DSE :: Volume #5

#422: In the darkness sees

How then to arrive on the key first-generation Magistrate? 那把钥匙是怎么到第一代执政官手上的? This is issue —— that this moment Agatha most cares about no matter, because in which historical record, no matter from the angle of view of queen supporter from present City-State authority angle of view, before fifty-fifty century, that revolt or rebellion the description is a little consistent, that is between Frost Queen and insurrectionary army has the irreconcilable contradiction. 这是此刻阿加莎最在意的问题——因为不管在哪一份历史记录中,不管是从女王拥护者的视角还是从如今的城邦当局视角,对半世纪前那场“起义”或“叛乱”的描述有一点都是一致的,那就是寒霜女王与起义军之间存在不可调和的矛盾。 both sides are the enemies, the possibility of does not have any understanding or cooperation, what do not raise inheritance to relate —— that key of Queen Norah, why will arrive in the City-State Magistrate hand? Moreover will Winston also take it as curse and gift? 双方是敌人,没有任何谅解或合作的可能,更不要提什么“传承”关系——那么蕾・诺拉女王的钥匙,为什么会到城邦执政官手中?而且温斯顿还将它称作“诅咒”与“礼物”? In the rapid thinking, Agatha lowers the head, is gazing at Winston's eyes: „The past revolt had between truth —— Frost Queen and insurrectionary army is agrees well......” 迅速思索中,阿加莎低下头,注视着温斯顿的眼睛:“当年的起义另有真相——寒霜女王与起义军之间难道是约定好的……” Not such theatrical transition, Ms. Gatekeeper, although this sounds truly is the good story —— crazy City-State ruler and troops fighting in a good cause leaders attracts each other, can end previous dynasty the chaotic big revolt to complete the transmission of power and responsibility taking advantage of one, the screenwriters and writers of fiction will like this theme, but was a pity very much, in true history not this tender feeling. “并没有这么戏剧化的转折,守门人女士,虽然这听上去确实是个不错的故事——疯狂的城邦统治者和义军首领惺惺相惜,借一场能够终结前朝混乱的大起义来完成权力和责任的传递,编剧和小说家们会喜欢这个题材的,但很可惜,真正的历史中并无这份温情。 Big revolt happened inevitably, the insane queen and tearing between Cold Frost subjects is unredeemable, she is great, but she failure on Plan of Diving in the Abyss has advanced City-State the brink of collapse, initially generation of Magistrate dispatch troops into battle to the queen for the survivals of more person, among them does not have the leeway of peaceful dialog from the beginning. “大起义是必然发生的,疯女王和寒霜臣民之间的撕裂不可弥补,她曾经伟大过,但她在潜渊计划上的失败已经将城邦推到崩溃的边缘,初代执政官对女王起兵是为了更多人的生存,他们之间从一开始就没有和平对话的余地。 But you have not a little spoken incorrectly actually, between the queen and insurrectionary army truly have some type tacit understanding Queen —— to know that oneself was overthrown is the inevitable result, but the insurrectionary army also knows, the crazy act of queen is not only intelligence is abnormal is so simple, she has certainly many secrets. “但有一点您倒是没说错,女王和起义军之间确实存在某种‘默契’——女王知道自己被推翻已是不可避免的结局,而起义军也知道,女王的疯狂行径绝不只是‘神智失常’这么简单,她一定有很多秘密。 Therefore, the day before execution at night, troops fighting in a good cause leader, is beginning generation of Magistrate, found the detained queen, he wants the secret that does the clear queen to hide is anything. “所以,在行刑的前一天夜晚,义军首领,也就是初代执政官,找到了被关押的女王,他想要搞明白女王隐藏的秘密到底是什么。 Therefore, the queen gave him the key, and told him ——, so long as executed to finish, when her life end, the hand grasped the person of key naturally to know all things.” “于是,女王把钥匙给了他,并告诉他——只要等行刑结束,等她的生命终结,手握钥匙的人自然会知道所有的事情。” Winston stopped, on the face reveals the ridicule, but helpless expression, he lowers the head, is staring at the brass key in oneself hand, crossed was smiling bitterly for a long time the opens the mouth: „ You know that what she to the last few words that the troops fighting in a good cause leaders did speak is? The history book of later generation has never described, these words only then all previous Magistrate knows. 