DSE :: Volume #5

#423: Vanguard

Is the profound dark seabed, in City-State, ancient God searched into Real World Its whisker, and expanded —— in that indescribable darkness day after day 是深邃黑暗的海底,在城邦的下方,古神将祂的触须探入了现实世界,并在那不可名状的黑暗中逐日壮大—— It obvious, that filthy fearsome flesh touches the wrist is Its entity, ice-cold, making one be afraid, but It invisible, because his will of that upward spread had spanned the dark abyssal sea, and penetrated the City-State heavy/thick rock and soil, the prestige that it was inconceivable can over the past 50 years, even in long-time Time, has been sneaking in this city, and deeply pricked this Boiling Gold mine pit deep place. 祂是可见的,那污浊可怖的血肉触腕便是祂的实体,冰冷,令人不寒而栗,但祂又是无形的,因为祂那向上蔓延的意志早已跨越了幽暗海渊,并穿透了城邦厚重的岩石与土壤,其难以想象的威能在过去50年,甚至更长久的岁月里,一直在钻进这座城市,并深深刺入这沸金矿井深处。 Ms. Gatekeeper, we now its internal —— here once were the rocks, however ancient God the strength has transformed here rock as It flesh and blood part, this dark material was away from more than 1000 meters deep rocks and sea water, is pulsating with the source of seabed together, but is its each beat, further pulling closer our Real World...... to hear that mirror City-State? passes, passes...... the flesh to wriggle, is contracting, in the sleep talking, this place...... was pondering.” 守门人女士,我们现在就在它的内部——这里曾是岩石,然而古神的力量已经将这里的岩石转化为祂血肉之躯的一部分,这黑暗的物质隔着一千多米深的岩石与海水,跟海底的源头共同搏动着,而它的每一次跳动,都在将那个镜像城邦进一步拉近我们的现实世界……听到了吗?噗通,噗通……血肉在蠕动,在收缩,在梦呓,这个地方……正在思考。” Winston like praying twittering, was lifting both hands in a soft voice slowly, such as all around hug direction endless darkness, as well as in the darkness these are similar to twig that” the thorn clump interweaves and refutes generally vertically and horizontally/able to move unhindered to meet, but in these twigs, the gloomy luminous spot was still walking randomly like the fluttering fireflies fast , Agatha really as if heard that low and deep sound —— to pass gradually, passed...... 温斯顿如祷告般轻声呢喃着,慢慢抬起了双手,如拥抱般指向四周无尽的黑暗,以及黑暗中那些如同荆棘丛一般纵横交织、驳接的“枝杈”,而在那些枝杈间,暗淡的光点仍如流萤般飞快游走着,渐渐地,阿加莎真的仿佛听到了那低沉的声音——噗通,噗通…… This depth buries in the Boiling Gold mine pit, the range does not know that big Anomaly region, is exuding the heartbeat. 这片深埋在沸金矿井中的,范围不知多大的异常区域,正在发出心跳声。 Even the own heart as if came under the influence of this heartbeat, wants the resonance to beat. 自己的心脏都仿佛受到了这心跳声的影响,要共鸣着跳动起来。 However a weak warm current suddenly appears in the oneself chest, making Agatha sober suddenly, she realized that own humanity just from crazy critical point return, immediately the look changed, is staring at Winston's eyes stubbornly. 然而一股微弱的暖流突然出现在自己心口,令阿加莎猛然间清醒过来,她意识到自己的人性刚刚从疯狂的临界点回归,顿时神色一变,死死盯着温斯顿的眼睛。 Your state of mind is not normal, Winston Magistrate —— you came under here influence.” “你的神志已经不正常了,温斯顿执政官——你受到了这里的影响。” „......? Possibly,” Winston actually beckons with the hand very much indifferently, I also think from the beginning oneself can make this ancient god peaceful like the queen, then thinks that oneself at least can delay the period of time, then also thinks that oneself can maintain to sober until finally,...... me at least had been defeated unknowingly?” “啊……是吗?