DSE :: Volume #5

#429: The sacrifice in tangled warfare

The ceremony was destroyed. 仪式被破坏了。 When that has circulated half a century of queen guard not to know in the samsara why breaks the circulation suddenly, when ceremony hall rises to change gate the intruder blows up, when one crowd does not know the fellow who where braves runs in the hall —— works as that scheduled sacrificial offering, is actually in front of pond of element oneself offers sacrifices to give the green flame, this lofty and ultimate ceremony then already to irretrievable situation. 当那支已经在轮回中循环了半个世纪的女王卫队不知为何突然打破循环的时候,当仪式大厅的“升变之门”被入侵者炸毁的时候,当一群不知从哪里冒出来的家伙跑进大厅的时候——当那预定的祭品,却当着原素之池的面把自己献祭给绿色火焰的时候,这崇高而终极的仪式便已经到了不可挽回的地步。 Now, the heathen flushed, the destroyer is slaughtering the Sacred Lord followers crazily, 现在,异教徒冲进来了,破坏者在疯狂屠戮圣主的追随者们, Destroys these years difficult operation. 摧毁这几十年的艰辛经营。 What did you make?!” “你都做了什么?!” The deep pond center, that appearance such as the blonde young people common believer leader of sends out to howl in the wildness, his body raises suddenly, under the support of black mud, changed to a swelling and fearsome giant, he wields the arm toward Agatha, the innumerable thorns and spurs then the swift and violent growth from the pond spread, rushed to that fully still in Gatekeeper that in the roaring flame stood and waited for a long time. 深池中心,那容貌如金发年轻人一般的教徒首领在狂怒中发出吼叫,他的身躯陡然拔高,在黑色泥浆的支撑下,化作了一个肿胀而可怖的巨人,他向着阿加莎挥出手臂,无数荆棘与骨刺便从池中迅猛生长蔓延,铺天盖地地涌向那仍然在烈焰中伫立的守门人 However all attacks touch the body of Agatha without enough time, 然而所有的攻击都来不及触碰到阿加莎的躯体, Then turned into the ashes under the ignition of that Ghost Spirit green flame instantaneously, 便在那幽灵绿焰的灼烧下瞬间变成了灰烬, That strange flame along the path reversion spread of ashes in the past, gradually will instead burn down around the pond of mud offering sacrifices symbol, to blaspheme the goods, 那诡异的火焰反而会沿着灰烬的轨迹逆向蔓延过去,逐渐焚毁泥浆之池周围的献祭符号、亵渎物品, And spreads toward the pond. 并向着池中延烧。 Agatha was still being wrapped by the flame, spiritual fire of flaming combustion has started to gush out from her within the body, 阿加莎则仍然被火焰包裹着,熊熊燃烧的灵体之火已经开始从她体内喷薄而出, Each wound on her body even turns into the channel that the flame gushed out, 她身体上的每一道伤口甚至都变成了火焰涌出的通道, Looks, as if the flame changes to the liquid, flows in her blood vessel —— that roaring flame in the severe pain that commits suicide by fire does not know when had removed, 望上去,就仿佛火焰化作液体,流淌在她的血管中——那股烈焰焚身的剧痛不知何时已经褪去了, She smiled in the fire, 她在火中笑了起来, Raised the head is gazing at that wildly with rage actually the incompetent heresy unscrupulously, as if thought aloud that twittering said in a soft voice: „...... I understood......” 抬起头肆无忌惮地注视着那狂怒却又无能的异端,仿佛自言自语般轻声呢喃道:“啊……我明白了……” The next second, her eyeball was then burnt by the spirit fire instantaneously completely, 下一秒,她的眼球便瞬间被灵火焚尽, The fire outward spout from the empty eye socket, 火从空洞的眼眶中向外喷涌, She then eyes looks with this burns completely to all around, looked that these is falling into huge chaotic heretic to the deep pond. 她便用这焚尽的“双眼”看向四周,看向深池周围那些正陷入巨大混乱的邪教徒 When her vision has swept, 当她目光扫过的时候, All believers start to burn, 所有的教徒都开始燃烧, Also starts to burn with the devil that they co-exist, the hall all thing of blaspheming turned into the fuel of fire seed, 跟他们共生的恶魔也开始燃烧,大厅中的一切亵渎之物都变成了火种的燃料, Even this hall, starts to soak the flame slowly the sense of reality. 甚至连这大厅本身,也开始慢慢浸透出火焰的质感。 