DSE :: Volume #5

#424: The meter offers a sacrifice to the field

Now, here only had oneself. 现在,这里只剩下自己了。 Agatha takes back the vision from that inspection lamp slowly, she has turned around, keeps in Magistrate Winston that cold and tranquil darkness, takes a step to move toward these in crotch that” in the endless space interweaves vertically and horizontally/able to move unhindered, moves toward that piece such as the world yurt thorn great curtain. 阿加莎慢慢从那提灯旁收回目光,她转过身,将执政官温斯顿留在那寒凉而平静的黑暗中,迈步走向那些在无尽空间中纵横交织的“树杈”,走向那片如天地穹庐般的荆棘巨幕。 Her waist hung a not really bright inspection lamp, the right hand is grasping that to accompany the oneself many years walking sticks in the memory, 她腰间挂着一盏不甚明亮的提灯,右手握着那根在记忆中陪伴了自己许多年的手杖, The left hand still closely grabbed brass key —— key of that from Winston already no longer icy coldly, but has a as if body temperature heat, as if...... gradually and oneself this body fuses to be together same. 左手则仍紧紧抓着那柄来自温斯顿的黄铜钥匙——钥匙已经不再冰凉,而是带着一种仿佛体温般的热量,仿佛……正逐渐与自己这具躯体融合在一起一样。 But Agatha has no longer paid attention to oneself this body to have anything to change. 阿加莎已经不再关注自己这具躯体有什么变化了。 She takes a step in the darkness, feeling this body is practical is leading the way, so long as the surrounding chaos have not embezzled themselves and assimilated thoroughly, she also needs of advance. 她只是在黑暗中迈步,感受着这具躯体切切实实正在前行,只要周围的混沌还没有彻底吞没、同化自身,她就还有前进的必要。 She seeks for the place of whereabouts foot in the nihility, 她在虚无中寻找着落足之处, Whenever the footsteps take, in the darkness then presents the trail general ground, 而每当脚步迈出的时候,黑暗中便出现小径一般的地面, She seeks to look for a way out in the thorn clump, among twigs that these interweave vertically and horizontally/able to move unhindered, often has the narrow aperture to be possible for going through. 她在荆棘丛中寻找着出路,那些纵横交织的枝杈间,时常有狭窄的孔径可供穿行。 Incisive thorn quick then cut her clothes, 尖锐的“荆棘”很快便划破了她的衣服, That dense fabric such as loose the ash and fog in front of the thought suddenly thorn of ancient god is generally frail, the fragment of falling condenses in the darkness for the black bubble of creeping motion, 那密实的“织物”在古神的思维突刺面前如松散的灰和雾一般脆弱,掉落的碎片在黑暗中凝聚为蠕动的黑色液滴, Integrates the trail of under foot, she touches these once for a while in spark —— that the thorns jumps to walk randomly, when contacts these flash, she almost can obviously feel has anything to drill into the own mind. 融入脚下的小径,她又时不时触碰到那些在荆棘之间跳跃游走的火花——当接触到那些闪光的时候,她几乎能明显地感觉到有什么东西在钻入自己的头脑。 That is ancient God the thought that is Deep Sea Sacred Lord one twittering —— has no evil intention, even cannot say that is a complete intention, 那是古神的思维,是幽邃圣主的一声呢喃——没有任何恶意,甚至称不上是一个完整的意图, But regarding small and weak mortal, 但对于弱小的凡人而言, That shortest thought spark also radiant dazzling, such as magnificent great candle in dark night. 那最短促的思维火花也璀璨刺目,如暗夜中的辉煌巨烛。 Also bunch of gloomy flash transmit fast from the distant place, slides the line of sight along the jet black thorn twig, a Agatha wisp has sent the silk and that flash connection, 又有一簇暗淡的闪光从远方飞快传递过来,沿着漆黑的荆棘枝杈滑过视线,阿加莎的一缕发丝与那闪光交汇, 1% seconds instantly, in her mind then appeared newly knowledge —— 百分之一秒的刹那,她头脑中便浮现出了新的“知识”—— Something went wrong...... Something went wrong...... [Not Found]……[Not Found]…… Agatha is unable to understand that these sparks to information —— that oneself transmits such that just like Winston said to oneself, do not attempt to guess ancient God the thought. 阿加莎无法理解这些火花向自己传达的信息——正如温斯顿跟自己说的那样,不要尝试揣测古神的思维。 Will be insane. 会疯的。 She raised the head. 