DWIPTWIC :: Volume #1

#317: Blows out the artillery, the technique of rubber

Executes in the gun tube of evil artillery, there is a gloomy red light to gather faintly, this is one type can further launch at any time, may draw back one step to cause the attack intermediate state that the furnace burns out. 诛邪炮的炮管内,有暗淡的红光隐隐聚集,这是一种可以随时进一步发射,也可退一步使熔炉熄火的攻击中间状态。 Attempt to stimulate to movement the honey-comb copper brain several times in secret, wish makes the convenient shovel fly back, the strength of Yuan magnetism but sends out is actually similar to the clay ox entering the sea to vanish without the trace, as if around the body of man covers entirely the black hole that only cannot enter. 几次暗中尝试催动蜂巢铜脑,想要让方便铲飞回,但发出的元磁之力却如同泥牛入海般消失无踪,仿佛男人的身体周围布满了一个只进不出的黑洞。 The copper steel tin smelled the flavor of danger from front man, one 铜铁锡从面前的这个男人身上嗅到了危险的味道,刚才的一 In this chapter content renewal... 本章节内容更新中...
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