DSE :: Volume #5

#425: Final queen guard

The enemies after the team enters one straightly the corridor to dark deep place sudden —— moreover the quantity seems to be inexhaustible. 敌人是在队伍进入一条笔直通往黑暗深处的走廊之后突然出现的——而且数量仿佛无穷无尽。 The sharp sound air-splitting transmits from side, a sickle cuts from a vicious angle to the own nape of the neck, Lawrence is backward supine when the crucial moment, and held that only to grasp the arm of sickle, Dark Green Flames is ascending from his palm edge instantaneously, fires the ashes the monster that a wear naval uniform and head vertical split, but has not waited for him to respond, 锐利的破空声从旁边传来,一柄弯刀以一个凶狠的角度砍向自己的脖颈,劳伦斯在千钧一发之际向后仰去,并一把抓住了那只握着弯刀的手臂,幽绿火焰瞬间从他的手掌边缘升腾,将一个穿着海军制服、头颅纵向裂开的怪物烧成灰烬,而还不等他反应过来, Also some consecutively several gunshots resound from the opposite. 又有连续几声枪响从对面响起。 The sound of gunfire a crawling monster —— that monster that crawls suddenly from the drain has the human common upper part from, the lower part is actually the creeping motion fluctuates completely, as if abnormal internal organs common deposit, in its hand is gripping tightly one as if rifle that” becomes by the skeleton and flesh joining together, no matter how looked that belongs to the wrong product rifle muzzle actually to emit the large flame. 枪声来自一个从排水沟中突然爬出来的蠕行怪物——那怪物有着人类一般的上半身,下半身却完全是蠕动起伏、仿佛畸形内脏一般的堆积物,它手中紧握着一支仿佛由骸骨和血肉拼合而成的“步枪”,那不管怎么看都属于错误产物的步枪枪口却喷吐着火舌。 The Lawrence vision condenses instantaneously, the surrounding time as if slows down, he felt that the own eyesight was over average man innumerable times in this flash, 劳伦斯的目光瞬间凝聚,周围的时间都仿佛放缓,他感觉自己的目力在这一刹那超过了常人无数倍, Even can see clearly that bullet flickers to path —— that oneself flies, 甚至能清晰地看到那子弹向自己飞来的轨迹——下一瞬, He reverses the body, to make one angle and stance that is inconceivable moves aside is flying to the own bullet. 他扭转身体,以令人难以想象的角度和姿态躲闪着飞向自己的子弹。 Moves aside three times, six spears/guns. 躲闪三次,中了六枪。 He X monsters!!” The severe pain transmits, old Captain explodes immediately thickly, “他X的怪物!!”剧痛传来,老船长顿时爆粗, Afterward lifts in the hand the revolver, toward that monster is bang bang two spears/guns. 随后一把抬起手中左轮,朝着那怪物便是砰砰两枪。 He lowers the head, 他低下头, Looks to the oneself chest, saw that several shocking bullet holes tore into shreds there flesh, however under burning down of fire of Ghost Spirit, 看向自己胸口,看到有几个触目惊心的弹孔撕碎了那里的血肉,然而在幽灵之火的焚烧下, The translucent spirit body flesh is healing at the visible speed. 半透明的灵体血肉正以肉眼可见的速度愈合起来。 It is not fatal, but will cause the fierce ache and exhausted, the strength of flame seems to be also losing —— is also full gradually at present very much, but was very difficult to say can have exhaustion time. 并不致命,但会导致剧烈的疼痛和疲惫,火焰的力量似乎也在渐渐损耗——目前还很充盈,但很难说会不会有耗尽的时候。 But around Lawrence, 而在劳伦斯周围, The fully-armed subordinates still twined the sailor of Ghost Spirit roaring flame to detect oneself in fight —— these whole bodies now the temporary not dead body condition, 全副武装的部下们仍在战斗——这些全身缠绕着幽灵烈焰的水手已经察觉了自己如今暂时的不死身状态, The fight style is becoming even more fierce, they monster that uses in the hand the guns, bayonet and short-sword to resist how to kill unable to kill, at the same time spells to go all-out to attempt to advance to the corridor deep place. 战斗风格在变得愈发凶猛,他们用手中枪支、刺刀、短剑抵挡着那怎么杀也杀不完的怪物,一边拼尽全力尝试向走廊深处推进着。 