DSE :: Volume #5

#432: Hot summon

harbor area, is directing the garrison force to resist the attack, simultaneously maintains Lister that the harbor revolves to raise the head as far as possible suddenly, somewhat looks at the City-State direction at a loss. 港口区,正在指挥卫戍部队抵挡进攻,同时尽可能维持港口运转的李斯特突然抬起头来,有些茫然地看着城邦方向。 In City-State, the mysterious distortion construction is gushing out and reappearing from the normal street, the land of distant place is warping and reversing, the indistinct thorn shape illusory image covers the mountain, the chaos confused light shadow is arriving at —— from illusory however in this terrifying in the strange scene, some type exquisite and pale dust suddenly flutters to scatter. 城邦内,神秘的扭曲建筑正在从正常的街道上空涌出、浮现,远方的大地正在翘曲、倒转,隐隐约约的荆棘状幻影覆盖着高山,混沌错乱的光影正从虚幻中降临——然而就在这恐怖又诡异的光景中,某种细腻而又苍白的“尘埃”突然飘飘扬扬地散落下来。 That pale dust appears baseless when the sky, they fall thick fallingly, such as beginning of winter beginning snow, they across the block of illusory image and distortion abnormity of these overlaps, scatter little in Cold Frost street —— are weightless, seems inexhaustible. 那苍白的灰尘是凭空浮现在天空的,它们纷纷扬扬地下落,如一场入冬时的初雪,它们穿过那些交迭的幻影与扭曲异形的街区,一点点散落在寒霜街头——毫无重量,却仿佛无穷无尽。 In the place of dust particle scattering, had overlapped to appear fuzzy chaos City-State as if because of the illusory image distinguishing right from wrong to get up suddenly, although is only the flash, although is only the little change, but Lister saw clearly, these illusory images and between real streets also had the boundary. 在微尘散落之处,原本已经因幻影重迭而显得模糊混沌的城邦似乎突然又“泾渭分明”起来,尽管只是一瞬间,尽管只是一点点改变,但李斯特明明白白地看到,那些幻影和真实的街道之间又有了界限。 But he at this moment pondered radically without enough time this is what situation, even ponders the oneself next minute of destiny without enough time. 但此刻的他根本来不及细想这到底是什么情况,甚至来不及细想自己下一分钟的命运。 Whooshing and thundering of distant that Anfang artillery the steam walkie-talkie opens fire pulls back Reality him. 蒸汽步行机开火的嘶吼和远方岸防炮的轰鸣将他拉回现实 Keeps off these anomalies outside the wharf area!” Footpath of Lister during across constructions, across the defense line that is constructed by steam walkie-talkies and temporary street barricades, exclaimed to the soldiers and commanders loudly, „ensure the oil materials storehouse and ammunition channel were smooth! The harbor cannot fall to the enemy!” “把那些怪胎挡在码头区外!”李斯特穿过建筑之间的步道,穿过由一台台蒸汽步行机和一座座临时街垒构筑的防线,对士兵和指挥官们大声吼道,“确保油料库和弹药通道顺畅!港口决不能沦陷!” The gunsmoke is filling the air in all directions, the sharp aroma that when the air is mixing with the blood, engine oil and these filthy mud are dry sends out, a steam walkie-talkie was wrecked, immediately has the next spider machine to clash from the bunker, is maintaining the frail defense line. 硝烟在四面八方弥漫,空气中夹杂着鲜血、机油与那些污浊泥浆干涸时散发的刺鼻气味,一台蒸汽步行机被击毁了,立刻有下一部蜘蛛机器从掩体中冲出来,维系着脆弱的防线。 But in this defense line, is being scarred pier facility, as well as teams racing line/traverse between in harbor constructions. 而在这道防线内部,是伤痕累累的码头设施,以及正奔行在港口建筑之间的一支支队伍。 Lister arrives at the high place, looks to the wharf direction. 李斯特来到高处,看向码头方向。 When these monsters massive run from the thick fog, the harbor nearly falls to the enemy, he and his soldiers paid the enormous price, cleans up the pollution within clean harbor range, and on leading to the City-State internal path built the defense line, and has resisted now. 当那些怪物大量从浓雾中跑出来的时候,港口险些沦陷,他和他的士兵们付出了极大的代价,才清理干净港口范围内的污染,并在通往城邦内部的道路上筑起了防线,并一直抵挡到现在。 