DSE :: Volume #5

#419: Dead end?

The fog had invaded the second waterway gradually, the mist of these dim chaos are floating near the ceiling of sewer corridor like the tissue, feels is similar these deep heavy/thick roofs to vanish, but the second waterway was gradually being embezzled by sky. 雾已经渐渐侵入了第二水路,那些朦胧混沌的雾气如薄纱般在下水道走廊的顶棚附近漂浮着,给人的感觉就仿佛那些深沉厚重的屋顶已经消失,而第二水路正在被“天空”逐渐吞没。 Short, is binding the old person of obsolete coat in this difference, but in the silent sewer corridor travel along the —— dozens years of Time erosions his body, in the past many years, he is unable fast to act like, why however does not know, today, at this moment, him felt that again own body lithe, as if the youth returns to this body, the ache and muscle of joint emaciated vanished. 身材矮小、裹着陈旧外套的老人在这异样而寂静的下水道走廊中快步行走着——几十年的岁月销蚀了他的躯体,在过去的很多年里,他都无法像这样迅捷地行动,然而不知为何,就在今天,就在此刻,他再度感觉自己的身体轻盈了起来,仿佛青春重归这具躯壳,关节的酸痛和肌肉的羸弱都消失了。 He more walks is quicker, in the hand is carrying big spanner also no longer like from the beginning heavy, he passed through the corridors and branch roads in these memories fast, is unclear toward him, but the especially familiar direction is actually dashing rigid. 他越走越快,手中拎着的大扳手也不再像一开始那样沉重,他飞快地穿过了那些记忆中的走廊与岔路,向着一个他已经记不清的,但却格外熟悉的方向执着飞奔着。 He must catch up with the large unit, because the time of set will draw near. 他要追上大部队,因为集合的时间就快到了。 A crushed stone of collapsing blocked the way of old ghost suddenly. 一片坍塌的碎石突然挡住了老鬼的去路。 Didn't have the road...... not to have the road?” The old person stopped, looks stunned at present the stone of that collapsing is muttering, the chaos memory reorganizes in his mind carelessly, tries to explain that existence of this stretch of collapsing area, he as if recalls some —— “没路了……没路了?”老人停了下来,错愕地看着眼前那片坍塌的石块喃喃自语着,混沌的记忆在他头脑中胡乱重组,试图解释这片坍塌区的存在,他似乎回忆起来一些—— Is the blasting explosive, is the guard retreats after connecting the well detonated the blasting explosive of embedment in corridor, this can capture the rebel army of sewer to block these...... 哦,是炸药,是卫队撤退通过连接井之后引爆了埋设在走廊里的炸药,这样就能把那些攻入下水道的叛军挡住了…… But is not right, is not right, not only the place of this collapsing probably prevents the rebel army, many years ago, when that young soldier lights the blasting explosive...... the corridor collapses, prevented other things...... 但不对,不全对,这片坍塌的地方好像不只是阻挡叛军的,在很多年前,当那个年轻士兵点燃炸药的时候……走廊坍塌下来,阻挡了另外一些东西…… The old ghost stands before a loss by the corridor of dying of suffocation, bends the waist in the big spanner with hand to strike the present stone, the mouth is muttering ambiguously. 老鬼茫然地站在被堵死的走廊前,又弯下腰用手中的大扳手敲打着眼前的石块,嘴里含含糊糊地咕哝着。 This road should be passes, must be is good, or oneself that passes cannot go to the place of set, but it collapsed, what to do should? The spanner cannot fix collapsing the stone...... 这条路应该是通的,必须是通的才行,要不自己就到不了集合的地方,但它塌下来了,该怎么办?扳手修不好坍塌的石头…… Dim mist suddenly appear in the field of vision, the old ghost who is striking the stone raised the head at a loss, will draw back subconsciously in the future half step, he noticed that the silk threads the mist is dissipating from these stone pile slits, slowly was full the entire corridor, is flooding his field of vision. 一片朦胧的雾气突然出现在视野中,正在敲打石块的老鬼茫然地抬起头,下意识地往后退了半步,他看到丝丝缕缕的雾气在从那些石堆缝隙间逸散出来,慢慢充盈了整条走廊,充斥着他的视野。 He hears in the fog transmitted remotely twittering with shouting, later probably also did the hoarse voices shout —— reasonably this?!” 