DSE :: Volume #5

#445: Flashing past

The present is late at night, however regarding navigation end of the world Vanished, the sky of top of the head, regardless of the day and night is a dim chaos grey —— passive skylight eternal and disseminates forever evenly in the fog, as if at any time will not have the slight change. 现在是深夜,然而对于航行在世界尽头的失乡号而言,头顶的天空不论昼夜永远是一层朦胧混沌的灰——无源的天光永恒且均匀地弥散在云雾中,仿佛任何时候都不会有丝毫变化。 The sailors sit in the fantail deck are being in a daze, on the skin and bones face has the complex expression, he has maintained this posture very long period of time, like a sculpture. 水手坐在船尾甲板上发着呆,瘦骨嶙峋的面孔上带着复杂的表情,他已经保持这个姿势很长一段时间,像一尊雕塑般。 Duncan stands by him, looks down this dry corpse, suddenly broke silent: Is difficult to be inadequate also ponders your pile last words the matter?” 邓肯站在他旁边,低头看着这具干尸,突然打破了沉默:“难不成还在思考你那堆‘遗言’的事儿?” „...... But is actually not,” sailor not too natural adjusted a posture, the mouth was muttering, in the future what to do mainly will be...... a little does not know suddenly should.” “……倒也不是,”水手不太自然地调整了一下姿势,嘴里咕哝着,“主要是……突然有点不知道将来该怎么办了。” Duncan heard that the word raised the eyebrow: In the future?” 邓肯闻言挑了挑眉毛:“将来?” „......, in I planned, at this time I should disappear in this world,” sailor silent several seconds, tranquilly and said slowly, I have never thought after completing this task continues living matter, the possibility of any this aspect has not thought —— I had loafed too many years in this world, but actually suddenly discovers now oneself must consider one next in the future life, this matter makes me a little...... helpless.” “……在我原本的规划中,这时候我应该已经消失在这个世界上了,”水手沉默了几秒钟,平静而缓慢地说道,“我从未想过在完成这个任务之后继续‘活’着的事情,任何这方面的可能性都没想过——我已经在这个世界游荡了太多年,但现在却突然发现自己要考虑一下未来的‘人生’,这件事让我有点……手足无措。” Duncan looks at the opposite party earnestly: You , if not glad, I can dismissal your —— only need the flash, you can obtain dying that you want ‚’.” 邓肯认真地看着对方:“你要是不乐意,我可以‘解雇’你——只需要一瞬间,伱就可以得到你想要的‘长眠’。” The sailors' after hearing these words expression are subtle immediately change, adjusted a posture artificially: This...... is also insufficient but actually......” 水手在听到这句话之后表情顿时微妙一变,又不自然地调整了一下姿势:“啊这……倒也不至于……” The Duncan corners of the mouth appeared not smiling that is easy to detect, his both hands hold the chest, under looks at the mist to cover the sea level: In the final analysis, do you really also want dying now ‚’?” 邓肯嘴角浮现了一丝不易察觉的笑,他双手抱胸,望着薄雾笼罩下的海面:“说到底,你现在真的还那么想要‘长眠’吗?” Sailor time silent a long time, as if he has not carefully thought this issue, until is lost in thought at this matter at this moment suddenly. 水手这一次沉默了更长时间,似乎他一直都没有认真想过这个问题,直到此刻才突然在这件事上陷入了沉思。 How long crossed did not know, this dry corpse moved suddenly, the hoarse voice is hesitating transmitting: This world to me...... like ice cold.” 过了不知多久,这具干尸才突然动了一下,粗哑的嗓音迟疑着传来:“这个世界对我而言……还是像冰一样冷。” But the new world will be warm,” Duncan said lightly, perhaps there, you can no longer be a corpse, perhaps, the corpse can still feel warm.” “但新世界会暖和起来的,”邓肯淡淡说道,“在那里,或许你可以不再是一具尸体,也或许,尸体仍旧能够感觉到温暖。” The sailors raised the head, in the eye brings surprised: New world?” 水手抬起头,眼睛中带着一丝惊讶:“新世界?” You forgets yourself to speak the words? The matter that I must do will certainly become —— certainly to have a new world in the future, this was you have said personally,” Duncan lowers the head, is gazing at the eyes of sailor tranquilly, „do you also believe now?” “你忘了自己说过的话?我要做的事一定会成——未来一定会有一个新世界,这是你亲口说过的,”邓肯低下头,平静地注视着水手的眼睛,“你现在还这么坚信吗?” After the moment is peaceful, the sailor nods: „...... I believe, at any time believes.” 