DSE :: Volume #5

#426: Final counter-attack

Some sounds are reverberating in the corridor deep place, the combination is indistinct, does not distinguish clear. 有声音在走廊深处回响着,却混杂缥缈,分辨不清。 In that as if there is cold wind sound/rumor, has ambiguously twittering whispered, there is footsteps that resounded crowded, as well as sound of gunfire. 那里面似乎有冷冽的风声,有含混的呢喃低语,也有密集响起的脚步,以及枪声。 All combined in together, all lost the obvious boundary, the whole world on as if are gradually rubbed one group, no longer had all around, no longer has yesterday the present —— on such as at present this dim corridor that is flooding the mist, as if can embezzle the myriad things murkily. 一切都混杂在一起了,一切都失去了明显的边界,整个世界就仿佛正在被逐渐揉成一团,不再有前后左右,也不再有昨日今朝——就如眼前这条充斥着雾气的昏暗走廊,昏昏沉沉地仿佛能吞没万物。 The old person of lower back rickets is stepping the footsteps of limping, is leading the way in the corridor slowly, in the hand is carrying the big spanner bumps into the pipeline on nearby wall occasionally, exudes the low and deep strange impact noise. 腰背佝偻的老人迈着蹒跚的脚步,在走廊中慢慢前行着,手中拎着的大扳手偶尔碰到附近墙壁上的管道,发出低沉怪异的撞击声。 Who is oneself? Here? Where can oneself go? Why can go to that place? 自己是谁?这里是哪?自己要去什么地方?为什么要去那个地方? The attack started...... 0 : 00 o'clock at night time, is the queen guard starts the time of attack, what thing but can attack specifically? Which direction can also in attack? 进攻开始了……午夜零点的时候,是女王卫队发动进攻的时间,但具体要进攻什么东西?又是要朝哪个方向进攻? In the old ghost murky mind has some disorderly shatter ideas once for a while, memories of some remote discolorations, but is quick, these things will melt —— in his ignorant brain he will think occasionally oneself seems walking on path that in two will split, the chaotic sensation and experience memory will pester in this body continuous, but sometimes, he thought that oneself actually has stayed in same place, was waiting for 50 years of order same place. 老鬼昏昏沉沉的头脑中时不时冒出一些凌乱破碎的想法,一些久远褪色的记忆,但很快,这些东西又都消融在他那浑浑噩噩的大脑中——他偶尔会觉得自己仿佛正行走在两条分裂开的道路上,混乱的感知和经历记忆在这具躯体内纠缠不休,但有时候,他又觉得自己其实一直停留在原地,在原地等待了五十年的命令。 The big spanner hits on anything, sends out to work as lang one, the old ghost lowers the head slowly, sees that is helmet —— black, narrow side, has the symbol of queen guard, the 50 years ago things, could not have seen now. 大扳手撞在什么东西上,发出当啷一声,老鬼迟钝地低下头,看到那是一顶头盔——黑色,窄边,带着女王卫队的记号,五十年前的东西,现在已经见不到了。 He looks at that helmet, looks at it to fall in the place, rumble rolls to nearby discharge tunnel, as if has anything to struggle to crawl from the discharge tunnel, but quick fuses together with the surrounding darkness, vanishes does not see. 他愣愣地看着那头盔,看着它掉落在地,咕噜噜地滚到一旁的排水道中,似乎有什么东西挣扎着从排水道里爬起来,但很快又和周围的黑暗融为一体,消失不见。 He sends out ambiguous muttering , to continue to take a step to walks dark, seems entering one group of condensing jet black silt deep places gradually, how long then crossed did not know, he stopped the footsteps in the end of this corridor finally. 他发出含混的咕哝,继续迈步向黑暗走去,仿佛正渐渐走进一团凝聚的漆黑淤泥深处,然后又过了不知多久,他才终于在这条走廊的尽头停下了脚步。 The smog and black material —— that these things the staggered pipeline, the crushed stone of collapsing, among the crushed stones surges block the path that the old person went forward, he stopped here, somewhat looks at all around puzzled. 交错的管道,坍塌的碎石,还有碎石之间涌动的烟雾和黑色物质——这些东西挡住了老人前进的道路,他在这里停了下来,有些困惑地看着四周。 