Fire Usurper bestows her by the authority, she by the authority of fire ends here blasphemes —— this is she is burnt down in the own eyeball instantaneous, from the fire seeing the truth. 篡火者赐她以权柄,她以火的权柄终结这里的亵渎——这就是她在自己的眼球被焚毁瞬间,从火中看到的真理。 That nothing to be worried situated in mud central heretic, he is only a anomaly that completed offered sacrifices to transform, maintained here to revolve truly, was these shouts wildly to randomly call, the ugly abnormal heresies around the pond of mud. 那个位于泥浆中央的邪教徒不足为虑,他只是一个完成了自我献祭转化的怪胎,真正维持这里运转的,是那些在泥浆之池周围狂呼乱叫、丑陋畸形的异端们。 Stops! Stops quickly! You do not know that oneself is making anything! The ceremony loses control to anyone does not have the advantage! It has conducted......” “停下!快停下!你根本不知道自己在做什么!仪式失控对谁都没有好处!它已经进行到……” The believer leader who that has changed to the swelling giant is yelling unproductive, and continually makes the barrier, attempts to resist in the hall is spreading in all directions the roaring flame, however at this moment, a gunshot transmits from side suddenly, broke his yelling. 那已经化作肿胀巨人的教徒首领徒劳地喊叫着,并不断制造出屏障,妄图抵挡正在大厅里四处蔓延的烈焰,然而就在这时,一声枪响又突然从旁传来,打断了他的喊叫。 Bang!” “砰!” Put on the soldier uniform/subdue and hand half a century ago to take the young soldier of old style rifle to clash, lifted the rifle to open fire at the deep pond central that abnormal swelling giants. 一名穿着半世纪前的士兵制服、手中拿着老式步枪的年轻战士冲了进来,举着步枪向深池中央那个畸形肿胀的巨人开火。 This brave soldier next quarter was then swallowed by the turbulent black mud, however in him behind, more soldiers is crashing in the hall. 这勇敢的战士下一刻便被汹涌的黑色泥浆吞噬,然而在他身后,更多的士兵正在冲进大厅。 From the time, at this moment already crossed queen guard „the war of counter-attack the circulation node, the soldiers in these illusory images should all dissipate, what is obvious, 从时间上,此刻已经越过了女王卫队“反击之战”的循环节点,这些幻影中的战士理应全部消散,但显而易见的是, This circulation had been changed —— should because of the destruction of that leaf of thorn front door in the queen guard that the next integral point vanishes, at this moment returned to here from the circulation, 这场循环已经因那扇荆棘大门的破坏而被改变——本应在下一个整点消失的女王卫队,此刻又从循环中回归了这里, And starts to attack this final hall. 并开始进攻这最后的大厅。 The ground warfare squad that Lawrence leads also already fought one group of —— their bullet to polish with heretic and Nether Demon nearby, but they also had the sharp sickle and long sword, as well as did not fear the body of death temporarily, therefore even if facing grasping dark Priest and devil of lifeform various dangerous forces, they such as powerful Transcendent did not drop the wind. 劳伦斯带领的陆战小队也已经与附近的邪教徒幽邃恶魔们战成一团——他们的子弹都打光了,但他们还有锐利的弯刀和长剑,以及一副暂时不惧死亡的躯体,因此哪怕是面对掌握着各种危险力量的黑暗神官和恶魔生物,他们也如强大的超凡者般不落下风。 Clang, in the Lawrence hand the short-sword cut to fall one to fly to the own spur, moved sideways to evade almost explodes together in oneself fireball, he took a step to go forward in the roaring flame, cut off a heretic neck following chains, looks that this dark Priest body changed to the flying ash rapidly, then raised the head, looked that is standing to not far away that before the pond, whole body like torch flaming combustion the long hair female of mud. “铛”的一声,劳伦斯手中短剑斩落了一道飞向自己的骨刺,紧接着又闪身躲过一道差点炸在自己身上的火球,他在烈焰中迈步上前,将一名邪教徒脖子后面的锁链斩断,看着这黑暗神官的身躯迅速化作飞灰,接着便抬起头,看向不远处那个正站在泥浆之池前、浑身如火炬般熊熊燃烧的长发女性。 Miss! We helped!” Old Captain shouts loudly, „’ works forCaptain, on which ship right —— are you?” “姑娘!我们来帮忙了!”