DSE :: Volume #5

#431: Burns the ash

The fog is dissipating. 雾在消散。 Since battle, this thick fog that occupies in the Cold Frost sea area first tendency that had the dissipation, around Sea Mist, in the Cold Frost direction, from the sea level to the upper air, all thick fog the by visible speed is abating, that type covers all retreated dimly, the trim sea area gradually is becoming clear. 自开战以来,这片盘踞在寒霜海域的浓雾第一次有了消散的倾向,在海雾号周围,在寒霜方向,从海面到高空,所有的浓雾都在以肉眼可见的速度消退,那种笼罩一切的昏暗退去了,整片海域都在逐渐变得清晰起来。 But in sea level that the thick fog dissipates, everywhere what can see was still in the ships of combustion, the shape fierce strange sham fleet, as well as innumerable the wreckage fragment and combustion fat that along with wave fluctuate. 而在浓雾消散的海面上,随处可以看到的是仍在燃烧的舰船,形状狰狞怪异的赝品舰队,以及无数随波起伏的残骸碎片、燃烧油脂。 Billowing smoky, fills the air in the sea that the thick fog abates. 浓烟滚滚,弥漫在浓雾消退的大海上。 Before first mate Eden's first runs up to the window, is staring to look outside thick fog ooze the sea, crossed to shout for a long time: Fog retrogression! Captain! The fog is abating!” 大副艾登第一个跑到窗前,瞪着眼睛看着外面浓雾渐消的大海,过了好久才大喊起来:“雾消退了!船长!雾在消退!” I can see, before” Tyrian also arrives at the window quickly, however the dignified sentiment in his one-eyed does not have, because the mist abates to remove, drew back...... really drew back?” “我能看见,”提瑞安也快步来到窗前,然而他那只独眼中的凝重之情却丝毫没有因为雾气消退而褪去,“退了……真的退了?” Captain, isn't this good deed?” Eden notices in the Tyrian tone immediately is not right, the doubts have turned the head, fog drew back, this explained that occupies in Cold Frost that Anomaly strength also......” 船长,这不是好事吗?”艾登立刻注意到提瑞安语气中的不对劲,疑惑地转过头,“雾退了,这说明盘踞在寒霜的那股异常力量也……” To...... does not have the issue,” Tyrian actually seriously interrupted the words of first mate, he is staring at the sea level of distant place stubbornly, the look is even more swift and fierce, fog has lifted, but these Ghost Ship also, moreover sea level appearance......” “不对……有问题,”提瑞安却表情严肃地打断了大副的话,他死死盯着远处的海面,眼神越发凌厉,“雾散了,但那些幽灵船还在,而且海面的模样……” Sea level?” Eden has doubts knits the brows, turns the head to look to the distant place, the next second, he holds breath finally cold air. “海面?”艾登疑惑地皱了皱眉,转头看向远处,下一秒,他终于倒吸一口凉气。 Sign that such that just like Captain said that the situation not right —— sham fleet in all directions has not dissipated, even new Ghost Ship in floats from the sea water, but in this process, trim sea area gradually tarnish! 正如船长说的那样,情况不对劲——四面八方的赝品舰队没有丝毫消散的迹象,甚至还有新的幽灵船在从海水中浮上来,而在这个过程中,整片海域都正在逐渐变暗! In the sea water is filling the blackness, in the darkness has anything to expand, there are innumerable things indistinctly to approach that matter water surface, this...... as if has what extremely huge thing or the community, is floating from the deep sea! 海水中正弥漫开大片大片的漆黑,黑暗中有什么东西正在扩大,有无数影影绰绰的事物正在靠近那层水面,这一幕……就仿佛有什么极为庞大的东西或群体,正在从深海中浮上来! I......” “我了个……” Eden muttered the opens the mouth subconsciously, but has not waited for his voice to fall, after a series of giant bellows then broke the thick fog dissipated , this extremely short tranquility suddenly. 艾登下意识地喃喃开口,但还不等他话音落下,一连串巨大的轰鸣声便突然打破了浓雾消散之后这极为短暂的平静。 Nearby sea water is splitting, the innumerable giant ships are floating the Shanghai surface, if some of them shape the wreckage, some distortions like the ghost, some seemingly bring specious familiarity —— to become in the jet black sea suddenly, as if all sham fleets welled up altogether! 附近的海水在裂开,无数巨大的舰船在浮上海面,它们有的状若残骸,有些扭曲如鬼怪,更有些看上去带着似是而非的熟悉感——在骤然变得漆黑的大海中,仿佛所有的赝品舰队都一股脑地涌了出来! Attention! Enemy warship emergence! The enemy warship...... everywhere is!” “注意!敌舰出现!