He does not know this place, even does not remember that in the second waterway has had such place, but he stopped here, because...... here has anything to wait for oneself to complete. 他不认识这个地方,甚至不记得第二水路里有过这么个地方,但他就是在这里停了下来,因为……这里有什么事情等着自己去完成。 The old ghost lowers the head, looks by a crushed stone water, in the water, reflects he to fill the puzzled eye. 老鬼低下头,看着碎石旁边的一片积水,积水中,倒映着他充满困惑的眼睛。 What can oneself come to here to make? 自己要来这里做什么呢? In the meantime, in that water shone upon strange scene —— suddenly 就在此时,那积水中突然映照出了一丝陌生的光景—— The soldiers of queen guard trod to break in the corridor to swarm the endless monster, the firearms and bayonets in their hand the sham anomaly one after another will change to the ice-cold dry mud, but in their place visited, on the wall no longer had the silt to infiltrate, even the darkness as if retrogression in corridor were many. 女王卫队的士兵踏破了走廊中蜂拥无尽的怪物,他们手中的枪械与刺刀将一波又一波的赝品怪胎化作冰冷干涸的泥浆,而在他们所过之处,墙壁上不再有淤泥渗透,甚至连走廊中的黑暗都仿佛消退不少。 All just like Lawrence guess such: Queen guard has itself, in suppressing this mirror City-State pollution. 一切正如劳伦斯猜测的那样:女王卫队的存在本身,就是在抑制这座镜像城邦中的“污染”。 If the matter in this City-State regards as the resistances of two strengths, then these mud monsters and queen guards obviously respectively are these two opposition strengths manifests ——, but such opposition and entanglement, have possibly continued of half a century. 如果将这座城邦中发生的事情视作两股力量的对抗,那么那些泥浆怪物和女王卫队显然分别就是这两股对立力量的体现——而这样的对立和纠缠,可能已经持续了半个世纪之久。 The ground warfare squad that Lawrence leads is running in the corridor fast, along way that the queen guard paves, their dozen minutes then run the beforehand several hours the distance that is hard to break through, but in this all the way, Lawrence have been observing and pondered unceasingly. 劳伦斯带领的陆战小队飞快地在走廊中奔跑着,沿着女王卫队开辟出的道路,他们十几分钟便跑过了之前几个小时都难以突破的路程,而在这一路上,劳伦斯一直在不断地观察和思考。 He does to understand that in the attempt the essence of this queen guard, established to exchange —— with these illusory images in the attempt his all attempts to be but defeated. 他在尝试搞明白这支女王卫队的本质,更在尝试跟这些幻影建立交流——但他所有的尝试都失败了。 The queen guard cannot see him, even simply had not detected that existences of their these unexpected visitors, these soldier probably the memory of the remote history projecting, but is repeating one to happen in dozens years ago fights mechanically, they advance, the fire, preying, drops down......, but all these, were perhaps happening in the past dozens years every day. 女王卫队看不到他,甚至根本没有察觉到他们这些不速之客的存在,这些士兵就好像一段从遥远历史中投影过来的记忆,只是在机械地重复着一场发生于几十年前的战斗,他们推进,射击,搏杀,倒下……而这一切,在过去的几十年里恐怕每天都在发生。 The information of Martha about queen guard is right, but is not completely obviously right. 玛莎关于女王卫队的情报是对的,但显然不完全对。 He does not have the means helper to establish the cooperation with these. 他没办法跟这些“帮手”建立合作。 Captain! They cannot see us, what to do should this?” A sailor runs over, said side Lawrence loudly, follows to run depending on our more than ten people, can probably 't help?” 船长!他们看不见咱们,这该怎么办?”一名水手跑了过来,在劳伦斯身旁大声说道,“光凭咱们十几个人跟着跑,好像也帮不上什么忙啊?” The Lawrence look somewhat complex, looks subconsciously to the small mirror of chest, the Martha sound actually first step spreads from inside: Do not ask me, I do not know how at present this situation does —— I to know their existences, has not dealt with them......” 