DSE :: Volume #5

#417: In the fog dashes about wildly

In small mirror that carries along, Martha came from one group of black fog, her sound intrudes in the Lawrence ear: Saw the light of distant place?” 随身携带的小镜子里,玛莎从一团黑雾中现身,她的声音闯入劳伦斯耳中:“看到远方的灯光了吗?” Saw,” Lawrence nods, simultaneously looks up front that inconceivable scene —— one big piece jet black such as the illusory image float of black ink in the sea level, the City-State outline, actually cannot see vaguely probably any detail, but under the water surface is actually reflecting the brilliantly illuminated harbor wharf, and various buildings of City-State edge, White Oak is approaching that opposition light and shadow in unmanned the situation of control gradually, innumerable ships phantom indistinctly are floating in the sea level of distant place, as if falls into the fierce combat, in this light and shadow, in the empty and solid confused field of vision, he even thought that even oneself is illusory. Scene that is really inconceivable...... originally from the mirror one side observation world, unexpectedly is this appearance......” “看到了,”劳伦斯点点头,同时抬头看着前方那不可思议的景象——一大片漆黑如墨的幻影漂浮在海面上,依稀像是城邦的轮廓,却看不到其中任何细节,而水面之下却倒映着灯火通明的港口码头,以及城邦边缘的各种建筑,白橡木号则在无人操控的情况下渐渐靠近着那片反相的光与影,无数影影绰绰的舰船虚影在远方的海面上漂浮着,仿佛正陷入激战,在这光与影、虚与实的错乱视野中,他甚至觉得连自己都虚幻起来,“真是难以想象的景象……原来从镜像一侧观察世界,竟是这副模样……” Light shadow in your field of vision is the opposition, but is normal scenery —— is in my eyes quick, all these will reverse,” on the Martha face has a smile, is ready, will be quick I to approach shore, the position will abandon the trestle in one of the Donggang wharf south corner, I will let the ship as far as possible close to a sewer overhaul mouth, will bring your mirror, I will direct you to go to the second waterway.” “光影在你的视野中是反相的,但在我眼中却是正常的风景——不过很快,这一切就会重新倒转,”玛莎脸上带着一丝微笑,“去做好准备吧,很快我就会靠岸,位置是在东港码头南部角落的一处废弃栈桥,我会尽可能让船靠近一处下水道检修口,带好你的镜子,我会一路指引你前往第二水路。” Then...... other shams will respond, right?” Lawrence still brought to worry, „, if cannot really be victorious, you brings the white oak and Black Oak first retreats together, at our present speeds, these shams definitely cannot block.” “然后……其他的赝品就会反应过来,对吧?”劳伦斯仍不免带着担忧,“如果实在打不过,伱就带着白橡木和黑橡木号一起先撤退,以我们现在的速度,那些赝品肯定是拦不住的。” Martha shows the whites of the eyes: Naturally, I not silly —— my duty delivers to this then to delay next time you slightly, may not have the plan to depend upon two twin Ghost Ship to beat the entire mirror Cold Frost fleet, they do not kill cleanly.” 玛莎翻了个白眼:“当然,我又不傻——我的任务只是把你们送到这然后稍微拖延一下时间,可没打算依靠两艘双生幽灵船就干掉整个镜像寒霜的舰队,它们可是杀不干净的。” Lawrence nods, turns around to look to oneself behind. 劳伦斯点了点头,转身看向自己身后。 Anomaly 077 is squatting in the deck, manipulates one not to know where from the rope of finding, raised the head once for a while, observes the White Oak chimney and flagpole, seemed like also very puzzles. 异常077正蹲在甲板上,摆弄着一根不知道从哪找到的绳索,时不时还抬起头,观察一下白橡木号的烟囱和旗杆,看起来还挺困扰。 Your aren't the people of this time popular the sailor of making a mistake hang on the mast?” This dry corpse doubts whisper said. “你们这个时代的人已经不流行把犯了错误的水手挂在桅杆上了吗?”这干尸疑惑地嘀咕道。 Also keeps thinking about your hangman's rope?” Lawrence raises the eyebrow immediately, the tone said bad, puts down the string, looks the first mate to get a sickle and guns and ammunition, we prepared to come ashore.” “还惦记你那绞索呢?”劳伦斯顿时扬起眉毛,语气不善地说道,“放下绳子,去找大副领一把弯刀和枪支弹药,我们准备上岸了。” To go to the neck one set of I to rest, no matter how used......” Anomaly 077 still in that to whisper puzzled, later responded suddenly, „? Comes ashore?! Your this time can also lead me?” “以前往脖子上一套我就睡过去了啊,怎么不管用呢……”异常077仍然在那困惑地嘀咕着,随后才突然反应过来,“啊?