DSE :: Volume #5

#418: Close to midnight

The sound of gunfire thunders, the steam mechanism/organization is actuating the heavy mechanical spider rotation body, six machine guns revolve to emit the angry large flame to all around, such as harvesting is sweeping away these unceasingly the monster that appears from the fog, but once for a while also has the bullet to fly from these thick fog, strokes, in the armor of walkie-talkie and constructs in the sandbag of street barricade. 枪声轰鸣,蒸汽机关驱动着沉重的机械蜘蛛转动躯体,六管机枪旋转着向四周喷吐出愤怒火舌,如收割般横扫着那些不断从雾中浮现出的怪物,而时不时又有子弹从那些浓雾中飞来,击打在步行机的装甲和构筑街垒的沙袋上。 In the monster also has soldier, has the fully-armed soldier, even there are to flow the walk mechanical spider of black mud. 怪物中也有“军人”,有全副武装的士兵,甚至有流淌着黑色泥浆的步行机械蜘蛛。 But with continuing of fight, these enemies of danger are also getting more and more. 而随着战斗的持续,这些危险的敌人也在越来越多。 These son-of-bitch gadget are duplicating us!” “这些狗娘养的玩意儿在复制我们!” The soldier who brings the breathing mask hides behind the street barricade, touches off the trigger crazily while shouts angrily, his metal armor has been scarred, the power conduit of armor joint place has the breakage, the steam that hissing makes noise gushes out from the valve, but in his back steam backpack, can see marking of Cold Frost City-State elite garrison force. 一名带着呼吸面具的士兵躲在街垒后面,一边疯狂扣动扳机一边愤怒地喊道,他身上的金属护甲已经伤痕累累,护甲关节处的动力管道发生破损,嘶嘶作响的蒸汽从阀门中涌出,而在他背后的蒸汽背包上,可以看到寒霜城邦精锐卫戍部队的标识。 They duplicate may continue we,” squad commanders said loudly, his sound appears behind the breathing mask hoarse sinks the thick fog on —— street to be even more serious secretly, noxious gas that to avoid in the fog possibly has, now enters the garrison force that the war zone carries out the task to put on these formidable breathing masks, all living creatures that in fog presents are the enemies, is the enemies!” “他们复制的可不止我们,”小队指挥官大声说道,他的声音在呼吸面具后面显得嘶哑暗沉——街上的浓雾越发严重,为了避免雾中可能存在的有毒气体,现在进入战区执行任务的卫戍部队都已经戴上这些令人生畏的呼吸面罩,“雾中出现的一切活物都是敌人,都是敌人!” I noticed a moment ago the front crossroad runs one group of people!” Another soldier shouted suddenly, seems like arms sailor on civilian —— or the ship!” “我刚才看到前面的路口跑过去一群人!”另一名士兵突然大喊,“看上去像是武装平民——或者船上的水手!” I also saw, is very fuzzy, on them like combustion, but the fire is the green!” “我也看到了,很模糊,他们身上像燃烧一样,但火是绿色的!” Squad commander hears word is on the rise, however the next second, strange howling actually transmits from the thick fog suddenly, is coercing sharp resounding of death. 小队指挥官闻言抬起头,然而下一秒,一声怪异的呼啸却突然从浓雾另一侧传来,裹挟着死亡的尖锐鸣响。 A high explosive shell penetrated the thick fog, crosses the slit between street barricades, crashes in steam walkie-talkie under foot —— directly has no reaction time, the high explosive shell explodes, the shrapnel blooms like rain. 一枚榴弹穿透了浓雾,越过街垒间的缝隙,直接坠落在蒸汽步行机脚下——没有任何反应时间,榴弹爆炸,弹片如雨般绽放。 Frail metal chest armor cannot block so the fatal impact of short distance, the squad commander and own soldiers is blown off together. 单薄的金属胸甲挡不住如此近距离的致命冲击,小队指挥官和自己的士兵们一同被炸飞出去。 How long crossed did not know, he restored little sober, in the split vision of corner of the eye, he saw that steam walkie-talkie sway dropped down, its armored tearing, all power conduits spout the white fog, the machine gun turret that only saved is being fallen to splash the final barrage. 过了不知多久,他恍惚间恢复了一点点清醒,在眼角的余光里,他看到那具蒸汽步行机摇摇晃晃地倒下,其装甲撕裂,所有的动力管道都在喷涌白雾,仅存的机枪炮塔在倾倒中泼洒出最后的弹幕。 