片刻安静后,水手点了点头:“……我相信,任何时候都相信。” Very good, that waits to have a look with own eyes,” Duncan smiled, I thought that can be very good place —— also some song numbers stories, many things should state by the litigant are meaningful, since you want to make it spread to the future, that oneself do.” “很好,那就等着亲眼去看看吧,”邓肯笑了起来,“我觉得那会是一个很好的地方——还有海歌号的故事,许多东西应该由当事人亲述才有意义,既然你想让它流传至未来,那就自己去做。” The sailors maintain slightly are revealing the delay the posture to listen to Captain these words, crossed for a long time, the wrinkle that on this corpse face these get sucked into vertically and horizontally/able to move unhindered stretches suddenly, he shows the smile, although smiled still so to be scary ugly: Good, I want to understand.” 水手保持着略显呆滞的姿势听着船长这番话,过了许久,这具尸体脸上那些纵横深陷的皱纹才突然舒展开来,他露出笑容,尽管笑起来仍然那么丑陋骇人:“好,我想明白了。” He stood slowly, looks at this still the ice-cold world, the wrinkle on face compared with stretched a moment ago: I want to take a look at that ‚the new world, Captain —— I truly do not want dead.” 他慢慢站了起来,看着这个仍旧冰冷的世界,脸上的皱纹比刚才更加舒展:“我想看看那个‘新世界’,船长——我确实不想死。” Good,” Duncan shouted the tone, went forward to pat the shoulder of opposite party with a smile, that does not die.” “好,”邓肯呼了口气,笑着上前拍了拍对方的肩膀,“那就不死了。” The present is late at night, but after seven hours, then to the time that Vanished and Bright Star scheduled require to set sail. 现在是深夜,而在七小时后,便到了失乡号璀璨星辰号预定要起航的时间。 After passing the night the crew of rest gathered in the deck, but Alice arrived at bridge —— Miss puppet of stern to pull a long face again tightly, compared with must stand before that dark steering wheel at any time seriously. 经过一夜休息的船员们聚集到了甲板上,而爱丽丝则再次来到了船尾的驾驶台——人偶小姐紧绷着脸,比任何时候都要严肃地站在那黑沉沉的舵轮前。 Bright Star stops peacefully by Vanished, is waiting. 璀璨星辰号则安静地停在失乡号旁边,等待着出发。 Relaxes,” Duncan stands side Alice, said to puppet moderately, you have tried one time, this ship was also ready, presses down time such on the line.” “放松点,”邓肯站在爱丽丝身旁,语气温和地对人偶说道,“你已经试过一次了,这艘船也做好了准备,按上次那样就行。” Un!” Alice a little nods stiffly, has is renouncing in the expression the first half step, reached that to seem like the especially heavy steering wheel the hand. “嗯!”爱丽丝有点僵硬地点了点头,带着决绝般的表情上前半步,将手伸向了那看起来格外沉重的舵轮。 Before the finger of puppet touches the steering wheel, Duncan and Vanna turn head as if by prior agreement, looked again to that islands deep place, looked to sea —— that dense fog filled in the islands crowding around sea area center, gentle ocean waves sound seems true|really transmitted imaginary, as if saw off general. 人偶的手指触碰到舵轮之前,邓肯凡娜不约而同地回头,再一次望向了那片群岛深处,望向那片迷雾弥漫的海——在群岛簇拥的海域中心,一阵轻柔的海浪声似真似幻地传来,仿佛送行一般。 Duncan nods to that direction gently, with the sound that only then can hear said in a soft voice: Bye, I will come to see again your.” 邓肯对那个方向轻轻点了点头,用只有自己能听到的声音轻声说道:“再见,我会再来看你的。” The next second, the finger of puppet touched the Vanished steering wheel —— Leading Helm #3 execution jurisdiction to start to take over control of the entire ship. 下一秒,人偶的手指触碰了失乡号的舵轮——领航三号的执行权限开始接管整艘船。 The huge illusion arrives from the sky, under the chaos skylight covers, the new MV Esperanza torn to pieces projection arrived, the shadow that spreads rapidly covers Vanished and Bright Star and peripheral quite big sea area, then, illusory and sound of distortion as if penetrated the remote time, reverberates in each mind deep place of person: 庞大的幻象自天空降临,在混沌的天光笼罩下,新希望号支离破碎的投影降临了,迅速蔓延开的阴影将失乡号璀璨星辰号以及周边相当大一片海域都笼罩在内,而后,一个虚幻而失真的声音仿佛穿透了遥远的时光,回荡在每一个人的心智深处: „...... Jumps the engine to start, new MV Esperanza will set sail...... is willing us to meet again in the remote destination, the future hope is waiting for us......” “……跃迁引擎启动,新希望号将起航……愿我们在遥远的目的地再会,未来的希望等待着我们所有人……” Is flooding the sound of disturbance and distortion dissipates gradually, the sea area that the trim dense fog covers also dissipates gradually, beside Vanished and Bright Star broad side, the whole world lost all colors and details rapidly, and changes to that type familiar, monotonous and even grayish white. 