DSE :: Volume #5

#430: The fog is dissipating

heretic takes follows the annihilation heresies of Deep Sea Sacred Lord as dead end —— crazily, to most make the way that one was afraid of hug their death. 狂徒以疯狂为末路——追随幽邃圣主的湮灭异端们,以最令人不寒而栗的方式拥抱了他们的死亡。 In the ceremony encounters the complete destruction in the situation, Annihilationists that survives on the spot chose the collective to offer sacrifices, to complete the opposition of city of mirror forcefully. 在仪式遭到完全破坏的情况下,现场残存下来的湮灭教徒们选择了集体献祭,以强行完成镜像之城的反相。 Even if at Lawrence half a lifetime at the marine experienced experience, he also never has seen so fearfully, so demented scene —— 哪怕是以劳伦斯半辈子在海上见多识广的经验,他也从未见过如此可怕,如此癫狂的景象—— Hundreds of Annihilationists plunge the mud that turns wells up in wild with joy, they melt in the mud, break up, is actually wild with joy, is whooshed with Nether Demon that they co-exist separates the chains, in basin periphery violent from exploding, the filthy mist and dust and putrefication aura even baffled the attack of queen guard, a giant thorn crown sticks out from the pond of center mud, as crazy offering sacrifices of heretic, its scale rapidly grows, suddenly then covered the entire hall. 数以百计的湮灭教徒在狂喜中扑向那一池翻涌的泥浆,他们在泥浆中融化,崩解,却又欣喜若狂,与他们共生的幽邃恶魔在嘶吼中纷纷断开锁链,在“水池”周围猛烈自爆,污浊的烟尘和腐化气息甚至阻遏了女王卫队的进攻,一株巨大的荆棘树冠则从泥浆之池中心隆起,随着邪教徒的疯狂献祭,其规模迅速增长,眨眼间便覆盖了整个大厅。 I have comprehended!” “我已领悟!” In that crown transmits howling of hysterical/frenzy, in the howling seems iterating a lot of sounds. 那树冠中传来狂乱的吼叫,吼叫声中仿佛迭加着千百个声音。 We have comprehended!” “我们已领悟!” heretic that joins in into the mud innumerably is also shouting loudly, their sounds are vibrating the second waterway. 无数投身入泥浆的邪教徒也在高呼,他们的声音震动着第二水路。 I will carry out!” We will carry out!” “我将执行!”“我们将执行!” Realizes the blueprint of creator!” Realizes the blueprint of creator!” “实现造物主的蓝图!”“实现造物主的蓝图!” Bang! 轰! The flaming flame ascends to spread in the hall, almost then swallows in which that thorn crown instantaneously, Lawrence only looks up with enough time, then saw that crown has disintegrated and come down in the Ghost Spirit roaring flame rapidly, turns into the voluminous gray-black dust to fall gently, hall center that black mud was also being lit by the flame, in the spirit fire ascension, surging of mud slows down rapidly, and changes to the scorched earth that dries up gradually. 熊熊火焰在大厅中升腾蔓延,几乎瞬间便将那荆棘树冠吞噬其中,劳伦斯只来得及抬头看去,便看到那树冠已经在幽灵烈焰中迅速解体、崩落,变成洋洋洒洒的灰黑色尘埃飘落下来,连带着大厅中心那一池黑色泥浆也被火焰点燃,在灵火升腾中,泥浆的涌动迅速减缓,并渐渐化作枯竭的焦土。 The believer who last batch go to the pond of mud turned into the ashes in that flame directly. 最后一批投向泥浆之池的教徒直接在那火焰中化成了灰烬。 However the vibration of second waterway had not stopped, reverberates the howling sound when sewer also still to circle, these crazy believers offer sacrifices shouting of hysterical/frenzy is reverberating in this underground space like Ghost Spirit, making one be afraid. 然而第二水路的震动仍未止息,回荡在下水道里的呼啸声也仍旧盘旋,那些疯狂教徒献祭之时狂乱的呼喊就如幽灵般在这地下空间中回荡着,令人不寒而栗。 Lawrence stunned and raised the head to observe the situation all around at a loss, he somewhat did not clarify the condition, subconscious opens the mouth: Caught up? The ceremony has not completed......” 劳伦斯错愕而茫然地抬头环视四周,他仍有些搞不清状况,下意识开口:“赶上了吗?仪式没完成吧……” heretic died...... that treealso to burn down......” Anomaly 077 to say probablynervous, looks at this place anxiously, how, but I felt......” 邪教徒好像都死光了……那棵‘树’也烧掉了……”异常077紧张兮兮地说道,不安地看着这个地方,“但我怎么觉得……” Also no.” “还没有。” The voice that is mixing with the flame bursting sound resounded in not far away suddenly, broke Lawrence and sailor between exchange. 