温斯顿停了下来,脸上露出嘲弄而无奈的表情,他低下头,盯着自己手中的黄铜钥匙,过了许久才苦笑着开口:“你知道她对义军首领说的最后一句话是什么吗?后世的历史书对此从未描述过,这句话只有历代执政官知晓。 I made contribution, you feel oneself, good,’ the words that present was one's turn you —— this is she followed key speaks after generation of Magistrate initially.” “‘我尽力了,你们觉得自己可以,也好,那现在轮到你们了’——这就是她在初代执政官接过钥匙之后说的话。” „...... All choices have the price.” The Agatha hear this phase of unknown history, sighed gently. “……所有选择都有代价。”阿加莎听完这段不为人知的历史,轻轻叹了口气。 Ms. Gatekeeper,” Winston raised the head suddenly, has the strange smile, lifted that brass key, „can you give a try? Received the key, looked Norah had seen scenery?” 守门人女士,”温斯顿突然抬起头,带着古怪的笑容,将那枚黄铜钥匙举了起来,“伱要不要试试看?接过钥匙,看一眼蕾・诺拉曾经看到过的风景?” Agatha somewhat is suddenly scruple, she stares at the key that Winston is handing over stubbornly, felt that the creeping motion slow heart bang bang had beaten again, a low and deep pressure spreads from that key, seems condensing half a century of darkness and malicious —— however after several seconds silent and scruple, she inspires gently, puts out a hand toward that key. 阿加莎突然有些迟疑,她死死盯着温斯顿递过来的钥匙,感觉本已蠕动缓慢的心脏再次砰砰跳动起来,一种低沉的压力从那钥匙上蔓延过来,其中仿佛凝聚着半个世纪的黑暗与恶意——然而在几秒钟的沉默和迟疑之后,她还是轻轻吸了口气,向着那钥匙伸出手去。 The icy cold touch transmits from the fingertip slightly. 微微冰凉的触感从指尖传来。 The next second, in the limitless darkness gushed out the innumerable illusory image suddenly, the confused light shadow fragment like the storm sweeps across, but, is stuffing the Agatha reason, in information fragment that in this raids crazily, in her mind starts to flash through illusion —— 下一秒,无边无际的黑暗中突然涌出了数不清的幻影,错乱的光影碎片如风暴般席卷而至,充塞着阿加莎的理智,而在这疯狂袭来的信息碎片中,她脑海中开始闪过一幕幕幻象—— In the endless dark deep sea, some giant fearsome dark limbs is multiplying and expanding slowly ; 无尽黑暗的深海中,某种巨大可怖的黑暗肢体在缓缓滋生、壮大; Made the vision that one was afraid of look from the deep sea ancient to City-State, such as indescribable ancient Shenban is taking a fast look around mortal world all living things indifferently ; 古老而令人不寒而栗的目光从深海中望向城邦,如不可名状的古神般冷漠地扫视着尘世众生; The gloomy fearsome material floods and upwells from the deep sea, changes to the Real World replica, in the actual situation transformation, these materials changes to the shadow from time to time, from time to time changes to makes the entity, in the boundless deep sea was filled with the chaos filthy form densely and numerously, looks up to City-State with the empty vision ; 阴暗可怖的物质从深海中漫溢、上涌,化作现实世界的复制品,在虚实转化中,那些物质时而化作阴影,时而化做实体,无边深海中密密麻麻地挤满了混沌污浊的身影,用空洞的目光仰望城邦; But in a more remote place, a darker profound seabed, the whole world, entire Boundless Sea, under hundreds and thousands of City-State, all was indistinctly, as if former days the world submerged in boundlessly that dark, the thing of hatred multiplied from the ancient skeleton, broke surface unceasingly, broke surface unceasingly...... 而在更加遥远的地方,更加黑暗深邃的海底,整个世界,整个无垠海,成百上千的城邦之下,皆是影影绰绰,仿佛旧日世界沉没于那无边黑暗,憎恶之物从古老的尸骸中滋生,不断上浮,不断上浮…… But in this innumerable illusion deep places, Agatha can feel some type throughout gaze —— that is not together the vision, is not any will of having the explicit origin, she felt that oneself seemed staring by Time, some type is remote than the history, is huger than City-State, even as if came from the thing of this world's most deep place...... to gaze at oneself. 