DSE :: Volume #5

#420: The darkness of return crawling

Agatha took back the hand instantaneously, erratically looks at the own fingertip surprisedly. 阿加莎瞬间收回了手,惊疑不定地看着自己的指尖。 However the accompanying nun had seen one of the difference nearest, this nun opened the eye immediately surprisedly: Gatekeeper, a moment ago your hand......” 然而距离最近的随行修女已经看到了这异样的一幕,这位修女顿时惊讶地睁大了眼睛:“守门人,刚才你的手……” Agatha is knitting the brows, suddenly does not know what's the matter, but at this moment, a nearby Guardian soldier walks up, lifts the operational cane discretely, knocked that firm stone wall that seems like with the surrounding no difference. 阿加莎皱着眉,一时间也不知道到底是怎么回事,而就在这时,旁边的一名守卫者战士走上前来,谨慎地抬起作战手杖,敲了敲那面看上去跟周围没什么区别的坚固石墙。 The cane and stone wall hit, exudes the clear sound, on the wall anything changes has not happened. 手杖与石墙撞击,发出清脆的响声,墙壁上什么变化都没发生。 That Guardian has turned the head, nods to Agatha gently, then has the courage, goes forward to touch the stone wall with the own palm directly. 那名守卫者转过头,对阿加莎轻轻点头,接着鼓起勇气,上前直接用自己的手掌触碰石墙。 Nothing happened, the wall was still the wall. 什么都没发生,墙壁仍然是墙壁。 This is only a wall,” Guardian knits the brows, „, but a moment ago......” “这只是一面墙,”守卫者皱了皱眉,“但刚才……” Agatha anything had not said, is only silent going forward, takes bearing with the finger again that wall. 阿加莎什么也没说,只是沉默着上前,再次用手指探向那面墙壁。 The next second, she then looks that helplessly the own finger submerges again! 下一秒,她便眼睁睁地看着自己的手指再次没入其中! The resistance, she had not even thought that slightly oneself just touched a curtain that is constituted by the illusory image. 没有丝毫阻力,她甚至觉得自己只不过是触碰了一层由幻影构成的帷幕。 Evidently only then you can pass through it,” accompanying pastor with astonishment looks at this, turns the head to say unbelievable, why, but...... can like this? Why will the Boiling Gold mine pit deep place have such a wall? Some people had never before reported......” “看样子只有您能穿过它,”随行牧师惊愕地看着这一幕,难以置信地转头说道,“但……为什么会这样?沸金矿井深处为什么会有这样的一堵墙?此前从未有人汇报过……” Listened to pastor's exclamation in side, Agatha anything not saying that but still stared at oneself to search into finger —— of stone wall stubbornly in the angle that she noticed, she saw finally when the oneself fingertip with that stone wall contacted the small change. 听着牧师在旁的惊叹,阿加莎却什么也没说,只是仍旧死死盯着自己探入石墙的手指——在一个只有她注意到的角度,她终于看到了自己指尖与那石墙接触时的微小变化。 Her finger and stone wall as if melted in that position simultaneously, although only melted little, actually blends like the butter of heating in the same place, that luster and sense of reality...... look on as if black mud. 她的手指和石墙在那个位置仿佛同时融化了,尽管只融化了一点点,却像加热的黄油一样交融在一起,那色泽与质感……看上去就仿佛黑色的泥浆。 She was this seemingly was firm across that say/way the incomparable stone wall. 她就是这样“穿过”了那道看起来坚固无比的石墙。 How long crossed did not know, she broke finally in a soft voice silent: Why I do not know like this, but obviously...... following matter only then I can do.” 过了不知多久,她终于轻声打破了沉默:“我不知道为什么会这样,但显然……接下来的事情就只有我能做了。” Gatekeeper?” Accompanying pastor immediately one startled, responded rapidly, you must go in alone!? Wait, this is unsafe, this wall is not really right, you likely enter now rashly......” 守门人?”随行牧师顿时一惊,迅速反应过来,“您要独自进去!?