敌舰……到处都是!” Some sailors bellow to make noise in alarmed and afraid, the near against artillery of gunwale shouts simultaneously, thundering of fire almost resounds through the sea level simultaneously, the shell howls is cutting the air, the hot group that the giant water column and explosion produce covers this sea again. 有水兵在惊惧中大吼出声,甲板边缘的近防炮同时嘶吼起来,炮火的轰鸣几乎同时响彻海面,炮弹呼啸着划破空气,巨大的水柱和爆炸产生的火团再次覆盖这大海。 But in the confusion of this great change, Tyrian was still gazing at the sea level suddenly, is gazing at these one after another enemy who floats from the sea water. 而在这骤然巨变的混乱中,提瑞安仍旧注视着海面,注视着那些接二连三从海水中浮上来的敌人。 He recognized part of —— his soldiers also to recognize them. 他认出了其中一部分——他的士兵们也认出了它们。 Is Knight! From the beginning by the knight number that we attack and sink!” “是‘骑士’号!一开始就被我们击沉的骑士号!” Black flag soldier number! 15 minutes of front-heavy no black flag soldier number! It appeared!” “黑旗兵号!十五分钟前沉没的黑旗兵号!它又出现了!” Spirit! Approximately crown prince number!” “勇气号!还有约顿亲王号!” Captain!” The first mate Eden's voice spreads to the Tyrian ear, brings has never before had flurry, all sham fleets............ all appear by these that we eliminated!” 船长!”大副艾登的声音传入提瑞安耳中,带着此前从未有过的慌乱,“所有的赝品舰队……被我们消灭的那些……全都又出现了!” Tyrian opens mouth, just about to says anything, in the mind actually appeared suddenly a sound: „...... This is very normal, because of the root of mirror also.” 提瑞安张了张嘴,刚要说些什么,脑海中却突然浮现出了一个声音:“……这很正常,因为镜像的根源还在。” Father?!” Tyrian one startled, seeks in the surroundings subconsciously can produce the mirror surface thing, you now......” “父亲?!”提瑞安一惊,下意识地在周围寻找着能产生镜面的事物,“您现在……” No rush, the Tyrian —— time was just good.” “别急,提瑞安——时机刚刚好。” Tyrian calms down rapidly, hints Eden to direct the fight while responded in the mind fast: What do you need me to make?” 提瑞安迅速冷静下来,一边示意艾登去指挥战斗一边在脑海中飞快回应:“您需要我做什么?” ...... …… But at the same time of marine thick fog retrogression, the thick fog that in Cold Frost City-State covers also but is gradually same on such as the marine situation in retrogression ——, the retrogression of thick fog, did not represent the end of crisis. 而在海上浓雾渐渐消退的同一时间,寒霜城邦中笼罩的浓雾也在消退——但就如海上的情况一样,浓雾的消退,并不代表危机的结束。 The mirror was still breaking surface, another more terrifying Cold Frost City-State is gradually iterating to Reality. 镜像仍在上浮,另一座更加恐怖的寒霜城邦正在逐渐迭加至现实 Still was insisting the City-State guard that battled built the street barricade, resists the monster that innumerable seems emerging out of thin air, thundering of arms is shocking the city, once tranquil had been torn into shreds with the security thoroughly, cloud of smoke float over in each street, the blood that the filthy mud and gradually cooled is soaking this city, but more distortion scenes were actually still covering all unceasingly. 仍在坚持作战的城邦卫队筑起了街垒,抵挡着无数仿佛凭空出现的怪物,枪炮的轰鸣震撼着城市,曾经的平静与安全早已被彻底撕碎,硝烟弥漫在每一条街道,污浊的泥浆和逐渐冷却的鲜血正浸透这座城市,而更多的扭曲景象却仍不断覆盖着一切。 Senior official, they everywhere are!” “长官,它们到处都是!” The before crossroad of fireplace avenue, once was stranded the City-State guard in fog is depending on the anomaly that on the firepower strafe street of steam walkie-talkie is presenting, the soldiers, when the thick fog dissipates still cheered without enough time, then drew in the new fierce battle by more monsters and terrifying phenomena. 壁炉大街的路口前,一支曾被困于雾中的城邦卫队正依托着蒸汽步行机的火力扫射街道上出现的怪胎,士兵们在浓雾消散的时候尚来不及欢呼,便被更多的怪物和恐怖现象拖入了新的恶战。 That opens fire everywhere!” The commanders of squad are roaring, to the distant place fires while rushes to the steam walkie-talkie under foot, rushes to side the signals operator, can contact on other squads?” “那就到处开火!”小队的指挥官怒吼着,一边向远处射击一边冲到蒸汽步行机脚下,冲到通讯兵身边,“能联络上其他小队吗?” Seven teams and six teams and four teams still lost contact!” The signals operators shout loudly, had almost 1/4 squads to be missing in the beforehand thick fog, Senior official!” “七队、六队和四队仍然失联!”