可能吧,”温斯顿却只是很无所谓地摆了摆手,“我一开始还以为自己能像女王一样重新令这古神安静下来,然后又以为自己至少能拖延一阵子,接着还以为自己起码能维持清醒直到最后,原来……我已经不知不觉地失败了?” Like the queen, making this ancient god peaceful?” Agatha actually notices the key in Magistrate words keenly, her look immediately changes, realized indistinctly this Magistrate presents the real reason here, „you mean, did Frost Queen half a century ago once successfully make the Deep Sea Sacred Lord strength enter the deep sleep?” “像女王一样,令这古神安静下来?”阿加莎却敏锐地注意到执政官话语中的关键,她的眼神顿时微变,隐约意识到了这位执政官出现在这里的真正原因,“你的意思是,半个世纪前的寒霜女王曾成功令幽邃圣主的力量进入沉睡?” Winston smiled: „...... you thinks, past sea cliff avalanche what's the matter?” 温斯顿笑了起来:“……伱以为,当年的海崖崩塌是怎么回事?” Agatha was startled, is hesitating the opens the mouth: „After sea cliff avalanche...... the queen was beheaded, do the entire execution grounds fall into the sea...... that are not an accident/surprise?!” 阿加莎怔了一下,迟疑着开口:“海崖崩塌……女王被斩首之后,整个刑场坠入海中……那不是一场意外?!” That is one offers sacrifices, the sacrificial offering is queen oneself, as well as after the revolt erupts the first batch of choices betray her speculators —— to be natural, the entire good official who administers punishments group and rebels against the military officer to be buried along with the dead for her much,” Winston said calmly,we blocked the past detail, therefore few people know that the sea cliff crashed the later detail —— over a thousand people dead in that accident, but in fact, almost all civilians fortunately survived from that avalanche, but these were involved in the person in ocean waves......, even if they are leaving the shore, be only one meter, did not have the opportunity of struggling, then instantaneous Attracted entered the seabed. “那是一场献祭,祭品是女王自己,以及在起义爆发之后第一批选择背叛她的投机者们——当然,还有整个行刑官团体和不少反叛军官为她陪葬,”温斯顿平静地说道,“我们封锁了当年的详细资料,因此很少有人知道海崖崩塌之后的细节——上千人在那场事故中丧生,但事实上,几乎所有的平民都从那场崩塌中幸存了下来,而那些被卷入海浪中的人……哪怕他们离着岸边只有一米,都毫无挣扎的机会,便瞬间被‘吸’进了海底。 However after that avalanche, the Anomaly region in Boiling Gold mine pit then once stopped the expansion, but until that time, generation of Magistrate realized initially original all in Norah's plan the queen of —— ice-cold truth through the key that left behind shifts on Magistrate, such that just like she said that is one's turn us now.” “而在那场崩塌之后,沸金矿井中的异常区域便一度停止了扩张,而直到那时候,初代执政官才意识到原来一切都在蕾・诺拉的计划中——冰冷的真相通过女王留下的钥匙转移到了执政官手上,正如她说的那样,现在轮到我们了。” Agatha is silent, a moment later, her look becomes somewhat complex: You come here, wants to reappear the past years that offers sacrifices......” 阿加莎沉默下来,片刻之后,她的眼神变得有些复杂:“你来到这里,是想重现当年的那场献祭……” It is breaking surface, in the key the knowledge of carrying/sustaining told me, must suppress this process, must touch It thought that 50 years ago, Its strength also deep sleep in deep sea, therefore the queen can only offer sacrifices to the deep sea oneself, but until now, Its strength deeply has pricked City-State, therefore here was optimum position —— this that touched is the queen in the method in the key leaving behind, each Magistrate after taking key, will be entangled by this responsibility, then for this reason prepared lifelong, I was also fully prepared for this reason, may not expect one only.......” “‘祂’正在上浮,钥匙中承载的知识告诉我,要抑制这个过程,就必须触碰‘祂’的思维,五十年前,祂的力量还在深海中沉睡,所以女王只能把自己向深海献祭,而到如今,祂的力量已经深深刺入城邦,所以这里就是触碰的最佳位置——这是女王在钥匙里留下的方法,每一个执政官在拿过钥匙之后,都会被这份责任缠上,然后为此准备终身,我也为此做好了一切准备,可唯独没有料到一点……” Winston pulled the corners of the mouth, that is really not a smile. 