她抬起头。 The broad large building that the dead wood thorn bridge joint becomes covers the field of vision, the fluttering fireflies of dense and numerous gloomy flash such as in the thorn clump dance in the air, outside the thorn barrier is covering thin fog, but in fog deep place, huge limbs of Deep Sea Sacred Lord slightly a swinging —— as if invitation. 枯木荆棘桥接而成的恢弘巨构笼罩视野,密密麻麻的暗淡闪光在荆棘丛中如流萤飞舞,荆棘屏障外面笼罩着一层稀薄的雾,而在雾的深处,幽邃圣主的庞大肢体正在微微摆动——仿佛一个邀请。 The surroundings were also cold ——, moreover was more explicit , a more piercing coldness before, cold intent bring moistly, as if must freeze to infiltrate within the body the bone generally. 周围又冷下来了——而且是比之前更加明确、更加刺骨的寒冷,冷意中带着潮湿,仿佛要将骨头都冻结一般渗透进体内。 Agatha tightened the clothes of chest subconsciously, actually the discovery does not know that oneself this clothes are when tattered, these thorns along the way had left behind the innumerable every large or small wound on the oneself skin. 阿加莎下意识地紧了紧胸口的衣服,却发现不知何时自己这身衣服已经破破烂烂,沿途的那些荆棘则已经在自己皮肤上留下了数不清的大大小小的伤口。 In the wound, the filthy black viscous material is wriggling like the blood slowly. 伤口中,污浊的黑色粘稠物质如血液般缓缓蠕动着。 But when she thinks that this cold oneself swallows thoroughly, a weak and warm heat again from the chest transmits...... 但就在她以为这寒冷会将自己彻底吞噬的时候,一股微弱而温暖的热量再次从胸口传来…… ...... …… Bunch of small green flame calmly is burning in the Agatha chest, the spooky green light illuminated her face, illuminated periphery the gloomy and cold moist sewer. 一簇小小的绿色火苗在阿加莎胸口静静燃烧着,幽幽绿光照亮了她的脸庞,也照亮了周围阴冷潮湿的下水道。 All felt like went far away, or was away from a thick curtain with own sanely, the temperature in blood vessel seems to have also abated over time, one and abated, exhausted and grief of this accumulation. 所有的感觉似乎都远去了,或跟自己的理智隔着一层厚厚的帷幕,血管中的温度似乎也已经随着时间推移而消退,一并消退的,还有这一路积累的疲惫和伤痛。 Agatha shakes the head slowly, tries to scatter that numbness that occupies the oneself mind, but in the field of vision rocks, 阿加莎缓慢地摇了摇头,试图驱散那种占据着自己头脑的麻木感,而就在视野晃动间, The split vision of her corner of the eye saw an unusual scene suddenly. 她眼角的余光突然看到了一丝异样的光景。 She noticed that the front dim unenlightened sewer corridor as if all of a sudden becomes spacious, in the dim space floats off mist, 她看到前方昏暗闭塞的下水道走廊仿佛一下子变得宽敞起来,朦朦胧胧的空间中则浮起一层薄雾, In the mist has crotches or thorn clump of common things seems reappearing, and spreads slowly toward oneself. 薄雾中有仿佛树杈或荆棘丛一般的东西在浮现,并慢慢朝着自己蔓延过来。 However the next second, this illusion scene then vanishes into thin air, in her eye still dark corridor. 然而下一秒,这幻觉般的景象便烟消云散,她眼中仍然只有黑沉沉的走廊。 And a corridor end strobe. 以及走廊尽头的一道闸门。 passes...... passes...... 噗通……噗通…… In gazing at the flash of that strobe, by the Agatha ear seemed then hearing an illusory heartbeat, is similar the giant hearts to hide opposite of that door, pulsates and develops in the darkness unceasingly unceasingly. 在注视着那道闸门的一瞬间,阿加莎耳旁便仿佛传来了一阵虚幻的心跳声,就仿佛有一颗巨大的心脏正藏身于那扇门对面,在黑暗中不断搏动、不断滋长。 Agatha the slow numb spirit had buoyed up suddenly, the vision focuses on that door instantaneously. 阿加莎本已迟钝麻木的精神突然振作,目光瞬间聚焦在那扇门上。 „...... I found you......” “啊……我找到你们了……” She receives the palm flame, to takes the footsteps dark, the operational cane that has almost broken off supports her to lead the way for the last time, her step is getting quicker and quicker, even brings getting windy sound gradually, she advances to the darkness, will throw dark after behind, but that low and deep fearsome heartbeat is similar to the serious drumbeats rap gradually in her chest, even raps in her mind. 