DSE :: Volume #5

#421: Moves to the abyss

Key that queen leaves behind?” “女王留下的钥匙?” The Agatha expression changed instantaneously, observed closely the eye of Winston Magistrate. 阿加莎的表情瞬间变化,盯住了温斯顿执政官的眼睛。 However the latter actually displays is more surprised than her, Winston look fills stunned: „Don't you know? How do you come in this place?” 然而后者却表现得比她还要惊讶,温斯顿眼神充满错愕:“你不知道?那你是怎么进来这个地方的?” Agatha kept a serious look, she realized that the situation as if with not too same —— that oneself estimated before detected oneself can entry stone wall, she also thinks that first step Winston Magistrate that entered this place with oneself same existence, but looking back now, is actually other method that this Mr. Magistrate uses. 阿加莎表情严肃起来,她意识到情况似乎跟自己预想的不太一样——在之前察觉到自己能够“进入”石墙的时候,她还以为先一步进入此地的温斯顿执政官是跟自己一样的存在,但现在看来,这位执政官先生用的却是别的手段。 Secret that he has knowledge of the oneself expectation are more. 他掌握的秘密比自己料想的还要多。 I have the own means that” Agatha opens the mouth slowly, in the tone did not take a pressure voluntarily, you mentioned key that a moment ago queen leaves behind, what thing is that?” “我有自己的办法,”阿加莎慢慢开口,语气中不自觉地带上了一股压力,“您刚才提到‘女王留下的钥匙’,那到底是什么东西?” Winston doubt looks at present Gatekeeper, but after the hesitation of moment, he feels relaxed sighs, puts out a hand to search into the pocket of chest. 温斯顿狐疑地看着眼前的守门人,但在片刻的犹豫之后,他还是释然地叹了口气,伸手探入胸口的口袋。 Also good, had arrived in any case this step, had no necessity of conservative secret again.” “也好,反正已经到了这一步,再没什么保守秘密的必要了。” He fishes out the equally exquisite thing from the pocket, that is a has the brass key of magnificent pattern, its key as if horizontal 8, or the infinite symbol in math, its head does not have the ordinary key such common dentate structure, but is a dowel that has the scoop channel. 他从口袋里摸出一样小巧的事物,那是一柄有着华丽花纹的黄铜钥匙,其钥匙柄仿佛一个横置的“八”,或数学中的无限符号,其头部却没有普通钥匙那样常见的齿状结构,而是一节带有凹槽的圆棒。 Agatha is sizing up the thing in opposite party hand curiously, suddenly thought that it does not seem like opens the door with the key, but is...... looks like that type of things that very much give puppet or other clockwork mechanism/organization top chords. 阿加莎好奇地打量着对方手中的东西,突然觉得它不像是一把开门用的钥匙,而是……很像那种给人偶或其他发条机关上弦的东西。 clockwork key?” Her subconscious opens the mouth, you said, this is the thing that Queen Norah keeps? Why it on you this Magistrate?” 发条钥匙?”她下意识开口,“你是说,这是蕾・诺拉女王留下来的东西?为什么它会在伱这个执政官手上?” Magistrate are the continuation, this key is the queen leaves gift of traitor, as well as...... the curse,” Winston pulls the talking corner/horn, what revealed is one bitter and astringent is even concealing the frightened forced smile, received since that moment of key from first Magistrate, the Cold Frost City-State back shadow covered in our top of the head, Ms. Gatekeeper.” 执政官们代代相传,这钥匙是女王留给叛逆者的礼物,以及……诅咒,”温斯顿扯动嘴角,露出的是一个苦涩甚至隐含着恐惧的苦笑,“从第一个执政官接过钥匙的那一刻起,寒霜城邦背后的阴影就笼罩在我们头顶了,守门人女士。” Agatha has not broken this to seem like already very weak middle-aged man that verbose, as if talks during sleep talking over, she and other opposite party said patiently, the expression opens the mouth tranquilly: You actually know the real situation in Boiling Gold mine pit, right.” 