他听到雾中传来了遥远的呢喃与嘶吼,随后好像还有一个沙哑的嗓音大喊了一句——“这合理吗?!” But in the fog has not presented anybody, in that mist flutters, the old ghost only noticed that at present collapses to stop up the crushed stone of road to vanish to disappear suddenly. 但雾中没有出现任何人,在那雾气飘荡间,老鬼只看到眼前坍塌堵路的碎石突然消失不见了。 Was turned into the thoroughfare by the corridor of dying of suffocation, on the opposite wall is mounting the gas lamp sends out the dim ray, the chaos corridor deep place, can see as if dry dozens years of black mud vaguely, static deep sleep in similarly dry drainage. 原本被堵死的走廊又变成了通途,对面墙壁上镶嵌着的瓦斯灯发出昏暗的光芒,混混沌沌的走廊深处,依稀可以看到仿佛已经干涸了几十年的黑色泥浆,在同样干涸的排水渠中静静沉睡着。 Road passed...... the road to pass well......” “路通了……路通了就好……” In old ghost head absent-minded, seems like wants to ponder why these collapsing stones will vanish suddenly, but is quick, this question then vanishes in the memory of his confused entanglement, he takes a step to forward without hesitation, steps into that say/way by the corridor that covers dimly. 老鬼脑袋里恍惚了一下,似乎是想要思考为什么那些坍塌石块会突然消失掉,但很快,这点疑问便消失在他错乱纠缠的记忆中,他毫不犹豫地迈步向前,踏入那道被昏暗笼罩的走廊。 ...... …… Agatha raised the head suddenly, follows also stops in her Guardian and pastors and nuns immediately, everyone nerve is tying tight, guards any sound that in the fog is presenting. 阿加莎突然抬起头,跟随在她身旁的守卫者和牧师、修女们也立刻停了下来,每个人都神经紧绷着,提防着雾中出现的任何动静。 „Do you hear the sound of footsteps?” Crossed for 2-3 seconds, Agatha broke suddenly silent, sound of footsteps excluding us.” “你们有没有听到脚步声?”过了2-3秒,阿加莎才突然打破沉默,“除我们之外的脚步声。” Has,” accompanying nun nods gently, in the flash, was very slight a moment ago, but the distance is very near, probably......” “有,”随行修女轻轻点了点头,“就在刚才一瞬间,很轻微,但距离很近,就好像……” Overlaps with us probably in the same place is so near.” Agatha seriously said that at the same time, her line of sight sweeps nearby ore to say slowly. “就好像跟我们重迭在一起那么近。”阿加莎表情严肃地说道,与此同时,她的视线则慢慢扫过旁边的矿道。 Here is the deep place of Boiling Gold mine pit, in the direction that Staff Sergeant Brad points out, team's only path that from this direction Agatha and she leads arrives in this ore saying that but even in such deep place, the fog were still ubiquitous. 这里已经是沸金矿井的深处,沿着那位“布莱德中士”所指出的方向,阿加莎和她带领的队伍从这个方向上的唯一一条通路抵达了这处矿道,而即便是在这么深的地方,雾仍然无处不在。 The lighting system is still working normally, the pale yellow light illuminated the track structure of support and under foot in ore say/way, in that light shadow indistinctly interlocks, as if somewhat unusual scene. 照明系统还在正常工作,昏黄的灯光照亮了矿道中的支撑与脚下的轨道结构,而在那影影绰绰的光影交错间,似乎有些异样的景象。 Agatha saw that two exactly the same props appear on opposite sidewall —— that two prop from the superficial trace to the position of stain just like the mirror. 阿加莎看到两根一模一样的支撑柱出现在对面的侧壁上——那两根支撑柱从表面纹路到污迹的位置都宛若镜像。 But in another direction, she saw that several spreading across top-beams pile up in together, the place of it interlocking fuses unexpectedly probably is resembling together. 而在另一个方向,她更是看到有好几根纵横交错的顶梁堆积在一起,其交错之处竟好像融合在一起似的。 The accompanying pastors in team held up the inspection lamp, arrives before a structural support that presents the difference, after observed one, intensely opens the mouth in a low voice: Gatekeeper......” 队伍中的随行牧师举起了提灯,来到其中一处呈现出异样的支撑结构前,紧张地观察了一番之后低声开口:“守门人……” I saw,” Agatha interrupted the words of pastor, her tone was still tranquil, clearly, sham space is overlapping with our Real World in the same place.” “我看到了,”阿加莎打断了牧师的话,她的语气仍旧平静,“很明显,‘赝品’所处的空间正在和我们的现实世界重迭在一起。” Sham space?” Guardian repeated subconsciously. “赝品所处的空间?”一名守卫者下意识重复了一遍。 