the foolproof plan. “虽然有很多高阶修士在凡人面前自号神佛,但我们自己都很清楚,我们远称不上算无遗策。 Has not previewed the strategy's first start, will have such accident/surprise, is not strange. ” 没有预演过的阵法第一次启动,会有这样的意外,一点都不奇怪。” Du Kang majors in Yin God Law, is in itself is skilled in the person of calculation, has known when the manpower has is poor the truth, understands, so long as has not practiced the thing, is unable to cease the emergence of design mistake completely. 杜康主修阴神法,本身就是个精于推算之人,一直都知道人力有穷时的道理,明白只要是没有实践过的东西,就无法完全杜绝设计失误的出现。 What brother cultivates is Yin God Law, the understanding of the strategy by far in me, the words that you spoke I believes. “老弟修的是阴神法,对阵法的理解远胜于我,你说的话我是十分信服的。 Sees this type of trouble of punishment day city at preparing several hundred years of important matter, can wait for your such expert to assist, the brother to this action, had confidence instantaneously. ” 看到刑天城在准备几百年的大事上出这种娄子,又能等你这样的高手相助,老哥对这次的行动,瞬间更有把握了。” On a book mountain tiger ruddy face full is the happy expression, while thinking highly of Du Kang, has not forgotten to drive the morale. 书山虎一张红润的老脸上满是笑意,在恭维杜康的同时,还不忘激励士气。 Really is the old man who can speak! “真是个会说话的老头啊! The high rank member generally live for a long time, the after matter of experience were many, no fuel-efficient lamp, before is completely not me, these young member may compare. 高阶修士们普遍活得久,经历的事多了之后,没有一个省油的灯,完全不是我之前遇到的那些年轻修士可比的。 I and these old codgers am together, later must add carefully is right. ” 我和这些老不死相处,以后还是要多加小心才对。” Du Kang after is criticizing one at heart, similarly smiling said. 杜康在心里暗骂一声后,同样一脸笑意地说道。 Where where, this goes to the bad risk, I must many lend a hand with brother such worldly-wise person mutually am good. “哪里哪里,此去一路凶险,我还需多与老哥哥这样的老江湖相互帮衬才行。 At this point, I must somewhat see other three people impatiently, does not know that can intersect with the brother, what outstanding person phoenix is also? ” 说到这里,我已经有些迫不及待要见到其它三人了,不知道能与老哥相交的,又是什么样的人中龙凤呢?” Later the book mountain tiger then briefed the basic situations of several Ocean Wave Sea experts on own initiative, two people discussed really happy, toward the southeastern howling distant place. 之后书山虎便主动讲起了几个碧波海高手的基本情况,两人一路相谈甚欢,向着东南方呼啸远处。 What book mountain tiger does not know, Du Kang when exchanges with, in sea ​​of ​​consciousness of opposite party, is having a transformation. 书山虎不知道的是,杜康在与自己交流的时候,对方的识海之中,又在发生着一场蜕变。 The Du Kang Yin god opens is loaded with the jar of blood of punishment day, raises head one can of golden yellow liquid gathering mouths, gu gu drinks completely. 杜康的阴神打开装有刑天之血的罐子,仰头将一罐金黄的液体凑到嘴边,咕都咕都全部喝下。 The Yin god does not have the esophagi and stomach these organs, even if Du Kang had built the dragon Zhangfeng seal real symbol Dharmakaya the Yin god, the Dharmakaya still does not have ability that has the drink. 阴神是没有食道、肠胃这些器官的,即便杜康已经将阴神修成了龙章凤篆真符法身,法身依然不具备喝东西的能力。 Under Du Kang so-called drinking, infiltrated in the blood of punishment day the Dharmakaya actually. 杜康所谓的喝下,实际是将刑天之血渗进了法身里。 Contour like the blood of golden viscous paint punishment day, after contacting similar golden Dharmakaya, like attaching the deep-rooted ulcer of bone is ordinary, infiltrated the Dharmakaya. 外形如同金黄色粘稠油漆般的刑天之血,在接触到同样金黄色的法身之后,就像附骨之疽一般,渗透进了法身内部。 