充斥着干扰和失真的声音渐渐消散,整片迷雾笼罩的海域也随之渐渐消散,在失乡号璀璨星辰号的船舷之外,整个世界迅速失去了所有色彩和细节,并重新化作那种熟悉的、单调且均匀的“灰白”。 Only had the ancient projection of new MV Esperanza still to float sky over two ships, as if a form of asylum is opening the wing. 唯有新希望号的古老投影仍旧漂浮在两艘船上空,仿佛一个庇护的身影在张开羽翼。 Alice is gripping tightly the steering wheel, opens the eye is looking at remote front —— innumerable silk thread to connect her, is connecting Vanished and Bright Star, and projection of new MV Esperanza, her thought has left from this puppet body temporarily, then changed to the will and direction of navigation. 爱丽丝则紧握着舵轮,睁大眼睛望着遥远的前方——数不清的“丝线”连接着她,连接着失乡号璀璨星辰号,以及新希望号的投影,她的思维已从这副人偶的躯壳中暂离,转而化作了航行的意志与指引。 The front route clear...... is in the guidance to the end of the world node. 前方航路清晰……正在导航至世界尽头的节点。 But at the same time, endless Evernight was still covering Boundless Sea —— under the long-time curtain of night, order has started to revolve for new that the survival establishes. 而在同一时间,漫漫长夜仍旧笼罩着无垠海——在长久的夜幕下,为生存而建立的新“秩序”已经开始运转。 A piece magnificent sunlight is moving in the sea slowly, the heavy haul traction ship drags to entrain the serious Sun Fragment navigation on the endless route between City-State, the pale golden brilliance is centered on towing the ship, fills dozens kilometers far, but in the place of that pale golden brilliance filling the air, is the innumerable every large or small freighters. 一片辉煌的“阳光”正在大海上缓缓移动,重型牵引船拖拽着沉重的太阳碎片航行在城邦之间的漫漫航路上,淡金色的光辉以牵引船为中心,弥漫出去数十公里之远,而在那淡金色光辉弥漫之处,则是无数大大小小的货船。 With the sunlight of movement sets sail in the fleet that City-State is open, the steam core that the power rushes will actuate them to cross this endless Evernight, Captain will transport the important commodity to is urgently needed their city, but one and will send , the representative hope sunlight —— they will be staying three to five days in a city, the Dangyang optical disk drive dispersed the darkness and distortion of city, after City-State Guardian can pant for breath, the fleet again, packed with the new cargo, under and sunlight will go to a destination together. 城邦之间通航的船队随着移动的阳光起航,动力澎湃的蒸汽核心驱动着它们越过这无尽的长夜,船长们会将重要的物资运送到急需它们的城市,而一并送去的,还有代表着希望的阳光——它们会在一座城市停留三到五天,当阳光驱散了城市的黑暗与扭曲,当城邦守卫者们得以喘息之后,船队会再次出发,满载着新的货物,与阳光一同前往下一个目的地。 On trim Boundless Sea, transports the fleet of sunlight and commodity like this are getting more and more. 在整片无垠海上,这样运送阳光与物资的船队正在越来越多。 The northern City-State union has started like the plan revolution, but in the middle sea area, new sunlight route centered on Pland has completed the first open sea commodity under curtain of night to transport. In Phaeron, White Oak as the navigation ship, led to tow to entrain the Sun Fragment hauling ship to break through the blockade of curtain of night, each other isolation city will connect again, but in remote Breeze Port, several fleets that Church formed personally has driven into curtain of night —— they to go to, made a connection with the blockade in curtain of night. 北方的城邦联合已经开始如计划般运转,而在中部海域,以普兰德为中心的新“阳光航路”已经完成了在夜幕下的第一次远洋物资输送。在法厄仑,白橡木号作为领航舰,带领着拖拽太阳碎片的牵引船突破了夜幕的封锁,将彼此隔绝的城市再次连接起来,而在遥远的轻风港,教会亲自组建的数支舰队已经驶入夜幕——它们将前往摩柯和伦萨,打通夜幕中的封锁。 