劳伦斯神色有些复杂,下意识地看向胸口的小镜子,玛莎的声音却先一步从里面传出:“别问我,我也不知道眼前这情况怎么搞——我只是知道他们的存在,又没跟他们打过交道……” During speeches, there is an indistinct fire sound to spread from the mirror: That side Martha is very obviously busy, situation not compared with sewer simple many. 说话间,又有隐隐约约的炮火声从镜子中传出:玛莎那边显然很忙,局势并不比下水道这边简单多少。 „Are queen guard these years on repeating this fight?” The Lawrence loud opens the mouth, „is the result of that fight also each time same?!” “女王卫队这些年就只是在重复这场战斗?”劳伦斯大声开口,“那每次战斗的结果也一样?!” Yes, result each time is the same they appears at 0 : 00 o'clock at night, then abates in the next integral point, they are unable to break through the hindrance of end each time!” “是的,每次的结果都是一样他们在午夜零点出现,然后在下一个整点消退,他们每次都无法突破尽头的阻碍!” Isn't able to break through the hindrance of end? 无法突破尽头的阻碍? Lawrence hears word is on the rise subconsciously, looked that to direction that group of illusory image soldiers charge. 劳伦斯闻言下意识抬头,看向那群幻影士兵冲锋的方向。 They are firing into corridor most deep place, in the space of that dark chaos, the rich evil intention on such as has the sludge of essence to be the same, turns in his sensation wells up. 他们在冲向走廊最深处,在那黑暗混沌的空间中,浓郁的恶意就如具备实质的污泥一般,在他的感知中翻涌。 I understood!” Lawrence said suddenly loudly. “我明白了!”劳伦斯突然大声说道。 The Martha sound conveys from the mirror: What did you understand?!” 玛莎的声音从镜子中传来:“你明白什么了?!” However Lawrence could not actually have attended to the reply mirror the issue of person, after detected indistinctly oneself this/should matter of doing, he takes the own subordinate immediately, picks up the speed to run forward. 然而劳伦斯却已经顾不上回答镜中人的问题,在隐隐约约察觉到自己该做的事情之后,他立刻带上了自己的部下,加快速度向前跑去。 Meanwhile, the fight in corridor is also tending to the whiteglow, the queen guard is initiating the soldier who the final charge —— innumerable illusory images unify to angrily roar, in the weapon with the hand is eliminating the stop in their front monsters, has the soldier to drop down unceasingly, changes to the bubble that in the air dissipates, has the monster to drop down unceasingly, changes flows in the mud to both sides drain, but with continuing of this fierce battle, the entire shock troops finally arrives in this corridor gradually the end. 与此同时,走廊中的战斗也在趋于白热,女王卫队正在发起最后的冲锋——无数幻影凝聚的战士怒吼着,用手中武器消灭着阻拦在他们面前的怪物,不断有战士倒下,化作空气中消散的泡影,也不断有怪物倒下,化作流淌到两侧排水沟中的泥浆,而随着这激烈战斗的持续,整支冲锋队终于渐渐抵达这条走廊的尽头。 Lawrence saw the end point of this fierce battle finally, saw that has stopped of queen guard half a century hindrance —— 劳伦斯终于看到了这场恶战的终点,看到了那已经阻拦女王卫队半个世纪之久的阻碍—— That is a leaf of front door, a leaf is made the person palpitation alarmed and afraid front door by, its appearance that the thorns and filthy black mud of innumerable growing thickly cover. 那是一扇大门,一扇被无数丛生的荆棘和污浊黑泥覆盖起来的、其模样令人心悸惊惧的大门。 In that front door surface, the thorn of spreading across like the royal crown that the withered crotch occupies, the gloomy luminous spot walks randomly in the thorn clump of deep place disorder, some probably countless eyes hide in that thorn clump of deep places, the average person only need have a liking for one in that direction, then frightened and will grasp firmly the mind crazily. 在那大门表面,纵横交错的荆棘就像干枯树杈盘踞成的冠冕,暗淡的光点则在荆棘丛深处无规律地游走,又好像有无数眼睛隐藏在那荆棘丛深处,普通人只需朝那个方向看上一眼,便会被恐惧与疯狂攥住心灵。 