DSE :: Volume #5

#433: Burns actually

In this instantaneous, Cold Frost, becomes city of a float in the true sense in mirror surface. 在这瞬间,寒霜,真正意义上成为了一座漂浮于镜面上的城市。 The sea is this mirror. 大海就是这面镜子。 In the mirror reflects, not, only then the city of —— two-course that distortion fearsome mirror is burning the eye of flame, as well as is huger than City-State, even such as this trim Cold Frost sea area generally huge existence. 镜子中倒映出的,不只有那座扭曲可怖的镜像之城——更有一双正燃烧着火焰的眼睛,以及一个比城邦更加巨大,甚至如这整片寒霜海域一般巨大的存在。 The hot authority shifts in a flash, all in the flame that inside and outside this mirror surface burns, 火的权柄转瞬间发生转移,一切在这镜面内外燃烧的火焰, Changed made the strength extend, the medium of enlargement. 都化作了让力量延伸、放大的媒介。 Senior official! Senior official! Fire...... fire!” “长官!长官!火……火!” Subordinate officer frightened yelling of awakens from vacant Lister, the latter startles to sober all of a sudden, then looked that following the sound to out of the window —— he saw the entire coast is burning, even the entire sea level had been lit, the turbulent raging fire is ascending, but wipes quiet green, then appears from the flame like the running water, and dyed his entire field of vision rapidly. 下级军官惊悚的喊叫将李斯特从茫然中唤醒,后者激灵一下子清醒过来,紧接着便循声看向窗外——他看到整个海岸都在燃烧,甚至整个海面都已被点燃,汹涌的烈火升腾着,而一抹幽绿则如流水般从火焰中浮现,并迅速染遍了他的整个视野。 The spirit body roaring flame that then from ascends in all directions as if there is strength of shock and awe soul, lets the Lister subconscious retreat, however next second, 那从四面八方升腾起来的灵体烈焰仿佛带着震慑灵魂的力量,让李斯特下意识后退,然而下一秒, He actually sees the gas lamp that neighbor on the wall mounts, inside flame is also catching one quietly quiet green. 他却看到就连附近墙壁上镶嵌的瓦斯灯,里面的火苗也在悄然染上一层幽绿。 Some low and deep thundering transmits from the remote place, 某种低沉的轰鸣从遥远的地方传来, As if shocking the entire city, when the middle follows any huge object was ripped open, break the great sound, 仿佛震撼着整座城市,中间又伴随着什么庞大物体被撕开、断裂时的吱嘎巨声, Everyone in headquarters heard these loudly loud sound. 指挥部中的所有人都听到了这些轰然巨响。 Some people follow the prestige to the City-State direction, 有人循声望向城邦方向, Then saw before , almost complete coverage has twisted the construction to split in city these abnormally, there is a more giant large flame spout from these openings, 便看到之前几乎已经完全覆盖在城市上的那些畸形扭曲建筑正在一片一片地从中裂开,又有更加巨大的火舌从那些裂口中喷涌, But in that grand spirit body roaring flame, 而在那盛大的灵体烈焰中间, The innumerable black material was being burnt gradually completely. 数不清的黑色物质正在被渐渐焚尽。 Nearby the harbor defense area, an exhausted City-State guard hides behind the bunker of creakying, saw helplessly the distortion construction of distant place cracks, the thing of hundreds and thousands of abnormal creeping motion run away from the opening outward, 港口防区附近,一支筋疲力尽的城邦卫队躲藏在摇摇欲坠的掩体后面,眼睁睁看到远方的扭曲建筑崩裂开来,成百上千的畸形蠕动之物从裂口中向外逃窜, But also has the flame to chase down them in behind, burns the black salt them. 但又有火焰在后面追杀它们,将它们焚成黑灰。 City-State center foot, Unit Guardian in sham anomaly life-and-death fight with invasion, however an illusory image army flushed from the confused light shadow suddenly, 城邦中心的山脚,守卫者正在与入侵的赝品怪胎殊死搏斗,然而一支幻影般的军队突然从错乱的光影中冲了出来, This team is dressing the queen guard uniform/subdue half a century ago, 这支队伍穿戴着半个世纪前的女王卫队制服, They rush to the street, is shouting loudly the Frost Queen name, spills into the Reality abnormal monster life-and-death to fight with all might with these. 他们冲上街头,高呼着寒霜女王的名字,与那些涌进现实的畸形怪物殊死拼杀。 The pale roaring flame that the last defense line before silent Grand Cathedral, the high rank deacon is organizing the Priest resistance to flood into the monster of square, the steam walkie-talkie emits the large flame and silent member who releases to interweave the net, is resisting the invasion of these monster as well as silt difficultly. 