她收好手心的火苗,向黑暗迈出脚步,那柄几乎已经折断的作战手杖最后一次支撑着她前行,她的步伐越来越快,甚至渐渐带起风声,她迈向黑暗,又将黑暗抛在身后,而那低沉可怖的心跳则渐渐如同沉重的鼓点般敲击在她心口,甚至敲击在她脑海中。 , She heard in that heartbeat also to mix with other anything gradually, that seemed a lot of people are praying, is reciting, is turning toward some dark and indescribable existed to issue the summon. 渐渐地,她听到那心跳中还夹杂了别的什么东西,那仿佛是千百人在祝祷,在吟诵,在向着某个黑暗又不可名状的存在发出呼唤。 She actually could not have attended to promiscuously these mixes with many noise —— she soon to deliver the fire seed in the together sound, the lairs of these heresies in front most deep place. 她却已经顾不上那些混杂在一起的声音里都夹杂了多少噪声——她就快要把火种送到了,那些异端的巢穴就在前方最深处。 The cane and shoe heel knock the voice of ground to resound crowded. 手杖与鞋跟叩击地面的声音密集响起。 But at this moment, Agatha heard other sound —— suddenly is not the own footsteps, was not the heartbeat and crowd that the corridor deep place transmitted gathers praying. 而就在这时,阿加莎突然又听到了别的声音——不是自己的脚步,也不是走廊深处传来的心跳和人群聚集在一起的祝祷。 That is other sound of footsteps, is a large crowd, the crowded footsteps sound transmit —— from another direction and this corridor leave at present very nearly, but is away from 12 walls. 那是别的脚步声,是一大群人,密集的脚步听上去是从另一个方向传来——和眼前这条走廊离得很近,但隔着一两道墙。 In the sound of footsteps transmitted the gunshot, is the high power rifle. 脚步声中传来了枪响,是大口径步枪。 Other person? Live people? Also do some people neutralize oneself to act in the city of this mirror together?! 别的人?活人?还有人在这座镜像之城中和自己一同行动?! In the Agatha mind appears instantaneously the question, however this question has not affected footsteps —— that she goes forward slightly she almost then broke through the last section of road before strobe instantaneously, before arriving at that to transmit the front door of heartbeat, unceasingly. 阿加莎脑海中瞬间浮现出疑问,然而这疑问丝毫没有影响到她前进的脚步——她几乎瞬间便冲过了闸门前的最后一段路,来到了那不断传来心跳声的大门前。 The gate is opening a slit slightly, in the slit is rich to not being able to melt darkness, if the darkness has the essence, dissipates and flows little outward. 门微微开启着一道缝隙,缝隙中是浓郁到化不开的黑暗,黑暗如有实质,一点点向外逸散、流淌。 But this is the goal that Agatha searches. 但这正是阿加莎一路寻觅的目标。 She used the shoulder to resist that leaf of heavy door stubbornly, exhausted the strength to shove open it slowly. 她用肩膀死死抵住了那扇沉重的门扉,用尽力气将它缓缓推开。 With the sound, the gate opened. 伴随着吱吱嘎嘎的声响,门开了。 A broad darkness appear in Agatha limitlessly at present some —— or type shadow covered originally the normal space, making her at present dark. 一片广阔的黑暗出现在阿加莎眼前——或者说,某种无边无际的“阴影”笼罩了原本正常的空间,让她眼前只有黑暗。 She can only distinguish reluctantly, in that darkness seems like a collection assembly hall, in the sewer the broadest four corners were transformed to offer sacrifices and breed ancient God the sacrificial offering place, the innumerable invisible thing indistinctly are wriggling in that darkness, the evil intention like the odor, heads on. 她只能勉勉强强分辨出,那黑暗里似乎是一个集会厅,下水道里最广阔的交叉路口被改造成了献祭和孕育古神的祭祀场所,无数影影绰绰的无形之物则在那黑暗里蠕动着,恶意如同恶臭,扑面而来。 Has not waited for her to respond, she then hears in nearby darkness to hear the fast sound air-splitting, has anything to oneself, a familiar and disgusting sound resounds —— to bring to tease and taunt in distant that sacrificial offering field: 紧接着,还不等她反应过来,她便听到附近的黑暗中传来迅捷的破空声,有什么东西正向自己袭来,一个熟悉而又令人厌恶的声音则在远方那片祭祀场中响起——带着戏谑与嘲讽: „, The final sacrificial offering arrived at —— to be really good finally, another you also just rushed to the scheduled place well.” “啊,最后的祭品终于到了——真不错,另一个你也刚刚好赶到预定的地方。” Bang!” “砰!” The cane wields, bursts out the short sparking spark in the darkness, a fierce strange limbs flew high to strike off, falls in the Agatha under foot, she has not nearly come to a stop because of this impact —— after reluctantly rebalances, she immediately raised the head, looked that to direction that words sound transmits. 