DSE :: Volume #5

#427: Offering sacrifices

Scoffs to draw —— 嗤拉—— The virulent point pierces thoroughly the flesh, on the body that in this was scarred left behind together the meaningless heavy losses, twittering with shouting suddenly to be excited, the divine creative force that these that the ear bank transmitted blasphemed as if because of this struck to go well, but is complacent, sent out the revolting commotion. 恶毒的尖刺穿透血肉,在这具本就伤痕累累的躯体上留下了又一道毫无意义的重创,耳畔传来的呢喃与嘶吼却骤然间兴奋起来,那些亵渎的造物仿佛因这一击得手而洋洋得意着,发出令人作呕的聒噪。 Agatha lifts the hand, repelled with the cane that whole body lived the full spur, had almost completely lost Annihilationists of human shape, near her ear, heard the clear and grating disjunction sound. 阿加莎抬起手,用手杖击退那个浑身生满骨刺的、几乎已经完全失去了人类形态的湮灭教徒,在她耳边,传来清脆而刺耳的折断声。 This sound made her stunned such less than one second, later she realized that was the sound that the own combat cane broke off. 这声音让她错愕了那么一秒不到,随后她才意识到那是自己的作战手杖折断的声响。 Accompanied a oneself many years of weapon to be cut off, in front of enemy who in simply has not exhausted, it has insisted the last step. 陪伴自己多年的武器断掉了,在根本没有穷尽的敌人面前,它已经坚持到了最后一步。 You have done very well, Miss Gatekeeper,” that disgusting the sound that puts on airs resounds again, as a sacrificial offering, appropriate warming-up exercise, although is helpful to the effect of offering sacrifices ceremony, but the movement excessively is not the good deed.” “您已经做得很好了,守门人小姐,”那个令人厌恶的、装腔作势的声音再次响起,“作为一个祭品,适当的准备活动虽然有助于献祭仪式的效果,但运动过量可不是好事。” Agatha is grasping already the cane that breaks, bit by bit raised the head, the dry blood lets her only to open an eye, in narrow, but in the flood red field of vision, she can see clearly the scene in this hall finally. 阿加莎握着已经断裂的手杖,一点一点地抬起头,干涸的血液让她只能睁开一只眼睛,在狭窄而泛红的视野中,她终于能看清这大厅中的情景。 That strange shadow environment removed, presents in her eyes, had been thoroughly transformed the sewer center of sacrificial offering field, wall and corridor channel in all directions find at everywhere the symbol and corroded trace that blasphemed filthily, some as if type of stalagmite or the withered twig thing are covering the above roof, but in the front hall ground, was one huge basin —— 那种诡异的暗影环境褪去了,呈现在她眼中的,是早已被彻底改造成祭祀场的下水道中心,四面八方的墙壁和走廊通道随处可见污浊亵渎的符号与侵蚀痕迹,仿佛某种石笋或干枯枝杈般的东西则覆盖着上方的屋顶,而在前方的大厅地面上,是一处巨大的“水池”—— That once was a ground, at this moment was actually corroded the giant pothole, big hole inside was flooding jet black like the mud viscous thing, that mud turned slowly is welling up, heard by fits and starts the revolting creeping motion sound. 那曾是地面,此刻却被腐蚀出了巨大的坑洞,大坑里面满溢着漆黑如泥浆般的粘稠事物,那泥浆缓慢翻涌着,传来一阵又一阵令人作呕的蠕动声。 Innumerable Annihilationists then revolve in this hall, they, as well as with their associated Nether Demon, as if wait for in the odor cauldron surrounding insect group, is sending out to hall center that jet black mud twittering prays with the demented low roar, but that mud, then in this is similar to the pray of noise becomes even more is full, is even more active. 无数湮灭教徒便围绕在这大厅中,他们,以及和他们伴生的幽邃恶魔们,就仿佛守候在恶臭大锅周围的虫群,在对着大厅中心那一池漆黑的泥浆发出呢喃祝祷与癫狂低吼,而那一池泥浆,便在这如同噪声的祈祷中变得愈发充盈,愈发活跃。 This is offering sacrifices, they in waiting final sacrificial offering, but in these heretic minds sacrificial offering, is Cold Frost City-State Gatekeeper. 这是一个献祭现场,他们在等待最终的祭品,而这些狂徒心目中的“祭品”,就是寒霜城邦守门人 They also duplicated another Gatekeeper before then, now that Gatekeeper is also arriving in some offering sacrifices. 