寂静大圣堂前的最后一道防线,高阶助祭正在组织神官对抗涌入广场的怪物,蒸汽步行机喷吐出的火舌与寂静修士释放出的苍白烈焰交织成网,艰难抵挡着那些怪物以及淤泥的入侵。 Blocks them!” The high rank deacon is yelling hoarsely, in his field of vision edge, the pale exquisite ashes is sprinkling from silent Grand Cathedral, just like the beginning snow of fluttering, dies of suffocation the church front door!......” “挡住他们!”高阶助祭声嘶力竭地喊叫着,在他视野边缘,苍白细腻的灰烬正从寂静大圣堂上方洒下,宛若飘飘扬扬的初雪,“把教堂大门堵死!把……” Loudly the loud sound and as if shake the vibration of mountain to transmit suddenly, the high rank deacon nearly in the sound of this earth-shattering falls down, the thorn that becomes by the mud gathering is coercing the evil intention together, punctures to him from the defense line gap. 轰然巨响和一阵仿佛撼动高山的震动突然传来,高阶助祭险些在这天崩地裂的动静中摔倒在地,一道由泥浆汇聚而成的荆棘裹挟着恶意,从防线的缺口中向他刺来。 However in the high rank deacon soon by the instance that this thorn passes through, the quiet green flame appears in the air together suddenly, changed to the ashes that virulent attack. 然而就在高阶助祭即将被这道荆棘贯穿的瞬间,一道幽绿的火焰突然浮现于空气中,将那恶毒的攻击化作了灰烬。 The high rank deacon raised the head stunned, saw that a form is reappearing in front of oneself. 高阶助祭错愕地抬起头,看到一个身影正浮现在自己面前。 She puts on one tattered such as the black clothes of self-torture robe skirt, the body proliferates the every large or small fissure, the flame is rushing from her within the body wells up to flow, just like the blood of eternal burning hot. 她穿着一袭破烂如苦修袍裙的黑衣,躯体遍布着大大小小的裂痕,火焰从她的体内奔涌流淌,宛若永恒炙热的血液。 Agatha...... Gatekeeper?” 阿加莎……守门人?” The high rank deacon looks to appear in the oneself present form stunned, 高阶助祭错愕地看着出现在自己眼前的身影, Feeling that form is familiar and strange, he called the name of opposite party, actually saw that strange form one after another appeared side Gatekeeper, these forms are all coercing the quiet green spirit body roaring flame. 却感觉那身影熟悉又陌生,他叫出对方的名字,却又看到一个接一个的陌生身影出现在守门人身旁,那些身影皆裹挟着幽绿的灵体烈焰。 I came back,” Agatha has turned the head, in the empty eye socket is leaping two ignition light, in the sound is mixing with flip-flop the fulmination, leads the remaining people to withdraw, or finds a safe place to come to a stop.” “我回来了,”阿加莎转过头,空洞的眼眶中跃动着两点火光,声音中夹杂着噼啪爆鸣,“带着剩下的人后撤,或者找个安全的地方站稳。” Comes to a stop?” The high rank deacon is repeating stunned, suddenly cannot understand that the opposite party these words the meaning, why also has...... you to turn into this......” “站稳?”高阶助祭错愕地重复着,一时间没能理解对方这句话的意思,“还有……您为什么会变成这幅……” Agatha has not actually paid attention to him, in more and more stormy low and deep bellow, she has shifted to another direction, is looking into that sea outside City-State. 阿加莎却没有理会他,在越来越密集的低沉轰鸣声中,她已经转向另一个方向,眺望着城邦外的那片大海。 The thick smoke ascends in the sea level, the cloud layer sags densely, sea jet black like mirror, but indescribable huge exists...... is setting out from the mirror. 浓烟在海面上升腾,云层黑压压地下垂,大海漆黑如镜,而一个不可名状的庞然存在……正在从镜中起身。 Two groups huge, almost reminds the green brilliance of Sun is rising in that thick smoke and cloud layer little, the outline that human is inconceivable and gradually takes shape in that smoke in the clouds, as if the sea and atmosphere is sticking out and gathering, this...... even made itself asphyxiation Agatha feel suffocation again. 两团巨大的、几乎让人联想到太阳的绿色光辉在那浓烟和云层中一点点地上升着,人类难以想象的轮廓则在那烟和云中逐渐成型,就仿佛海洋和大气本身在隆起、汇聚,这一幕……甚至让本身就已经停止呼吸的阿加莎都再一次感觉到了窒息。 That is suffocation of soul level. 那是灵魂层面的窒息。 