温斯顿扯了扯嘴角,那实在算不上一个笑容。 Not everyone, is Norah.” “并不是所有人,都是蕾・诺拉。” Agatha is listening silently, later lowers the head, calmly gazed was still lying down in the oneself palm brass key. 阿加莎默默听着,随后低下头,静静地注视着仍然躺在自己手心的黄铜钥匙。 This is Frost Queen with thing —— that some transcendent strength creates she in the form of entity, and own part thought condenses knowledge that” oneself touches in the key. 这是寒霜女王用某种超凡力量创造出的事物——她以实体的形式,将自己触碰到的“知识”和自己的一部分“思想”凝聚在了钥匙内部。 But why does not know, Agatha always thought that this key...... should have other function. 但不知为何,阿加莎总觉得这钥匙……应该还有别的作用。 It should not only to tie up all previous ruler of Cold Frost City-State successor in a responsibility exists. 它应该不仅仅是为了把寒霜城邦后继的历代统治者绑在一份责任上而存在的。 But Winston Magistrate at this moment was unable to reply her obviously more issue ——, but her oneself, as if no road of going back. 但此刻的温斯顿执政官显然已经无法回答她更多问题——而她自己,似乎也已经没有了回去的路。 After knowing this dark space truth, Agatha understood this point: She did not pass through that stone wall to arrive in some place, but was integrated in a huge Anomaly material mass directly. 在得知这片黑暗空间的真相之后,阿加莎就明白了这一点:她并非穿过那道石墙抵达了某个地方,而是自身直接被融入了一个巨大的异常物质团块中。 Here waits for Winston, was the death, but waiting own, returns to and assimilation. 在这里等待温斯顿的,是死亡,而等待自己的,是回归与同化。 She looks to the oneself palm, saw the skin that the oneself hand and key contact has the sign of softened and distortion indistinctly, some sense of reality viscous black materials are infiltrating from the skin, covers little on the key. 她看向自己手心,看到自己手部和钥匙接触的皮肤已经隐约有了软化、变形的迹象,一些质感粘稠的黑色物质正在从皮肤中渗出来,一点点覆盖在钥匙上。 But she also wants to proceed again, she to here, some...... curious. 但她还想再往前走走,她对这里,有些……好奇。 We have something to do?” Agatha lowers the head, looks at already no longer City-State Magistrate of spoken language, you must when here the death did arrive?” “我们还有什么可做的吗?”阿加莎低下头,看着已经不再言语的城邦执政官,“你要在这里等到死亡降临?” Death had arrived, madam —— we just before swallows finally reviews the life of oneself failure,” Winston shakes the head, has nothing to do, like me, sat to rest.” “死亡已经降临了,女士——我们只不过是在最后一口气咽下去之前回顾一下自己失败的人生,”温斯顿摇了摇头,“没什么可做的了,像我一样,坐下来休息休息吧。” „...... You have actually made oneself to do, as Cold Frost Magistrate, you at least boldly faced this so-called curse,” Agatha said calmly, strength has, is not equal to without the achievement.” “……你其实已经做了自己该做的,作为寒霜执政官,你至少勇敢面对了这所谓的‘诅咒’,”阿加莎平静说道,“力有不及,不等于毫无作为。” Winston actually self-ridicules shrugs, incompetent is the crime.” 温斯顿却只是自嘲地耸了耸肩,“无能便是罪过。” „...... I must proceed, I must pass through this piece thorn, goes to that say/way to touch the place that the wrist is,” Agatha said, you can come with me together?” “……我还要往前走,我要穿过这片‘荆棘’,前往那道触腕所在的地方,”阿加莎说道,“你要跟我一起来吗?” This did not have the significance to me, Madame,” Winston said in a soft voice, „, if you want to go, went, making me keep here —— my road to finish.” “这对我没有意义了,女士,”温斯顿轻声说道,“如果您想去的话,就去吧,让我留在这里——我的路已经结束了。” Agatha stared at him to look for several seconds, handed over the brass key: This is your thing.” 