Agatha suddenly silent, seems like felt that irritating absent-minded, she lifted the hand to rub the forehead later: Right, all shams should come from a Anomaly space and time, but now all sorts of evidence suggested, this Anomaly space and time is gradually closing up with our Real World, perhaps perhaps...... we can take it as one mirror......” 阿加莎突然沉默了一下,似乎是又感觉到了那恼人的恍惚,随后她抬手揉揉额头:“没错,所有的赝品应该都来自一个异常的时空,而现在种种证据表明,这个异常时空正在逐渐和我们的现实世界靠拢,或许……或许我们可以把它称作是一个‘镜像’……” In her tone brings some to hesitate, felt that certain knowledge as if appear naturally in the mind is the same, she was saying subconsciously these information, felt suddenly the body transmits difference —— 她的语气中带着些许迟疑,感觉某些知识就仿佛自然而然浮现在脑海中一样,她下意识地说着这些情报,突然又感觉到身体传来一丝异样—— The cold, limitless coldness, seems placing oneself in together the incomparable chill/yin cold corridor, but the blood in oneself blood vessel has lost the heat. 冷,无边无际的寒冷,仿佛正置身于一道无比阴寒的走廊,而自己血管中的血液都早已失去热量。 But the next second, this unusual feeling then vanished, the misconception that type places oneself in the chill/yin cold alone corridor also vanishes into thin air, she absent-minded, saw that the oneself loyal subordinates still revolve oneself, the ray of inspection lamp and gas lamp scatter rapidly remain the chill in the air in oneself consciousness. 但下一秒,这种异样的感觉便消失了,那种置身于阴寒孤寂走廊的错觉也烟消云散,她恍惚了一下,看到自己忠诚的部下们仍旧围绕着自己,提灯与瓦斯灯的光芒迅速驱散着残留在自己意识中的寒意。 „...... Is because the time was not enough...... because too near......” Agatha was thinking aloud subconsciously. “……是因为时间不够了么……还是因为太近了……”阿加莎下意识地自言自语着。 Nearby subordinate has not actually heard this whisper. 附近的部下却没有听到她这嘀咕。 A Guardian soldier is holding up the inspection lamp to examine everywhere, as if discovered anything suddenly: Here but actually a person!” 一名守卫者战士正举起提灯四处查看,突然间似乎发现了什么:“这边倒着一个人!” Agatha recovers rapidly, the expression on face one entire, then goes to the place that soldier discovers quickly. 阿加莎迅速回过神来,脸上的表情一整,便快步来到那名战士所发现的地方。 A soldier who wears the City-State elite guard to equip pours when the ore say/way, seeming like had died to be many. 一名身穿城邦精锐卫队装备的战士倒在矿道中,看上去已经死去多时。 The black operational coat, outside is also wrapping the power arm guard that metal chest armor and steam mechanism/organization actuates, carries the steam backpack, on the face wears the thick breathing mask. 黑色的作战大衣,外面还套着金属胸甲以及蒸汽机关驱动的动力护臂,身后背着蒸汽背包,脸上则戴着厚实的呼吸面罩。 Agatha bends the waist, wipes the bloodstain on this soldier chest data plate with the finger, calmly stared at that name to look for several seconds. 阿加莎弯下腰,用手指擦去这战士胸口铭牌上的血迹,静静地盯着那名字看了几秒钟。 Is Staff Sergeant Brad.” She breaks in a soft voice silent. “是布莱德中士。”她轻声打破沉默。 Blood is the red, the corpse has not broken up the sign that melts,” accompanying pastor said in side, this is quality goods.” “血是红色的,尸体没有崩解融化的迹象,”随行牧师在旁边说道,“这是‘正品’。” Agatha has not made noise suddenly. 阿加莎一时间没有出声。 The situation with is the same, a true Staff Sergeant Brad who she judges poured in this ore mileage, but his replica presents Unit Church that went into a well to explore the —— sham to be false under the function of thick fog at present, information real. 情况和她判断的一样,一位真正的布莱德中士倒在了这条矿道里,而他的复制品则在浓雾的作用下出现在下井探索的教会眼前——赝品是假的,情报是真的。 Here also has the corpse!” “这里也有尸体!” Quick, there is a Guardian soldier of exploration forward to hold up the inspection lamp high, sent out the call in the distant place. 很快,又有向前探索的守卫者战士高高举起提灯,在远处发出了呼叫。 More corpses appear in the following ore say/way. 