But according to the situation of last time foreign communication, here is Cold Frost still is also at the intense competition condition in revolution the harbors of other harbor —— places only either, either has fallen into enemy hands, or is damaged because of the key facility, but is unable to revolve. 而根据最后一次对外通讯的情况来看,目前这里已经是寒霜唯一还在运转的港口——其他地方的港口要么还处于激烈的争夺状态,要么已经失守,或因关键设施遭到重创而无法运转。 He must spare nothing to make here continue to run —— to be in imminent danger because of the marine front, if lost the only coastal support again, the City-State navy really ended. 他必须不惜一切代价让这里继续运行下去——因为海上的战线已经岌岌可危,如果再失去了唯一的海岸支援,城邦海军就真的完了。 But......, in another fearsome distortion City-State gradually invades in the Reality situation, can here really defend? 但……在另一座可怖的扭曲城邦逐渐侵入现实的情况下,这里真的守得住吗? Lister has turned head, finally watched one that piece, as if swelling abscess fearsome abnormal land that sticks out from City-State, disregards it gradually to turn toward the appearance that the harbor spreads diligently, turns around to leave the defense line, returned to the defense headquarters. 李斯特回过头,最后看了一眼那片正从城邦中隆起的、仿佛肿胀脓疮般可怖的畸形大地,努力无视掉它正在逐渐向着港口蔓延的模样,转身离开防线,返回了防务指挥部。 Here is busy, the military officer and staff officer is also badly battered, the information that various places transmit is not optimistic, the cry and drop drop of sound various types of radio communication equipment keeps ringing. 这里同样是一片繁忙,军官与参谋焦头烂额,各处传来的情报都不乐观,各种无线电通讯设备的呼叫声和滴滴声则响个不停。 A signals operator is sitting in the room corner, hoarse is repeating to the radio voice: Various circular offshore ships, here is Donggang, we remains, redundant, we still had —— here are the supplies ports of only security, do not approach other harbors......” 一名通讯兵正坐在房间角落,对着无线电嗓音嘶哑地重复着:“通告近海各舰,这里是东港,我们仍然存在,重复,我们仍然存在——这里是唯一安全的补给口岸,不要靠近其他港口……” Lister arrives in front of a subordinate directly: How supplies the wharf that side situation?” 李斯特径直来到一名部下面前:“补给码头那边情况怎样?” Laurel crown the resupply of ammunition and service ammunition feed elevator, its sister ship loses the power, was being towed by the barge, our ammunition, fuels and fresh water also sufficient, but the crane of No. 4 wharf was destroyed, that side is paralyzed......” “‘桂冠’号正在补充弹药和维修供弹电梯,它的姊妹舰失去动力,正在被驳船拖回来,我们的弹药、燃料和淡水都还充足,但四号码头的吊机被破坏了,那边正陷入瘫痪……” The Lister complexion is listening gloomy , there is a rapid sound of footsteps to transmit from side, another subordinate officer arrives at side him, the complexion is intense: Senior official, has the situation......” 李斯特脸色阴沉地听着,紧接着,又有急促的脚步声从旁边传来,另一名下级军官来到他身旁,脸色紧张:“长官,有情况……” Now everywhere is the situation,” Lister said loudly, direct report!” “现在到处都是情况,”李斯特大声说道,“直接汇报!” Yes, a ship is applying to enter port the conditioning, is...... the ship of Sea Mist fleet,” subordinate officer look is complex, Undead on ship said that their transmission system breakdown, on the ship the maintenance equipment is unable to deal.” “是,一艘船在申请入港修整,是……海雾舰队的船,”下级军官眼神复杂,“船上的不死人说他们的传动机构故障,船上维修设备无法应对。” Lister was startled, after three seconds, he clenches teeth: Makes them enter port , helping them fix as soon as possible.” 李斯特怔了一下,三秒钟后,他咬了咬牙:“让他们入港,尽快帮他们修好。” Yes, Senior official.” “是,长官。” The subordinates departed, before Lister arrives at the window quickly, is observing the sea level direction situation. 部下离去了,李斯特则快步来到窗前,观察着海面方向的情况。 