一个夹杂着火焰爆裂声的嗓音突然在不远处响起,打断了劳伦斯和“水手”之间的交流。 Lawrence looks up immediately to that side. 劳伦斯立刻抬头看向那边。 Agatha will also be looking at stranger who” this crowd helps. 阿加莎也正将视线转向这群来帮忙的“陌生人”。 She still stood there, is maintaining by the stance of flame incinerator, when with just entered the city of this mirror compares, the whole person had turned into another appearance —— completely 她仍然站在那里,保持着被火焰焚烧的姿态,和刚刚进入这座镜像之城时比起来,整个人已经完全变成了另一幅模样—— A black clothes turned into the tattered surcoat, if the rags of member throw over painstakingly on the body, body as if torn to pieces puppet, finds at everywhere the shocking scar even opening, her blood has drained away, in these wounds can only see that at this moment the green fire flows like the water, her eyes had been burnt down by the Fire Usurper flame, only cavities. 一袭黑衣变成了破烂的外袍,如苦修士的破布般披在身上,身体则仿佛一具支离破碎的人偶,随处可见触目惊心的伤痕甚至裂口,她的血液早就流尽,那些伤口中此刻只能看到绿火如水般流淌,她的双眼则已被篡火者的火焰焚毁,只余空洞。 In that changes to the empty eye socket, two groups of brightest roaring flame are beating —— she to lose the flesh and blood eyes, actually obtained another single layer to be above the angle of view of imagination. 然而在那化作空洞的眼眶中,有两团最明亮的烈焰在跳动——她失去了血肉之躯的双眼,却获得了另一重超乎想象的视角。 She can see, the energy in hall was still flowing, even can see that the energy of city of this entire mirror is flowing, she can see that some extremely huge structure passed through the entire city, still and was lifting this city unceasingly breaking surface, closes up toward Real World. 她能看到,大厅中的能量仍然在流动,甚至能看到这整座镜像之城的能量在流动,她能看到有某种极其庞大的结构贯穿了整座城市,并仍然在托举着这座城市不断“上浮”,向着现实世界靠拢。 Agatha treads —— spirit body flame to proliferate in her forward, roasts roasts the floor squeak squeak to make noise, she put out a hand, gripped a thorn that spread from the pond of mud, made an effort slightly. 阿加莎向前踏出一步——灵体火焰在她脚下扩散,炙烤着地板吱吱作响,她伸出手,握住了一道从泥浆之池中蔓延出来的荆棘,微微用力。 That thorn had dried out by the spirit body roaring flame, was pinched the fragment by her easily, however in the fragment of scattering, had the glimmer of twinkle star still to flow. 那段“荆棘”已经被灵体烈焰烤干,被她轻而易举地捏成了碎片,然而在散落的碎片中,却有星星点点的微光仍在流动。 Mirror is still breaking surface......” her as if to think aloud, is reporting with whom probably, here heresy had all extinguished, the thing that but they leave behind still...... the city of this mirror is lives in the operation, it is going to Reality...... to be sorry, I do not know how should stop it.” “镜像还在上浮……”她仿佛自言自语般,又好像正在跟谁汇报,“这里的异端已经全灭了,但他们留下的东西还在运作……这座镜像之城是活的,它在自行前往现实……抱歉,我不知道该怎么停下它。” Lawrence walked, looks at Agatha curiously: You are telling whom......” 劳伦斯走了过去,好奇地看着阿加莎:“你在跟谁说……” This saying just told only half, fierce rocking and thundering that transmitted from the top of the head then broke him, he and sailors looked up startled, a life unforgettable scene then mapped in all person eyes —— 这话刚说到一半,一阵剧烈的晃动和从头顶传来的轰鸣便打断了他,他和水手们惊慌地抬头看去,一幕此生难忘的景象便映入所有人眼中—— The hall is shaking greatly, but above the hall does not know that the thick rock, cement, steel and soil presented the transparent sense of reality unexpectedly suddenly, in that changed in the transparent stratum suddenly, he saw in the top of the head clearly structures layer by layer! 大厅在巨震,而大厅上方不知多厚的岩石、水泥、钢铁与泥土竟突然呈现出了透明的质感,在那骤然变透明的地层中,他清晰地看到了头顶上一层又一层的结构! Discharge tunnel, power conduit, steam expulsion system, subway, above mountain massif, street, building, church...... entire Cold Frost City-State! 