Even has changed to the spirit hot carrier at this moment Lawrence, in seeing that leaf could not be borne feel that by thorn clump of blocking front doors a mind shakes, the mind thunders. 甚至就连此刻已经化作灵火载体的劳伦斯,在看到那扇被荆棘丛挡住的大门时也忍不住感到一阵心神震荡,头脑轰鸣。 But that is the target that the queen guard attacks. 而那就是女王卫队冲击的目标。 Before the front door, the innumerable black mud is gathering, the innumerable monsters come to —— they to imitate the appearance of human in the mud shoddily, has the wear City-State guard to overpower and soldier of naval uniform, there are to equip all kinds of pirate and armed resident, even...... has the devil shape monster that the appearance ancient artilleries and skeleton pile of repeats become. 大门前,数不清的黑色泥浆正在汇聚,无数的怪物在泥浆中现身——它们拙劣地模仿着人类的模样,有穿着城邦卫队制服和海军制服的军人,也有装备五花八门的海盗和武装市民,甚至……有模样古旧的火炮和骸骨堆迭而成的恶魔状怪物。 These monsters are depending on the crude fortification in hall, is defending the door of that thorn, as if crazy follower guards their lords. 这些怪物依托着大厅中的简陋工事,保卫着那扇荆棘之门,仿佛狂信徒守卫它们的主。 Final commencing of action. 最后的战斗开始了。 The queen guard in falls in torrents on all firepower the corridor opposite monster, latter's counter-attack shocked the entire second waterway, fierce combat both sides was almost losing more than half strengths suddenly, but only more than ten sailors who Lawrence and he brought, can only seek for the covert place in this destructive frigid battlefield edge diligently. 女王卫队在将所有的火力倾泻到走廊对面的怪物身上,后者的反击则震撼了整个第二水路,激战双方都在几乎眨眼间损失了半数以上的战力,而劳伦斯和他带来的区区十几个水手,只能在这毁灭性的惨烈战场边缘努力寻找隐蔽的地方。 In so the firepower of density, Lawrence that spiritual fire protected oneself does not dare to bet oneself really not dead. 在如此密度的火力中,连灵体之火护身的劳伦斯都不敢赌自己是不是真的不会死掉。 But he, not only hides —— he to observe. 但他并不只是躲着——他在观察。 He in observing the queen guard achieved what degree in this fight. 他在观察女王卫队在这场战斗中到底做到了什么程度。 But with continuing of fight, with the unceasing personnel losses of warring parties, the defense strength before front door weakened —— these fatal artillery and devil lifeform finally is ripped the fragment, the defense line before thorn started to present the gap. 而随着战斗的持续,随着交战双方的不断减员,大门前的守备力量终于减弱了——那些致命的火炮和恶魔生物被撕成了碎片,荆棘前的防线开始出现缺口。 Demolition team! On!” “爆破组!上!” Hid Lawrence by queen guard position heard a sound suddenly, was the voice of some guard commander. 躲在女王卫队阵地旁边的劳伦斯突然听到了一个声音,是卫队某个指挥官的声音。 The next second, the split vision of his corner of the eye then discovered the form of battlefield edge that several advances by creeping. 下一秒,他眼角的余光便发现了战场边缘那几个匍匐前进的身影。 A squad was separated from the battle position, entered the discharge tunnel of hall edge in the field of vision blind spots of these monsters, along drainage ditch little toward side door of that thorn hiding place movement. 一支小队脱离了主阵地,在那些怪物的视野盲区中进入了大厅边缘的排水道,沿着沟渠一点点地向着那扇荆棘之门侧面的隐蔽处移动。 But at the same time, the firepower from frontal position also strengthens suddenly, the crowded bullet falls in torrents, before suppressing and is attracting the front door, diligently the attention of these monsters. 而与此同时,来自正面阵地的火力也陡然加强,密集的子弹倾泻过去,努力压制、吸引着大门前那些怪物的注意力。 Lawrence did not turn very quiet suddenly voluntarily breathed ——, even if clearly knows that this possibly was only one cannot receive the outside influences illusory image, he is doing that subconsciously. 