The innumerable things indistinctly appear from the fog, rush to the next crossroad. 无数影影绰绰的事物从雾中浮现,涌向下一个路口。 The squad commanders wriggled slowly a body, in the hand gripped tightly one to open the grenade of suspension link, he its —— when unclear oneself attained perhaps is when was blown off a moment ago, perhaps was when oneself lost the consciousness subconscious response. 小队指挥官慢慢蠕动了一下身体,手中紧握着一枚已经拉开了拉环的手雷,他已记不清自己是什么时候拿到的它——或许是在刚才被炸飞的时候,或许是在自己失去意识的时候下意识的反应。 He thought that oneself exhausted the strength, throws the grenade to that thick fog. 他觉得自己用尽了力气,将手雷掷向那片浓雾。 However he loosened the hand weakly. 然而他只是虚弱地松开了手。 The iron gray metal cylinder loosens from his hand, sends out, when the lang sound tumbles on the street, its blasting fuse braves hissing the smog, arrives at the roadside in the trundle, falls into together dry water trough —— across the darkness, falls into the slit, has slid the inclined well ventilated passageway, falls into Cold Frost City-State that to suffer the Time erosion the underground world, exudes one to thunder in that forgotten darkness. 铁灰色的金属圆筒从他手中松脱,发出当啷的声音滚落在街道上,它的引信冒着嘶嘶烟雾,在滚动中来到路旁,又落入一道干涸的水槽——穿过黑暗,掉入缝隙,滑过倾斜的通风孔道,落入寒霜城邦那饱经岁月销蚀的地下世界,在那被人遗忘的黑暗中发出一声轰鸣。 Bang!” “轰!” In the top of the head very remote place transmitted a dull thumping sound, the ceiling of tunnel as if trembled slightly, sprinkled some sand dust surface dust. 头顶上很遥远的地方传来了一声闷响,隧道的顶棚似乎都微微震颤起来,洒落些许沙尘浮土。 Sailor immediately shrank the neck, the withered face brings tight: „Won't this place really collapse?!” “水手”顿时缩了缩脖子,干瘪的脸庞带着一丝紧张:“这地方真的不会塌下来?!” At least had not collapsed over the past dozens years,” Lawrence takes a step to forward, the gas lamp that on the both sides corridor wall mounts sends out not really bright glow, illuminated the road of leading the way, as a dry corpse, your courage is so small? Your this type ‚should Anomaly lets others frightened thing?” “起码过去几十年都没塌,”劳伦斯迈步向前,两侧走廊墙壁上镶嵌的瓦斯灯发出不甚明亮的辉光,照亮了前行的路,“作为一个干尸,你的胆子怎么这么小?你这种‘异常’才应该是让别人恐惧的东西吧?” I think that...... was frightening at City-State underground excavation such giant underground space matter enough!” In the Anomaly 077 expressions brings anxiously, how you think......” “我认为……在城邦地下挖掘这么巨大的地下空间这件事本身就够让人恐惧了!”异常077语气中带着紧张,“你们是怎么想的……” Lawrence shrugs: How would I know, is not I digs.” 劳伦斯耸耸肩:“我哪知道,又不是我挖的。” Afterward he no longer responds that dry corpse, but lowers the head to the small mirror of chest said: Martha, you that side situation how?” 随后他不再搭理那干尸,而是低头对胸口的小镜子说道:“玛莎,伱那边情况怎么样?” „Very lively,” the Martha sound conveys from the mirror, in the background as if also mixes with the explosion and artillery open fire sound that the distant place is transmitting, after you enter the second waterway, the entire mirror world on was insane inside and outside the —— harbor all ships to open fire at me.” “很热闹,”玛莎的声音从镜子中传来,背景中似乎还夹杂着远方传来的爆炸与火炮开炮声,“在你们进入第二水路之后,整个镜像世界就‘疯了’——港口内外所有的船都在向我开火。” All right?” “没事吧?” Easily what I may not have to be attacked and sunk —— to be but bad, the enemy is not probably easy to submerge, they in have obtained the supplement from the inverted image.” “我可没这么容易被击沉——但糟糕的是,敌人好像也没那么容易沉没,它们一直在从倒影中获得补充。” Lawrence silent, looks up to the front darkness profound corridor. 劳伦斯沉默了一下,抬头看向前方黑暗深邃的走廊。 From here to most deep place far?” He asked. “从这里到最深处有多远?”他问道。 Very, but you can take shortcut.” “很远,但你们可以抄‘近路’。” Lawrence knits the brows: Shortcut?” 