阿加莎没有打断这个看起来已经很虚弱的中年男人那絮絮叨叨的、仿佛呓语般的念叨,她耐心地等对方说完,才表情平静地开口:“您其实知道沸金矿井的真实情况,对吧。” If you refer to the Boiling Gold mine pit having the depletion sign in the queen years......, I know, Winston sighed in a soft voice, said confidently, was sorry, I know that door that from the beginning you discovered what's the matter, but I think that also had the time, can with enough time before the situation deteriorated made all be back on the right track, in that case, you discovered was also only waste barrow said that Cold Frost...... was still that prosperous Cold Frost.” “如果你指的是沸金矿井早在女王时代就有枯竭迹象的话……是的,我知道,”温斯顿轻声叹息,坦然说道,“抱歉,我从一开始就知道你们发现的那扇门是怎么回事,但我以为还有时间,能来得及在情况恶化之前让一切重回正轨,那样的话,你们发现的也就只是一条废弃矿道罢了,寒霜……仍然是那个繁荣的寒霜。” I need an explanation, Magistrate,” Agatha kept a serious look, tone somewhat ice-cold, „the Boiling Gold mine pit has dried up in the queen years, we dug in these years, transported, what thing was? Moreover City-State today's Vision, do the actions of these heretic, what and between depletions of mine pit have to relate?” “我需要一个解释,执政官,”阿加莎表情严肃,语气有些冰冷,“沸金矿井在女王时代就已经枯竭,那我们这几十年挖出来的,运出去的,到底是什么东西?而且城邦今日的异象,那些邪教徒的行动,跟矿井的枯竭之间又有什么联系?” Boiling Gold, was still Boiling Gold, Ms. Gatekeeper, what we dug was Boiling Gold, transported was still Boiling Gold, absolutely true ,” Winston raised the head, on the face brought not to know that is expression that cried is smiles, that was not the pollution, we have experimented, the queen years have also experimented, if one thing seemed like Boiling Gold, used is Boiling Gold, the product that the produced effect and left behind has not distinguished —— that with normal Boiling Gold without a doubt, it should be Boiling Gold.” 沸金,仍然是沸金,守门人女士,我们挖出来的是沸金,运出去的也仍然是沸金,千真万确,实实在在,”温斯顿抬起头,脸上带着不知是哭是笑的表情,“那不是什么污染,我们试验过,女王时代也试验过,如果一样东西看起来是沸金,用起来是沸金,产生的效果和留下的产物都与正常的沸金没有区别——那毫无疑问,它就应该是沸金。” „Are these really Boiling Gold?!” Agatha opened the eye suddenly, this answer makes her especially be inconceivable, „, but the mine pit dried up dozens years ago, ore that now the ore mileage presents......” “那些真的是沸金?!”阿加莎猛然睁大了眼睛,这个答案让她尤为难以想象,“但矿井在几十年前就枯竭了,如今矿道里出现的矿石……” This is most fearful and strange, not?” Winston is smiling bitterly, mineral lode dried up, but quick will have the new ore to fill up certain unmanned the corners of gaze, as if with Real World parallel, false Cold Frost City-State, in pours into Real World the ore continuously, or...... after the mine pit thorough underground certain depth, we in have mined the mineral from a mirror world, but after these illusory images go against the common sense the thing...... to mine , no matter how tests, unexpectedly real.” “这正是最可怕和诡异的,不是吗?”温斯顿苦笑着,“矿脉枯竭了,但很快又会有新的矿石将某些无人注视的角落填满,仿佛有一座和现实世界平行的、虚假的‘寒霜城邦’,在将矿石源源不断地注入现实世界,或者说……当矿井深入地下一定深度之后,我们就一直在从一个镜像世界里开采矿物,而那些幻影般违背常理的东西……开采出来之后不管怎么测试,竟都是真的。” The Agatha facial features are listening to all these solemnly, these incredible truth are attacking in her these time originally often the ignorant mind, but finally she maintained calm, and opens the mouth in a soft voice: Mirror Cold Frost —— Mr. Magistrate, your view right, truly has mirror Cold Frost, now covers the City-State dense fog, as well as in dense fog ever emerging sham, runs from the city of that mirror, this mirror City-State is gradually corroding and replacing our Real World.” 