上岸?!您这次还要带着我?” Evil Sect Anomaly copes with Evil Sect City-State, this is very appropriate,” Lawrence is serious, we must enter Cold Frost deep place —— not to waste the time through the second waterway, lead your weapon.” 邪门异常去对付邪门城邦,这很合适,”劳伦斯一脸严肃,“我们要通过第二水路进入寒霜深处——别浪费时间了,去领你的武器。” The sailors were startled, responded, immediately sets out: Yes, Captain!” 水手怔了一下,紧接着反应过来,立刻起身:“是,船长!” White Oak approached that actual situation opposition darkness gradually, approached that to reflect the lights in sea level, a elite powerful ground warfare team has gathered in Lawrence behind. 白橡木号渐渐靠近了那片虚实反相的黑暗,靠近了那倒映在海面中的灯火,一支精锐强悍的陆战队伍则已经集合在劳伦斯身后。 First mate Gosse has not been in the team, but was kept on the ship by the Lawrence arrangement. 大副格斯却没有在队伍中,而是被劳伦斯安排留在船上。 Old Captain serious is making the arrangement: Later will have a fierce battle, nearby the harbor all sham battleships can respond that and attacks the white oak and Black Oak, you must keep on the ship to direct fight —— to delay the enough long time as far as possible, could not constrain retreated with Martha.” 船长一脸严肃地做着安排:“之后会有一场恶战,港口附近所有的赝品战舰都会反应过来并进攻白橡木和黑橡木号,你要留在船上指挥战斗——尽可能拖够久的时间,拖不住了就和玛莎一起撤退。” I understand, Gosse nods, but some did not feel relieved looked at one to manipulate the weapon that oneself received newly in Lawrence behind sailor, „...... he really reliable?” “我明白,”格斯点了点头,但还是有些不放心地看了一眼正在劳伦斯身后摆弄自己新领到的武器的“水手”,“不过……他真的可靠吗?” Lawrence turn head looked at one, the Anomaly 077- sailors also happen to raised the head, this dry corpse waist is conducting the arm a sickle, actually the rifle and ammunition case in hand threw in nearby wooden barrel, the mouth whispered: I brought the sickle to be good, this gadget I will not use.” 劳伦斯回头看了一眼,异常077-水手也正好抬起头来,这干尸腰间挎着一把弯刀,却将手中的步枪和子弹袋扔到了一旁的木桶上,嘴里嘀嘀咕咕:“我带着弯刀就行了,这玩意儿我不会用。” You are optional, if you thought that a sickle enough makes you deal with the mirror City-State second waterway,” Lawrence spoke thoughtlessly saying that will not attain the spear/gun with the person of spear/gun truly only then counter-effect.” “你随意,如果你觉得一把弯刀就足够让你应付镜像城邦的第二水路的话,”劳伦斯随口说道,“不会用枪的人拿到枪确实只有反效果。” The sailors think, has not touched that rifle, but before arrives nearby deposits the box of weapon, from inside takes a sickle to hang on the waistband. 水手想了想,还是没有碰那支步枪,而是来到一旁存放武器的箱子前,又从里面拿了一把弯刀挂在腰带上。 Lawrence has not said anything, but lowers the head, looked at a own palm. 劳伦斯没有说什么,只是低下头,看了一眼自己的手掌。 He makes an effort slowly, makes a fist, opens, he is adjusting the own breath, is outlining an illusory image of ships in the mind unfamiliar burns the Ghost Spirit roaring flame and spirit body sail to raise high, recalls that roaring flame to commit suicide by fire, the body in the feeling in the flame transforming. 他慢慢用力,握拳,张开,他调整着自己的呼吸,生疏地在脑海中勾勒着一艘燃烧着幽灵烈焰、灵体之帆高扬的舰船的幻影,回忆着那股烈焰焚身,躯体在火焰中转化的感受。 Long time, he saw in the own lines on the hand to reappear to wipe the spooky green, the tiny flame flowed in that trace slowly. 良久,他才看到自己的掌纹中浮现出了一抹幽幽的绿色,细小的火苗缓缓在那纹路中流淌。 The deck of under foot transmits the slight vibration, White Oak starts to apply the brake, outside the broad side that dim darkness are close, but transmitted Martha sound —— in the small mirror of chest 脚下的甲板传来轻微震动,白橡木号开始制动,船舷外那片朦胧的黑暗已近在咫尺,而在胸口的小镜子里则传来了玛莎的声音—— Attention, the ship approaches shore quickly, later my again opposition and will relieve the twin projection, you from the left side jumping up wharf, the direct acting, I will then show the way.” “注意,船很快靠岸,随后我会再次反相并解除双生投影,你们从左侧跳上码头,然后直行,我会指路。” I prepared.” Lawrence shouted the tone gently, slowly arrives by the broad side. “我准备好了。”