而在这数不清的一幕幕幻象深处,阿加莎始终能感受到某种“注视”——那不是一道目光,不是任何一种有明确来源的意志,她感觉自己就仿佛被岁月本身凝视着,某种比历史更加久远,比城邦更加庞大,甚至仿佛来自这个世界最深处的东西……在注视着自己 That gaze does not have any sentiment, without the evil intention does not have the good intentions, It is gazing, is gazing at the unexpected visitor who is intruding the truth ignorant like a empty shell of no soul, and said —— faintly 那“注视”中没有任何感情,没有恶意也没有善意,祂就只是注视着,如同一个无魂的空壳在注视着一个懵懂闯入真理的不速之客,并淡漠地说道—— „, You came.” “哦,你来了。” Bang!” “轰!” Agatha felt that the oneself consciousness deep place makes noise loudly, the reason of only saving made her go all out to break surface in that innumerable repeat illusion, but in this process, the own sensation and ponder were suppressed limit —— she to feel, many information, more thought fragments are surrounding themselves, even possibly contained the will or the spoken language that Queen Norah is leaving behind, however she could not see clearly cannot understand. 阿加莎感觉到自己意识深处轰然作响,仅存的理智令她在那无数层迭幻象中拼命上浮,而在这个过程中,自己的感知与思考都被压制到了极限——她能感觉到,还有更多的信息,更多的思维碎片在环绕自身,其中甚至可能蕴含着蕾・诺拉女王留下的意志或言语,然而她既看不清也听不懂。 When she again is of heavy the initiative palm body, all illusions had ended, she opens the eye in the dark chaos, sees Winston Magistrate still in oneself at present, even maintained is also handing over the last posture —— time of brass key as if only to pass for one second to oneself. 等到她再次重掌这具身体的主动权时,所有的幻象已经结束了,她在黑暗混沌中睁开眼睛,看到温斯顿执政官仍在自己眼前,甚至还保持着向自己递来黄铜钥匙的最后一个姿势——时间似乎只过去了一秒钟。 oneself returned to this strange crawling dark space...... wait/etc, was not right, has anything to change happened! 自己又回到了这诡异的蠕行黑暗空间……等等,不对,有什么变化发生了! Agatha detected suddenly the strange change that in the oneself field of vision has, is on the rise immediately frightened, is observing the situation around oneself. 阿加莎突然察觉了自己视野中出现的诡异变化,顿时惊悚地抬起头,环视着自己周围。 Darkness in all directions as if compared with abated from the beginning, but these wriggle, the black invisible thing of distortion as if to condense and transform the entity in the darkness slowly gradually, in the actual situation of this unceasing slow change, she saw spreads thing —— that grows they to seem like as if withered crotch from the surroundings space baseless, its scale is actually filling the entire space densely and numerously, black crotch mutual bridge joint in nihility and polymerization, the weak flash walks randomly in them, on likely...... 四面八方的黑暗似乎比一开始消退了许多,而那些在黑暗中缓缓蠕动、变形的黑色无形之物则仿佛在渐渐凝聚、幻化出实体,在这不断蠕变的虚实之间,她更看到了许多从周围空间中凭空蔓延生长出来的事物——它们看上去就仿佛干枯的树杈,其规模却密密麻麻地充填着整个空间,黑色的“树杈”在虚无中相互桥接、聚合,微弱的闪光则在它们之间游走,就像…… Fast transported rapid capsule warehouse in steam conduit. 在蒸汽管道中被飞快运送的迅件胶囊仓。 But in this complicated like thorn clump crotch network deep place, is away from that illusory image, Agatha saw one huge...... the limbs. 而在这繁复如同荆棘丛的“树杈”网络深处,隔着那层层迭迭的幻影,阿加莎看到了一个庞大的……肢体。 That is one like touching the healthy limbs of wrist, its huge scale just like the great column of support world, the great column surface proliferates the blue trace that is sinking secretly, the design that these traces form...... seems like the innumerable eyes. 那是一根如同触腕的茁壮肢体,其庞大规模宛若支撑天地的巨柱,巨柱表面又遍布着暗沉的蓝色纹路,那些纹路形成的图案……看上去就像无数双眼睛。 