阿加莎面容冷峻地听着这一切,这些令人难以置信的真相冲击着她这些时间里本就时常浑浑噩噩的头脑,但最终她还是保持了冷静,并轻声开口:“镜像寒霜——执政官先生,您的说法没错,确实存在一座镜像寒霜,如今笼罩城邦的迷雾,以及迷雾中不断出现的赝品,都是从那座镜像之城中跑出来的,这个镜像城邦正在逐渐侵蚀并取代我们的现实世界。” Winston expression changes slightly, later he silent more than ten seconds, finally sends out a deep sigh: „, It seems like this was these Boiling Gold prices.” 温斯顿表情微微变化,随后他沉默了十几秒,终于发出一声长叹:“啊,看来这就是那些沸金的代价了。” Price? You when say this word to be superficial —— withstood the price to continue now your I, the entire City-State person, most of them does not know that had anything......” “代价?您在说出这个词的时候过于轻描淡写了——如今正在承受代价的可不止你我,还有整座城邦的人,他们中的绝大多数根本不知道发生了什么……” But most of them are enjoying all —— that the Boiling Gold trade is bringing in this extremely cold city, is Boiling Gold lets the people in entire city to have the warm residence and sufficient food, lets us after the sea cliff crashes can still maintain a relatively abundant level, Ms. Gatekeeper.” “但他们中的绝大多数都在受用着沸金贸易带来的一切——在这极寒之城,是沸金让全城的人都能有温暖的居所和充足的食物,让我们在海崖崩塌之后仍然能维持一个相对富足的水准,守门人女士。” Winston, stopped at this point for several seconds, later beckons with the hand. 温斯顿说到这里,停顿了几秒钟,随后摆了摆手。 You should be know that I am never wasteful, does not set at the real estate, does not keep private wealth —— I even not to have the successor. Madame, all that I make, not for selfish desire.” “您应该是知道的,我从不奢靡,不置房产,不留私财——我甚至没有继承人。女士,我做的一切,都不是为了私欲。” Agatha is gazing at the eye of Magistrate, however from that eye deep place, she sees exhausted. 阿加莎注视着执政官的眼睛,然而从那双眼睛深处,她看到的只有疲惫罢了。 They have not chosen......” “他们都没有选择吗……” She as if thought aloud that is saying in a soft voice. 她仿佛自言自语般轻声说着。 Is everyone has not chosen,” Winston shakes the head, „ I know that your meaning, this road, today's price, is not —— but this that City-State citizens oneself chooses is not I elects today, no one has other road to walk. “是所有人都没有选择,”温斯顿摇了摇头,“我知道您的意思,今天这条路,今天的代价,都不是城邦公民们自己选的——但这也不是我选的,谁都没有别的路可走。 City-State , is so big, on Boundless Sea does not have second Cold Frost to base to us, we need to eat meal, need the fuel, needs the house and pure fresh water, we need Boiling Gold ——, even if it from the strange shadow world. Without Boiling Gold, only needs a winter, City-State will die 1/4 people, the remaining people will gradually return to the industrial great development beforehand dark City-State time in several years, and continues to lose 1/4 even more population...... 城邦只有这么大,无垠海上没有第二个寒霜给我们立足,我们需要吃饭,需要燃料,需要房屋和洁净的淡水,我们需要沸金——哪怕它来自诡异的阴影世界。没有沸金,只需要一个冬天,城邦就会死四分之一的人,剩下的人会在几年内逐渐回到工业大发展之前的黑暗城邦时代,并继续损失四分之一甚至更多的人口…… Ms. Gatekeeper, rests, you and I are the same, is tired enough, perhaps we should accept fact —— City-State now are one steam locomotives that move to the abyss, everyone sits on the vehicle, between City-State protectors and general public only difference, lies in the average people ignorant/veiled the eye food and drink life, but we...... are opening the eye.” 守门人女士,休息一下吧,您和我一样,已经够累了,或许我们现在应该接受一个事实——城邦是一列驶向深渊的蒸汽机车,所有人都坐在车上,城邦的保护者跟普通民众之间仅有的区别,就在于普通人都在蒙着眼睛吃喝生活,而我们……睁着眼睛罢了。” Agatha has not actually paid attention to Winston this is deliberately bad the speech, she stands and waits for a long time not silently in the darkness, feels that unendurable cold to transmit from all around again, feels the blood in blood vessel gradually to cool. 