Afterward, these are carrying the rich vitality blood, is carrying a warm strength, walks randomly in the Dharmakaya, was scattered to various whole body places little, finally completely vanishes does not see. 随后,这些携带着浓郁生命力的血液,就携带着一股温暖的力量,在法身中游走一圈,被一点点地散落到全身各处,最后完全消失不见。 Like placing oneself in temperature suitable hot spring, around the basin was filled with dexterous women, is massaging the body for him inside and outside ; When like merry with the neodymium person the happiest that flash was lengthened infinitely...... 如同置身于温度适宜的温泉里,水池周围又挤满了一个个手巧的女人,在为他按摩身体的里里外外;又像与钕人快活时最美好的那一瞬间被无限延长…… „......” “啊……” The comfort in Dharmakaya, making Du Kang unable to bear exude the moan of fetter. 法身中的舒适感,让杜康忍不住发出了束缚的呻吟声。 Waits for Du Kang to recover, discovered that own Dharmakaya therefore grew unexpectedly much. 杜康回过神来的时候,发现自己的法身竟然因此长高了不少。 The gods know in one sweep, Du Kang drew a conclusion quickly, absorption such small one can of blood, made his Dharmakaya overall quality at least promote 20% unexpectedly. 神识在身上一扫,杜康很快得出了一个结论,吸收这么小小的一罐血液,竟然让他的法身总体质量至少提升了20%。 The change of semblance is also only its one, Du Kang felt suddenly the heart deep place, spirited upward mood will emerge continuously, making him be full of the infinite fighting spirit to the future shortly, will dare boldly to face, stops all hindrance and challenges before oneself. 外表发生的变化还只是其一,杜康突然感觉到内心深处,有一种昂扬向上的情绪源源不绝涌现,让他在顷刻间对未来充满了无穷斗志,敢于勇敢地面对,阻拦在自己面前的一切阻碍和挑战。 The danger of punishment Chonsongri is anything, this walk, has experienced many dangers ; How the ally of having ulterior motives cannot be depended upon, in this world can depend upon always only then oneself ; So long as is the matter that my Du Kang wants to handle, could not have made...... 刑天城里的危险算什么,这一世自己一路走来,经历过多少危险;心怀鬼胎的盟友不可以被依靠又如何,这世上能依靠的从来都只有自己;只要是我杜康想做的事情,就没有做不成的…… This foothold in the spirited fighting spirit of reality ponder, making Du Kang one's blood bubbles up to the brim. 这种立足于现实思考的昂扬斗志,让杜康热血沸腾。 Let him want to crash in punishment Chonsongri impatiently, conducts the all sorts of fights of military force and intelligent level, finally picks to acquire fame for the fruit of victory. 让他想要迫不及待冲进刑天城里,进行武力和智慧层面的种种战斗,最终摘得名为胜利的果实。 Unyielding fighting spirit: After the clothing/taking tortures a day of blood , the short-term condition of obtaining, when the condition continues, the user will obtain will never compromise, will never give up, dares mind in addition of battle to hold, is hard to be eradicated by the high rank following strength forcefully. 【不屈斗志】:服用刑天之血后获得的短期状态,在状态持续期间,服用者将获得永不妥协,永不放弃,敢于争斗的心灵加持,难以被高阶以下的力量强行破除。 Duration: A double-hour. 持续时间:一个时辰。 When Du Kang will soon take the action, that black eight claw octopus tentacles that in the Dharmakaya head float rock slightly several, making Du Kang restore the instantaneous reason. 就在杜康即将做出行动的时候,法身头颅内漂浮的那只黑色八爪章鱼触手微微晃动几下,让杜康恢复了瞬间的理智。 His secretly thought/passage close call, lifts the pen on own forehead, the backhand writes down one calmly character. 他暗道一声好险,抬笔就在自己额头上,反手写下一个“静”字。 The limpid miraculous glow sparkles in the static character continuous, just like one scoop of cold water from head pouring of giving off heat, made Du Kang have high morale to maintain a pure brightness finally. 