DSE :: Volume #5

#444: Fishing, the to rub dog, feeds the pigeon

Dusk arrived, has the disorderly breeze to blow the plain, curls up the fallen leaf on small hill, hits is spinning to the lofty sky, the city sketch of horizon end is infiltrating in the sunlight, covers a magnificent golden splendor gradually. 黄昏降临了,有无序的微风吹过平原,又卷起小山丘上的落叶,打着旋飞向高远的天空,地平线尽头的城市剪影在阳光中浸润着,渐渐镀上一袭辉煌的金辉。 This piece survives illusion that” the information simulates to arrive from the navigation 2nd basis database in really fearfully, even a here grain of dust and wisp of breeze were simulated perfect, if not ahead of time to know oneself in the consciousness level with this ancient artificial intelligence conversation, Duncan even cannot distinguish this small hill and that plain and Real World has anything to distinguish. 这片由领航二号根据数据库中残存信息模拟出来的“幻境”真实到可怕,甚至连这里的一粒灰尘、一缕微风都被模拟到了尽善尽美,如果不是提前知道自己只是在意识层面与这台古老的人工智能交谈,邓肯甚至根本分辨不出这座小山丘和那片平原与现实世界有什么分别。 However here eventually is only a illusion, the perfect simulation is it biggest flaw —— here each grain of dust is navigates part of No. 2 computed result, these seem like the disorderly breeze, before they have blown the plain, their paths have then appeared in the navigation 2nd operation core, here will never have to surpass the event of database and computed result exists, even if the dust that a grain random was blown to fly. 然而这里终究只是一幕幻境,尽善尽美的模拟本身便是它最大的缺陷——这里的每一粒灰尘都是领航二号计算结果的一部分,那些看似无序的微风,在它们吹过平原之前,它们的轨迹便已经出现在领航二号的运算核心里面,这里永远不会有超出数据库和计算结果的事件存在,哪怕是一粒“随机”被吹飞的尘埃。 Ancient times various Wangmen all knew the end trend and Great Annihilation in the world truth, but only had navigation 2nd, this once crossed star sea, artificial intelligence that was constructed by the advanced civilization, understood „the world in foundation rule these slight and fatal...... difference. 远古诸王们皆知道世界的终结趋势与大湮灭的真相,但唯有领航二号,这个曾经跨越星海的、由先进文明建造起的强人工智能,才理解“世界”基础规律中那些细微而致命的……“区别”。 Now, he finally found another to understand all these individuals. 现在,他终于找到了另一个可以理解这一切的个体。 Wears the exhausted man who the white researcher overpowers to sit on the hillside, he sits in a big stone, somewhat looks at the dusk that the distant place is simulating lost. 身穿白色研究员制服的疲惫男人在山坡上坐了下来,他坐在一块大石头上,有些出神地望着远方模拟出的黄昏。 My creators, they have not touched that altitude that your civilization arrives, therefore I am unable to understand that what kind of nature 002 seconds of universe slices have specifically, as well as what kind of future —— therefore me it will create then to be worried, was worried your plan is creating one piece in a big way Boundless Sea. “我的创造者们,他们还没有触及到你的文明所抵达的那个高度,所以我也无法理解一个002秒的宇宙切片具体有怎样的性质,以及它会创造出一个怎样的未来——所以我便不得不担心,担心你的方案只是在创造出一片更大的‘无垠海’。 It will be very possibly giant, even holds the number sufficiently by 1.0001 trillion stars, it has probably the long life span, even takes for hundred million years to measure as the unit like the true universe, so long as finally Crossing Worlds this issue has not been solved, then it was still shelter, the civilization development is unable to overshoot the blueprint upper limit, then these once destroyed the thing of our hometown, can still destroy it...... “它可能会很巨大,甚至足以容纳数以兆亿的星辰,它可能拥有漫长的寿命,甚至像真正的宇宙那样以亿年为单位计量,但只要‘最终越界’这个问题没解决,那它就仍然是个‘庇护所’,文明发展无法超出蓝图上限,那么那些曾经毁灭了我们故乡的东西,就仍然可以毁灭它…… Biased, this is after the creators disappear, the second type that I learn with humanity related concept, this biased and fear same place, on the image source code general deep brand mark in my system floor, making me keep pondering and calculating, to seek that to make two-dimensional villain possibility —— I this possibility be called as ultra system event ’ in the plane stands ‚’. “‘偏执’,这是在创造者们消失之后,我学会的第二种与‘人性’有关的概念,这份‘偏执’和‘恐惧’一起,就像源代码一般深深烙印在我的系统底层,让我一直在不停地思考和计算,以寻求那个可以让‘二维小人’在平面上‘站起来’的可能性——我将这个可能性称作‘超系统事件’。 