God of Death......” high rank deacon is hard to endure this huge pressure, the body that stands up with great difficulty is swaying but actually, what is that...... that is?!” 死亡之神啊……”高阶助祭难以忍受这庞大的压力,好不容易站起的身体又摇晃着倒了下去,“那是……那是什么?!” Agatha actually leans slightly comes excessively, in the tone brings reluctantly: I have reminded, finds a safe place to come to a stop.” 阿加莎却只是微微侧过头来,语气中带着无奈:“我提醒过,找个安全的地方站稳。” The high rank deacon could not actually have heard clearly Gatekeeper , to oneself said that outline in any —— that cloud layer in the process that swiftly condenses, he realized finally that is anything. 高阶助祭却已经听不清守门人在对自己说些什么——在那云层中的轮廓迅速凝聚的过程中,他终于意识到了那是什么。 That is a form that raises from the endless sea, takes the trim Cold Frost sea area, to project for the medium to existence of Real World. 那是一个从无尽大海中升起的身影,一个以整片寒霜海域为介质、投射到现实世界的存在。 That two groups remind Sun the green flame that magnificent combustion in cloud layer, is actually Its eye, that curl turbulent cloud layer, is he is breathing, a huge shadow that in that smog lifts slowly...... is Its arm. 那两团让人联想到太阳的、在云层中辉煌燃烧的绿色火焰,其实是祂的眼睛,那卷曲汹涌的云层,是他在呼吸,那烟雾中缓慢抬起的一片庞大阴影……是祂的手臂。 Now, that hand extended in the Cold Frost direction. 现在,那只手向着寒霜的方向伸了过来。 Lord!!!” “主啊!!!” Some people call out in alarm in the square. 有人在广场上惊呼起来。 The speed that however that hand extends is seemingly slow, actually it has crossed the sea level compared with anybody's calling out in alarm and pray quick ——, crosses the Sea Mist fleet, the Cold Frost navy and sea area of sham fleet battle, crosses the City-State coast, such as searches into the smog, searched into the Cold Frost deep place. 然而那只手伸过来的速度看似缓慢,却比任何人的惊呼和祈祷都快——它已经越过海面,越过海雾舰队、寒霜海军和赝品舰队交战的海域,越过城邦的海岸,就如探入烟雾般,探入了寒霜深处。 The next second, that arm starts to rise slowly, seems lifting trillion tons weight, little to rising. 下一秒,那只手臂开始缓缓上升,仿佛托举着亿万吨的重量,一点点向上升去。 As that arm rises, is one gradually mirror city —— that strips from Reality Cold Frost 而随着那只手臂上升的,是一座正在逐渐从现实寒霜中剥离出去的镜像城市—— All distortion constructions, these curl swelling land, these cover the thorn on mountain, all these are specious with Real World, actually duplicates Reality the thing of blaspheming in the posture of terrifying, was torn little from Cold Frost City-State by that hand. 所有的扭曲建筑,那些卷曲肿胀的大地,那些覆盖在高山上的荆棘,所有那些与现实世界似是而非,却以恐怖之姿覆写现实的亵渎之物,都被那只手从寒霜城邦中一点点撕扯下来。 On mirror Cold Frost floated Real World —— now, it compares its creators to plan, fluttering high, moreover is continue rise. 镜像寒霜上浮到了现实世界——现在,它比它的创造者们计划的,“飘”得更高,而且还在继续升高。 Agatha smiled, smile unprecedentedly happy. 阿加莎笑了起来,笑容前所未有地愉快。 Mirror Cold Frost was separated from City-State, at this moment is still rising, this is similar to from one is expelled the evil spirit by the body of Evil Spirit attack, but that evil spirit finally was lifted slowly by a giant arm nearby the cloud layer. 镜像寒霜脱离了城邦,此刻还在上升,这一幕就如同从一具被邪灵侵袭的躯体中逐出恶灵,而那“恶灵”最终被一只巨大的手臂慢慢托举到了云层附近。 The thick cloud deep place, two groups rock like the green hot group of solar flaming combustion slightly, that faintly visible, the dignified and formidable face seems to be overlooking downward. 浓云深处,两团如太阳般熊熊燃烧的绿色火团微微晃动,那张隐约可见的、威严而令人敬畏的面孔似乎正在向下俯瞰。 Some tiny sounds convey from the palm. 有许多细小的声音从手心传来。 These tiny sounds have the sound that some are genuine, however are more, actually the reverberation in the vibration of thought level, reverberates calling out probably in one pile of distortion wreckage, as well as occupies in the city , the stubborn biased fantasy mirror with read absurdly. 那些细小的声音有一些是切实存在的声响,然而更多的,却像是回荡在思维层面的震动,回荡在一堆扭曲残骸中的嚎叫,以及盘踞在镜像之城中的、顽固偏执的狂想与妄念。 