老船长大声喊道,“都是为‘船长’干活的,对吧——你是哪条船上的?” He sees very clearly, what that is burning on the young miss who in the flame stands and waits for a long time is with the oneself same Ghost Spirit green flame, that obviously was the oneself person, but on the other hand, the miss flame color was darker, fire intensity obviously also oneself on was bigger, that inevitably was not general oneself person. 他看得很清楚,那个正在火焰中伫立的年轻姑娘身上燃烧的是和自己一样的幽灵绿焰,那就显然是自己人了,而另一方面,那姑娘身上的火焰颜色更深,火势显然也比自己身上的更大,那必然就不是一般的“自己人”。 Big and green —— is Captain Duncan great person hand/subordinate. 又大又绿——邓肯船长手下的大人物。 Lawrence Captain conducted the simple judgment with his rich adventurer experience and Captain experience, the conclusion should notify the future high rank colleague on own initiative. 劳伦斯船长用他丰富的冒险家经验和船长经验进行了朴素的判断,结论是应该主动跟未来的高级别同事打招呼。 Agatha looks stunned opposite that, is seeming like the valiant old man of appearance that oneself yells like Captain. 阿加莎错愕地看着对面那个正在对自己喊叫的、看上去打扮像船长一样的彪悍老头。 What did you say?!” Crossed for 2-3 seconds, she cannot bear shouts loudly, here is too noisy I unable to hear clearly!” “伱说什么?!”过了2-3秒,她忍不住大声喊道,“这里太吵我听不清!” Lawrence gawked staring, turns the head to confirm with subordinate: „Was she response?” 劳伦斯愣了愣,转头跟身边的部下确认:“她是回应了吧?” How would I know!” Anomaly 077 is leaving recently, this dry corpse is shouting loudly at this moment, in the sound is mixing with the fear distressedly, he flings about in all directions, the bullet in the flame of spread, fireball and spur that even blown off stump residual limb go all out to dodge all around are flying horizontally breaks the arm, in the hand the double blade has also cut the gap, I am a sailor! Why I must go all out now —— this with one group of heretic in the sewer am the work of Marines!” “我哪知道!”异常077离着最近,这干尸此刻却大喊大叫着,声音中狼狈夹杂着恐惧,他在四面八方蔓延的火焰中间跳来跳去,拼命躲闪着四周横飞的子弹、火球、骨刺甚至是被炸飞的残肢断臂,手中双刀也已经砍出缺口,“我是个水手!为什么我现在要在下水道里跟一帮邪教徒拼命——这是陆战队员的工作!” Coming ashore time you are not this attitude,” Lawrence shouts loudly, you at that time excited likely pirate who prepares to grab City-State.” “上岸的时候你可不是这个态度,”劳伦斯大声喊道,“你那时候兴奋的像个准备劫掠城邦的海盗。” You said that we are not the pirates!” “您说的,我们不是海盗!” I appoint you as Marines.” “那我任命你为陆战队员。” Your his mother —— “你他妈—— Un?” “嗯?” Your his mother......” “您他妈……” Agatha is listening to these uncouthly valiant sailors and Captain at a loss makes one unable to feel the shouting exchange of mind, looks at present this confusion —— 阿加莎茫然地听着那些粗鲁彪悍的水手与船长之间令人摸不着头脑的呼喊交流,看着眼前这混乱至极的一幕—— Who are this fellows? Where from comes? Does? 这帮家伙是谁?从哪来的?干什么的? She sees on these strangers to burn with the oneself same green flame, but heretic in hall makes into one group with them, looks that a troop seemed like the Ghost Spirit same soldier to clash to open fire in the ancient times everywhere, once for a while had the soldier to shout the Frost Queen given name, here all surpassed her understanding, was similar...... 她看到那些陌生人身上燃烧着跟自己一样的绿色火焰,而大厅中的邪教徒跟他们打成一团,又看着一大群像是古代幽灵一样的士兵冲进来到处开枪,时不时有士兵呼喊寒霜女王的名号,这里的一切都超出了她的理解,就仿佛…… As if after she chooses offers sacrifices, the style of the whole world changed an appearance. 就仿佛在她选择自我献祭之后,整个世界的画风都变了一副模样。 However quick, a howling wind sound/rumor that the ear hears then broke her indulging in flights of fancy. 然而很快,耳边传来的一阵呼啸风声便打断了她的胡思乱想。 That swelling abnormal giant bends the waist toward her. 那个肿胀畸形的巨人朝她弯下了腰。 All...... have not been able to stop......” “一切……已经无法停止……” It is whooshing, the whole body spout the black mud of filthy out-of-control, that once delicate and pretty, the appearance of blonde young people are nothing left, now displaces, but has the fearsome monster of human form outline. 