The battleship that braves the billowing thick smoke is approaching the service dock slowly, the Frost Queen flag flutters in the bow, but in a more remote sea level, everywhere is the wreckage of float. 一艘冒着滚滚浓烟的战舰正在缓缓靠近维修船坞,寒霜女王的旗帜在船头飘扬,而在更加遥远的海面上,随处是漂浮的残骸。 Half a century...... this flag returned to Cold Frost with this way finally......” “半个世纪了……这面旗帜最终用这种方式回到了寒霜……” Lister is whispering subconsciously. 李斯特下意识地嘀咕着。 But the next second, quarrelled mixed then transmits from the corridor direction suddenly, interrupted this harbor defense commander-in-chief's sigh. 但下一秒,一阵吵杂便突然从走廊方向传来,打断了这位港口防务总指挥的感叹。 What situation is?” He has turned the head, loud inquiry. “又是什么情况?”他转过头,大声询问。 A soldier anxiously and pushes the door to come in hurriedly, the whole face said to the commander-in-chief awkwardly: Senior official! Two...... the ordinary citizen, two girls, does not know how to run, did not say that must talk to you......” 一名士兵紧张又匆忙地推门进来,满脸尴尬地对总指挥官说道:“长官!有两个……普通市民,两个姑娘,不知道怎么跑进来的,非说要跟您谈……” Ordinary citizen? Arranges them to evade......” the Lister subconscious opens the mouth, but the words just told only half, hit and noisy sound then rapid approaches from the corridor, he then hears to have a young girl's voice to boast —— outside “普通市民?安排他们去避……”李斯特下意识开口,但话刚说到一半,一阵连打带闹的动静便迅速从走廊靠近,紧接着他便听到有一个年轻女孩的声音在外面咋咋呼呼—— TM makes! Let! The time is precious! How that word is mentioning...... the window , window on TM such a while!” “都TM让一让!让一让!时间宝贵!那个词怎么说来着……窗口,哦,窗口期就TM这么一会儿!” Lister raised the head stunned, the next second, he then noticed that two young girls have broken through the stop of soldier, rushes in this important headquarters strongly. 李斯特错愕地抬起头,下一秒,他便看到两个年轻姑娘已经冲破士兵的阻拦,强硬地闯进这至关重要的指挥部里。 Short emaciated, wears the black cotton skirt, actually one pushes out from the entrance two strong soldiers, another slightly, wears the simple brown coat and cotton skirt high, the complexion is a little probably intense. 一个身材矮小瘦弱,穿着黑色棉裙,却一把就将两个膀大腰圆的士兵从门口推了出去,另一个略高一点,穿着朴素的褐色外套与棉裙,脸色好像还有点紧张。 Two people seem like just 16 or 17-year-old, that emaciated even seems like slightly. 两个人看上去都只不过十六七岁,那个瘦弱的甚至看起来更小一点。 Immediately leaves,” Lister says immediately, makes his tone bad agitated, here is not the place that you deliberately create trouble, if disperses with the seeking asylum crowd,......” “立即离开,”李斯特立刻说道,烦躁让他的语气不善,“这里不是你们胡闹的地方,如果是跟避难人群走散,就……” „Are you here eldest child? We have the important matter,” that emaciated miss did not wait for people saying that the words then boasted opens the mouth, „did this nearby have the place that temporary could not use? We need to set on fire......” “你是这里老大?我们有重要的事,”那个瘦弱的姑娘不等人把话说完便咋咋呼呼地开口,“这附近有没有暂时用不上的地方?我们需要放把火……” Sets on fire?” Lister stares unavoidably, then realized that this will be bad joke —— he is incomprehensible, why also to have two bewildered civilians to rush to here to disturb at this time, the vigilant feeling that but, the occupation brought then made him alert, immediately orders loudly, soldier, controlled them!” “放把火?”李斯特不免一愣,紧接着便意识到这是个恶劣的玩笑——他不能理解,为什么这种时候还会有两个莫名其妙的平民跑到这里捣乱,但紧接着,职业带来的警惕感便让他警醒起来,立刻大声下令,“士兵,把她们控制住!” Several soldiers clash immediately, must hold two strange girls, that diminutive immediately jump and jumps: We really have the important matter! Your this place angles were too appropriate, an open area on line! you......” 几个士兵立刻冲了进来,要将两个陌生姑娘抓住,那矮小的顿时连蹦带跳:“我们真的有重要的事!你们这地方角度太合适了,一块空地就行!伱们……” She stopped suddenly, stares the big eye to look at out of the window, probably discovered anything. 