排水道,动力管道,蒸汽输送系统,地铁,还有更上面的山体,街道,建筑物,教堂……整个寒霜城邦 He saw Cold Frost, is away from the thick stratum, saw Cold Frost in Real World, he noticed that city was being covered by the thick fog, the innumerable monster was still attacking all in city in the fog, the City-State guard and Unit Guardian desperately and monster resistance, the darkness spreads in the city, the fear ferments in each corner...... 他看到了寒霜,隔着厚厚的地层,看到了现实世界中的寒霜,他看到那座城正被浓雾笼罩,数不清的怪物仍然在雾中袭击着城市中的一切,城邦卫队和守卫者正在绝望地和怪物对抗,黑暗在城市中蔓延,恐惧在每一处角落酝酿…… Blood, gunsmoke, death. 鲜血,硝烟,死亡。 „...... I thought that we troubled in a big way......” Anomaly 077 the same as raise head with others, long time whispered opens the mouth, also possibly was in the top of the head these people troubles in a big way......” “哦……我觉得我们麻烦大了……”异常077与其他人一样仰着头,半晌才嘀嘀咕咕地开口,“也可能是头顶上那些人麻烦大了……” Lawrence awakens terrified, he realized forthcoming matter —— heretic has all extinguished although, but their last minute offering sacrifices ceremonies actually succeeded, the city of this mirror has obtained the characteristics that has independently, and was still deferring to some type blueprint design to break surface, if all these continue, Cold Frost in Real World is unable to fortunately survive absolutely! 劳伦斯悚然惊醒,他意识到了即将发生的事情——尽管邪教徒已经全灭,但他们最后一刻的献祭仪式却成功了,这座镜像之城已经获得独立存在的特性,并且仍在按照某种“蓝图”设计上浮,而如果这一切继续下去,现实世界中的寒霜绝对无法幸存! Can't stop?!” He stared in a big way the eye, shifted to Agatha to ask loudly, we overlapped with Real World quickly!” “停不下来了?!”他瞪大了眼睛,转向阿加莎大声问道,“我们就快和现实世界重迭了!” Agatha is actually only silent turning the head, that say/way is full the line of sight of flame to fall on Lawrence. 阿加莎却只是沉默着转过头,那道充盈着火焰的视线落在劳伦斯身上。 She has not opened the mouth, a calm dignified sound actually resounds in the Lawrence mind directly: No rush, this is only solves the problem one point.” 她没有开口,一个沉稳威严的声音却直接在劳伦斯脑海中响起:“别急,这只是解决问题的一环。” Lawrence stares instantaneously, then realizes the sound in oneself mind from where, the muscle naked eye of his whole body ties tight obviously: Ship...... Captain!” 劳伦斯瞬间一愣,紧接着便意识到自己脑海中的声音来自何处,他浑身的肌肉都肉眼可见地紧绷起来:“船……船长!” Relaxes, as well as —— comes to a stop later.” “放松些,以及——待会站稳。” Lawrence opened the eye at a loss. 劳伦斯茫然地睁大了眼睛。 At the same time, one side of Real World. 同一时间,现实世界一侧。 Whooshing that the artillery thunders still reverberated in the boundless endless sea, Cold Frost surplus City-State navies and Sea Mist fleets still in going all out to be resisting these unceasingly Ghost Spirit that” appears from the thick fog. 火炮轰鸣的嘶吼仍然回荡在茫茫无尽的大海上,寒霜剩余的城邦海军与海雾舰队仍然在拼命抵挡着那些不断从浓雾中浮现出来的“幽灵”。 Over time, these Ghost Ship quantity of the fog reappearing, not only has not reduced, instead is increasing unceasingly. 随着时间推移,那些从雾中浮现的幽灵船数量非但没有减少,反而在不断增加。 Port as visual approaches as the unknown ships! Is a fast gunboat...... near against artillery prepares to fire!” “左舷目视到不明舰船靠近!是一艘快速炮艇……近防炮准备射击!” „A Cold Frost navy escort ship submerges in the coastal water, side number S-30, removes from the recognition list!” 寒霜海军一艘护卫舰在附近海域沉没,舷号S-30,从识别列表上除名!” Quarter deck is on fire! Damage, damage!” “后甲板起火!损管,损管!” The bellow that the howling of transmission order, the main artillery opens fire, the explosive sound, the water column strikes against the loud sound of hull, all sounds combine in the same place, is fermenting the Apocalypse atmosphere. 传递命令的吼叫声,主炮开火的轰鸣声,爆炸声,水柱拍击船体的巨响,所有声音都混杂在一起,酝酿着末日般的氛围。 Tyrian stands on the Sea Mist bridge, both hands support the present guard rail, the eye are staring at the sea level of distant place stubbornly, complexion gloomy seems fermenting storm. 