劳伦斯突然不自觉地屏住了呼吸——哪怕明知道这可能只是一幕不会受到外界影响的幻影,他还是下意识地这么做着。 But matter that he is worried about happened as scheduled. 但他担心的事情还是如期发生。 Was discovered close to the demolition team of thorn front door along the battlefield edge. 沿着战场边缘靠近荆棘大门的爆破组被发现了。 A series of bullets enter the discharge tunnel, several pour at the back of the soldier of demolition installment in the drainage ditch in a flash. 一连串子弹打进排水道,几个背着爆破装置的士兵转瞬间倒在沟渠中。 But almost at the same time, there is another demolition group to enter another side of the hall drainage ditch chase, continued is crawled by the front door that the thorn covered to that leaf. 但几乎同一时间,又有另一支爆破小组进入了大厅另一侧的沟渠暗槽,继续向那扇被荆棘覆盖的大门爬去。 They were also discovered the —— second demolition group is having more than ten meters place from the thorn front door. 他们也被发现了——第二支爆破小组倒在距离荆棘大门只有十几米的地方。 At this moment, low of sailor shouted spreads to the Lawrence ear suddenly: They were about to disappear!” 就在这时,一名水手的低呼突然传入劳伦斯耳中:“他们快消失了!” Lawrence raised the head immediately, the scene in corridor maps his view —— 劳伦斯立刻抬起头,走廊中的情景映入他的眼帘—— The queen guard is disappearing. 女王卫队正在消失。 After the second demolition group action failure, all guard soldiers suddenly static, each of them's form starts to change pale, dissipation, 1/3 people, suddenly already such as translucent illusory image! 在第二支爆破小组行动失败之后,所有的卫队士兵都突然静止了一下,紧接着他们每一个人的身影都开始变淡、消散,其中三分之一的人,眨眼间已经如半透明的幻影! Martha had once said the words appear suddenly in the Lawrence mind: 玛莎曾说过的话突然浮现在劳伦斯脑海中: „...... They are unable to break through the hindrance of end each time......” “……他们每次都无法突破尽头的阻碍……” Lawrence understands suddenly the meaning of these words, understands this fought each result Queen —— the guard to be defeated time, although has been fighting, although has repeated rigid, but the unmodifiable fact was, in 0 : 00 o'clock at night this „the last time counter-attack, they were failed. 劳伦斯突然明白了这句话的意思,明白了这场战斗每一次的结局——女王卫队失败了,尽管一直在战斗,尽管一直执着地重复,但无可改变的事实是,在午夜零点的这“最后一次反击”中,他们失败了。 This action failure 50 years ago. 这场行动失败于五十年前。 Each redundant after this, is repeating this failure. 在这之后的每一次重复,都是在重复这场失败。 Lawrence somewhat is suddenly absent-minded, but at this moment, the split vision of his corner of the eye saw suddenly the form appears in the battlefield. 劳伦斯一时间有些恍惚,但就在这时,他眼角的余光突然看到又有一个身影出现在战场上。 That is a form that to/clashes from the hall corner, illusion that has not started to dissipate. 那是一个从大厅角落冲出去的身影,一个还没有开始消散的幻象。 The attention of Lawrence and all sailors were captured by that form instantaneously. 劳伦斯和所有水手的目光瞬间被那个身影吸引。 He is not a soldier, but is young people of probably accompanying the armed forces engineer, wears the dark blue homespun cloth work clothes, half a century ago the head wears had once been popular the tilted finish soft hat, but on his waistband besides pistol and ammunition case, but also is hanging a big spanner. 他不是一名士兵,而是一名像是随军工程师的年轻人,穿着深蓝色的粗布工装,头上戴着半个世纪前曾流行过的斜口软帽,而在他的腰带上除了手枪与子弹袋之外,还挂着一把大大的扳手。 He charges into the drainage ditch, charges into exploder that the second demolition group leaves behind, later holds that to pack the blasting explosive the wooden box, crawls fast to that leaf of thorn front door. 他冲向沟渠,冲向第二支爆破小组留下的爆炸装置,随后抱着那装满炸药的木箱,飞快地向那扇荆棘大门爬去。 