Spiritual pollution? Illusion? Crazy critical? 精神污染?幻象?疯狂临界? In the Agatha mind flashes through the innumerable thoughts rapidly, she closes the eye immediately, actually discovery that support world general great column still remained in the own field of vision, she attempts to the God of Death pray as well as thinks the technique stable own will, actually discovers oneself in one's right senses, simply has not encountered the sign of corrosion. 阿加莎脑海中迅速闪过无数念头,她立刻闭上眼睛,却发现那支撑天地一般的“巨柱”仍然残留在自己的视野里,她尝试向死亡之神祈祷以及用神术稳固自己的意志,却发现自己神志清醒,根本没有遭到侵蚀的迹象。 After several rapid emergency actions ended in failure, she realized matter —— 在几个迅速的应急处置都宣告失败之后,她意识到一件事—— oneself not crazy, but in the sober sane situation, saw does not know situated where, does not know whether real scenery. 自己没有疯狂,而是在清醒理智的情况下,看到了一幕不知位于何处的,不知是否真实的“风景”。 She then in this grand and terrifying scenery is standing and waiting for a long time, as if lost the ponder, pulls back her until Winston Magistrate sound: „, You saw evidently.” 她便在这壮阔又恐怖的“风景”中伫立着,仿佛失去了思考,直到温斯顿执政官的声音将她拉了回来:“哦,看样子你看到了。” This middle-aged Magistrate is saying, slowly raised the head, in a soft voice sighing: „Very magnificent, right?” 这位中年执政官说着,慢慢抬起头,轻声感叹着:“很壮观,对吧?” Agatha is hesitating lowering the head, this notices Winston leaning on at all is not stump —— that actually is also periphery huge crotch part of structure, is a terminal that extends from the crotch, but on it also has the indistinct black structure, continuously spread to this strange space most deep place. 阿加莎迟疑着低下头,这才注意到温斯顿所“倚靠”的根本不是什么树桩——那其实也是周围庞大“树杈”结构的一部分,是一段从树杈中延伸出来的末端,而它上部还有隐隐约约的黑色结构,一直蔓延到这诡异空间的最深处。 This...... these twigs......” “这……这些枝杈……” This is ancient God the ponder, has present melts in the fields of vision of our these mortals is this appearance,” Winston said lightly, „you first time are only touched the key, the thing that can see is few, but I have been constantly together for more than ten years...... it to tell my thing with this key, far exceeds you to imagine.” “这是古神的思考,具现化在我们这些凡人的视野中便是这副模样,”温斯顿淡淡说道,“你只是第一次触碰到钥匙,能看到的东西还很少,但我已经跟这钥匙朝夕相处十几年了……它告诉我的东西,远超你想象。” Agatha like crashing into the illusion, is understanding Winston's words slowly, subconscious redundant: ancient God...... ponder?” 阿加莎如同坠入幻梦,迟钝地理解着温斯顿的话语,下意识重复:“古神的……思考?” „Very inconceivable? These crotch one thing do not exist, you see, likely is only the god only in a thought that some flashes through instantaneously, but this thought then stamped pass here, changes to huge structure —— that in your eye sees intensely, do not attempt to decode anything, do not attempt to understand that rules of these flash transmissions, you will be insane.” “是不是很不可思议?这些树杈一样的东西不是真实存在的,你所看到的,很可能只是神祇在某一个瞬间闪过的一个念头,而这个念头便强烈地印照在这里,化作你眼中所见的庞大结构——哦,不要尝试从中破解些什么,不要尝试理解那些闪光传递的规律,你会疯掉的。” Agatha has turned the head suddenly: „Are some people therefore insane?” 阿加莎猛然转过头:“有人因此疯掉?” Has,” Winston smiled, „did you forget? Her name was Norah......” “有啊,”温斯顿笑了起来,“你忘记了吗?她叫蕾・诺拉……” Agatha is speechless for a while, several seconds later, she will open the mouth in a soft voice: That...... thorn clump beside that thing, what is also?” 阿加莎一时无言,又过了几秒钟,她才轻声开口:“那……‘荆棘丛’之外的那东西,又是什么?” Is Deep Sea Sacred Lord,” Winston said lightly, is his small part, pricks the part of City-State.” “是幽邃圣主,”温斯顿淡淡说道,“是祂的一小部分,刺入城邦的部分。”
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