DSE :: Volume #5

#416: Magistrate whereabouts

Ore of Cold Frost mine most deep place has then dried up dozens years ago, this City-State livelihood blood very possible is only the result of some distortion, bottom of the Boiling Gold mine pit deeply is burying leaf of front doors that are left behind by generation of city halls initially, but nowadays city hall and Magistrate possibly are also this secret participant and vindicator —— 寒霜矿山最深处的矿道在几十年前便已经枯竭,这座城邦赖以为生的“血液”很可能只是某种扭曲的结果,沸金矿井底部深埋着一扇由初代市政厅留下的大门,而现如今的市政厅和执政官可能也是这个秘密的参与者和维护者—— Even if well-trained rigid discipline Guardian that and deals with various types of dangerous strange thing frequently, when will hear these news still to fall into is silent and astonished. 即便是训练有素纪律严明且经常跟各种危险诡异之物打交道的守卫者们,在听到这些消息的时候也不禁会陷入沉默与惊愕。 But when the astonishment, they also understood why this action can be listed as the secret, and Gatekeeper must after everyone goes into a well made public the specific situation. 而在惊愕之余,他们也理解了为什么这次行动会被列为机密,且守门人要在所有人都下井之后才公布具体的情况。 Such news, even if did not consider threat that its behind transcendent Vision brings, merely is mineral lode dries up the truth, starts storm in City-State sufficiently! 这样的消息,哪怕不考虑其背后超凡异象所带来的威胁,仅仅是“矿脉枯竭”的真相本身,都足以在城邦中掀起一场风暴! Now we have not been able to determine whether all ore have dried up dozens years ago, cannot determine that in situation that the mineral lode dries up, transports/fortunes the thing that from this mine pit is what —— can determine that only, is if all these are really some type pollution product, moreover now the Anomaly phenomenon in City-State also with this pollution related, that we now on being located in pollution zero point and most deep place.” “现在我们还不能确定是否所有的矿道在几十年前就已枯竭,更不能确定在矿脉枯竭的情况下,从这座矿井中运出去的东西到底是什么——唯一能确定的,就是如果这一切真是某种‘污染’的产物,而且如今城邦中的异常现象也和这场污染有关的话,那我们现在就位于污染的原点和最深处。” The Agatha vision has swept the surrounding subordinate, the tone was tranquil like the past. 阿加莎的目光扫过周围的部下,语气如往日般平静沉稳。 I believe that everyone knows now the situation in surface, I also know that you once had the doubts, why has doubts to probably in this critical moment send here an elitest squadron, investigates what ore saying that —— I and you same worried these in the compatriot of fog neutralization monster resistance, are worried about the fight on peripheral sea area. “我相信每个人都知道现在地表上的情况,我也知道你们曾有疑惑,疑惑于为什么要在这种紧要关头把最精锐的一支中队派到这里,来调查什么矿道——我和你们一样担心那些在雾中和怪物对抗的同胞,担心周边海域上的战斗。 But, we are also placing the battlefield —— investigation to be clear that at this moment the situation in this mine pit , helping the allies in other places in the maximum degree, found the source of crisis from the root, wins the thick fog to neutralize these monsters to make the endless consumption. “但是,我们此刻也正身处战场——调查清楚这座矿井中的情况,就是在最大程度上帮助其他地方的战友,从根源上找到危机的源头,胜过去浓雾中和那些怪物做无止尽的消耗。 Is this, who also has the issue?” “就是这样,谁还有问题吗?” She observes the situation all around, what sees is the subordinates as is always tranquil and firm facial expression, then nods gently. 她环视四周,所看到的是部下们一如既往平静且坚定的神情,便轻轻点了点头。 Good, we start to take action, the goal is the mining level of most deep place. The attention observes the dark environment along the way, and confirmed well ventilated and condition of illumination device momentarily. Everyone gets down time got one set of mine self-rescuer, now puts on the mask, opens outside circulating valve —— to remember the application method? In case of the situation, and draws out the self-rescuer clevis pin the valve clockwise rotation to the internal recycling, simultaneously is rapid to the Lord tunnel retreats, takes preserving oneself as first.” “好,那我们开始行动,目标是最深处的开采层。