劳伦斯轻轻呼了口气,慢慢来到船舷旁。 I also prepared!” Anomaly 077 also follows close on Captain behind, in the voice that hoarse sinks secretly has one unexpectedly excitedly with the anticipation, comes ashore! Fight! The pirates come!” “我也准备好了!”异常077也紧跟在船长身后,嘶哑暗沉的嗓音中竟带着一丝兴奋与期待,“上岸!战斗!海盗来啦!” We are not the pirates,” Lawrence turn head looked at this dry corpse one, we are the seamen of honor.” “我们不是海盗,”劳伦斯回头看了这干尸一眼,“我们是荣誉的海员。” Approaches shore,” the Martha sound almost conveys from the mirror simultaneously, three, two, one...... opposition!” “靠岸,”玛莎的声音几乎同时从镜子中传来,“三,二,一……反相!” Instantaneously, the light shadow changes, actual situation exchange. 瞬间,光影变化,虚实互换。 Around Lawrence all as if glittered fiercely , is the inverted image rise in sea, the present dark reversal, such as passed through not a obvious mirror surface instantaneously, his front presented the Cold Frost wharf and trestle, but always lingers, in surrounding, as if infiltrates that moist gloomy and cold feeling instantaneous dissipation in sea water not to see! 劳伦斯周围的一切都仿佛剧烈闪烁了一下,紧接着,是海中的倒影上升,眼前的黑暗逆转,就如瞬间穿过了一个不可见的镜面,他面前出现了寒霜的码头与栈桥,而始终萦绕在周围的、仿佛浸润在海水中的那种潮湿阴冷感也瞬间消散不见! The next second, he noticed that in White Oak nearby sea level appeared towering a shadow, the Black Oak sketch appeared from the shadow fast. 下一秒,他又看到白橡木号旁边的海面上突兀地浮现出了一片黑影,黑橡木号的剪影从黑影中飞快浮现。 After light shadow opposition, Black Oak relieved and White Oak mutually for the condition of inverted image simultaneously, then appears in the way of twin battleship in the sea level, preparation and own sister ship combat teamwork. 光影反相之后,黑橡木号同时解除了和白橡木号互为倒影的状态,转而以双生战舰的方式出现在海面上,准备与自己的姊妹舰协同作战。 In a flash, in the wharf presented lamp posts, the streets and lanes police siren of distant place resounded, the chaotic wind sobbed to howl in the harbor, had the sound of battleship hasty open fire to resound from the distant place, like chaotic thunderous. 一瞬间,码头上出现了一道道灯柱,远方的街头巷尾警笛鸣响,混乱的风在港口呜咽呼啸,更有战舰仓促开炮的声音从远方响起,如同一片混乱的雷鸣。 Responded such quickly?! 反应来得这么快?! In Lawrence heart one startled, but did not respond slowly, his foot kicked the rope ladder, first flushed: „!” 劳伦斯心中一惊,但反应丝毫不慢,他一脚将绳梯踢下,第一个冲了出去:“出发!” The ground warfare team comprised of more than ten capable sailors rushed to the wharf, charges into the crossroad of distant place along the route of Martha prompt, Lawrence pushes to the front. 由十几名精干水手组成的陆战队伍冲上了码头,沿着玛莎提示的路线冲向远方的路口,劳伦斯一马当先。 The cold wind howls by the ear, the police siren and arms of vocal cord distant place distortion, under the chaos dim skylight, Lawrence is gripping tightly the revolver a sense of reality of off and on, is raising the sharp sword single-handedly, dashes about wildly in Ghost Spirit City-State that this mirror twists, the Martha sound transmits —— unceasingly 寒风在耳旁呼啸,远方的警笛与枪炮声带着一种断续扭曲的质感,在混沌昏暗的天光下,劳伦斯一手紧握左轮,一手提着利剑,狂奔在这镜像扭曲的幽灵城邦,玛莎的声音则不断传来—— „The front crossroad, turn left, goes round the sentry box...... the direct acting, walks the right alley, the entrance in the end......” “前面的路口,左转,绕开岗亭……直行,走右边的小巷,入口在尽头……” Is the sailors rapid chaotic footsteps, in the hand, is the trustworthy weapon, by the ear, is the lover coordinates without a gap the sound. 身后,是水手们急促纷乱的脚步,手中,是值得信赖的武器,耳旁,是爱人配合无间的声音。 Lawrence more runs is quicker , he as if felt in these years accumulates old and exhausted went far away from this body, he felt that the own heart such as the young people are beating generally, when the blood vessel rushed to is welling up with the prime of life same blood —— that spirited Time to return to his mind recklessly. 