However just like Lawrence oneself, 然而和劳伦斯自己一样, Everyone too has not adapted to oneself at this moment spirit body condition, 所有人都还不太适应自己此刻的“灵体”状态, Is far from controls these Ghost Spirit roaring flame, these obtain the sailors of not dead body to spend freely the physical strength and firepower accidentally carelessly, the fight in entire sewer corridor already the confusion to the degree that is unable to look straight ahead. 更谈不上操控那些幽灵烈焰,这些偶然获得不死身的水手们只是在胡乱挥霍着体力和火力,整个下水道走廊中的战斗已经混乱到了无法直视的程度。 Therefore even if there is body that can regenerate, they also can only under the inexhaustible monster surrounds prompts forward at an unendurable slow speed, cannot see the hope that breaks through. 因此纵使有能够再生的躯体,他们也只能在无穷无尽的怪物围堵下以一种令人难以忍受的缓慢速度向前推进,根本看不到突围的希望。 The scene by the Ghost Spirit roaring flame influence, did not then only have that dry corpse —— Anomaly 077 also to fight only, he is brandishing two sickles, to fully not conform to the dry corpse status the flexible agile skill to go through in the battlefield, such as the wind charges generally back and forth, if were not the own vision obtained enormous enhancement, Lawrence even suspected that oneself could not catch up with that dry corpse the movement. 现场唯一不受幽灵烈焰影响的,便只剩下那具干尸——异常077也在战斗,他挥舞着两把弯刀,以完全不符合干尸身份的灵活敏捷身手穿行在战场上,如风一般来回冲锋,如果不是自己的视力得到了极大的加强,劳伦斯甚至怀疑自己根本追不上那干尸的动作。 But the own vision the far supernormal person, the Anomaly 077 speeds then have appeared in the Lawrence eye are not now odd, he can notice clearly that dry corpse bypasses from each seemingly aggressive monster, goes through in the safe route in battlefield, in his hand the sickle high and low fluttered, cuts half an hour even still had not bumped into anything with new same —— that blade. 但现在自己的视力已经远超常人,异常077的速度在劳伦斯眼中便显得也不怎么离谱,他能清晰地看到那干尸从每一个看起来凶悍的怪物旁边绕过,穿行在战场上的安全路线中,其手中弯刀上下翻飞,砍了半个钟头仍然跟新的一样——那刀刃甚至都没碰到过任何事物。 Sailor brandishes the double blade to be upon the jump in the corridor, the sound that only then shouts and wrangles is more resounding than anyone. “水手”就只是挥舞着双刀在走廊里跑来跑去而已,只有大呼小叫的声音比谁都要响亮。 I by sickle opening!” The harsh throat of that dry corpse reverberates in the corridor, the middle follows the sharp blade to break open the air the howling sound, „the thing of these ugly blaspheming, are not my opponent!” “我以弯刀开路!”那干尸的破锣嗓子在走廊中回荡,中间伴随着利刃破开空气的呼啸声,“这些丑陋的亵渎之物,不是我的对手!” Lawrence takes forward in big strides, 劳伦斯向前大踏步迈出, Seizes was just about from the side charge in the past sailor nape of the neck, his strength big astonishment at this moment, 一把掐住了正要从旁边冲锋过去的“水手”的脖颈,他此刻的力量大的惊人, Even carries the neck to entrain oneself the dry corpse that this wallops directly at present, the hoarse voice along with flip-flop the sound that the flame explodes: If cannot help, at least gives me to be peaceful!” 甚至将这猛冲出去的干尸直接拎着脖子拽到了自己眼前,沙哑的嗓音伴随着火焰爆裂的噼啪声:“如果帮不上忙,至少给我安静!” Anomaly 077 was seized the neck, withered head to the face of Lawrence, only then more than ten centimeters, this makes his whole body tremble: Is...... is...... is! Captain!” 异常077被掐住了脖子,干瘪的脑袋离劳伦斯的脸只有十几厘米,这让他浑身都哆嗦起来:“是……是……是!船长!” Lawrence lifts handle that dry corpse to throw the front about ten meters: Rolls opening —— not to overrun today, I will force in the steam core you in the combustion chamber!” 劳伦斯抬手把那干尸扔到前面十米开外:“滚去开路——今天冲不过去,我会把你塞进蒸汽核心的燃烧室里!” The dry corpse cried out strangely to be thrown, finally with the mud monster dogfight that these continually welled up in the same place, but the crew that is carrying the rifle runs over from side, shouted side Lawrence loudly: Captain! The bullet was about to use up!” 