等等,这太不安全了,这堵墙实在不对劲,您现在贸然进入很可能……” Our City-State, are being swallowed by the thick fog, after the distortion in fog exists not pities —— its back strength will not wait for us to investigate the clear truth, acts,” Agatha actually shakes the head slowly, the voice was tranquil like the past, „the team that Winston Magistrate led arrived here finally, here did not have his corpse, now looks like, the guard who these died in battle was more like, for the protracted time in the ore say/way insisted finally......, if I guessed right, they to give Magistrate strove to pass through this to stop up the wall the time.” “我们的城邦,正在被浓雾吞噬,雾中的扭曲存在毫无怜悯——其背后的力量并不会等着我们调查清楚真相之后再行动,”阿加莎却只是缓缓摇了摇头,嗓音如往日般平静沉稳,“温斯顿执政官带领的队伍最终抵达了这里,这里却没有他的尸体,现在看来,这些战死的卫兵更像是为了在矿道中拖延时间才坚持到最后……如果我猜得没错,他们就是为了给执政官争取穿过这堵墙的时间。” The pastor does not know how suddenly should respond, after several seconds of silence, but the instinct opens the mouth: But all your alone was extremely dangerous, this matter at least should report that gave Cathedral......” 牧师一时间不知该如何回应,在几秒钟的沉默之后,只是本能地开口:“但您孤身一人还是太过危险了,这件事至少应该报告给大教堂……” Did not have the time, really did not have the time,” Agatha has turned around, slow is actually shaking the head firmly, while starting talking, she had felt again that surrounded the whole body and thorough marrow coldness, she almost can feel clearly the own blood is gradually stopping flowing, constitutes the material of this body to lose the activeness little, although this uncomfortableness only continued very short time, still made her tone firmer, I must do to understand that the secret in this mine pit, this possibly was in this time of finally only remaining I can only......” “没时间了,真的没时间了,”阿加莎转过身,缓慢却坚定地摇着头,而在开口说话的同时,她已经再度感觉到那股环绕全身、透彻骨髓般的寒冷,她几乎能清晰地感觉到自己的血液正在逐渐停止流动,构成这具身体的物质在一点点失去活性,尽管这种不适感又只持续了很短的时间,却仍让她的语气更加坚决起来,“我必须搞明白这座矿井里的秘密,这可能是最后仅剩的这点时间里我唯一能……” She stopped suddenly, is suppressing the own train of thought and words and deeds forcefully, doing utmost makes the own expression again tranquil, and a face looks at the present subordinates earnestly. 她突然停了下来,强行遏止着自己的思绪与言行,竭尽全力让自己的表情重新平静,并一脸认真地看着眼前的部下们。 I will pass through this wall, you should know that Gatekeeper strength —— does not need to be worried for me, you have the matter that oneself should handle. After I pass, you the old route returns to the beforehand traffic intersection immediately, then the first second team continues to go to the tunneling area as scheduled, an investigation clear Boiling Gold ore real present situation, three teams of four teams return to the surface, to Cathedral reported matter that here has, then......” “我会穿过这堵墙,你们应该知道守门人的力量——不必为我担心,你们有自己应该做的事情。在我过去之后,伱们立即原路返回之前的交通路口,然后第一第二队继续按照原定计划前往掘进区,调查清楚沸金矿道的真实现状,三队四队返回地表,向大教堂报告这里发生的事情,然后……” She stopped for several seconds, seems some thought suddenly interrupts, later beckons with the hand: This, remaining obeying Bishop Ivan's orders.” 她停顿了几秒钟,仿佛是思维突然有些中断,随后摆了摆手:“就这样吧,剩下的听从伊凡主教的命令。” Guardian and pastors and nuns are out of control to look at each other in blank dismay, they see Gatekeeper to have such performance for the first time, unavoidably is somewhat fearful not handles, but under Agatha especially serious vision gaze, in many years of training nearly fosters the instinct under the professional accomplishment, command prompt their subconscious responses. 守卫者与牧师、修女们禁不住面面相觑,他们第一次看到守门人有如此表现,难免有些惶惶无措,但在阿加莎格外严肃的目光注视下,在多年训练近乎养成本能的职业素养下,服从命令成了他们的下意识反应。 