清澈的灵光在静字上闪耀不休,宛如一瓢凉水从发热的头上浇下,终于让杜康在斗志昂扬中保持住了一丝清明。 The utterly unjustified hot blooded and ice-cold reason, and has in the consciousness of Du Kang, after a crosscut saw confrontation of relapse, two mood maintained in a strange balance finally. 毫无道理的热血和冰冷的理智,并存在杜康的意识里,在一番反复的拉锯交锋之后,两种情绪最终维持在了一种诡异的平衡中。 With the cracking with the teeth child, later does not dare to eat the thing randomly.” “跟嗑孩了一样,以后可不敢乱吃东西啦。” Facial cast half are excited, half are indifferent, pair of eyes frantic, calm Du Kang, was going against a strange expression at this time, pulled out a thing from the bosom. 脸庞一半激动,一半冷漠,双眼一只狂热,一只冷静的杜康,这时才顶着一张诡异的表情,从怀里掏出了一件东西。 That is a bronze casting, above inscribes ten fingers to thread up, before the middle finger circles outside lion hand imprint chart tuart the token to index finger. 那是一块青铜铸造,上面铭刻着一个十指紧扣,中指又绕到食指之前的外狮子手印图桉的令牌。 Name: Develops technique chapter fights ( 1 / 9 ) 【姓名】:演术章・斗 Rank: On low-grade 等级:上下品 Magic arts description: Slightly 法术描述:略 Studies this law to need the brave courageous courageous heart, the will of striving constantly for self-improvement, Du Kang has scrupulously followed this faith in the ordinary day words and deeds practice, and tortures a day of blood to feel the will of punishment day through the clothing/taking, has to study the qualifications, may spend ten years of life span to grasp. 修习此法需要具备勇勐果敢之心,自强不息之志,‘杜康’已在平日的言行实践中恪守此信念,并通过服用刑天之血感受到刑天之志,具备修习资格,可花费十年寿命掌握。 Studies? 是否修习? Facing the prompt of panel, a Du Kang moment time has not wasted, direct in Is On. 面对面板的提示,杜康一刻时间都没有浪费,直接点在了【是】上。 Buzz ~ ~ 嗡~~ The carrying/sustaining the token of volume of fighting is being shivered to fly, fell on the Du Kang forehead directly, by the heart seal heart, rinsed in which mystery the Du Kang mind all. 承载着斗之卷的令牌在颤抖中飞了起来,直接落到了杜康额头上,以心印心,将其中的奥妙尽数灌进了杜康脑海中。 In an instant, the innumerable only hands emerge out of thin air in the Du Kang consciousness, is dancing in the air carelessly. 刹那间,无数只手凭空出现在杜康意识中,胡乱地飞舞着。 Some of them single-handed knot seal, some both hands check marks, more is many forming various strange hand imprints, pyramid seal, rope seal, bread twist seal, the peacock spreads the tail seal, Avalokitesvara prints...... rushes to be first is demonstrating oneself mystery to Du Kang. 它们有的单手结印,有的双手合印,更多的则是多手结成的各种奇怪手印,金字塔印,绳印,麻花印,孔雀开屏印,千手观音印……争先恐后向杜康展示着自己的奥秘。 Saw their first, Du Kang knew on the instinct, they separately are representing the attack increase to the different strengths, tower seal can the increase to all destructiveness that stood in the thing of land, sword seal can the aggressivity of increase weapon, the Saint brand be able the aggressivity of increase hot attribute technique law...... 看到它们的第一眼,杜康就本能地知道了,它们分别代表着对不同力量的攻击增幅,塔印能够增幅对所有站立于大地之物的破坏性,剑印能够增幅自身武器的攻击性,圣火印能够增幅火属性术法的攻击性…… So-called can increase world all attack the volumes of fighting, then together comprised of these countless hand imprint. 所谓能增幅世间所有攻击的斗之卷,便是由这些无可计数的手印共同组成的。 Chooses one, chooses one......” “选一个吧,选一个吧……” An inexplicable sound appears in the Du Kang ear, first spoke softly, saw him not to make the choice for a very long time, started the wanton bombing directly, changed to the ear-spitting thunderous roaring filial piety sound to shake has a headache Du Kang. 