沿途注意观察黑暗环境,并随时确认通风和照明装置的状况。每个人下来的时候都领了一套矿山自救器,现在戴上面罩,打开外循环阀——都记得使用方法吧?如果遇上情况,阀门顺时针旋转至内循环并拔出自救器插销,同时迅速向主巷道撤退,以保存自己为优先。” Guardian and pastors and nuns execute the order, the breathing mask will wear immediately on the mouth and nose, confirmed the condition of connecting pipe and circulating valve , the specially-made mine shaft inspection lamp will fix hanging in chest fastens, to avoid affecting to act. 守卫者和牧师、修女们立刻执行命令,将呼吸面罩戴在口鼻上,确认连接管和循环阀的状况,又将特制的井下提灯固定在胸口的挂扣上,以避免影响行动。 Agatha has not worn mask —— to take God of Death Gatekeeper, her physique already and ordinary human was not quite same, particularly in breath aspect, the common noxious gas and suffocates the environment not to affect her action. 阿加莎则没有佩戴面罩——作为死亡之神守门人,她的体质早已和普通人类不太一样,尤其是在“呼吸”方面,寻常的有毒气体和窒息环境并不会影响她的行动。 But when the subordinates to embark to prepare, a slight fizz spread to the Agatha ear suddenly. 而就在部下们为出发做准备的时候,一阵轻微的嘶嘶声突然传入了阿加莎耳中。 At first, she also thinks that the sound when that is the subordinates breathes the circulating valve makes through the mask, but is quick, she then realizes that fizz from farther place —— beside the crowd, in shadow that in the light cannot illuminate. 起初,她还以为那是部下们通过面罩呼吸时循环阀发出的声音,但很快,她便意识到那嘶嘶声来自更远一些的地方——在人群之外,在灯光照不到的阴影中。 Attention!” Agatha responded instantaneously, made noise the reminder, but the next second, then had several other Guardian soldiers also the valve discouraged sound that noticed in the darkness to broadcast, several rays the photo approached that direction simultaneously. “注意!”阿加莎瞬间反应过来,出声提醒,而下一秒,便有另外几名守卫者战士也注意到了黑暗中传来的阀门泄气声音,几道光芒同时照向那个方向。 In dimness that in the light and fog pester, Agatha saw that in that dark corner appears unexpectedly a person's shadow —— wear thick black coat, brings the gas mask, seems also carrying the form of firearms. 在光与雾纠缠的朦胧中,阿加莎看到那黑暗的角落里竟浮现出一个人影——一个穿着厚实黑色外套,带着防毒面具,似乎还携带着枪械的身影。 That form is pouring in one pile of junks, is breathing difficultly, the fizz then spreads from his gas mask. 那身影正倒在一堆杂物中间,艰难地呼吸着,嘶嘶声便从他的防毒面具中传出。 Why will here suddenly present a person? Before Guardian inspected the entire transportation point, was impossible to omit such obvious form! 为什么这里会突然出现一个人?之前守卫者们检查了整个交通点,绝不可能遗漏这么个明显的身影! In the Agatha heart emits the question instantaneously, but the movement is without hesitation, several steps then arrived at that to seem like by the dying form, Guardian followed closely her behind. 阿加莎心中瞬间冒出疑问,但动作毫不迟疑,几步便来到了那个看起来已经垂死的身影旁边,守卫者们则紧随她身后。 „...... Is the City-State soldier,” Guardian distinguished the equipment of that falling to the ground instantaneously, Magistrate subordinate guard.” “……是城邦的士兵,”一名守卫者瞬间识别出了那倒地者的装备,“执政官的直属卫队。” Agatha sized up that soldier one eyes rapidly, saw that outside the black thick coat of opposite party also wraps metal chest armor, the power conduit that between chest armor and arm guard connect has been breaking, the military breathing mask covered he almost complete facial features, can only judge that from the figure this is male soldier ——, but his mortal wound near chest, has caused heavy losses to the internal organs evidently. 阿加莎迅速打量了那士兵一眼,看到对方的黑色厚外套外面还套着一件金属胸甲,胸甲和护臂之间连接的动力管道则已经破碎,军用呼吸面罩遮挡了他几乎全部的面容,只能从身形判断出这是一名男性士兵——而他的致命伤则在胸口附近,看样子已经重创内脏。 