DSE :: Volume #5

#428: Sets on fire to burn the god

The flash flows in the thorn clump, ancient God the thought spreads in the darkness, the slit of broken body among across thorns, the will of creakying is crossing the crazy and crazy simple-minded abyss. 闪光在荆棘丛中流淌,古神的思维在黑暗中蔓延,残破的身躯穿过荆棘间的狭缝,摇摇欲坠的意志在越过疯狂与痴愚的深渊。 oneself already, in this in space that is flooding the chaos how long went through? How many have oneself contacted to come from the pollution of ancient god? oneself now is a complete individual, or merely will be one, soon by the fragment of this chaos assimilation absorption in the chaos will flutter? 自己已经在这个充斥着混沌的空间里穿行了多久?自己已经接触了多少源自古神的污染?自己现在到底是一个完整的个体,亦或者仅仅是一个在混沌中飘荡的、即将被这片混沌同化吸收的碎片? Agatha has not distinguished clear, her anything resolution is unclear, she even cannot distinguish boundary —— between oneself this bodies and surrounding big piece chaos in her field of vision, oneself this body as if one group in the printing ink that in the water gradually dissipates, what the body edge presents is fuzzy, the liquid dizzy dyes the sense of reality, she as if not take a step to lead the way in this darkness, but is close viscous fluid the forward flow in a group and in the oneself body nature. 阿加莎已经分辨不清,她什么也分辨不清,她甚至分辨不出自己这具身体和周围大片混沌之间的边界——在她的视野中,自己这具躯体就仿佛一团正在水中逐渐逸散开的油墨,身体边缘呈现出的是模模糊糊、液体晕染般的质感,她仿佛不是在这片黑暗中迈步前行,而是在一团和自己身体性质相近的粘稠流体中向前流动着。 She knows, must reach the limit the —— element, she does not know that this thing did have the creation to pass away the myriad things, what was obvious, they created her now this body. 她知道,一切就要到极限了——原素,她不知道这东西到底有没有创造过世间万物,但显而易见的是,它们创造了她如今这具躯体。 The ice dissolves in the water, atomizes in wind, condenses the sham that from the element, will return to this element constitution sea, but in this body so-called individual will, quick will also turn into this chaos sea a unremarkable luminous spot, becomes these in the glimmer that in the thorn clump walks randomly unceasingly nutrient. 冰溶于水,雾化于风,从原素中凝聚出来的赝品,会回到这原素构成的“大海”,而这具躯体里面的所谓“个人意志”,很快也会变成这片混沌“大海”中一个不起眼的光点,成为那些在荆棘丛中不断游走的微光的“养分”。 She is only a sham, she is only a shadow, she has the memory of 24 years of life, in that memory has her hometown, her ally, she deeply loves in all —— but that 24 years of lives that and loathes truly to belong her, perhaps only has three days, or is shorter. 她只是个赝品,她只是个影子,她有着二十四年人生的记忆,那记忆中有她的故乡,她的战友,她热爱和厌恶的一切——但那二十四年人生中真正属于她的,或许只有三天,亦或更短。 Why does not know, Winston Magistrate sound as if reverberates suddenly in the mind, has the sigh, brings to regret —— 不知为何,温斯顿执政官的声音仿佛突然在脑海中回荡起来,带着叹息,带着遗憾—— No significance......” “没有任何意义……” The living person who has the real life so gave own to make the illustration in this endless darkness entire life, a sham of three days of life is actually passing through the darkness, attempted to face directly ancient God. 一个有着真实人生的活人在这片无尽的黑暗中如此给自己的一生做了注解,一个只有三天生命的赝品却在穿过黑暗,妄图去直面古神。 Really stupid......” “真蠢啊……” Agatha said with a sigh in a soft voice, her sound melted in this darkness, changes to the weak ripples, but in her mind, the inexhaustible information is fluctuating, „0” and 1 the mysterious will of constitution is washing out her mind. 阿加莎轻声叹息道,她的声音在这片黑暗中消融,化作微弱的涟漪,而在她脑海中,无穷无尽的信息正在涨涨落落,“0”和“一”构成的神秘意志冲刷着她的脑海。 She knows, oneself must melt in this huge will ——, even if here just stored up ancient God to flash in some instantaneous thought reads, its huge scale was not oneself small and weak mind can compare. 她知道,自己就要消融在这庞大的意志中了——哪怕这里只不过储存了古神在某一个瞬间的思维“闪念”,其庞大的规模也不是自己弱小的心智能够比拟的。 