劳伦斯皱了皱眉:“近路?” Noticed the water in these grounds? Found a street sign, then found the distance street sign recent water, looks scenery that in reflected.” “注意到那些地面上的积水了吗?找到一个路牌,然后找到距离路牌最近的积水,看一下里面倒映出的景色。” The Lawrence doubts arrive at a water that before the instruction of Martha meets the requirement, looks down to inside inverted image. 劳伦斯疑惑地按照玛莎的指示来到一处符合要求的积水前,低头看向里面的倒影。 In the inverted image shines upon an intersection, by that crossroad wall is sewing together the data plate, can see Upper District pollution discharge main pipe line vaguely inscription. 倒影中映照出一个十字路口,那路口旁的墙壁上钉着一块铭牌,依稀可以看到“上城区排污主管道”的字样。 He opened the eye, looks up to oneself. 他睁大了眼睛,抬起头看向自己身旁。 On oneself wall, on that motley data plate writes impressively is actually harbor area pollution discharge inscription. 自己身旁的墙壁上,那块斑驳的铭牌上赫然写着的却是“港口区排污”的字样。 The Martha sound conveys from the mirror: Saw? The world in mirror is not continual.” 玛莎的声音从镜子中传来:“看到了吗?镜像中的世界是不连续的。” „...... Inconceivable............ Lawrence like the dreamland is muttering, looks down again to under foot that beach water, even if on Boundless Sea experiences one of the richest Captain, he still has to acknowledge, really exceeded his imagination in all of city of this mirror, but is quick, he then calms down, how should that we draw support from these shortcut?” “……不可思议……就像梦境一样……”劳伦斯喃喃自语着,再次低头看向脚下那滩积水,即便身为无垠海上经验最丰富的船长之一,他也不得不承认,在这镜像之城的一切实在超出了他的想象,但很快,他便定下神来,“那我们该怎么借助这些‘捷径’?” You had arrived,” Martha said with a smile, „, when you mirrorsettle down before thisenough for a long time, you have arrived.” “你们已经到了,”玛莎却笑着说道,“当你们在这‘镜子’前驻足够久的时候,你们就已经到了。” Lawrence stares, hurries to raise the head. 劳伦斯一愣,慌忙抬头。 He at present is together intersection, the gas lamp embed of pale yellow twinkle on the crossroad corridor wall, according to his recent data plate on, the motley handwriting may distinguish —— vaguely 他眼前是一道十字路口,昏黄闪烁的瓦斯灯镶嵌在路口的走廊墙壁上,据他最近的一块铭牌上,斑驳的字迹依稀可辨—— Upper District pollution discharge main pipe line. 上城区排污主管道。 All around Anomaly 077 with astonishment looks at suddenly the environment of change, the vision fast sweeps to sweep off in the roadside data plate and water inverted image, long time shouted one suddenly: This reasonable?!” 异常077惊愕地看着四周忽然变化的环境,目光飞快地在路边铭牌和积水倒影中扫来扫去,良久才突然喊了一声:“这合理吗?!” The surrounding sailor falls the vision on this dry corpse neatly. 周围一圈水手齐刷刷地把目光落在这干尸身上。 Lawrence has not actually cared about sailor response, he looks at the front light dim corridor looking pensive, crossed had doubts for a long time knits the brows said to Martha: We already in the second waterway, but before you mentioned helper? These at the second waterway combat queen guard?” 劳伦斯却没有在意“水手”的反应,他只是若有所思地看着前方灯光昏暗的走廊,过了许久才疑惑地皱起眉对玛莎说道:“我们已经在第二水路了,但你之前提到的‘帮手’呢?那些在第二水路作战的‘女王卫队’呢?” In the mirror heard the remote fire sound, the Martha sound delayed for several seconds to spread to the Lawrence ear: Takes the left side branch road, has walked along the red guidepost, arrives at does not have the road the time stops the waiting...... they to appear, the time arrived, they will appear.” 镜子中传来了遥远的炮火声,玛莎的声音延迟了几秒才传入劳伦斯耳中:“走左侧岔路,沿着红色路标一直走,走到没有路的时候就停下等待……他们会出现的,时间到了,他们就会出现。” Lawrence knits the brows: Time?” 