干尸怪叫着被扔了出去,终于和那些不断涌出来的泥浆怪物缠斗在一起,而一名拎着步枪的船员则从旁边跑了过来,在劳伦斯身旁大声喊道:“船长!子弹快用光了!” Lawrence turns head suddenly, saw the person who oneself brings has almost started to fight these monsters with the cold weapons, they take advantage of the characteristics that is not dying to insist in this corridor completely, however the team overall advancement has stopped obviously. 劳伦斯猛然回头,看到自己带来的人几乎都已经开始用冷兵器与那些怪物搏斗,他们完全是依仗着不死的特性在这走廊中坚持着,然而队伍总体的推进显然已经停止。 It is not able to go forward again one step. 再也无法前进一步。 Also does not have any escape route. 也没有任何退路。 The chaotic war cry and made the flesh disintegration and limbs break sound that one was afraid of be full the corridor, the black mud on surroundings wall and roof was still seeping out, the subordinate who changed to the spirit body shape unceasingly is almost submerged by the inexhaustible monster, the weapons in their hand are running short of the ammunition, on the oneself spirit body roaring flame were still burning, however was exhausted is accumulating, this fatigue is even sluggish and disturbing the own thought. 混乱的喊杀声与令人不寒而栗的血肉崩解、肢体断裂声响充盈着走廊,周围墙壁与屋顶上的黑色泥浆仍然在不断渗出,化作灵体形态的部下几乎被无穷无尽的怪物淹没,他们手中的武器正在纷纷耗尽弹药,自己身上的灵体烈焰仍在燃烧,然而疲惫正在积累,这股疲惫感甚至迟滞、干扰着自己的思维。 In this chaotic sewer deep place, Lawrence is a little suddenly absent-minded, even starts to feel that the whole world is not real —— 在这一片混乱的下水道深处,劳伦斯突然有一点恍惚,甚至开始感觉整个世界都不真实起来—— Who oneself is, which oneself, oneself is why inexhaustible in...... here monster, how long however agreement 0 : 00 o'clock at night does...... also want? 自己是谁,自己在哪,自己在干什么……这里的怪物无穷无尽,然而约定的午夜零点……到底还要多久? In the meantime, as if to respond to own this absent-minded, Lawrence heard in the small mirror of oneself chest to broadcast the Martha sound suddenly: 就在此时,仿佛是为了回应自己的这份恍惚,劳伦斯突然听到自己胸口的小镜子中传来了玛莎的声音: They came.” “他们来了。” Old Captain awakens from the ignorance instantaneously, he lifts the hand in a hurry, drew out the short-sword from the waist and pierced one to the monster that oneself pounced upon suddenly, withdrew, avoids almost splatters in oneself black mud, simultaneously raised the head fast. 船长瞬间从浑噩中惊醒,他匆忙间抬手,从腰间拔出短剑并刺穿了一个向自己猛扑过来的怪物,紧接着后撤,避开几乎喷溅在自己身上的黑色泥浆,同时飞快抬起头。 In the corridor presented sound of footsteps —— very many sounds of footsteps, remote and indistinct yelling and sound of transmission password , these sounds are close swiftly and violently, almost then arrived at Lawrence and region of sailors furiously combat instantaneously. 走廊中出现了脚步声——非常非常多的脚步声,还有遥远又缥缈的喊叫与传递口令的声音,紧接着,这些声音又迅猛接近,几乎瞬间便来到了劳伦斯与水手们奋力作战的区域。 Almost suddenly, the innumerable forms appeared. 几乎眨眼间,无数的身影出现了。 Was similar to from the former days time comes, shadow one after another condensed in the air, and changed to the fully-armed soldier, in their hands is gripping tightly the old-style rifle half a century ago, the twinkle cold light of bayonet in muzzle in the dark corridor, they flushed from the darkness, the footsteps that charges into the next dark —— form to condense the process that has not broken them to charge slightly, seemed their fights never to stop, was only in this moment, their forms can be observed. 就如同从旧日时光中现身,一个接一个的影子在空气中凝聚,并化作全副武装的士兵,他们手中紧握着半个世纪前的旧式步枪,枪口上的刺刀在黑暗的走廊中闪烁寒光,他们从黑暗中冲来,冲向下一片黑暗——身影凝聚的过程丝毫没有打断他们冲锋的脚步,就好像他们的战斗从未休止,只是在这一刻,他们的身影才可以被观测到。 By this suddenly appears in the sailors who in the corridor battle in the present scene shakes, stopped subconsciously, they look that army crashes here, looks at them to here everywhere monster fire, looks at them to angrily roar the investment fight, crossed for several seconds, some sailors responded, with astonishment thought aloud: Final queen guard......” 