The sunlight passes in Evernight, fleets are navigating in the world that in this gradually perishes, like these in the era exploration dark islands, the hand when Mang forest held the pioneer of blade axe and torch, is resisting that spread unceasingly, but day after day deep darkness, in this named civilization Giant gradually marched into declining, put together completely to maintain flowing of Giant within the body blood. 阳光在长夜中流转,一支支船队正航行在这个逐渐沉沦的世界上,就像那些在上古时代探索黑暗诸岛,在莽林中手执刀斧与火炬的开拓者们,不断对抗着那蔓延而日渐深沉的黑暗,在这名为的“文明”巨人逐渐步入衰亡时,拼尽一切维持着巨人体内血液的流淌。 Taran Aier stands in the Breeze Port highest turret, somewhat looks into increasingly estranged pale golden color of that piece in the sea level to be glorious lost, he noticed that casts the crystal giant illumination geometric solid to entrain to turn toward the curtain of night in dragging of heavy haul traction ship like the light to drive, in sunlight that in that gradually goes far away, there is an innumerable big boat shadow to be faintly visible. 塔兰·艾尔站在轻风港最高的塔楼上,有些出神地眺望着那片正在海面上渐行渐远的淡金色光辉,他看到如同光铸水晶般的巨大发光几何体正在重型牵引船的拖拽下向着夜幕驶去,而在那逐渐远去的阳光中,又有数不清的大小船影依稀可见。 That is the first freight transportation fleet from Breeze Port, they will pass through this endless Evernight in the following seven days, escorts to the commodity under the asylum of sunlight, later embarks from there, attempts to go to a more remote central sea area, and enters sunlight route that” Pland establishes, realizes docking with there line of communication. 那是从轻风港出发的第一支货运船队,它们将在接下来的七天内穿越这漫漫长夜,在阳光的庇护下将物资送往摩柯,随后再从那里出发,尝试前往更加遥远的中部海域,并进入普兰德建立的“阳光航路”,与那里的交通线实现“对接”。 If all goes well, will reconnect in that later middle sea area and southern sea. 如果一切顺利,在那之后中部海域和南部海域将重新连接起来。 But now, Breeze Port has sunk to the dim light of night. 而现在,轻风港已经沉入夜色。 In the past is covering City-State all year round throughout sunlight left, once was faced directly this endless Evernight by Breeze Port of sunlight asylum for the first time in the true sense, now the darkness has arrived in all blocks, the gas lamp lightens in the curtain of night, is outlining the outline of city in the Taran Aier field of vision. 在过去的一整年里都始终笼罩着城邦的“阳光”离开了,曾被阳光庇护的轻风港第一次真正意义上直面这场漫漫长夜,现在黑暗已经降临在所有街区,瓦斯灯在夜幕中点亮,在塔兰·艾尔的视野中勾勒着城市的轮廓。 The sound of footsteps from transmits behind, Taran Aier has not turned head, then has known that was who comes. 脚步声从身后传来,塔兰·艾尔没有回头,便已经知道是谁来了。 Jokes aside, I was a little moved, did Ted, you understand this feeling?” He spoke thoughtlessly, past almost one, I am studying that Sun Fragment all year round most of the time, it almost became Breeze Port many people of part of —— including me, has not thought that thing can leave this place.” “说真的,我有点伤感,泰德,你懂这种感觉吗?”他随口说着,“过去的几乎一整年里,我绝大部分时间都在研究那个太阳碎片,它几乎成了轻风港的一部分——包括我在内的许多人,都没有想过那东西会离开这地方。” It now is not only one research sample, after Vision 001 falls, it had turned into parts of many City-State lifelines,” Guardian of Truths and Secrets Ted Rill arrives at the flat roof edge, looks under with Taran together falls into the curtain of night the city, „...... I receive the order from school, lasting will become following all City-State, the everyone's first mission, all in addition must allow to pass through for it.” “它现在已经不仅仅是一个‘研究样本’了,在异象001落下去之后,它已经变成了许多城邦生命线的一部分,”真理守秘人泰德·里尔来到露台边缘,与塔兰一同看着下方陷入夜幕的城市,“……我接到来自学院的命令,‘存续’将成为接下来所有城邦、所有人的第一使命,除此之外的一切都要为其让路。” Taran Aier is listening silently, anything had not said, crossed for a long time, he sighed is breaking silent: Goes to the wharf to walk together.” 塔兰·艾尔默默听着,什么都没说,过了许久,他才叹息着打破沉默:“一起去码头上走走吧。”
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