通讯兵大声喊道,“有几乎四分之一的小队都在之前的浓雾中失踪了,长官!” Continues to call, responded until some people, or came the reinforcements,” commander is patting the helmet of signals operator, turned the head to look to the distant place, fog has lifted, hang there, the situation is getting up to change —— this possibly is the final attack!” “继续呼叫,直到有人回应,或者等来援军,”指挥官拍着通讯兵的头盔,转头看向远方,“雾散了,坚持住,局势在起变化——这可能就是最后的进攻!” The machine gun turret of steam walkie-talkie sends out thunders continuously, rips the fragment another steam walkie-talkie of distant place, while that huge machine falls to the ground loudly, the great quantity filthy mud also spout from its mechanical cabin, the fearsome internal organs splash likely on the street. 蒸汽步行机的机枪炮塔发出连续轰鸣,将远方的另一台蒸汽步行机撕成碎片,而在那台庞大机器轰然倒地的同时,巨量的污浊泥浆也从其机械舱中喷涌出来,像可怖的内脏般泼洒在街道上。 The soldiers blew up courage —— again or let continue to actuate the exhausted limbs, the commander to say numbly inspiration words that oneself does not believe that also looks up to the distant place. 战士们再一次鼓起了勇气——或者只是让麻木继续驱动着疲惫至极的肢体,指挥官说着连自己都不信的鼓舞的话,又抬头看向远处。 He noticed that two silent Grand Cathedral stand and wait for a long time high on the summit, City-State one side topography as if curl sticks out strangely, the huge continuous and strange architectural complex gradually is rising from the city, the building covers sky over the street that he is familiar with, there is a distortion inclined high tower to spread from the building of distant place, such as the hateful bone that the proliferation from the giant comes out, extends and grows in the sky. 他看到两座寂静大圣堂高高伫立在山顶上,城邦一侧的地势仿佛卷曲般诡异地隆起,巨大连绵而陌生的建筑群正逐渐从城市中上升,层层迭迭的楼宇覆盖在他熟悉的街道上空,又有扭曲倾斜的高塔从远方的建筑物里蔓延出来,就如从巨人身上增生出来的可憎骨质般,在天空中延伸、生长。 But the innumerable mud is flowing in the architectural complex that sticks out from that high, as if must swallow the entire city to flow rapidly under. 而数不清的泥浆正在从那高高隆起的建筑群内流淌出来,仿佛要吞噬整座城市般奔流而下。 „The lord of death......” the silent Grand Cathedral highest place, bishop Ivan overlooked is gradually twisting, by City-State that huge Vision swallowed, finally could not bear opens the mouth in a soft voice, today was the day of conclusion......” “死亡之主啊……”寂静大圣堂最高的地方,主教伊凡俯瞰着正逐渐扭曲,被庞大异象吞噬的城邦,终于忍不住轻声开口,“今天就是结束的日子了么……” He looks to the distant place, actually can only see that the huge darkness from is ascending in all directions, opposite of the summit the original city hall does not know when had been covered by a piece of strange thorn, in the thorn clump, is actually standing and waiting for a long time vaguely another silent Grand Cathedral, but under the foot, the continuous large expanse of architectural complex sway is piling up and upwelling, the house presents on such as the limbs of mollusk makes the appearance that one is afraid of generally. 他望向远处,却只能看到庞大的黑暗在从四面八方升腾,山顶对面原本的市政厅不知何时已经被一片诡异的荆棘笼罩,荆棘丛中,却依稀伫立着另一座寂静大圣堂,而在山脚之下,连绵成片的建筑群正摇摇晃晃地堆积、上涌,房屋就如软体动物的肢体一般呈现出令人不寒而栗的模样。 But beside City-State, the trim sea level was gradually being covered by one ominous black, that darkness such as the huge mirror surface, in the mirror surface actually gradually reflects another Cold Frost —— like to observe another world through the curving mirror at the same time, that Cold Frost seems like the distortion, confused, fills the specious mistake everywhere, is full of the evil intention of jet black creeping motion everywhere. 而在城邦之外,整片海面都正逐渐被一种不祥的黑色笼罩,那黑暗如巨大的镜面,镜面中却逐渐倒映着另一座寒霜——就像通过一面弯曲的镜子去观察另一个世界,那个“寒霜”看上去扭曲,错乱,处处充满似是而非的错误,处处充满漆黑蠕动的恶意。 The giant mirror city is breaking surface from the deep sea, and illusory corrodes all from Reality synchronously. 巨大的镜像城市正在从深海中上浮,从现实和虚幻中同步侵蚀一切。 