在走廊中作战的水手们被这突然出现在眼前的景象所震,下意识地停了下来,他们看着那支部队冲进这里,看着他们向这里无处不在的怪物射击,看着他们怒吼着投入战斗,过了好几秒钟,才有水手反应过来,惊愕地自言自语:“最后的女王卫队……” Lawrence also responded, he went forward subconsciously, moves toward one on the young soldier —— that soldier of ball to the rifle is seeming like most is only 20 years old, its Old Age City-State guard overpowered tattered, as if go through challenging experiences in this sewer for a long time is very very long. 劳伦斯也反应过来,他下意识地上前,走向一个正在给步枪上弹的年轻士兵——那士兵看上去最多只有二十岁,其身上旧时代城邦卫队制服破破烂烂,仿佛已经在这下水道中摸爬滚打了很久很久。 Hello, we are help......” Lawrence put out a hand, the racket to the shoulder of that year light soldier, however his words just told only half that then stops suddenly. “你好,我们是来帮……”劳伦斯伸出手,拍向那年轻士兵的肩膀,然而他的话刚说到一半便戛然而止。 His hand passed through the form of opposite party. 他的手穿过了对方的身影。 Is this only a illusion? 这只是一幕幻象? Lawrence raised the head stunned, actually saw that these illusion common soldiers in the monster with corridor have had the fierce fight, the firearms in their hand open fire unceasingly, these by filthy mud constitution the person inhuman thing then drops down. 劳伦斯错愕地抬起头,却看到那些幻象一般的士兵已经和走廊中的怪物发生激烈的战斗,他们手中的枪械不断开火,那些由污浊泥浆构成的似人非人之物便纷纷倒下。 A tall soldier to/clashes from another side, Lawrence hurries to move aside, actually moves aside, he looks helplessly that tall soldier did not seem to noticed oneself same runs over, if the illusory image across own body —— later, his sent from the stray bullet of monster hits, the big body pours in the sewer loudly. 一名身材高大的士兵从另一侧冲来,劳伦斯慌忙躲闪,却躲闪不及,他眼睁睁看着那身材高大的士兵仿佛没有看到自己一样跑过来,又如幻影般穿过自己的身体——随后,他被一发来自怪物的流弹击中,高大的躯体轰然倒在下水道中。 Other queen guard soldiers bypassed that corpse , to continue to turn toward the corridor deep place to run. 其他的女王卫队士兵绕过了那具尸体,继续向着走廊深处跑去。 A sailor walked from side, is muttering in Lawrence behind: They are the illusory image......” 一名水手从旁边走了过来,在劳伦斯身后喃喃自语着:“他们是幻影……” But these illusory images can with these monster fights, they even be able to eliminate them......” Lawrence to say at a loss, thought still such as had a dream. “但这些幻影能和那些怪物战斗,他们甚至能消灭它们……”劳伦斯茫然地说道,却觉得仍如做梦。 „The monster in corridor no longer increased.” Also some sailors said in side. “走廊里的怪物不再增多了。”又有水手在旁边说道。 Lawrence responded instantaneously. 劳伦斯瞬间反应过来。 The monster quantity in corridor had practical reduced —— the queen guard that for the first time , in that is constituted after the illusory image appears, before the black mud that welled up from all around wall and ceiling stopped the infiltration unceasingly finally, how before to kill the abnormal anomaly that could not kill, at this moment was being reduced the quantity truly! 走廊里的怪物数量第一次有了切实的减少——在那支由幻影构成的女王卫队出现之后,之前不断从四周墙壁和顶棚中涌出来的黑色泥浆终于停止了渗透,之前怎么杀也杀不完的畸形怪胎,此刻正在被真正地削减数量! Existence of queen guard can suppress these monsters regeneration and multiplication? 女王卫队的存在可以抑制那些怪物的“再生”和“增殖”? The innumerable questions are flooding the Lawrence heart, however compared with investigating the answers of these questions, he knows that has a matter more important. 无数的疑问充斥着劳伦斯心头,然而比起追究这些疑问的答案,他知道有件事情更加重要。 Follows the queen guard!” He raises the hand, is ordering loudly, follows the road that they open!” “跟上女王卫队!”他高举起手,大声下着命令,“跟上他们开的路!” Yes, Captain!” “是,船长!”
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