阿加莎盯着他看了几秒钟,将黄铜钥匙递过去:“这是你的东西。” Winston has not put out a hand, but raised the head, is gazing at the eye of Agatha: Brings it, you had received it, it was your, since we were transmit it like this.” 温斯顿没有伸手,而是抬起头,注视着阿加莎的眼睛:“带着它吧,你已经接过它,它就是你的了,我们就是这样把它传递至今的。” Agatha silent, received the key. 阿加莎沉默了一下,将钥匙收了起来。 Good, I started off alone.” “好吧,那我独自上路了。” She and Winston said goodbye, later has turned around, haunches the cane, took the footsteps in the space of this dark nihility. 她与温斯顿道别,随后转过身,撑起手杖,在这片黑暗虚无的空间中迈出脚步。 Ms. Agatha,” Winston's voice conveys from the rear area suddenly, this really meaningful?” 阿加莎女士,”温斯顿的声音突然从后方传来,“这样真的有意义吗?” Agatha leans slightly excessively: Why asked?” 阿加莎微微侧过头:“为什么这么问?” Even if you knew more truth in front, even if you really can pass through this piece grove, touches that ancient God limbs, what can also change? You have not been able to prevent all these, the matter that even is unable to have here transmitted the —— investigation to end, is unable to give the information in the situation, you knew again many, does not have any significance.” “即便你在前面知道了更多的真相,即便你真的能穿过这片‘树丛’,触碰到那古神的肢体,又能改变什么呢?你已经无法阻止这一切,甚至无法把这里发生的事情传递到外界——调查已经结束,在无法传递信息的情况下,你知道的再多,也没有任何意义了。” The Agatha footsteps stopped, after moment ponder, she opens the mouth in a soft voice: I am Cold Frost Gatekeeper, this is my responsibility. And......” 阿加莎的脚步停了下来,片刻思考之后,她才轻声开口:“我是寒霜守门人,这是我的职责。而且……” She, gripped tightly the hand of brass key not to hold down voluntarily the chest. 她顿了顿,紧握着黄铜钥匙的手不自觉地按住了胸口。 All around was still very cold, the feeling of blood solidification is gradually more intense than at any time, but why does not know, she from started then always to feel that a moment ago has a heat slightly to beat in the oneself chest, as if...... there is jumping bunch of not obvious flame, is supporting oneself to proceed. 四周仍然很冷,血液渐渐凝固的感觉比任何时候都要强烈,但不知为何,她从刚才开始便始终感觉有一种微微的热量在自己心口跳动,就仿佛……那里跳跃着一簇不可见的火苗,在支撑着自己往前走。 In the mind, is not the own thought to jump gently, in this thought is most intense, is one holds to read —— to hold to read the directional direction, is beyond this thorn clump, that say/way illusory and incomparably huge touches wrist. 脑海中,不属于自己的思想在轻轻跳跃着,这思想中最强烈的,便是一股执念——执念指向的方向,正是这片荆棘丛外,那道虚幻而无比巨大的“触腕”。 Meaningful, I am not a person in advance ——, although does not have the evidence, but I think all that...... I see here, will be some people will know eventually.” “有意义,我不是一个人在前进——虽然没有证据,但我想……我在这里所看到的一切,终究是会有人知晓的。” „, Right, that really good...... Ms. Agatha, you still held the faith to the last minute, this is really enviable.” “哦,是吗,那真好……阿加莎女士,您到最后一刻仍持有信念,这真令人羡慕。” Winston's voice stopped, in that direction again no sound. 温斯顿的声音停下了,那个方向上再无任何动静。 Agatha has turned head, saw that a small inspection lamp is glistening in the darkness, illuminated one withered stump, a middle-aged person of wear dark blue coat calmly by stump. 阿加莎回过头,看到一盏小小的提灯在黑暗中闪亮着,照亮了一节干枯的“树桩”,一个穿着深蓝色外套的中年人正静静地靠在树桩旁。 His temples were passed through by the bullet hole, but in hand that he dangles, is grasping a excellent workmanship revolver. 他的太阳穴被弹孔贯穿,而在他垂下的手中,握着一柄做工精美的左轮手枪。
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