However are not related, she has arrived. 不过没关系,她已经到了。 She has passed through that huge jungle that is constituted by the thorn, arrives at this dark most deep place. 她已经穿过那片由荆棘构成的庞大丛林,来到这黑暗的最深处。 That say/way supports greatly day column touches wrist calmly to stand and wait for a long time in her at present, the great column surface is proliferating the wrapped in a shroud of obscurity dark blue thin lines, in the background of dim chaos, just like some milestone of recording the ancient truth. 那道撑天巨柱般的“触腕”就静静地伫立在她眼前,巨柱表面遍布着神秘莫测的暗蓝色细纹,在昏暗混沌的背景中,宛若某种记录着古老真理的丰碑。 Agatha raised the head slowly, puts out a hand, attempts to touch that thing. 阿加莎慢慢抬起头,又伸出手去,尝试着触碰那东西。 The black fragment and mist and dust ascend to flutter in her field of vision. 黑色的碎片和烟尘在她视野中升腾飘荡。 Her skin had been delimited the innumerable wounds by the thorn, the black mud material just like at this moment the fog gushes out from within the body, and escape and ablation the surrounding space, the black fragments and mist and dust of these ascension, the thing that flutters from her within the body. 她的皮肤早已被荆棘划出无数伤口,黑色泥浆般的物质此刻正如雾般从体内涌出,并逸散、消融进周围的空间,那些升腾的黑色碎片与烟尘,就是从她体内飘出来的东西。 Agatha felt, oneself looked covered certainly entirely crack fearsome puppet like a whole body at this time, even if entangled the full bandage again, feared that could not cover this terrifying appearance. 阿加莎觉得,自己这时候看起来一定就像一个浑身布满裂缝的可怖人偶,哪怕再缠满绷带,怕也掩盖不住这幅恐怖的模样。 Meanwhile, ancient God touches wrist not to respond to her touching. 与此同时,古神的“触腕”也没有回应她的触碰。 It has not shown the powerful prestige energy, has not exposed any terrifying side, it has not even displayed any to respond that to the stimulation the —— fingertip transmits, only then slightly icy cold and soft touch, moreover brings roughly some. 它没有展现出强大的威能,也没有展露任何恐怖的一面,它甚至没有对外界刺激表现出任何反应——指尖传来的,只有略微冰凉且柔软的触感,而且带着些许粗糙。 Is because here is only a illusion that projects from the deep sea? Because own exists tiny, can't cause ancient God to pay attention? 是因为这里只是从深海中投影上来的一幕幻象?还是因为自己的存在过于渺小,以至于都不能引起古神注意? Agatha knits the brows, was pondering in this final time, oneself also has something the matter that handles, but after the ponder of very long period of time, she discovered oneself has had nothing to do probably. 阿加莎皱了皱眉,思考着在这最后时刻,自己还有什么可做的事情,但在很长一段时间的思考之后,她发现自己好像已经没什么可做的了。 She had arrived at the end point, understood this dark truth, she passed through thorn clump that is symbolizing the ancient god thought that also witnessed Deep Sea Sacred Lord some appearance/portrait —— in this dark end even, she also touched this ancient God touching wrist personally. 她已经到了终点,了解了这片黑暗的真相,她穿过了象征着古神思维的荆棘丛,又在这黑暗尽头目睹了幽邃圣主的一部分真容——甚至,她还亲手触碰了这古神的触腕。 Does not have more truth to be possible for oneself to excavate again, did not have more missions to wait for oneself to complete —— this last section of road to fulfill the Gatekeeper responsibility, poured is more like to satisfy a own point held to read. 再无更多真相可供自己发掘,也无更多使命等待自己去完成了——这最后一段路与其说是为了履行守门人的责任,倒更像是为了满足自己的一点执念。 Now, this/should rest. 现在,该休息了。 Therefore Agatha shouted the tone gently, making the own body relax, slowly has turned around, leans on by that giant touching wrist, like leaning on a pillar. 于是阿加莎轻轻呼了口气,让自己的身体放松下来,慢慢转过身,倚靠在那巨大的触腕旁边,就像倚靠着一根柱子。 