But I failed. “但我失败了。 In closed-loop system does not allow to appear surpasses the system the event, I can constantly be adjusted in iterations by myself, making the own logical system perfect, however the fact is, the non- closed loop and ultra systematic characteristics are the real universe privileges.” “闭环系统中不允许出现超出系统的事件,我可以让自己在一次次迭代中不断调整,让自己的逻辑系统尽善尽美,然而事实是,非闭环和超系统性才是真实宇宙的特权。” On the small hillside is peaceful, Duncan with navigating is looking into the distance on the 2nd together, crossed some little time, he breaks suddenly silent: „......, therefore to Boundless Sea, Shirley is one ultra system existence, but there is a possibility, this is only because I carry information surpassed Boundless Sea frame ——, but in that 002 seconds of universe range that in my own represents, this partial information was still part of closed-loop system, it cannot achieve exceeds.” 小山坡上安静下来,邓肯与领航二号一同眺望着远方,过了好一会,他才突然打破沉默:“……所以对无垠海而言,雪莉是一个‘超系统’的存在,但有没有可能,这只是因为我携带的‘信息’超过了无垠海本身的框架——而在我自身所代表的那002秒宇宙范围内,这部分信息仍然是闭环系统的一部分,它并不能做到自我超越。” Duncan calmly said this possibility, he knows that this suspicion is not happy, once because this guess establishment, that means the situation that the navigation 2nd institute is worried about will be doomed to appear: Regardless in Old World in the new world, ultra system event will never have the —— civilization to be doomed by dire straits in a basket, even if this basket can be done is very very big. 邓肯静静说出了这个可能性,他知道这个猜想并不怎么美好,因为一旦这个猜测成立,那就意味着领航二号所担心的情况注定会出现:不论在旧世界还是在新世界,“超系统事件”永远都不会发生——文明注定会被困死在一个笼子里面,哪怕这个笼子可以被做得很大很大。 Navigating No. 2 is silent, after the ponder is very long, he shakes the head gently. 领航二号沉默下来,在思考很久之后,他才轻轻摇了摇头。 After seeing that girl, my part of thought advancements then considered this possibility, but in the final computation, I overruled this suspicion,” he said slowly, „, because you were not totally remoulding she, except for you influence beside, constituted Shirley all is still in a shelter product...... “在见到那个女孩之后,我的一部分思维进程便考虑到了这个可能性,但在最终的计算中,我否决了这个猜想,”他慢慢说道,“因为你并不是彻底‘重塑’了她,除了伱的‘影响’之外,构成雪莉的一切仍然是庇护所内的‘产物’…… This process can be regarded as in the system of closed loop to present an ultra system event, but you in this process has not changed the Boundless Sea shelter truly information total quantity, in other words...... that 002 seconds of universe information were still sealed completely in you within the body. “这个过程可以被视作是原本闭环的系统中出现了一个超系统事件,而你在这个过程中并未真正改变无垠海庇护所的‘信息总量’,换句话说……那002秒的宇宙信息仍然被完整地封装在你‘体内’。 I analyzed based on this, ultra system it should be your characteristics, Shirley the change, is not because she was increased outside the Boundless Sea shelter information, because she contaminated you characteristics.” “我据此判断,‘超系统’本身应该就是你的‘特性’,雪莉身上发生的变化,不是因为她被添加了无垠海庇护所之外的‘信息’,而是因为她沾染了你的‘特性’。” Duncan knits the brows to ponder, but still could not bear the opens the mouth: Your judgment is not necessarily accurate, like yourself said that your body has the closed-loop system limitation.” 邓肯皱眉沉思着,但仍然忍不住开口:“不过你的判断不一定准确,就像你自己说的,你身上有闭环系统的‘局限性’。” Yes, I have the limitation of closed-loop system, therefore I am unable to analyze and calculate truly perfectly with your related matter, ‚the new world is another piece of Boundless Sea the possibility remains.” “是的,我有闭环系统的局限性,所以我无法真正完美地分析和计算与你有关的事情,‘新世界是另一片无垠海’的可能性仍旧存在。” Navigated to stop on the 2nd at this point, after the moment, shakes the head. 