Yes, receives the order,” the pastor who leads nods seriously, and delimits the representative Bartok triangle symbol in the chest, but, he cannot bear closely examine one, when needs us to aid you?” “是,收到命令,”带队的牧师郑重其事地点了点头,并在胸口划出代表巴托克的三角形徽记,但紧接着,他又忍不住追问一句,“需要我们什么时候来接应您?” „...... Does not need to aid —— however to feel relieved, I will come back, no matter meets what situation, I will certainly come back.” “……不必接应——但是放心,我会回来的,不管遇上什么情况,‘我’一定会回来的。” The pastor drew back, no one hear she, when this character that subtle little tone change speaking of me. 牧师退下了,没有人听出她在说到“我”这个字的时候那微妙的一点点语气变动。 Agatha shouted the tone gently, takes the footsteps toward that say/way dark wall. 阿加莎轻轻呼了口气,向着那道黑沉沉的墙壁迈出脚步。 Before will soon contact it, she for the last time in a soft voice opens the mouth, as if to whose whisper, as if said to oneself hear of —— 在即将接触到它之前,她最后一次轻声开口,仿佛在对谁耳语,又仿佛是说给自己—— Actually...... I also really very like this world......” “其实……我还真挺喜欢这个世界的……” She stepped forward without hesitation one step, the body is hindered slightly submerged that say/way stone wall, such as the illusory image integrated another illusory image together. 她毫不犹豫地跨出一步,身体丝毫未受阻碍地没入了那道“石墙”,就如一道幻影融入另一道幻影。 The stone wall surface appeared instantaneously the indistinct ripple, but has not waited for others to see clearly, that ripple then vanished cleanly. 石墙表面瞬间浮现出了隐隐约约的波纹,但还不等旁人看清,那波纹便消失得干干净净。 Dark, gloomy and cold , is all alone difficult to distinguish high and low, about not being able to distinguish clearly , all sensations as if vanish instantaneously, and in returns to oneself in an extremely slow and strange way later —— this is all feeling of Agatha after bridging over that wall. 黑暗,阴冷,无依无靠,难辨上下,也分不清左右,紧接着,所有的感知都仿佛瞬间消失,并在随后以一种极为迟钝、怪异的方式回到自己身上——这就是阿加莎在跨过那道墙壁之后所有的感受。 How long crossed did not know, she opened eye in the darkness, actually discovered that oneself could not see clearly the surrounding anything. 过了不知多久,她才在黑暗中睁开“眼睛”,却发现自己看不清周围的任何东西。 The place of seeing, the inexhaustible chaos, the indistinct dark mass wriggles in a darker background slowly, some probably type of sticky disgusting fluid, seems like, the indescribable giant beast that crawls slowly. 入目之处,只有无穷无尽的混沌,隐隐约约的黑暗团块在更加黑暗的背景中缓缓蠕动,像是某种黏腻恶心的流体,又像是缓缓蠕行的、不可名状的巨兽。 So is why dark? oneself comes time doesn't bring the inspection lamp? 为何如此黑暗?自己过来的时候不是带着提灯吗? In the Agatha mind cannot help but appeared such question, but almost when she is thinking, she really appears at present wiped luminously. 阿加莎脑海中不由得浮现出了这样的疑问,而几乎就在她这么想着的时候,她眼前真的出现了一抹光亮。 The glimmer illuminates all around, she noticed that oneself is floating in boundless black fog, all around innumerable things indistinctly are flowing in the creeping motion, has not actually made any sound. 微光照亮四周,她看到自己正漂浮在一片无边的黑雾,四周无数影影绰绰的东西在蠕动流淌着,却没有发出任何声音。 Agatha calmly looks at this, later lowers the head. 阿加莎静静地看着这一幕,随后低下头。 The body appears in the field of vision, first is the torso, is the hands and feet, that fight cane that accompanied oneself many years. 身体出现在视野中,先是躯干,紧接着是手脚,还有那根陪伴了自己许多年的战斗手杖。 „...... You also in......” “啊……你也在……” Agatha thought aloud in a soft voice, slowly raised the cane in hand, looks at the above that familiar pattern, when oneself at first by the Guardian status received this cane, earnestly above quarter, was the own name. 