一个莫名的声音出现在杜康耳中,先是轻声细语,见他久久不做选择,就直接开始了狂轰滥炸,化作震耳的雷鸣咆孝声将杜康震得头疼不已。 By Du Kang that two will in addition hold, was not calm, this annoying sound makes him unable to bear send out together the heavenshaking roaring filial piety. 被两种意志加持的杜康,情绪本就不稳定,这烦人的声音让他忍不住发出一道震天的咆孝。 What I must study is the complete fighting calligraphy scroll, is not one type can only seal of increase sole striking power decide. “我要学的是完整的斗字卷,可不是某一种只能增幅单一攻击力的印决。 The incompetent person of talent will choose, can achieve volume of founder boundary fighting opening hanging as a morning, my choice is entire...... the section............ wants. ” 只有无能之辈才会挑挑选选,作为一个早晚能达到斗之卷开创者境界的开挂者,我的选择是全……部……都……要。” Instantaneously, this inheritance space peaceful, changes to together the vast mighty current like the everywhere stars same hand imprint immediately, flushed toward tiny Du Kang, submerges him in the infinite hand imprint river. 瞬间,这片传承空间安静了下来,如同漫天星辰一样的手印立刻化作一道浩大的洪流,向着渺小的杜康冲了过来,将他淹没在无穷的手印长河中。 Murky, flutters, the consciousness of main body lost during the inheritance of volume of fighting, can only take over control of the body of main body by the ya zi Daoist temporarily, maintained the continued interaction with book mountain tiger. 昏昏沉沉,飘飘荡荡,本体的意识迷失在了斗之卷的传承之中,只能由睚眦道人暂时接管了本体的身体,维持与外界书山虎的持续互动。 But the Du Kang main body, was actually bogged down in difficulties in inheritance manufacture. 杜康的本体,却陷入了传承制造的困境中。 Yin God Law and rune/symbol Ludao, is called this world person clan the foundations of ten thousand law, is the roots of all magic arts, although the volume of fighting seems like for the shape of hand imprint, but can also be regarded as special rune/symbol Lu. 阴神法与符箓道,被称为这个世界人族的万法之本,是一切法术的根源,斗之卷虽然看似为手印之形,但也可以看做是一种特殊的符箓。 So long as is rune/symbol Lu, can have the Du Kang learn/study of dragon Zhangfeng seal real symbol Dharmakaya. 而只要是符箓,就是可以被拥有龙章凤篆真符法身的杜康学习的。 Symbol lu, takes the brave of jade, the world produces, the dragon Zhangfeng seal, the capital by Chen, the book on the hierograph, ten thousand should ten thousand spirits. 符箓者,取玉之英,天地生成,龙章凤篆,资之以陈,书就神符,万应万灵。 On can move the world, getting down can shake the mountains, clear(ly) can service dragon tiger, be able to absorb the ghosts and gods quiet, the merit can get up to decay the human bone, cultivating to be able the reincarnation dead, can the town/subdues nation, slightly be able to dispel the disaster greatly. 上可以动天地,下可以撼山川,明可以役龙虎,幽可以摄鬼神,功可以起朽骸,修可以脱生死,大可以镇邦家,小可以祛灾祸。 After this is Du Kang sees the vast quantity of volume of fighting, dares to boast energy that studies completely. 这才是杜康看到斗之卷的浩瀚数量后,敢于夸口全部都学的底气。 But the hand imprint quantity in volume of fighting was really many, Du Kang outlined with the jade pen, inscribed fast in Xinjian hand imprints, but facing being similar to sea hand imprint, what he included was only insignificance. 但斗之卷中的手印数量实在是太多了,杜康以玉笔勾勒,将一枚枚手印飞快铭刻于心间,但面对如同海洋般的手印,他收录的只是其中的沧海一粟。 Correct cultivation method certainly is not this, such with dogged perseverance same practicing, few individuals can practice successfully radically. “正确的修炼方法一定不是这样的,这样愚公移山一样的修行,根本没有几个人能够修成。 