Archbishop!” A high rank deacon runs from the flat roof front door, runs up to Bishop Ivan behind, final reserve army has built up, the silent member and Guardian will protect Grand Cathedral to arrive at the final time!” 大主教!”一名高阶助祭从露台大门跑来,跑到伊凡主教身后,“最后的储备部队已经集结完毕,寂静修士和守卫者们将保护大圣堂到最后时刻!” „Hasn't Agatha come back?” 阿加莎还是没有回来?” Still contact on Gatekeeper your excellency,” high rank deacon did not say fast, with the search party return that she goes into a well together, Gatekeeper after entering the strange stone wall then does not have message —— the mine pit to be swallowed together again now dark, perhaps......” “仍然联络不上守门人阁下,”高阶助祭飞快说道,“与她一同下井的探索队回报,守门人在进入一道诡异的石墙之后便再无音讯——现在矿井已经被黑暗吞噬,恐怕……” Gatekeeper will not easily drop down, Agatha will complete her task...... certainly to complete the task.” Bishop Ivan said calmly. 守门人不会轻易倒下,阿加莎会完成她的任务……一定会完成任务。”伊凡主教平静地说道。 Senior deacon hesitant: Archbishop, you should seek asylum......” 高阶助祭犹豫了一下:“大主教,您应该去避难了……” Seeks asylum? Hides in some safe sacred hall pray room? Travels by boat to escape from this city?” Bishop Ivan has turned round, slowly shakes the head, I do not need to seek asylum, I stay here to be good. You direct the foot Unit Guardian, shifts the civilians who can shift to the mountain on, persists in one being able to be a meeting.” “避难?躲进某个安全的圣堂祈祷室里?还是坐船逃出这座城?”伊凡主教回过身,慢慢摇了摇头,“我不需要避难,我留在这里就好。你去指挥山脚的守卫者,把能够转移的平民都转移到山上,多坚持一会是一会。” The high rank deacon hesitated finally for several seconds, finally makes an effort to nod: Yes! Archbishop!” 高阶助祭最后犹豫了几秒钟,终于用力点了点头:“是!大主教!” The high rank deacon drew back, on the flat roof was only left over Old Bishop oneself again. 高阶助祭退下了,露台上再次只剩下老主教自己 He raised the head, is looking into that by, as if silent Grand Cathedral shadow same another Cathedral that the thorn covers. 他抬起头,眺望着那座被荆棘笼罩的、仿佛寂静大圣堂的影子一样的另一座大教堂 That Cathedral is spiritless, inside cannot see the form of any pulpit. 那座大教堂死气沉沉,里面看不到任何圣职者的身影。 It is only a mirror, its appearance, is actually representing that mirror Cold Frost opposition had arrived the last step. 它只是个镜像,它的出现,却代表着那座镜像寒霜的“反相”已经到了最后一步。 Agatha...... you should still continue to fulfill your mission in some place......” 阿加莎……你应该还在某个地方继续履行你的使命……” Bishop Ivan said in a soft voice, seemed thinking aloud, the younger generation that also as if has been losing the contact to some urged in a soft voice. 伊凡主教轻声说道,仿佛在自言自语,又仿佛在对着某个已经失去联系的晚辈轻声叮嘱。 He lifts the hand slowly, untied magnificent and expensive long gown that is symbolizing the Archbishop authority, takes off the own royal crown, places on it nearby parapet. 他慢慢抬起手,解开了象征着大主教权威的华贵袍服,又摘下自己的冠冕,把它放在旁边的栏杆上。 That you must also record, the Bartok disciples, will never halt before the death......” “那伱应当还记着,巴托克的圣徒们,从不会在死亡前止步……” Under the magnificent dress and royal crown, revealed the bandage, Ivan put out a hand to try to find out, then pulled open knot near somewhere nape of the neck little. 华服与冠冕下,露出了层层迭迭的绷带,伊凡伸手摸索着,然后一点点拉开了脖颈附近的某处绳结。 We by flesh and blood resistance contamination, after life end, we guard the belief by the restless body, after the body also ends......” “我们以血肉之躯对抗污秽,生命终结之后,我们以不息的躯壳捍卫信仰,而当躯壳也终结之后……” The bandage untied, as if the seal, suppressed dozens years of vessel to shake off the fetter suddenly, under the bandage, was not torn to pieces body —— has no body. 绷带被解开,仿佛封印、压制了几十年的容器突然挣脱了束缚,在绷带之下,并不是什么支离破碎的躯体——早已没有什么躯体。 Under that pale mist and dust. 那下面只有苍白的烟尘。 We have the scalding hot ashes.” “我们还有灼热的灰烬。” The bandage scatters, the thick falling bone ash disperses from the flat roof edge, changes to the close white smoke, covers sky over Cold Frost gradually. 绷带散落,纷纷扬扬的骨灰从露台边缘飞散出去,化作细密的白烟,渐渐笼罩在寒霜上空。
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