手杖挥出,在黑暗中迸发出短促闪亮的火花,一段狰狞怪异的肢体被凌空击断,掉落在阿加莎脚下,她则因这冲击险些没有站稳——在勉强恢复平衡之后,她立刻抬起头,看向那话语声传来的方向。 Only can see reluctantly a young people tall thin form stands in the dark end. 只能勉勉强强看到一个年轻人高瘦的身影站在黑暗尽头。 He opened both hands toward here. 他向着这边张开了双手。 Come, the sacrificial offering, your arrival is point of —— in plan now, constructs the channel time arrived.” “来吧,祭品,你的到来是计划中的一环——现在,构筑通道的时候到了。” Agatha is supporting oneself with the cane, raised the head in weak and dizziness slowly: you are bringing about own destruction......” 阿加莎用手杖支撑着自己,在虚弱与眩晕中慢慢抬起头:“伱们在自寻死路……” Yes, we will die here, but doesn't matter, so long as you step into here, the ceremony has succeeded —— I to acknowledge, this truly is a trap.” “是的,我们都会死在这里,但是没关系,只要你踏进这里,仪式就已经成功了——我承认,这确实是个陷阱。” ...... …… Bang a gunshot, the flame tore dim in corridor along with the explosion, the powerful force warhead a distortion monster spear/gun that has three eyes explodes the head, the latter variation fierce body falls down, melts and breaks up rapidly, changes to the revolting black mud. 砰的一声枪响,火光伴随着爆炸撕裂了走廊中的昏暗,威力强大的弹头将一个有着三只眼睛的扭曲怪物一枪爆头,后者变异狰狞的躯体倒在地上,迅速融化、崩解,化作令人作呕的黑色泥浆。 However more monsters shout the sound actually to resound from all around unceasingly, the thing of many abnormal distortion are braving —— continuously from all around wall, in pipeline, in drain, even in the slit in vault. 然而更多的怪物嘶吼声却不断从四周响起,更多的畸形扭曲之物在源源不断地冒出来——从四周的墙壁中,管道里,排水沟里,甚至穹顶上的缝隙里。 The mud same material is almost infiltrating and flowing from any naked eye obvious slit outward, turns innumerably, with human specious monster. 泥浆一样的物质几乎是从任何肉眼可见的缝隙中往外渗透、流淌着,变成数不清的、跟人类似是而非的怪物。 I thought that our bullets have not brought enough!” “我觉得咱们的子弹没带够!” A sailor shouts loudly, simultaneously trades the ball for the rifle fast, lifts gun, when the fire, his yelling follows the Ghost Spirit roaring flame combustion flip-flop sound, sounds hoarse sinks secretly. 一名水手大声喊道,同时飞快地为步枪换弹,举枪,射击,他的喊叫则伴随着幽灵烈焰燃烧时的噼啪声,听上去嘶哑暗沉。 Lawrence has no free time to respond to the sailor yells —— to have the fast wind sound/rumor to raid after the brain, he only has leaned with enough time slightly the body, evaded that this fatal strikes, then reaches behind the back to grasp driven by intuition. 劳伦斯则没空回应水手的喊叫——有迅捷的风声从脑后袭来,他只来得及微微侧过身子,避过这致命一击,紧接着便在直觉的驱使下回手一抓。 A wear in the dozens years ago City-State guard uniforms/subdue and hands lifted the human form monster of saber from be entrained by him behind, dropped ruthlessly on the floor. 一个穿着几十年前的城邦卫队制服、手中举着佩剑的人形怪物被他从身后拽了过来,狠狠跌落在地板上。 Lawrence goes forward one step, a foot treads layer on layer/heavily in that sham anomaly chest, his Ghost Spirit roaring flame flaming ascension, the flame of spread combustion almost then resembles the person inhuman monster to fire pile of ashes that instantaneously in a flash. 劳伦斯上前一步,一脚重重地踏在那赝品怪胎胸口,他身上的幽灵烈焰瞬间熊熊升腾,蔓延燃烧的火焰几乎转瞬间便把那似人非人的怪物烧成一堆灰烬。 The next second, the whole body burns Ghost Spirit roaring flame Lawrence then to raise the head, looked that as if cannot come to the end to front forever the corridor. 下一秒,浑身燃烧着幽灵烈焰的劳伦斯便抬起头,看向前方这条似乎永远也走不到尽头的走廊。 The place of seeing, all blasphemes the abnormal thing. 入目之处,全是亵渎畸形之物。
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