劳伦斯越跑越快,恍惚间,他仿佛感觉这几十年积累下来的苍老与疲惫都从这具躯体中远去了,他感觉自己的心脏如年轻人一般跳动着,血管中奔涌着和年富力强时一样的鲜血——那个肆意昂扬的岁月回到了他的脑海。 Came back, came back. 回来了,都回来了。 He takes a step forward, swings the both arms, the spooky green flame appears in him like the illusory image behind, but side him, on, sailors also starts to reappear the green flame, the flesh and blood shine in the flame like the Ghost Spirit illusory sense of reality. 他向前迈步,摆动双臂,幽幽的绿色火焰如幻影般在他身后浮现,而在他身旁,身后,一个个水手身上亦开始浮现出绿色的火焰,一个个血肉之躯在火焰中映照出如幽灵般虚幻的质感。 Anomaly 077 shrieks and howls wildly the sound resounds from side: Captain! I feared!” 异常077鬼哭狼嚎般的声音从旁响起:“船长!我怕!” Feared that draws close to the team!” Lawrence twists the mouth sidewise the corners of the mouth, in the sound brings the inexplicable happiness, this city cannot block us!” “怕就靠拢队伍!”劳伦斯咧开嘴角,声音中带着莫名的愉快,“这座城挡不住我们!” Anomaly 077 follows Lawrence to proceed to dash about wildly while continues to shriek and howl wildly: I fear is you!” 异常077一边跟着劳伦斯往前狂奔一边继续鬼哭狼嚎:“我怕的就是你们!” You adapt to —— I not to retire diligently, do not think!” “那你就努力适应吧——我不退休了,你也别想!” Lawrence said happily loudly, he did not mind the own sound will expose the whereabouts of team, was not worried that this casual dashes about wildly the behavior that will bring in this City-State guard in the street. 劳伦斯愉快地大声说道,他丝毫不介意自己的声音会暴露队伍的行踪,不担心这大大咧咧在街头狂奔的行为会引来这城邦的“守卫”。 Because of the beginning, this possibly is not anything sneaking ——, when the unexpected visitor steps into the instance of city of this mirror, this living the city has responded. 因为从一开始,这就不可能是什么“潜入”——当不速之客踏入这座镜像之城的瞬间,这座活着的城市就已经反应过来了。 On the street filled the mist slowly, in the strange dim mist, there is any thing indistinctly to reappear. 街上慢慢弥漫起了雾气,诡异昏暗的雾气中,有什么影影绰绰的东西在从中浮现。 On street haze!” He shouts loudly, Martha, this normal?” “街上起雾了!”他大声喊道,“玛莎,这正常吗?” Fog is critical marking, the mirror in fog is most difficult to distinguish actual situation —— to march forward, do not care about these fog that fills from Real World, in front.” “雾是临界的标识,雾中的镜子最难辨虚实——继续向前,别在意这些从现实世界弥漫过来的雾,就在前面。” Good!” “好!” Lawrence responded loudly, leading the sailors to charge into that dense fog, but in fog, the form that swayed the distortion stood, they have the abnormal body, the quantity wrong eye, they shouted in the fog twittering, sway walked. 劳伦斯高声回应,带领着水手们冲向那片迷雾,而在雾中,一个又一个摇晃扭曲的身影站了起来,它们有着畸形的躯体,数量错误的眼睛,它们在雾中嘶吼呢喃,摇摇晃晃地走来。 Lawrence lifted in the hand the muzzle, before he and sailors opens fire, a series of stormy sounds of gunfire actually resound from another end of fog. 劳伦斯抬起了手中枪口,然而在他和水手们开枪之前,一连串密集的枪声却又从雾的另一端响起。 Appears like the spider steam walkie-talkie in the fog towering, the fully-armed City-State guard soldiers built the street barricade around the walkie-talkie, the rifle and steam walkie-talkie in peak placement soldier hand machinegun blister are emitting the roaring flame, rips the fragment the monster in fog instantaneously. 一台如同蜘蛛般的蒸汽步行机突兀地出现在雾中,全副武装的城邦卫队士兵在步行机周围筑起了街垒,士兵手中的步枪和蒸汽步行机顶端安置的枪塔喷吐着烈焰,瞬间将雾中的怪物撕成碎片。 Edge of Lawrence from this battle region has run, he looks stunned to these sudden City-State guards, however the next second, these soldiers and steam walkie-talkies then vanish in the thick fog, only leaves behind pile of disorderly rubbles same place. 劳伦斯从这交战区域的边缘跑过,他错愕地看向那些突然出现的城邦卫队,然而下一秒,那些士兵与蒸汽步行机便又消失在浓雾中,原地只留下一堆凌乱的瓦砾。 Arrived, inlet of sewer —— under came to the end to have an elevator, goes directly to the second waterway!” “到了,下水道入口——下面走到尽头有一部升降机,直达第二水路!”
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