Duncan looks at the oneself palm by the cloud layer, he sees the city of that mirror on such as meat group of one group of swelling distortions, imitates Real World the street of production to degenerate shoddily rapidly the primitive shape of filthy mud, but between the streets, mountain massifs and the tower over a city gate these swelling distortions, the tiny thorn is still rising to shrink erratically, has to the spark that being hard to distinguish slightly in this group of material center jumps, hundreds and thousands of crazy followers pester to hold to read are boisterous there that becomes, makes the housefly sound. 邓肯透过云层看着自己手心,他看到那镜像之城就如一团肿胀变形的肉团,拙劣模仿现实世界而生成的街道正在迅速退化成污浊泥浆的原始形态,而在那些肿胀变形的街道、山体和城楼之间,细小的荆棘还在涨缩不定,有细微到难以分辨的火花在这团物质中心跳跃着,成百上千的疯狂信徒纠缠而成的执念在那里聒噪,发出蚊蝇般的声音。 And mixes with the fear, angry and unwilling, as well as from head to tail evil intention. 其中夹杂着恐惧、愤怒、不甘,以及彻头彻尾的恶意。 These are heretic still attempting to advocate their Apocalypse theories? Also or is giving the oneself manufacture the disaster to seek for a reasonable explanation? 那些狂徒还在妄图宣扬他们的末日理论吗?亦或者在给自己制造的这场灾难寻找个合理的解释? Duncan listened to a meeting, the dangling line of sight. 邓肯听了一会,垂下视线。 You understand large-scale offering sacrifices of hammer.” “你们懂个锤子的大型献祭。” His vision focuses in the cities of that group of mirror, therefore the entire city then in his vision, burns in his palm. 他的目光聚焦在那团镜像之城上,于是整座城市便在他的目光中,在他的手心里燃烧起来。 The innumerable ashes wreckage and green flowing fire crashes from the sky, drops the clouds just like rainstorm. 数不清的灰烬残骸与绿色流火从天空坠落,宛若一场暴雨落下云端。 That only gripped the fist like the City-State giant palm slowly, fired the ashes mirror Cold Frost to turn into the dust in its palm along with the frightening steamroll fricative, the innumerable residual materials splashed toward the Cold Frost sea area, crashed into the sea, fell to the coast, crashed in the Tyrian vision institute and each place. 那只如城邦般巨大的手掌慢慢攥成了拳,在它手心烧成灰烬的镜像寒霜伴随着令人恐惧的碾压摩擦声变成粉尘,无数的残留物质向着寒霜海域泼洒下来,坠入大海,坠向海岸,坠落在提瑞安目光所及的每一个地方。 But almost all Fallen Item avoided the Cold Frost main island, as well as in sea level still in Sea Mist fleet and Cold Frost navy of activity. 但几乎所有坠落物都避开了寒霜本岛,以及海面上仍在活动的海雾舰队和寒霜海军。 Tyrian looks to all around. 提瑞安看向四周。 All sham ships are breaking up rapidly. 所有的赝品舰船都在迅速崩解。 Finally finished. 终于结束了。 He shouted the tone gently. 他轻轻呼了口气。 First mate Eden stands by him, this bald robust man raises head to look at the sky, actually can only see that huge form small some outlines. 大副艾登则站在他旁边,这光头壮汉仰头看着天空,却只能看到那庞大身影的一小部分轮廓。 Eden's is still trembling body to the present slightly. 艾登的身体到现在还在微微战栗。 What idea has?” Tyrian has turned the head, the faint smile looks at first mate own. “有什么想法?”提瑞安转过头,似笑非笑地看着自己的大副。 Eden was trying to find out pulls out the tobacco pipe from the bosom, actually tremble the half of the day could not strike a light, crosses him to put down the tobacco pipe good long while, the sound trembled slightly: Old Captain...... should not mind before us, has fought him, right?” 艾登摸索着从怀里掏出烟斗,却哆哆嗦嗦地半天打不着火,过了好半天他才把烟斗放下,声音微微发颤:“老船长……应该不会介意咱们以前跟他打过的,对吧?” Tyrian actually smiles, fishes out a cigarette from the bosom. 提瑞安却只是笑了笑,从怀里摸出一支卷烟。 Father will not care about these minor matters.” “父亲不会在意这些小事。” However this Cold Sea big pirate trembled the half of the day, has not hit to catch fire. 然而这位冷冽海大海盗哆嗦了半天,也没打着火。 ( Liver finally prepared this before dawn (3 - 5 am) for a long time, the one breath puts completely this plot, helping everyone cross safely 51. (肝了好久终于准备出了这次五更,一口气把这段剧情完整放出来,让大家过个安心五一。 During 51, unceasingly.) 五一期间不断更。)
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