I should not have the soul to start off......” in the Agatha mind to emit some strange thoughts suddenly, is muttering in the darkness, but is quick she to self-ridicule that shakes the head with a smile, „ surely does not have, if I have the soul, across that door time definitely to that one side Gatekeeper brings big troublesome......, moreover I passed, she what to do, a person cannot go through a that gate two...... “我应该没有灵魂可以上路吧……”阿加莎脑海中突然冒出一些古怪的念头,靠在黑暗中喃喃自语着,但很快她又自嘲地笑着摇了摇头,“肯定没有,我要是有灵魂的话,穿过那扇门的时候肯定会给那一侧的‘守门人’带来不小麻烦……而且我过去了,‘她’怎么办,一个人又不能穿过那道门两遍…… Does not know that fellows who that side Cathedral how...... went into a well go back...... them not to need to be worried probably......” “也不知道大教堂那边怎么样了……下井的那帮家伙回去没有……不过他们好像也不需要担心……” She is talking to oneself in the darkness like this, seems unable to control the escape of oneself thought that the thing that in the heart thinks, did not say following the words voluntarily. 她就这样在黑暗中自语着,仿佛无法控制自己思维的逸散,心中所想的东西,都不自觉地顺着话语说了出来。 But at this moment, an unusual scalding hot feeling broke her thinking aloud suddenly. 但就在这时,一股异样的灼热感突然打断了她的自言自语。 Agatha from vacant ignorant awakens fiercely. 阿加莎从茫然浑噩中猛地惊醒。 In this flash, she felt that the flame roasted roasts itself, the fearsome scalding hot feeling as if must burn thoroughly the own soul instantaneously, she felt that own mind boils in the flame, almost the thought by here being assimilated had also followed to come soberly, she is struggling setting out in the illusion that this flame commits suicide by fire, does not know that had anything, but the next second, a sound then drills into her mind —— 在这一刹那,她感觉到了火焰炙烤自身,可怖的灼热感仿佛要瞬间烧透自己的灵魂,她感觉自己的心智在火焰中沸腾,原本几乎已经被这里同化的思维也跟着清醒过来,她在这火焰焚身的幻觉中挣扎着起身,不知发生了什么,但下一秒,一个声音便钻入她的脑海—— Fire has lit.” “火已点燃。” That is her own sound. 那是她自己的声音。 In the darkness, Agatha stared in a big way the eye fiercely, she as if noticed that illusion —— she noticed oneself is standing in piece of deep pond before who is surging the black mud, that deep pond edge all was the revolting believer and devil, in the pond the mud tumbled, the malicious spread, she raised both hands before that mire high, such as the torch was common, flaming ignition. 在黑暗中,阿加莎猛地瞪大了眼睛,她仿佛看到一幕幻象——她看到自己正站在一片涌动着黑色泥浆的深池前,那深池边缘皆是令人作呕的教徒与恶魔,池中泥浆翻滚,恶意蔓延,她则在那泥沼前高高举起了双手,如火炬一般,熊熊点燃。 Wipes quiet green appears in the field of vision suddenly, as if the illusion penetrated the boundary between actual situation. 一抹幽绿突然浮现于视野中,仿佛幻象穿透了虚实间的界限。 Agatha lowers the head, saw that oneself had started the arm surface that breaks up to dissipate to ignite the flame, the quiet green flame with oneself in exactly the same that in the illusion sees. 阿加莎低下头,看到自己本已开始崩解逸散的手臂表面正在燃起火焰,幽绿的火焰跟自己在幻象中所见的一模一样。 In channel that in this flame constructs, she felt suddenly —— she felt another thought that another oneself. 在这火焰构筑的通道中,她突然感觉到了——她感觉到另一个思维,另一个自己 The opposite party also felt her. 对方也感觉到了她。 She understands that oneself should make anything —— oneself also to have the matter to do. 她明白自己该做什么了——自己还有事情可做。 Agatha has turned around suddenly, is staring at that direct access to the highest authorities great column touching wrist, on her face had bloomed since stepping into this darkness brightest the smile, the bright brilliance appears from the eyeground again. 阿加莎猛然转过身,盯着那道通天巨柱般的触腕,她脸上绽放出了自踏入这片黑暗以来最灿烂的笑容,明亮的光辉再一次从眼底浮现。 She treads forward one step, touches the wrist to extend both hands toward that her whole body was swallowed by the roaring flame rapidly, the pain that however this flame commits suicide by fire actually as if turned into greatest reward —— Agatha to open the arm at this moment, this was she, oneself that in that illusion saw before the stance of the deep pond making. 她向前踏出一步,朝着那触腕伸出双手,她浑身都迅速被烈焰吞噬,然而这火焰焚身的痛苦此刻却仿佛变成了莫大的奖赏——阿加莎张开手臂,这是她在那一幕幻象中看到的、自己在深池前做出的姿态。 