DWIPTWIC :: Volume #1

#318: The Haizhou wind and cloud, the nightmare seeks out the traces

Neighboring deep pool city dreamland, Dong'an Work place, Wangyuelou. 邻渊城梦境,东安坊,望月楼。 Wangyuelou building 20 ten feets in height, is divided five, the upturned eave rake, carves the window wall with murals, brilliantly illuminated. 望月楼楼高20丈,分有五层,飞檐翘角,雕窗画壁,灯火通明。 Under the eaves of stilts hangs the dense and numerous decorative lanterns, the candlelight in lamp is hitting on the insightful gauze, can see the colored vivid Shunga that describe outward appearance the style rotates in the wind slowly. 高翘的屋檐下挂着密密麻麻的花灯,灯内的烛光打在通透的纱布上,能看到一幅幅写形风格的彩色生动春宫图在风中缓缓转动。 Is coordinating the clear ding bell wind chimes sound, the sound and color increased a different kind character and style for this burning hot summer night together. 配合着清脆的叮铃风铃声,声与色一起为这个炎热的夏夜增添了一丝别样的风情。 In this chapter content renewal... 本章节内容更新中...
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