他们在此之前还复制出了另一个守门人,现在那个守门人也在抵达某个献祭现场。 Thinks the action of free will, is actually moving toward the scheduled stage, you did not think that this arrangement does have...... the aesthetic sense very much?” “自以为自由意志的行动,其实只是在走向预定的舞台,您不觉得这种安排很具有……美感吗?” In that black mud center, keeps the young people of golden short hair to open both hands toward Agatha, he still has the delicate and pretty face, however his entire lower part has actually changed to the swelling creeping motion the deposit, he at this moment impressively is some that mud extends and distort whisker terminal, is simulating the appearance of human with the revolting way. 在那一池黑色泥浆中心,留着金色短发的年轻人向着阿加莎张开双手,他仍旧有着俊美的脸庞,然而他的整个下半身却已经化作肿胀蠕动的堆积物,此刻的他赫然是那一池泥浆延伸、变形出来的某种“触须末端”,用令人作呕的方式模拟着人类的模样。 Ok, the time was up, you had also adapted to here circumstances, now goes forward one step, time of offering sacrifices.” “好了,时间差不多了,您也已经适应了这里的环境,现在上前一步吧,献祭的时刻到了。” The pond of edge mud, gradually raised like touching the wrist limbs, it grew from the mud, its terminal actually changed to the dagger hard sharp structure gradually. 泥浆之池边缘,逐渐升起了一道如同触腕般的肢体,它从泥浆中生长出来,其末端却渐渐化作匕首般坚硬锋利的结构。 This seizes offering sacrifices of humanity life to touch the wrist to turn toward the Agatha direction to move slowly. 这夺人性命的献祭触腕慢慢向着阿加莎的方向移动。 Agatha actually calmly looks at it, suddenly said in a low voice: Almost...... to this position......” 阿加莎却只是静静地看着它,突然低声说道:“差不多……到这个位置了……” She reaches out the chest slowly. 她慢慢向胸口伸出手。 But in the next second, her movement stopped suddenly. 但就在下一秒,她的动作突然停了下来。 In this flash, she lost to the control of oneself body. 在这一瞬间,她失去了对自己身体的掌控。 I know that you want to make anything, some type...... not, in we plan the action.” “我知道您想做点什么,某种……不在我们计划中的行动。” In becomes in the slow sensation suddenly, she hears the voice of that blonde young people to transmit from the opposite, she exhausts wants to raise the head full power, actually can only see the form of opposite party in the field of vision edge. 在骤然变得迟钝的感知中,她听到那个金发年轻人的声音从对面传来,她用尽全力想抬起头,却只能在视野边缘看到对方的一点身影。 „ It is regrettable, to prevent the sacrificial offering loses control, haven't we security measures—— you discovered in preparation from the beginning ‚? Your this walks, eliminated so many shams, even eliminated my more than ten incarnations, all these...... actually make you bind little in the city of this mirror together. “可是很遗憾,为了防止祭品失控,我们从一开始就在准备‘安全措施’——您没有发现吗?您这一路走来,一路消灭了那么多的赝品,甚至消灭了我十几个化身,这一切……其实都只是让您一点点与这座镜像之城绑定在一起罢了。 „ Do you feel oneself more and more to be able the sensation to the position of this sanctum? Feeling oneself can more and more clearly smelling to our these heresy flavor? You have thought that why will have this change? “您觉得自己越来越能感知到这处圣所的位置?觉得自己能越来越清晰地‘嗅’到我们这些‘异端’的味道?那您有没有想过,为什么会有这种变化? „Very simple, before you arrive here, you are our crew, Madame.” “很简单,在您抵达这里之前,您已经是我们的一员了,女士。” Agatha lifted the head finally, before her, that say/way sharp sharp thorn little close to the own heart, but oneself this body, is still not able to move. 阿加莎终于抬起了头颅,在她面前,那道锐利的尖刺正一点点靠近自己的心脏,而自己这具身体,仍然无法移动。 By the present, she understands finally oneself this comes to feel being out of sorts feeling of what's the matter, understands why these heretic must send out so many cannon fodders to come with oneself to do consumption tactic futile. 