In this flash, Lawrence almost thinks that he must succeed. 在这一瞬间,劳伦斯几乎以为他就要成功了。 However a bullet flies, that young people as if were attacked fiercely the shoulder by a iron hammer, his half body shakes fiercely, pours in the gate of final several meters place distance thorn. 然而一枚子弹飞来,那个年轻人就仿佛被一柄铁锤猛击了肩膀,他的半边身子剧烈一震,倒在距离荆棘之门最后几米的地方。 The entire hall instantaneously seems to be peaceful. 整个大厅仿佛瞬间安静下来。 The final counter-attack ended. 最后的反击结束了。 All queen guard soldiers start to accelerate to dissipate, this repeated 50 years of illusion also to return to the zero point. 所有的女王卫队士兵都开始加速消散,这一幕重复了五十年的幻象亦回归原点。 Perhaps, this is also last time redundant. 或许,这也是最后一次重复。 Lawrence gazes at that to fall on the final young people. 劳伦斯愣愣地注视着那个倒在最后的年轻人。 Final queen guard, final dying in battle, his dropping down, seemed some of this unceasingly redundant fight focus. “最后的女王卫队”,最后的阵亡者,他的倒下,似乎就是这场不断重复的战斗的某种“焦点”。 But suddenly, Lawrence awakens from in a daze. 但突然间,劳伦斯愣神中惊醒。 He the place that hides from oneself jumped, in the gaze of sailors and calls out in alarm, this old Captain such as gust dashed about wildly to that last person of dropping down place. 他从自己藏身的地方跳了出来,在水手们的注视和惊呼中,这位老船长如一阵风般狂奔向了那最后一人倒下的地方。 Had fallen into the silent hall his sudden involvement alarming, the monster that these have not dissipated almost then responded instantaneously, the confusion quarrelled thundering that mixed shouting and weapon opened fire suddenly crack! 本已陷入寂静的大厅被他这突然的“介入”所“惊扰”,那些还未消散的怪物几乎瞬间便反应过来,混乱吵杂的嘶吼与武器开火的轰鸣骤然炸响! The scream of sailor from transmits behind: Shields Captain!” 水手的喊叫声从身后传来:“掩护船长!” However Lawrence as if could not have heard these sounds, he lowers the head is walloping forward, on oneself probably several spears/guns, this to him is actually the immaterial matter, he broke through half hall, jumps in that drainage ditch, pounces on the final exploder, puts out a hand —— toward it 然而劳伦斯仿佛已经听不到这些声音,他只是低着头向前猛冲着,自己身上好像中了几枪,这对他而言却已是无关紧要的事情,他冲过了半个大厅,跳进那条沟渠,猛扑向最后的爆炸装置,向着它伸出手—— Then, his finger passed through that box of blasting explosive. 然后,他的手指穿过了那一箱炸药。 Lawrence somewhat drops distressedly in the drainage ditch, some in a daze look at present one. 劳伦斯有些狼狈地跌落在沟渠中,有些愣神地看着眼前的一幕。 Just like the surrounding queen guard, that box of blasting explosive, to him is also the illusory image. 和周围的女王卫队一样,那一箱炸药,对他而言也是幻影。 50 years ago not detonated demolition installment, cannot successor be detonated by his today. 五十年前不曾被引爆的爆破装置,在今日并不能被他这个“后来人”所引爆。 The bullet comes to stroke in nearby ground, shouts the sound from far to near, some mud monsters have broken in the drainage ditch, must rip the fragment oneself. 子弹呼啸而至击打在附近的地面上,嘶吼声由远而近,一些泥浆怪物已经冲入沟渠,要将自己撕成碎片。 Lawrence actually still looks at that box blasting explosive, only feels the huge incredibleness and ridicule. 劳伦斯却仍旧愣愣地看着那箱子炸药,只感觉到巨大的荒诞与嘲弄。 However at this moment, his corner of the eye peripheral vision suddenly had anything to move. 然而就在此刻,他眼角余光中突然有什么东西动了一下。 This old Captain raised the head stunned, saw sudden activity that young people who just poured. 这位老船长错愕地抬头,看到突然活动的正是刚刚倒下去的那个年轻人。 This waist hangs the young people of big spanner to shiver, slowly the raising the head vision decides falls is coercing the strange green flame and person of Captain appearance on this whole body at present. 