领航二号说到这里停了下来,片刻后摇了摇头。 But did not matter, even so, we are in any case impossible to have a better plan, doing utmost, every so often this is the matter that we can handle only.” “但是无所谓了,反正即便如此,我们也不可能有更好的方案,‘竭尽全力’,很多时候这就是我们唯一能做的事情。” Duncan has not said anything again, but nods gently, later then sits with the opposite party on this hillside together, is enjoying this luxurious general peace in the dusk breeze, is looking into on the plain the clear wave light in rivers. 邓肯没有再说什么,只是轻轻点了点头,随后便与对方一同坐在这山坡上,在黄昏的微风中享受着这奢侈一般的安宁,眺望着平原上河流中的粼粼波光。 In illusion that in this simulates, flowing of time can very slowly very slow ——, but Duncan has not blown off the own mind like for a long time. 在这个模拟出的幻境中,时间的流动可以很慢很慢——邓肯已经很长时间没有像这样放空自己的头脑了。 So long as there is a conclusion time, the luxurious relaxation time always seems short. 但只要有结束的时候,奢侈的休息时间就总是显得短暂。 I should leave,” Duncan said suddenly, and stood from the hillside, road is very far.” “我该离开了,”邓肯突然说道,并从山坡上站了起来,“路还很远。” Yes, some of your also many roads must walk,” navigated also following to stand on the 2nd, the vision looks at Duncan tranquilly, you must see in us remaining that two, after traversal the exterior barrier all nodes, Gamona still you kept an appointment —— not to make the madam and others too long.” “是啊,你还有很多路要走,”领航二号也跟着站了起来,目光平静地看着邓肯,“你还要去见我们中剩下的那两个,在遍历外部屏障上所有的节点之后,葛莫娜还在等你赴约——别让女士等太久。” Is listening to the words of opposite party silent, Duncan the flash: „...... Should you know my plan?” 听着对方的话,邓肯沉默了一瞬间:“……你应该知道我的计划吧?” „...... You along the exterior barrier tour, this destroys the first step of this world,” navigated to smile on the 2nd, in the smile brings like child pure, I know, when you left from Gamona there, this world's true destruction has entered countdown —— after all, what kind of form birth no matter the new world by, the destruction of Old World will be in this process one point of most foundation, we must first find the way to finish that continues until now...... Great Annihilation.” “……你正在沿着外部屏障‘巡礼’,这是毁灭这个世界的第一步,”领航二号笑了起来,笑容中带着如孩童般的纯粹,“我知道,当你从葛莫娜那里离开的时候,这个世界真正的毁灭就已进入倒计时——毕竟,不管新世界会以怎样的形式诞生,旧世界的毁灭都是这个过程中最基础的一环,我们总得先想办法结束那场持续至今的……‘大湮灭’。” He lifts the arm, extended a hand to Duncan, on the face still has the pure smile. 他抬起胳膊,向邓肯伸出一只手,脸上仍然带着纯粹的笑容。 I do not know that the success ratio of this matter is many, does not know us whether really can by you retention to that new world, if to there what kind of new, we will also really welcome stance, but I believe, you will certainly do utmost, therefore our new world said goodbye.” “我不知道这件事的成功率是多少,也不知道我们是否真的可以被你‘保留’到那个新世界,以及如果真的到了‘那里’,我们又会迎来怎样的新‘姿态’,但我相信,你一定会竭尽全力,所以我们新世界再见。” Duncan looks that only extends to oneself front hand, after short hesitation, he grips the palm of opposite party. 邓肯看着那只伸到自己面前的手,短暂的迟疑之后,他握住对方的手掌。 Quiet green fire seed finger seams that in two grasp silent jump, vanishes in a flash does not see. 一点幽绿的火种在两只相握的手指缝间无声跳跃,又转瞬间消失不见。 Our new world said goodbye.” “我们新世界再见。” The Duncan form disappears in the air gradually the —— visit link has separated. 邓肯的身影渐渐消失在空气中——访问链接已断开。 Sways in the invisible breeze on plain and hill does not know when ceases gradually, fills the air imperceptibly even more is also dim in the golden red multi-colored sunlight of sky, wears the man who the white researcher overpowers calmly to stand on the hill, but in his field of vision, the whole world gradually not in darkness. 吹拂在平原和山丘上的无形微风不知何时渐渐停息下来,弥漫在天空的金红色霞光也在不知不觉中愈发昏暗,身穿白色研究员制服的男人静静地站在山丘上,而在他的视野中,整个世界正渐渐没于黑暗。 