到现在,她终于明白自己这一路而来所感觉到的违和感是怎么回事,明白过来为什么这些邪教徒要徒劳无功地派出那么多炮灰喽啰来跟自己搞“消耗战术”了。 All, for pollution of influencing subtly. 一切,都是为了潜移默化的污染。 The next second, that say/way sharp sharp thorn not pricked her heart sluggishly. 下一秒,那道锐利的尖刺毫无迟滞地刺入了她的心脏。 In the pond of silt, blonde heretic lifts up high both hands suddenly, in the Gatekeeper heart pierced instance, he sends out the wild with joy prayer: Sacrificial offering has offered! The life of this disciple will advocate the first step that as me the state arrives at! Shouted loudly the name of Sacred Lord, welcomed promises day!” 淤泥之池中,金发的邪教徒猛然高举起双手,在守门人心脏被洞穿的瞬间,他发出狂喜的祷告:“祭品已献上!这圣徒的生命将作为吾主国度降临的第一步!高呼圣主之名,恭迎应许之日!” In a flash, in the hall all heretic shouted loudly, these fell into abundance wild with joy with Demonic Symbiosis and abnormal fearsome form, is shouting the Deep Sea Sacred Lord given name in demented, some people brandished the dagger that carried along, cut the flesh crazily, poured into the own blood the black mud that business hall surged, even their devils fell into frantically, sent out various crazy confused calling out! 一瞬间,大厅中所有的邪教徒都高呼起来,那些与恶魔共生、畸形可怖的身影纷纷陷入了狂喜,在癫狂中呼喊着幽邃圣主的名号,又有人挥舞起随身携带的匕首,疯狂地划破自身血肉,将自己的血注入那大厅中央涌动的黑色泥浆中,甚至连他们身旁的恶魔都陷入了狂热,发出各种各样疯狂错乱的嚎叫! However in such crazy confused calling out, the black material in pond of that mud actually surged fiercely for several seconds, gradually the return is then tranquil. 然而就在这样疯狂错乱的嚎叫中,那泥浆之池中的黑色物质却只是剧烈涌动了几秒,便渐渐回归平静。 Central blonde heretic situated in basin detected finally difference, he awakens from wild with joy suddenly, looks startled is returning to the tranquil basin, the vision then looked that pierces the sharp thorn of disciple heart to that say/way, looked that to was standing is offering sacrifices Gatekeeper of edge. 位于“水池”中心的金发邪教徒终于察觉到了异样,他从狂喜中猛然惊醒,愕然地看着正回归平静的水池,紧接着目光便看向那道刺穿圣徒心脏的尖刺,看向了正站在献祭场边缘的守门人 Is scarred, pale Gatekeeper. 伤痕累累、脸色苍白的守门人 „...... Don't you have the life?!” That heretic loses finally arrogantly with the demeanor, incomparably is pointing at Agatha stunned, why you...... are you a corpse?!” “……你没有生命?!”那狂徒终于失去高傲与风度,错愕无比地指着阿加莎,“你……你为什么是一具尸体?!” Agatha looks at him tranquilly, at this moment, her corners of the mouth show a wisp of smile finally. 阿加莎平静地看着他,这一刻,她嘴角终于露出一缕笑容。 Although I previously do not want to understand the you ultimate goal, but as Gatekeeper, how I unable to detect being out of sorts change on oneself body......” “虽然我此前没有想明白伱们最终的目的,但作为守门人,我怎么会察觉不到自己身体上的违和变化……” Is saying, she while lifted the arm slowly, seems like, as the expiration of offering sacrifices ceremony, she felt that this body is gradually returning the own control. 一边说着,她一边慢慢抬起了胳膊,似乎是随着献祭仪式的失效,她感觉到这具身体正在逐渐重新回到自己的掌控。 In realizing you wants to direct the collection conference site me, realized that this possibly is some after offering sacrifices ceremony that demands the life, I handled a matter......” “在意识到你们就是想把我引到集会场,意识到这可能是某种索求生命的献祭仪式之后,我就做了一件事情……” She held that to prick the sharp thorn of oneself heart little, the finger gradually makes an effort, but the silk threads green flame in she referred to the seams flowing, toward that sharp thorn infiltration. 她一点点抓住了那刺入自己心脏的尖刺,手指逐渐用力,而丝丝缕缕绿色的火焰则在她指缝间流淌,向着那尖刺渗透。 She lifts the eye, is gazing at heretic in pond of mud. 她抬起眼睛,注视着泥浆之池中的邪教徒 All heresies offered sacrifices to base on blood —— I to drain the own blood.” “一切异端献祭都基于鲜血——我放干了自己的血。” You...... you know that what oneself made!?” That heretic glares angrily, aims at the finger of Agatha to shiver fiercely, you...... your......” “你……你知道自己做了什么!?”