更多的尸体出现在接下来的矿道中。 Agatha leads to lead the way rapidly, discovered in an ore deep place more and more dying in battle —— was the City-State elite guard, Winston Magistrate trusted subordinate soldiers. 阿加莎迅速带队前行,在矿道深处发现了越来越多的战死者——都是城邦的精锐卫队,温斯顿执政官的亲信战士们。 The cause of death were many and varied, has by the wound that the sharp blade tore, there is by the injury by blunt instrument that a serious strength attack created, even bullet wound. 死亡原因多种多样,有被利刃撕裂的创伤,也有被沉重力量打击造成的钝伤,甚至还有枪伤。 But near these corpses, Agatha and her subordinates also discovered the dry black mud, if these mud piece together the manner, perhaps the quantity also goes far beyond the guard soldiers who died in battle. 而在这些尸体附近,阿加莎和她的部下们也发现了干涸的黑色泥浆,那些泥浆如果拼凑为人,数量恐怕还远远超过战死的卫队士兵们。 „...... One continued the long-term fierce battle, this army encountered the quantity far to exceed own enemy in the ore say/way, but they still advanced several hundred meters away...... most soldiers to polish the bullet in the battle continually, finally they battled with the bayonet and steam gauntlet/glove.” “……一场持续了很长时间的恶战,这支部队在矿道中遭遇了数量远超自身的敌人,而他们在交战中仍然持续推进了数百米远……大部分战士已经打光了子弹,最后他们是用刺刀和蒸汽拳套作战的。” Agatha is inspecting the recent several corpses, according to the corpse residual trace and situation is making the judgment, at the same time, in her heart is also reappearing more and more intense anxiety. 阿加莎检查着最近的几具尸体,根据尸体残留的痕迹和现场情况做着判断,与此同时,她心中也在浮现出越来越强烈的不安。 The soldier of dropping down are many, the team obvious situation that Winston Magistrate leads is not wonderful, but this fight possibly erupted before several hours —— for a long time passed, is Magistrate also living? 倒下的战士很多,温斯顿执政官带领的队伍显然处境不妙,而这场战斗可能爆发于数小时前——这么长时间过去了,执政官还活着吗? As if to respond to her heart this anxiety, stopped in the Guardian soldier who the team front led the way suddenly. 仿佛是为了回应她心中这份不安,一名在队伍前方开路的守卫者战士突然停了下来。 Gatekeeper, front did not have the road!” 守门人,前面没路了!” „Didn't front have the road?” Agatha one startled, immediately setting out stand forth. “前面没路了?”阿加莎一惊,立刻起身向前走去。 Such that just like that Guardian said. 正如那名守卫者说的那样。 The team arrived in an ore end, the front actually impressively only then at the same time smooth firm wall, without road 队伍抵达了矿道的尽头,前方却赫然只有一面平整坚固的墙壁,没路了 But this is not obviously normal. 但这显然不正常。 Agatha turn head looked rapidly when to oneself comes the direction, saw the guard soldiers who these died in battle calmly pour in the darkness, but in these corpses, without the Magistrate Winston's form. 阿加莎迅速回头看向自己来时的方向,看到那些战死的卫队士兵静静地倒在黑暗中,而在这些尸体里,没有执政官温斯顿的身影。 Perhaps Magistrate your excellency after discovering this road did not pass brings the team to go to other direction......” accompanying pastor guess while said. “或许执政官阁下在发现这条路不通之后就带着队伍去了别的方向……”随行牧师一边猜测一边说道。 Road one,” Agatha shakes the head immediately, „, moreover to the residual trace, I not think on the spot Winston Magistrate has the opportunity to lead the remaining guard to seek his road here in addition.” “路只有一条,”阿加莎立刻摇了摇头,“而且以现场残留的痕迹,我不认为温斯顿执政官有机会带着残余的护卫在这里另寻他路。” The pastor frowns tightly: But here was stopped up......” 牧师紧皱眉头:“但这里被堵住了……” Agatha has not paid attention, but has turned around, slowly moves toward that smooth firm wall. 阿加莎没有理会,而是转过身,慢慢走向那面平整坚固的墙壁。 Slightly after doing hesitates, she puts out a hand, attempts to touch that wall. 略作犹豫之后,她伸出手,尝试着去触碰那堵墙。 Her finger submerges directly. 她的手指直接没入其中。
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