Imitates if hugs, Gatekeeper plunges that say/way to touch the wrist. 仿若拥抱,守门人扑向那道触腕。 The mighty force, will resist another mighty force —— these crazy believers to presumptuously think using Gatekeeper is the sacrificial offering establishes a bridge, but the flame of this flaming combustion, will shut off all these thoroughly. 伟力,将对抗另一道伟力——那些疯狂的教徒妄想利用守门人为祭品建立一道桥梁,但这熊熊燃烧的火焰,将彻底切断这一切。 Bang! 轰! In the darkness transmitted fearsome thundering, the flame almost then swept away the space that this chaos twisted suddenly, in blotting out the sky to sweep across the ascension in spiritual fire, that say/way giant touching wrist then changed to a combustion in an instant the torch, and trembled fiercely in the flame. 黑暗中传来了可怖的轰鸣,火焰几乎眨眼间便横扫了这片混沌扭曲的空间,在铺天盖地席卷升腾的灵体之火中,那道巨大的触腕刹那间便化作一根燃烧的火炬,并在火焰中剧烈震颤起来。 Agatha felt rapid ablation of own flesh in flame, oneself this originally by body of contaminating material constitution, at this moment also turned must not have the fear by point of —— but her of flame radical purification, instead is struggling raising the head, returned to the line of sight to look when to oneself came the direction. 阿加莎则感觉到自己的血肉正在火焰中迅速消融,自己这具本就由污染物质构成的躯体,此刻也变成了要被火焰彻底净化的一环——但她丝毫没有恐惧,反而挣扎着抬起头,回过视线看向自己来时的方向。 That piece thorn clump was also lit, in spirit fire that spreads crazily, it looks just like one clump of strange and magnificent crowns. 那片“荆棘丛”也被点燃了,在疯狂延烧的灵火中,它看上去宛若一丛诡异而又壮观的树冠。 Said goodbye...... Winston Magistrate......” “再见了……温斯顿执政官……” Agatha is thinking aloud in a soft voice, makes an effort to enclasp that say/way to touch the wrist in the flame, calmly is waiting for the end of destiny. 阿加莎轻声自言自语着,在火焰中更加用力地抱紧那道触腕,静静等待着命运的终结。 However in the previous quarter that the consciousness will soon dissipate, she felt anything suddenly. 然而就在意识即将消散的前一刻,她突然感觉到了什么。 The flame burnt thoroughly her oneself, burnt thoroughly that say/way to touch the wrist, in bridge that spiritual fire established, she felt that for the first time this ancient God the limbs responded to own. 火焰烧透了她自己,也烧透了那道触腕,在灵体之火建立的桥梁中,她第一次感觉到了这段“古神肢体”对自己的回应。 She raised the head stunned, looks that this touches the wrist to proliferate the trace the surface, looks at fleeing class/flow of flame inside and outside it, feels is injecting the oneself mind from the spirit fire the information, she noticed that this touched the wrist surface as if to open the innumerable only eyes instantaneously, but these eyes are all giving the knowledge and information to her crazily. 她错愕地抬起头,看着这道触腕遍布纹路的表面,看着火焰在它内外窜流,感受着从灵火中注入自己头脑的情报,她看到这触腕表面仿佛瞬间张开了无数只眼睛,而那些眼睛无一不在疯狂地向她传递知识与信息。 Finally, all knowledge and information changed to storm —— in mind 最后,所有的知识与信息都化作了头脑中的一道风暴—— 11101001...... 11100101 11101001……11100101 10001000...... 10010011...... 10001000……10010011…… Big skewer „0” and 1 stuffed the thought of Agatha finally surviving. 大串的“0”和“一”充塞了阿加莎最后残存的思维。 But this time, she understood their meaning. 但这一次,她理解了它们的意思。 Wrong...... replica......” “错误……复制体……” She debated shocking is reading this segment Gushen limbs to the information that oneself transmitted, was understanding Its intention, pieced together the answer finally. 她震惊地辩读着这段古神肢体向自己传达的情报,理解着祂的意图,终于拼凑出答案。 She is staring by the touching wrist that the oneself ignition burns down. 她盯着被自己引火焚毁的触腕。 „Is this also...... the sham?!” “这也是……赝品?!” The next second, the flaming green fire swallowed her final consciousness. 下一秒,熊熊绿火吞噬了她最后的意识。
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