Returns in the darkness from the fuzzy memory of hometown sleeps soundly, he is standing and waiting for a long time in the darkness for a long time, crossing was very long, he lifts the own right hand slowly. 源自故乡的模糊记忆在黑暗中回归安眠,他在黑暗中长久地伫立着,过了很久,他才慢慢抬起自己的右手。 The quiet green fire seed still jumps in the fingertip, but suddenly, that quiet green flame was then caught a dim star splendor, as if transformed originally its real stance. 一点幽绿的火种还在指尖跳跃,但眨眼间,那幽绿的火光便被染上了一层朦胧的星辉,仿佛蜕变出了它原本的“真实姿态”。 Navigates to lift the hand on the 2nd, wields in the darkness gently. 领航二号抬起手,在黑暗中轻轻一挥。 The big piece staggered light shadow appears from the nihility in instantaneously, outlined Boundless Sea of prospect —— length and breadth in a series of remarkable changes rapidly, is covering City-State in dim, the dense fog of encirclement the whole world, as well as dense fog edge these partly visible nodes and barriers. 大片交错的光影瞬间自虚无中浮现,在一系列惊人的变化中迅速勾勒出一幅图景——广袤的无垠海,正笼罩在昏暗中的城邦,环绕整个世界的迷雾,以及迷雾边缘那些若隐若现的节点与屏障。 This is the whole world monitoring picture. 这是整个世界的“监控”画面。 The navigation 2nd vision has swept the projection, in picture edge these partly visible nodes and barriers, he saw an indistinct star splendor. 领航二号的目光扫过投影,在画面边缘那些若隐若现的节点与屏障上,他看到了一片隐隐约约的星辉。 These star splendors from representative Queen Leviathan the node spreads, has drawn 1/4 arcs along the exterior barrier, at this moment is staying in his navigator node on. 那些星辉从代表着“利维坦女王”的节点蔓延过来,沿着外部屏障划过了四分之一的弧线,此刻正停留在他的“领航者节点”上。 The star splendor as if corroded the barrier, even if only one simulation data that” is away from the innumerable sensors to transmit, was still sending out some type powerful and vast...... sense of existence. 星辉仿佛侵蚀了屏障,即便只是一幕隔着无数传感器传递过来的“模拟数据”,也仍旧散发着某种强大而浩渺的……“存在感”。 And aura of destruction. 以及毁灭的气息。 Navigates No. 2 calmly to wait, how long crossed did not know, he noticed finally that piece stayed the star splendor in navigator node glittered suddenly, later started to continue to turn toward the next node to spread. 领航二号静静地等待着,过了不知多久,他终于看到那片停留在领航者节点上的星辉突然闪烁了一下,随后开始继续向着下一个节点蔓延。 Spreads the star light that seems making clear to the day of the world end on the barrier ring dial plate. 在屏障圆环上蔓延的星光就仿佛昭示着世界终结之日的“表盘”。 After moment ponder, navigates to transfer the line of sight on the 2nd slightly, but one line of information also appear in his field of vision, and sent out the distant place: 片刻思考之后,领航二号微微转过视线,而一行信息随之浮现在他的视野中,并被发往远方: Sending a letter Source -lh 02, To King of Fire —— ta to your there.” “发信源-LH02,至-火之王——ta向你那里去了。” In the darkness, navigation 2nd waited to be very long, in his memory, Taricin as if never returned to the information is so slow. 在黑暗中,领航二号等了很久,在他的记忆里,塔瑞金似乎从未回信息如此慢过。 But he received the reply finally, one line of information appear in him at present: 但他终于还是收到了回信,一行信息浮现在他眼前: Sending a letter Source King of Fire —— I understand, I prepared.” “发信源-火之王——我明白,我准备好了。” Sending a letter Source -lh 02 slow that very —— you reply, is the situation good?” “发信源-LH02——你回复的很慢,情况还好吗?” „...... The fire is extinguishing gradually, but I also.” “……火在渐熄,但我还在。” „...... Bartok, you also in?” “……巴托克,你还在吗?” In.” “在。” Queen Leviathan, but also in?” 利维坦女王,还在吗?” „...... “……嗯。” From the cavity in death wilderness howled twittering whispers with the deep sea temple in transmits on the 2nd fuzzily, navigates to shout the tone gently, waves gloomy glimmer that diverged in the air to survive. 来自死亡旷野上的空洞呼啸和深海神殿中的呢喃低语模糊传来,领航二号轻轻呼了口气,挥手散去了空气中残存的暗淡微光。
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