劳伦斯皱起眉:“时间?” „...... The attack time of queen guard at 0 : 00 o'clock at night —— daily 0 : 00 o'clock at night, before this time, they are not obvious.” “……女王卫队的进攻时间在午夜零点——每天的午夜零点,在这个时间之前,他们是不可见的。” ...... …… Gold/Metal flute tavern, in the underground connecting point secret room, lies on the bed old ghost suddenly opened the eye. “金笛”酒馆,地下联络站所处的密室中,躺在床上的“老鬼”突然睁开了眼睛。 Several points......” “几点了……” The old person look somewhat seems to be absent-minded, as if the sleep talking is muttering, however in the dimmly-lit room, responded his occasionally, only then certain audiomonitors sent out drop sound, as well as never knew, the indistinct sound of gunfire where transmitted. 老人眼神似乎还有些恍惚,仿佛梦呓般咕哝着,然而在灯光昏暗的房间里,回应他的只有某些监听设备偶尔发出的“滴”声,以及从不知何处传来的、隐隐约约的枪声。 The next second, the old ghost stared in a big way the eye suddenly. 下一秒,老鬼突然瞪大了眼睛。 Indistinct sound of gunfire? 隐隐约约的枪声? Sound of gunfire! 枪声! The old person comes instantaneously soberly, that sound of gunfire spreads to his ear, indistinct fuzzy, seems away from, not only the heavy/thick wall and floor, were away from dozens years of Time time —— he to crawl from the bed fast, put out a hand to work thing that placed the bedside. 老人瞬间清醒过来,那枪声传入他耳中,缥缈模糊,就仿佛隔着的不只是厚重的墙壁与地板,更隔着几十年岁月的光阴——他飞快地从床上爬了起来,紧接着伸手抓起了放在床边的东西。 That is he sleeps must place a big spanner. 那是他连睡觉的时候都要放在身边的一根大扳手。 Is his tool, is his weapon. 是他的工具,也是他的武器。 Started...... started...... I unable , when here slept...... the set arrived......” “开打了……开打了……我不能在这儿睡觉……集合的时候到了……” The old ghost mumbled is saying, tremble harnessed the shoes, put on placed the coat on nearby chair, then raised the head, looks the room that oneself just slept. 老鬼嘟嘟囔囔地说着,哆哆嗦嗦地套好鞋子,又披上了放在旁边椅子上的外套,接着又抬起头,看着自己刚刚睡觉的这间屋子。 This is for with the secret room that the Sea Mist fleet contacts, Nimmo arranges him to rest here, safeguards here equipment while convenient. 这是用于和海雾舰队联络的密室,尼莫安排他在这里休息,顺便看管这里的设备。 But the next second, the old ghost as if forgot and this room related all, his look again pollution, and had doubts looks to that door of not far away. 但下一秒,老鬼似乎又忘记了和这间屋子有关的一切,他的眼神再度浑浊起来,并疑惑地看向了不远处的那扇门。 „! Gate here!” “哦!门在这里!” The old ghost is suddenly enlighted, on the face reveals the happy appearance, then walks fast, iron gate that opened that leaf to underground dense say/way. 老鬼恍然大悟,脸上露出高兴的模样,接着飞快地走过去,一把拉开了那扇通往地下密道的铁门。 The gate opposite is the narrow gloomy and cold corridor, in the corridor the light flickers, the middle mixes with hissing the sound that the gas pipeline air feed is causing insufficient. 门对面是狭窄阴冷的走廊,走廊中灯光忽明忽暗,中间夹杂着瓦斯管道供气不足导致的嘶嘶声音。 Gas pipeline not too normal...... the air pressure was insufficient...... was not right, now does not care these times......” old ghost looks at the light in corridor, the mouth is whispering fast, he took forward one step, but remembered anything probably suddenly, turn head looked again to secret room that oneself rested a moment ago. “瓦斯管道不太正常……气压不够了么……不对不对,现在不是关心这些的时候……”老鬼看着走廊里的灯光,嘴里飞快地嘀咕着,他向前迈出一步,但又好像突然想起什么,再度回头看向自己刚才休息的密室。 In room nobody left. 房间里空无一人。 Perhaps everyone gathered in the ground tavern. 所有人或许都聚集在地上的酒馆里了。 Crow, I went out, you are treating at home well!” “乌鸦,我出门了,你好好在家待着!” The old ghost was shouting to the empty room, has turned around later, carries his never to leave the big spanner of body, slowly moved toward the profound dark channel. 老鬼对着空荡荡的房间喊了一句,随后转过身,拎着他那把从不离身的大扳手,慢慢走向了深邃黑暗的通道。 Moves toward the second waterway. 走向第二水路。 The queen guard counter-attacks arrived. 女王卫队反击的时候到了。
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