阿加莎轻声自言自语道,慢慢提起了手中的手杖,看着上面那熟悉的花纹,以及自己最初以守卫者的身份领到这根手杖时,认认真真在上面刻下的、属于自己的名字。 You are also like me, is a shadow?” Her opponent stick asked in a soft voice. “你也和我一样,是一个影子吗?”她轻声对手杖问道。 The cane will certainly not respond to her sound, but in the darkness, had other thing to exude the sound suddenly. 手杖当然不会回应她的声音,但黑暗中,却有别的东西突然发出了响声。 Bang!” “砰!” That is a gunshot. 那是一声枪响。 Agatha frowns instantaneously, but in she looked before direction that the sound conveys, sounds the slightly intense sound first step to spread to her ear: Who in that?!” 阿加莎瞬间皱起眉头,但在她看向声音传来的方向之前,一个听上去略显紧张的声音已经先一步传入她耳中:“谁在那?!” In the darkness, Agatha has turned the head, but almost at the same time, she saw in the direction that sound conveyed wiped the glimmer that shone suddenly. 黑暗中,阿加莎转过头,而几乎同一时间,她在那声音传来的方向看到了一抹骤然亮起的微光。 A flake concentrates the solid ground to appear there, and was illuminated by a rustically shaped brass inspection lamp, in the open area may also see thing that seems like the stump, a middle-aged man of wear dark blue coat is depending to sit by the stump, seems like as if a motionless statue. 一小片凝实的地面出现在那里,并被一盏造型古朴的黄铜提灯照亮,空地上还可看到一根像是树桩的事物,一个穿着深蓝外套的中年男人正靠坐在树桩旁,看上去仿佛一尊一动不动的雕像。 When the line of sight of Agatha throws, that statue suddenly moved, he raised the head suddenly, surprised brings to look anxiously to the Agatha direction: Who in that?!” 阿加莎的视线投过去的时候,那尊“雕像”才突然动了一下,他猛然抬起头,惊讶中带着紧张地看向阿加莎的方向:“谁在那?!” Agatha felt subconsciously is out of sorts, but quick is then out of sorts to put out of one's mind this, she is walked by the open area that the inspection lamp illuminated toward that piece, saw clearly the facial features of that middle-aged person. 阿加莎下意识地感觉到一丝违和,但很快便将这一丝违和放在脑后,她向着那片被提灯照亮的空地走去,看清了那中年人的面容。 Does not have the accident/surprise, is Cold Frost City-State Magistrate, Mr. Winston. 丝毫没有意外,是寒霜城邦执政官,温斯顿先生。 You have arrived here to be very long evidently, Mr. Magistrate,” Agatha said calmly, present here only had both of us.” “您看样子已经到这里很久了,执政官先生,”阿加莎平静地说道,“现在这里只剩下我们两个人了。” Gatekeeper...... Ms. Agatha?” Winston raised the head slowly, whole person like attrition serious clockwork puppet slow-acting, the spoken language is slow, but, his spoken language manner also slowly becomes nimble and resourceful is over time smooth, you also came...... wait/etc, how can you here?” 守门人……阿加莎女士?”温斯顿迟钝地抬起头,整个人就像磨损严重的发条人偶一样行动迟缓,言语缓慢,但随着时间推移,他的言语神态又慢慢变得灵动顺畅起来,“您也来了……等等,您怎么会在这里?” I passed through a wall, a wall situated in Boiling Gold mine pit deep place,” Agatha said calmly, she knows, now does not have any to conceal the circuitous necessity, „the guard that you bring had been annihilated in the ore say/way, does Mr. Magistrate —— you still remember them?” “我穿过了一堵墙,位于沸金矿井深处的一堵墙,”阿加莎平静说道,她知道,现在已经没有了任何隐瞒迂回的必要,“你带来的卫队已经在矿道中全军覆没了,执政官先生——你还记得他们吗?” „The guard that guard......, I bring,” Winston knits the brows, as if really just thought to be the same, in the tone were many sad, they are very good people, they make best effort, making me be able to start the key that the queen leaves behind, I actually......” “卫队……哦,我带来的卫队,”温斯顿皱了皱眉,仿佛真的刚想起来一样,紧接着语气中便多了一丝难过,“他们都是很棒的人,他们尽了最大努力,让我得以启动女王留下的钥匙,我却……” The Agatha expression changes instantaneously slightly: Key that queen leaves behind?” 阿加莎的表情瞬间微微变化:“女王留下的钥匙?”
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