她突然停了下来,瞪大眼睛看着窗外,好像发现了什么。 Yeah! That side! Entire main road no one, moreover goes nonstop to the coastline!” This girl jumped high, 2-3 soldiers cannot hold down she, she has turned the head, is greeting to the own companion, „that side Nina, you go, then adds on two arsons that the south side discovered a moment ago to select, City-State absolutely was sufficient!” “哎!那边可以!整条大道都没人,而且直通海岸线!”这女孩高高跳了起来,2-3个士兵都按不住她,紧接着她又转过头,对自己的同伴招呼着,“妮娜,你去那边,然后再加上南边刚才发现的两个纵火点,城邦这边就绝对够用了!” „...... Good!” Is called the Nina young miss to respond immediately, she has then turned head, has awkward and apology bends the waist to Lister slightly, to...... sorry, Mister, my friend is not good at having to do very much, our walks......” “啊……好!”被称作妮娜的年轻姑娘立刻回应道,紧接着她便回过头,带着尴尬和歉意对李斯特微微弯腰,“对……对不起,先生,我朋友不是很擅长跟人打交道,我们这就走……” Lister is staring, at present the odd situation makes his mind a little chaotic, but he is subconscious forward one step: Halts, you......” 李斯特瞪着眼睛,眼前过于离谱的情况让他头脑有点混乱,但他还是下意识向前一步:“站住,你……” His words have not said. 他的话没说完。 Because odder matter happened. 因为更离谱的事情发生了。 Side his present young girl surges suddenly the heat flow , she then changed to a jump suddenly, but the dazzling arc flame, this flame ascends in the room, so long as its dazzling brilliance as if looked that can make the soul of person follow to burn the —— next second, the flame then the window that opens wide toward side flies, such as the meteor of flying upside down, charges into a stage near harbor area together straightly. 他眼前的年轻女孩身边突然涌动出热流,紧接着,她便眨眼间化作了一道跳跃而刺眼的弧形火焰,这火焰在房间中升腾,其刺目的光辉仿佛只要看一眼就能让人的灵魂都跟着燃烧起来——下一秒,火焰便朝着旁边敞开的窗口飞去,如一道倒飞的流星般,笔直地冲向港口区附近的一处高台。 Lister looks at this stunned, but has not waited for his brain to turn around, that flame flushed the room suddenly. 李斯特错愕地看着这一幕,但还不等他脑子转过来,那道火焰又突然冲回了房间。 The flame bends the waist toward him, is outlining girl's outline, spreads along with flip-flop the fulmination but very polite sound: Thank you to protect the city, I walked! Bye!” 火焰向着他弯下腰,勾勒着女孩的轮廓,一个伴随着噼啪爆鸣但又很有礼貌的声音从中传出:“感谢你们保护城市,我走啦!再见!” This arc flame ran out of the room once again. 这道弧形火焰又一次冲出了房间。 Said goodbye!” “再见再见!” In the room, that short girl is also shouting again and again , her side then appears suddenly together the jet black crevice, in the crevice the shadow surges, drags to entrain her to vanish in everyone baseless at present. 房间里,那个身材矮小的女孩也连连喊着,紧接着,她身边便突然浮现出一道漆黑的裂隙,裂隙中阴影涌动,拖拽着她凭空消失在所有人眼前。 This...... this TM......” “这……这TM都……” Lister stunned and looks at this at a loss, the subconsciousness follows to charge into that open window, actually only saw that with enough time the arc roaring flame is rushing to the sky from the distant place together straightly. 李斯特错愕而茫然地看着这一幕,下意识跟着冲向那扇敞开的窗户,却只来得及看到一道弧形烈焰正从远处笔直地冲上天空。 But under this roaring flame,...... was burnt suddenly by the coast of dazzling brilliant ray! 而在这道烈焰下方,被刺目光辉照耀的海岸……骤然燃烧起来! „The Cold Frost coast has lit!” 寒霜海岸已点燃!” In the Sea Mist observation post, a Undead sailor takes up the loudspeaker, yells. 海雾号的瞭望台上,一名不死人水手拿起喇叭,大声喊叫起来。 The mighty waves fluctuate, the cold wind rewinds, the reef that Tyrian such as stands erect together stands in the bow gunwale, but in his one-eyed, reflects is igniting several fire the Cold Frost coasts. 波涛起伏,寒风倒卷,提瑞安如一道屹立的礁石般站在舰首甲板边缘,而在他的独眼中,倒映着正在燃起几处大火的寒霜海岸。 