DWIPTWIC :: Volume #1

#319: Nightmare mount, black iron person of great strength

In that moment that the great horse comes, Du Kang feels clearly, nearby dreamland fell into during the control of some will. 在巨马现身的那一刻,杜康清晰地感觉到,附近的梦境落入到了某个意志的掌控之中。 Consolidated like the dreamland of material world, had the remarkable change instantaneously. 原本稳固如同物质世界的梦境,瞬间发生了惊人的变化。 The space starts to twist, creeping motion, stretch, probably one group of various colors mixed in together playdough, made an effort mixed the mix after together, was pulled again fiercely. 空间开始扭曲,蠕动,拉伸,好像一团各种颜色混杂在一起的橡皮泥,被用力地糅杂在一起后,再被猛地拉扯开来。 Also like one by the oil painting of flame roasting, the assorted pigment was flowed recklessly strangely 又像一幅被火焰烘烤的油画,各色颜料肆意流淌成奇怪 In this chapter content renewal... 本章节内容更新中...
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