这个腰间挂着大扳手的年轻人颤抖着,慢慢抬起头目光定定地落在眼前这个浑身裹挟着古怪绿色火焰、船长打扮的人身上。 Lawrence gawked, responded suddenly: „Can you see me?!” 劳伦斯愣了一下,才猛然反应过来:“你看得到我?!” The young people do not seem to actually heard this issue, is only the lip opening and closing, seems repeating what words fast, he repeated several, reluctantly what Lawrence heard him to say was what —— 年轻人却仿佛没有听到这个问题,只是嘴唇翕动着,似乎在飞快地重复着什么话语,他重复了好几遍,劳伦斯才勉强听到他说的是什么—— „...... Has seen, right, this flame I has seen...... I am have seen......” “……见过的,对了,这火焰我是见过的……我是见过的……” Has seen? Flame? What are you saying?” “见过的?火焰?你在说什么?” Lawrence stared in a big way the eye stunned, could not bear ask. 劳伦斯错愕地瞪大了眼睛,忍不住问道。 The young people had not replied, he endlessly is repeating, endlessly is repeating, but in this is redundant, he crawled unexpectedly little, the whole body blood, actually crawled slowly! 那年轻人却没有回答,他只是不断地重复着,不断地重复着,而就在这重复间,他竟一点点爬了起来,满身鲜血,却慢慢爬了起来! Under the Lawrence unbelievable gaze, the young people who that whole body was bathed in blood holds the final demolition installment, stuffy snort/hum is climbing up by the slopeway counterfort, talked over anything unceasingly, while limped is walking toward that leaf of thorn front door. 劳伦斯难以置信的注视下,那浑身浴血的年轻人抱起了最后的爆破装置,又闷哼着爬上坡道旁的护壁,一边不断地念叨什么东西,一边蹒跚着向那扇荆棘大门走去。 Lawrence hears the thing that the opposite party talked over, is actually the content that he is unable to understand, that sounds probably a series of name —— 劳伦斯听到了对方念叨的东西,却都是他无法理解的内容,那听上去像是一连串的名字—— Nimmo...... General Tyrian...... crow......” “尼莫……提瑞安将军……乌鸦……” The form that whole body is bathed in blood is limping like this, muttering. 那个满身浴血的身影就这样蹒跚着,咕哝着。 But he simply has not walked several steps. 但他根本没有走出去几步。 Just climbed up the flat land, then several gunshots transmitted from the opposite, the form that whole body was bathed in blood then dropped down. 刚刚爬上平地,便有几声枪响从对面传来,那浑身浴血的身影便倒下了。 The flash of but almost in him dropping down, actually old rickets form towering the place that since he drops down stood. 可几乎是在他倒下的一瞬间,却又有一个苍老佝偻的身影突兀地从他倒下的地方站了起来。 Lawrence looks at this unbelievable, he saw when that old person presents position —— he stands from pools of blood. 劳伦斯难以置信地看着这一幕,他看到了那个老人出现时的位置——他是从一片血泊中站起来的。 When he is that young people died in battle, the inverted image in the blood shining upon. 他是那年轻人战死时,血液中映照出的倒影。 „, I arrived finally......” “啊,我终于到了……” The rickets old person bends the waist, took up that last box of blasting explosive, later on the face blooms suddenly brightly some type, to the extreme smile that makes people unable to understand. 佝偻的老人弯下腰,拿起了那最后一箱炸药,随后脸上突然绽放出某种让人无法理解的、灿烂到极点的笑容。 I arrived!” “我到了!” He said loudly, he is smiling loudly, he holds that box of blasting explosive, burns its blasting fuse happily, then almost holds it to charge into that leaf of thorn front door jubilantly. 他大声说道,他大声笑着,他抱起那一箱炸药,愉快地拉燃它的引信,然后几乎是兴高采烈地抱着它冲向那扇荆棘大门。 I arrived! “我到了! Engineer Wilson reports in! “工程师威尔逊前来报到! Engineer Wilson requested to return to the unit! “工程师威尔逊请求归队! I arrived!” “我到了!” Bang!!!” “轰!!!” The earth-shaking explosion, shook the entire hall loudly, as well as with hall connected each corridor. 惊天动地的爆炸,轰然撼动了整个大厅,以及与大厅相连的每一条走廊。
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