阿加莎却没有理会温斯顿这自暴自弃般的发言,她只是一言不发地伫立在黑暗中,感受着那股令人难以忍受的寒冷再次从四周传来,感受着血管中的血液逐渐冷却。 Then, she broke silent: Some people have made other choice.” 然后,她打破了沉默:“有人做出过别的选择。” „...... , The Cold Frost person once called her queen, but in the history book called her insane queen,” Winston smiled, actually does not know that was ridiculing the queen ridiculed oneself, „a great mortal, she even wants to resist this sea, the terrifying of resistance sea most deep place.” “……是的,有一个,寒霜人曾经叫她‘女王’,而历史书上叫她‘疯女王’,”温斯顿笑了起来,却不知是在嘲笑女王还是嘲笑自己,“一个伟大的凡人,她甚至想对抗这片大海,对抗大海最深处的恐怖。” Plan of Diving in the Abyss......” Agatha said in a soft voice, all sorts of clues that in the past had little gathered finally in her mind together, changed to the clear vein, „, therefore, Plan of Diving in the Abyss wasn't a pure exploration program in material record...... the queen wants to reveal the secret of City-State deep place?!” 潜渊计划……”阿加莎轻声说道,过去掌握的种种线索终于一点点在她脑海中汇聚在一起,化作清晰的脉络,“所以,潜渊计划并不是资料记载中的一个单纯的探索计划……女王是想揭开城邦深处的秘密?!” We do not know why she will think in the mine pit ever emerging Boiling Gold with deep sea related, but she looks for the fearful destiny that right out-of-control of direction —— Plan of Diving in the Abyss and she faced afterward to show obviously exactly she touched the true source, our the world's most ironies are this,” Winston changed a posture by the stump, he begins supinely, looks at the above endless chaos and creeping motion shadow, is saying at a moderate pace, „ truth direction is crazy, aims at the failure crazily, you to each step that the goal treads, to abyss vanguard. “我们不知道为什么她会认为矿井中不断出现的沸金与‘深海’有关,但显然她找对了方向——潜渊计划的失控和她后来面对的可怕命运恰恰证明她触及了真正的源头,我们这个世界最讽刺之处莫过于此,”温斯顿在树桩旁换了个姿势,他仰起头,看着上方无尽的混沌与蠕动阴影,不紧不慢地说着,“真相指向疯狂,疯狂指向失败,你向目标踏出的每一步,都在向深渊前行。 Winston sighed. 温斯顿叹了口气。 She wants to verify the truth of Boiling Gold mine pit, wants to solve the City-State back hidden danger, wants to rely on the own wisdom and strength resistance sea...... this is very good, but the fact showed, she consumed the own destiny ahead of time.” “她想查明沸金矿井的真相,想解决城邦背后的隐患,想凭借自己的智慧与力量对抗大海本身……这很好,但事实证明,她只是提前消耗了自己的命运罢了。” Therefore, your successor could not decide that her old route —— you pretend hoodwinks the eye like others, charges into the abyss with this car(riage) together, but that once tried to step on to get on the brakes or change the queen of track, finally determined the nature by the history book as the lunatic who to receive Subspace misleads.” “所以,你们这些‘继任者’决定不走她的老路——你们假装像其他人一样蒙起眼睛,与这辆车一起冲向深渊,而那个曾经试图踩下刹车或者改变轨道的女王,最终被历史书定性为受到亚空间蛊惑的疯子。” „The Cold Frost ancient precept —— deceased person must allow to pass through to the living person,” Winston has transferred the eyeball slowly, is gazing at the eye of Agatha, once great ruler, if makes Cold Frost quickly restore after the turmoil to her deciding performance steadily, she thinks that does not mind.” 寒霜古训——死人要给活人让路,”温斯顿慢慢转过眼珠,注视着阿加莎的眼睛,“一个曾经伟大的统治者,如果对她的定性能让寒霜在动乱之后迅速恢复平稳,那她想必是不介意的。” Agatha wants to say anything, but anything has not said finally. 阿加莎想说些什么,但最终什么也没说出口。 Long time, she can only shake the head gently. 良久,她只能轻轻摇了摇头。 How then...... to arrive on the key first-generation Magistrate?” “那把钥匙……是怎么到第一代执政官手上的?”
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