提瑞安站在海雾号的舰桥上,双手撑着眼前的护栏,眼睛死死地盯着远方的海面,脸色阴沉的仿佛酝酿着一场风暴。 The fight has continued for a long time is very very long, however could not see slightly the hope of victory, in the City-State surrounding thick fog was still gushing out the Ghost Spirit enemy warship unceasingly, the blockade of trim sea area has not relieved. 战斗已经持续了很久很久,然而仍看不到丝毫胜利的希望,城邦周围的浓雾中仍然在不断涌出幽灵般的敌舰,整片海域的封锁也没有解除。 The Undead sailor cannot feel exhaustedly, the high-intensity fight that but this non-stop continuously was still consuming the strength —— Sea Mist repair capability of Sea Mist fleet to border on the limit unceasingly, now the fire on deck has not even been able to suppress, but can only depend upon the damage group to be tired out from the press, before sea crow number dozen minutes , the withdrawal from combat, is just towing the remnant body to retreat to the direction of Cold Frost main island at present. 不死人水手感觉不到疲惫,但这连续不停的高强度战斗仍然在不断消耗海雾舰队的力量——海雾号本身的修复能力正在濒临极限,现在已经连甲板上的大火都无法扑灭,而只能依靠损管小组疲于奔命,海乌鸦号十几分钟前刚刚退出战斗,目前正拖着残躯向寒霜本岛的方向撤退。 Even the Sea Mist fleet is this situation, the Cold Frost navy comprised of human does not need to think. 海雾舰队都是这种情况,由人类组成的寒霜海军更不用想。 Only the situation of the radio hearing, can judge that situation not wonderful —— of Cold Frost navy their exhausted has arrived in the limit, the battle loss and personnel losses of situation various battleships was also in situation in imminent danger. 仅从无线电中听到的情况,就能判断出寒霜海军的情况不妙——他们的疲惫已经抵达极限,各艘战舰的战损和减员情况也到了岌岌可危的地步。 Ironically, each person of Sea Mist fleet is almost taunting and cursing that navy in the past half a century every day, however to the present, the almost every member of Sea Mist fleet hopes that these human can insist a meeting again much, hopes that they can live several. 讽刺的是,海雾舰队的每一个人在过去半个世纪里几乎每天都在嘲讽、咒骂那支海军,然而到了现在,海雾舰队的几乎每一个成员都希望那些人类能再多坚持一会,希望他们能多活下来几个。 The slating loud sound transmits from the distant place, in the thick fog presented giant flash , that say/way giant flash turned into flames and a series of fulminations continuously. 雷鸣般的巨响从远方传来,浓雾中出现了一道巨大的闪光,紧接着,那道巨大的闪光又变成了连续不断的火光和一连串爆鸣。 Tyrian looks subconsciously to that direction, and orders the signals operator to do to understand that immediately these explosions what's the matter, after a confusion, first mate Eden brought the bad news. 提瑞安下意识地看向那个方向,并立刻命令通讯兵搞明白那些爆炸是怎么回事,在一番混乱之后,大副艾登带来了坏消息。 Cold Frost navy warship Lord Blucher the steam core caused heavy losses, the reaction still sympathatic detonation, is submerging.” 寒霜海军主力舰‘布鲁彻勋爵’号蒸汽核心遭到重创,反应釜殉爆,正在沉没。” Tyrian has not spoken, but closed the eye slowly. 提瑞安没有说话,只是慢慢闭上了眼睛。 Lord Blucher the number —— Sea Mist nearly two years has had several social dealings with it, the commander of that ship is very traditional Cold Frost person. 布鲁彻勋爵号——海雾号近两年跟它打过几次交道,那艘船的指挥官是个很传统的寒霜人。 Is a good person, is a good ship. 是个好人,是艘好船。 However parted forever. 但是永别了。 Writes down, perhaps in the future will have the opportunity mourning,” Tyrian opens the eye, slowly shakes the head, we now not......” “记下来吧,或许将来有机会哀悼,”提瑞安睁开眼睛,慢慢摇了摇头,“我们现在没……” Just told only half, the scene change outside porthole then interrupted his following words suddenly. 刚说到一半,舷窗外的景象变化便突然打断了他接下来的话。 He looks surprisedly to out of the window, many people on first mate as well as bridge look subconsciously to out of the window. 他惊讶地看向窗外,大副以及舰桥上的许多人都下意识地看向窗外。 The fog in sea level...... is dissipating. 海面上的雾……正在消散。
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