那狂徒怒目圆睁,指向阿加莎的手指剧烈颤抖,“你……你这……” Doesn't matter, is the minor matter,” Agatha actually smiles shaking the head , the flame that in the finger dissipates are being getting more and more, can deliver to well the fire seed......” “没关系,都是小事,”阿加莎却只是微笑着摇了摇头,手指中逸散的火焰越来越多,“能把火种送到就好……” You said assorted......” “你说什……” heretic subconscious opens the mouth in pond of mud, however he finishes barely the words, another deafening thundering then transmits from collection conference site another end suddenly, the earth-shattering sound destroyed in this offering sacrifices ceremony instantaneously strength of —— final maintenance 泥浆之池中的邪教徒下意识开口,然而他话音未落,另一阵震耳欲聋的轰鸣便突然从集会场另一端传来,天崩地裂般的动静瞬间摧毁了这场献祭仪式中最后的维系之力—— The leaf of front door of collection conference site deep place, as well as by the front door big piece wall, entire was blown off by the high explosive! 集会场深处的一扇大门,以及大门旁的大片墙壁,被烈性炸药整个炸飞! Bang!!” “轰!!” The stone breaks up, the cement flutters about, the fragments and innumerable mixed black strange materials of front door such as the broken piece of shell sweeps across this assembly hall, was blown off at the scene from that door recent several heretic, has the surplus believers to send out to call out in alarm —— 土石崩解,水泥纷飞,大门的碎片和无数混杂其中的黑色诡异物质如炮弹的破片般席卷进这集会大厅,距离那扇门最近的几个邪教徒当场就被炸飞出去,更有剩余的教徒发出惊呼—— They broke through the front door!” “他们突破大门了!” Is impossible! How their dozens years cannot break through...... one crowd of illusory images possibly to break their own circulation!?” “不可能!他们几十年都没能突破……一群幻影怎么可能打破他们自己的循环!?” The pond of center mud, the believer leader of that blonde turns the head looks at to exploding the direction in the shock, but has not waited for him to see clearly these form that to/clashes from the gate of thorn, the green flame that shoots up to the sky together then ascends in his field of vision edge. 泥浆之池中心,那金发的教徒首领在震惊中转头看向爆炸的方向,但还不等他看清那些从荆棘之门对面冲进来的身影,一道冲天而起的绿色火光便在他视野边缘升腾起来。 He has transferred the line of sight, saw that should give to the Deep Sea Sacred Lord sacrificial offering unexpectedly already by the flame package, flaming combustion in together fearsome spirit body roaring flame! 他转过视线,看到原本应献给幽邃圣主的祭品竟已被火焰包裹,在一道可怖的灵体烈焰中熊熊燃烧! In collection conference site deep place that front door blasted out instance, Agatha shook off the control of offering sacrifices ceremony finally completely, in this extremely short time, she ignited that fire seed. 在集会场深处那道大门被炸开的瞬间,阿加莎终于完全挣脱了献祭仪式的控制,在这极短的时间内,她引燃了那火种。 The fuel is her oneself. 燃料是她自己 The spirit fire ascends! 灵火升腾! In field of vision that was flooded by the spooky green flame suddenly, Agatha saw that basin opposite wall has collapsed a large cave/hole, one crowd of whole bodies are burning with the oneself same green flame, appearance seemed like the person of sailor to crash in the hall. 在骤然被幽幽绿焰充斥的视野中,阿加莎看到“水池”对面的墙壁已经坍塌出一个大洞,一群浑身燃烧着和自己一样绿色火焰的、模样像是水手的人冲进了大厅。 Their flame, with the fire seed that on oneself lights intensely the resonance. 他们身上的火焰,与自己身上点燃的火种在强烈地共鸣。 Agatha smiles. 阿加莎微笑起来。 The knowledge enters the mind, she has understood. 知识进入脑海,她已然明白。 In the roaring flame, she opens both hands slowly, such as welcomed, raised upwardly. 在烈焰中,她慢慢张开双手,如恭迎般,向上扬起。 Fire has lit.” “火已点燃。”
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