The panel, ten years of life span has spent, I need a point now the insignificant help. ” 面板,十年的寿命已经花掉了,我现在需要一点你微不足道的帮助。” In the heart thought that in the Dharmakaya the mutation lives. 心中念头一起,法身中异变即生。 Du Kang thinks that was digested absorption the blood of punishment day, in a large number of particle shapes, appears from his body various places, sends out the gentle golden ray. 杜康以为被消化吸收的刑天之血,以数量众多的微粒形态,从他的身体各处浮现,散发出柔和的金色光芒。 In in the golden light, on Du Kang forehead static character was shone makes a debut the crack trace, finally breaks completely. 在金光中,杜康额头上的“静”字被照射出道道龟裂的痕迹,最终完全破碎开来。 In the heart the turbulent fighting spirit gushes out again, occupies the Du Kang complete mind, when he looks by this condition again to the river of front hand imprint, the mentality is entirely different. 心中汹涌的斗志再次喷薄而出,将杜康的全部心灵占据,当他以这个状态再次看向面前手印之河的时候,心态已经截然不同。 Is magic arts that is difficult to study, does not have any difficulty can baffle my Du Kang, meets difficultly do not fear, the front surface on straight handles him, Ao strength gives......” “不过是一门难学的法术而已,没有什么困难可以难倒我杜康,遇到困难不要怕,迎面直上搞定他,奥力给……” In the outright nonsense, Du Kang walks toward the hand imprint rivers front surface, starts to pass through own side hand imprints to include. 在满口胡言中,杜康向着手印河流迎面走去,开始将经过自己身边的一枚枚手印收录起来。 An awakening greatly feeling floods his innermost feelings. 一种大彻大悟感充斥他的内心。 World is not every matter has the shortcut, is unable to evade the difficulty that and is unable flinch face to face when to one, we can do, only then has the courage to face directly it. 世间不是每一件事都有捷径,当面对一个无法逃避、无法退缩的困难时,我们能做的,只有鼓起勇气直面它。 This is the punishment day attitude towards life, is he when facing to practice not to have the choice that the road ahead makes. 这是刑天的人生态度,也是他在面对修行没有前路时做出的选择。 Before Du Kang, to punishment day because of cutting down day, but the appraisal of death, is the non- wisdom, crude, with crazy. 杜康以前对刑天因伐天而死的评价,是不智,鲁莽,与疯狂。 But in this flash, he changed the view. 但在这一瞬间,他改变了看法。 The world judge a behavior of person is the courage or the crudeness, mostly will base on the behavior of this person whether succeeds. 世人评判一个人的行为到底是勇气还是鲁莽,大多会基于这个人的行为是否成功。 Punishment day initial cuts down a day of action, if can succeed, before present he is practices , a pioneer, is the synonym of courage, strength and wisdom. 刑天当初的伐天之举如果能成功的话,现在的他便是修行前道的开辟者,是勇气、力量和智慧的代名词。 What a pity he failed, therefore can only leave behind one regrettably crudely, impulsive, failure the name of war-god. 可惜他失败了,所以只能遗憾地留下一个鲁莽、冲动、失败的战神之名。 But the punishment day will skill does not have the issue, the tenacious fighting spirit of never flinching, dares to overcome the difficult wisdom and courage, when is faces the difficult position truly not two magic weapons. 但刑天的意志本事是没有问题的,永不退缩的顽强斗志,敢于克服困难的智慧与勇气,是面对困境时的真正不二法宝。 The punishment day can finish the name of war-god when the antiquity, not only because of its strong strength, what are more is he dares to face directly all difficult indomitable courage and faith, Du Kang is willing to call it golden will it. 刑天在上古之时能获得战神之名,不只是因为其强大的战力,更多的还是他敢直面一切困难的百折不挠勇气与信念,杜康愿将其称之为“黄金意志”。 This will is so purely and eye-catching, launches to penetrate all in the reality sufficiently, illuminates the light of all gold. 这种意志是如此纯粹而夺目,足以在现实中发射出穿透一切,照亮一切的黄金之光。 