The bright flame is jumping sky over that City-State together, ignites the cliff that these no mans land —— of City-State edge stand tall and erect unceasingly, the reef of prominent water surface, the falling into enemy hands turret, the fort of damage, kindling points are gradually connecting, just like...... continuous candlestick. 一道明亮的火光在那城邦上空跳跃着,不断引燃城邦边缘的那些无人地带——高耸的峭壁,突出水面的礁石,失守的塔楼,损毁的炮台,一个个着火点正在逐渐连接,宛若……连绵的烛台。 Around Sea Mist, the boundless endless sea level is burning. 海雾号周围,苍茫无尽的海面更是在大片大片地燃烧着。 The wreckage that the sham fleet leaves behind is burning, the ships of Sea Mist fleet or City-State navy are burning, the fuel oils that leaks out are burning. 赝品舰队留下的残骸在燃烧,海雾舰队或城邦海军的舰船在燃烧,泄露出去的油料在燃烧。 The trim sea, was being lit by the flames of war. 整片大海,都在被战火点燃。 But in the sea of this combustion, is producing an inverted image the Ghost Spirit fleet that mirror world that distortion strange light shadow —— is breaking surface unceasingly, distant weird fearsome mirror Cold Frost, as well as floods around the thing, limitless darkness these distortions. 而在这燃烧的大海中,正倒映着镜像世界那扭曲奇诡的光影——不断上浮的幽灵舰队,远方怪诞可怖的镜像寒霜,以及充斥在这些扭曲之物周围的、无边无际的黑暗。 Captain!” First mate Eden runs over, said side Tyrian loudly, last barrel of fuel oils have poured, surrounding fire intensity on quick volume to ship on!” 船长!”大副艾登跑了过来,在提瑞安身旁大声说道,“最后一桶油料已经倒下去了,周围的火势就快卷到船上了!” I know, Tyrian said calmly, on the face appears a smile to come unexpectedly slowly, Cold Frost navy that side what responded?” “我知道,”提瑞安平静地说道,脸上竟慢慢浮现出一丝笑容来,“寒霜海军那边什么反应?” They also defer to our instruction, lit the unnecessary whale oil, but they do not make clear us to make anything, acts accordingly —— they to hope that in the confusion completely we can give an explanation.” “他们也按照咱们的吩咐,把多余的鲸油点燃了,但他们还是搞不清楚咱们要做什么,完全是在混乱中照办——他们希望咱们能给个解释。” Explanation......” “解释……” Tyrian is muttering in a soft voice, slowly lifts the hand, is pointing at around Sea Mist, points at that to be covered, more and more strange sea by a richer darkness unceasingly. 提瑞安轻声咕哝着,慢慢抬起手,指着海雾号周围,指着那正不断被更加浓郁的黑暗覆盖、越来越诡异的大海。 Eden, you looked that what this sea level does look like?” “艾登,你看这海面像什么?” Eden was startled, looks up to the surroundings. 艾登怔了一下,抬头望向周围。 The next second, his expression stagnates gradually, even appears panic-stricken. 下一秒,他的表情渐渐凝滞,甚至浮现出一丝惊恐。 In the sea level, the storm does not know when has abated fast, the limitless darkness, making the trim sea area gradually present just like the mirror sense of reality. 海面上,风浪不知何时已经快速消退,无边无际的黑暗,让整片海域都在渐渐呈现出宛若镜子般的质感。 The flame burns before the mirror, from the Cold Frost coast, to the sea area of fleet tangled warfare, before the continuous flames of war...... the meter just like mirror offers a sacrifice to the candlestick. 火焰在镜前燃烧,从寒霜海岸,一直到舰队混战的海域,连绵的战火……宛若镜子前的仪祭烛台。 The marine storm and artillery sound as if weakened suddenly, all remote as if came from another world, but in this strange and short silence, Eden hears his Captain to open the mouth in a soft voice. 海上的风浪与火炮声仿佛突然减弱了,一切都遥远的仿佛来自另一个世界,而在这诡异又短暂的寂静中,艾登听到他的船长在轻声开口。 Father said that if must look for him on own initiative, looks for a mirror, then lights the flame before the mirror.” “父亲说,如果要主动找他的话,就找一面镜子,然后在镜子前点燃火焰。” Tyrian opens both hands slowly, the surface is gradually changing to the jet black mirror surface sea toward that. 提瑞安慢慢张开双手,面朝着那正逐渐化作漆黑镜面的大海。 Fire had lit, you in?” “火已点燃了,您在吗?” Therefore, the Cold Frost sea area opened the eye. 于是,寒霜海域睁开了眼睛。 I.” “我在。”
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