它嘶吼着,全身喷涌着污浊失控的黑色泥浆,那副曾经俊美的、金发年轻人的模样早已荡然无存,如今取而代之的,只是一个大致有着人形轮廓的可怖怪物。 Its half-length proliferates the mouth of spreading across, the canine advantage space between teeth is transmitting makes the friction and whispering that one is afraid, its head cracks in front of Agatha slowly, in the opening proliferated the venomous eyeball, the element has been corroding and replaced this monster once human body thoroughly, it has become part of that mud, even...... some were huge, more confused will part. 它的半身遍布着纵横交错的嘴巴,尖牙利齿间传来令人不寒而栗的摩擦与低语,它的头颅则在阿加莎面前缓缓开裂,裂口中遍布着充满恶意的眼球,原素已经彻底侵蚀并取代了这怪物曾经的人类躯体,它已成为那一池泥浆的一部分,甚至……某个更加庞大,更加错乱的意志的一部分。 This swelling giant is staring at Agatha with its countless eye stubbornly, the mud that its side spreads had been lit, the flame even spread on its body in reverse, however this monster as if did not have the pain, but is repeating repeatedly: „It is not able to stop...... not being able to stop...... wrongly, wrong......” 这肿胀巨人用它的无数眼睛死死盯着阿加莎,它身边蔓延出的泥浆已经被点燃,火焰甚至逆向延烧到了它的身体上,然而这怪物却仿佛丝毫没有痛苦,只是一遍遍重复着:“无法停止……无法停止……错误,错误……” You had been defeated,” Agatha begins supinely, is looking at each other with that monster, flows the flame that to twist the surrounding air from her eye socket, you should be able to feel, so-called channel had shut off the opposition process between —— mirror and Reality stops.” “你们已经失败了,”阿加莎仰起头,与那怪物对视着,从她眼眶中流淌出的火焰扭曲着周围的空气,“你应该能感觉到,所谓的‘通道’已经被切断——镜像和现实之间的反相过程停止了。” Stops?” That monster as if because of the Agatha last few words, but sobered suddenly the flash, in the eyeball of that innumerable variation, appeared again resenting of being human, stupid...... you think that you did offer sacrifices oneself...... we not to have other sacrificial offering?!” “停止?”那怪物似乎因阿加莎的最后一句话而突然清醒了一瞬间,在那无数变异的眼球中,再一次浮现出了属于人类的愤恨,“愚蠢……你以为你献祭了自己……我们就没有别的祭品了吗?!” Agatha is startled. 阿加莎一怔。 The next second, she then noticed that giant raised both hands —— that pair of arm to change suddenly high suddenly, the twig swift and violent growth and differentiation that as if cracked withered, turned into the thorn shape structure, and pricked the roof and neighbor each pipeline of volume of conference site, but in thorn sharp thorns, there is a weak flash to walk randomly fast, just like fluttering fireflies. 下一秒,她便看到那巨人突然高高扬起了双手——那双手臂骤然变化,仿佛干枯开裂的枝杈般迅猛生长、分化,变成大片大片的荆棘状结构,并刺入集会场的屋顶和附近的每一条管道,而在荆棘尖刺之间,又有微弱的闪光飞快游走,宛若流萤。 From this thorn grove deep place, then transmitted wild with joy shouting —— 从这“荆棘树丛”深处,则传来了狂喜般的呼喊—— I saw! I understood! I understood! “我看到了!我理解了!我明白了! How great creation! How grand blueprint!...... I have comprehended your intention to the lord of great highest sage, I have comprehended...... remould this world, right, remoulds...... us, as well as this world myriad things, will be born again the —— followers from the flesh of god, sacrifice time arrived!” “多么伟岸的创造!多么宏伟的蓝图!至伟至圣的主啊……我已领悟您的意图,我已领悟……重塑这个世界,对,重塑……我们所有人,以及这世间万物,都会从神的血肉中再次降生——信徒们啊,牺牲的时候到了!” Sacrifice time arrived!” “牺牲的时候到了!” In ground warfare squad shocking gaze that in Agatha as well as Lawrence lead, in the hall all Annihilationists of surviving start to cheer wild with joy, they as if really obtained anything to come from the enlightenment of truth, in this but loudly in cheering, jumped to plunge business hall that mud! 阿加莎以及劳伦斯率领的陆战小队震惊的注视中,大厅内所有残存的湮灭教徒都开始狂喜地欢呼起来,他们就仿佛真的得到了什么源自真理的启示,在这轰然而起的欢呼中,一个个纵身扑向大厅中央那一池泥浆! ( I have a bold idea!) (我有个大胆的想法!)
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