Du Kang under the infection of punishment day will, the nether world ghost fog that even the whole body surges closely associated is pierced, him who stands erect with behind like this slowly and walks firmly in the hand imprint mighty current, the jade pen in hand is conducting the movement of including not to stop. 杜康在刑天意志的感染下,连周身涌动的幽冥鬼雾与背后屹立的如影随形都被刺穿,他就这样缓慢而坚定地行走在手印洪流中,手中的玉笔一刻不停地进行着收录的动作。 In fulfilling the action of golden will, his golden light is getting more and more bright, is getting more and more grand, spreads to this broad inheritance world fast, until all packages completely. 在践行黄金意志的行动中,他身上的金光越来越亮,越来越盛大,飞快地向这个广阔的传承世界蔓延,直到将所有的一切全部包裹起来。 Under shining of golden will, these take the punishment day to found as the prototype, but the hand imprint river, stopped flowing completely, and silent ablation in in the golden light. 在黄金意志的照耀下,这些以刑天为原型开创而出的手印长河,全部停止了流动,并无声消融在了金光中。 Finally, only leaves behind an image unadorned double hand imprint, glitters the dazzling golden light to reappear in front of Du Kang. 最后,只留下一枚形象朴实无华的双手印,闪烁着耀眼的金光浮现在杜康面前。 This is one ten fingers threads up, the middle finger circles to the index finger beforehand both hands knot outside lion seal. 这是一枚十指紧扣,中指又绕到食指之前的双手结外狮子印。 In seeing its flash, brave courageous courageous, encounters instead to emerge the infinite fighting spirit difficultly, can be disillusioned front all the faith and strengths of hindrance raises from the body and mind simultaneously. 在见到它的那一瞬间,一股勇勐果敢,遭遇困难反而会涌现出无穷斗志,能够破灭面前一切阻碍的信念和力量同时从身心中升起。 Together appears also a clear(ly) became aware, so-called „the volume of fighting, the essence was one not in Heavenly Dao of 3000 fundamental symbol lu, completely fundamental rune/symbol Lu who was created. 一同出现的还有一种明悟,所谓的“斗之卷”,本质是一枚不在天道的三千根本符箓之列,完全由人创造出的根本符箓。 The river of that hand imprint Du Kang saw a moment ago, is completely its secondary rune/symbol Lu. 杜康刚才看到的那片手印之河,全部都是它的次级符箓而已。 Instinct Du Kang hung the waist the jade pen temporarily, both hands lifts, pinches a same seal to decide. 本能地杜康将玉笔暂时挂到腰间,双手抬起,掐出了一个同样的印决。 Instantly, in front of him beyond that lion seal, changed to the light scraps/condescend to vanish, the golden light of whole body sending out also restrained to return to within the body completely. 刹时间,他面前的那枚外狮子印,化作点点光屑消失了,全身散发的金光也全部收敛回体内。 Sketchy view it, Du Kang was previously that modeling strange dragon Zhangfeng seal real symbol Dharmakaya. 粗略观之,杜康还是先前那具造型奇怪的龙章凤篆真符法身。 But so long as others see Du Kang, can know that he became different, the makings somewhat were gloomy the Dharmakaya of evil intent, now are many bravely named courageous fearless charm. 但别人只要一看到杜康,就能知道他变得不一样了,原本气质有些阴沉邪意的法身,如今多了一种名为“勇勐无畏”的神韵。 ...... …… In the reality, in Du Kang that book mountain tiger talked, in the eye pupil is flashing through two thorough golden light suddenly. 现实中,正在与书山虎交谈的杜康,眼眸中突然闪过两道透彻的金光。 Book mountain tiger asked subconsciously: „Do brother why eyes brave the golden light?” 书山虎下意识问道:“老弟为何眼冒金光?” Du Kang grinned, revealed the sincere smile of revealing the tooth root, honest say/way. 杜康咧嘴,露出了一个显露齿根的真诚笑容,坦诚道。 I suddenly, was full of the fighting spirit to the forthcoming fight......” “我只是突然之间,对即将发生的战斗充满了斗志……”
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