His arm has been cut off, another hand also closely grabs the rifle. 他的一只手臂已经断掉,另一只手则还紧紧抓着步枪。 Periphery seemed like the sudden ray to have some stimulation, in Agatha, that soldier who brings the breathing mask then moved suddenly, seeming like wants to try hard to lift the head. 似乎是周围突然出现的光芒产生了一些刺激,在阿加莎靠近之后,那名带着呼吸面罩的士兵便突然活动了一下,似乎是想努力抬起头颅。 Surrounding Guardian instantaneous one startled, takes up the weapon subconsciously, Agatha actually beckons with the hand, goes forward one step, bends down slightly. 周围的守卫者们瞬间一惊,下意识地拿起武器,阿加莎却摆了摆手,上前一步,微微俯下身子。 Who are you?” She asked. “你是谁?”她问道。 Magistrate guard...... Martin...... Brad...... staff sergeant......” 执政官卫队……马丁……布莱德……中士……” Staff Sergeant Brad, why does you appear here?” “布莱德中士,伱为什么出现在这里?” Magistrate...... Winston......” said that guard soldier hoarse opens the mouth of Staff Sergeant Brad, the breathing mask following sound is even more difficult, he mentioned Magistrate name, and struggles is lifting the arm, as to aim at some place, Mr. Winston...... entered a secret room...... we to need...... the support......” 执政官……温斯顿……”自称布莱德中士的卫队战士嘶哑开口,呼吸面罩下面的声音越发艰难,他提到了执政官的名字,并挣扎着抬起手臂,似乎想要指向某个地方,“温斯顿先生……进入了一间密室……我们需要……支援……” He cannot say that arm then lost the strength suddenly, transmits from the breathing mask, is fizz that last weakens rapidly. 他没能说完,那只手臂便突然失去了力量,从呼吸面罩下传来的,是最后一声迅速减弱的嘶嘶声。 He died, but in the next second that the vitality departs, Agatha then saw that the filthy black mud seeps out —— this body from his wound and mask slowly like the melted rapid disintegration, sends out to make the sticky creeping motion sound that one is afraid. 他死去了,而在生机离去的下一秒,阿加莎便看到有污浊的黑色泥浆从他的伤口和面罩下面缓缓渗出——这具躯体如同融化般迅速崩解,发出令人不寒而栗的黏腻蠕动声。 Sham!” “赝品!” Surrounding Guardian responded immediately, withdrew in abundance fast, the accompanying pastor went forward suddenly one step, simultaneously has prepared the good mixture powder to sprinkle one to that the corpse that broke up unceasingly, and threw one group of pale fireball to the corpse. 周围的守卫者们顿时反应过来,纷纷快速后撤,随行牧师则猛然上前一步,同时将一把早已准备好的混合物粉末洒向那正不断崩解的尸体,并向尸体投掷出一团苍白的火球 Of bang, the pale roaring flame soars, that sham corpse then the flame swallows suddenly completely, after swift and violent and short combustion, is only left over one pile same place dry, the black mud that stops wriggling, the heat and in the air not being able to linger. 轰的一声,苍白烈焰腾空而起,那赝品尸体眨眼间便火焰吞噬殆尽,迅猛且短暂的燃烧之后,原地只剩下一堆已经干涸、停止蠕动的黑色泥浆,以及空气中萦绕不去的热量。 The Agatha expression looks at this tranquilly, when that form just appeared, she then realized the opposite party possibly also the replica that braves from this thick fog, but now, she has turned the head looking pensive, looked before that Staff Sergeant Brad just before the end place that once aimed. 阿加莎表情平静地看着这一幕,在那身影刚刚出现的时候,她便意识到了对方可能也是从这浓雾中冒出来的复制体,而现在,她则是若有所思地转过头,看向了那位“布莱德中士”临终前曾指向的地方。 „...... She muttered in this direction in a soft voice. “在这个方向吗……”她轻声咕哝道。 Gatekeeper your excellency, that is only misleading of sham,” nearby pastor hears this to mutter, cannot bear go forward to remind, possibly is the trap of enemy.” 守门人阁下,那只是一个赝品的蛊惑,”一旁的牧师听到这咕哝,忍不住上前提醒,“可能是敌人的陷阱。” But it as if not know that oneself is a sham,” Agatha actually shakes the head gently, still remembers before , information that has? These sham seems like three situations, an ignorance, attacks all live people, one type seemed to be controlled, will destroy in the city in an organized way, one type, then seems retaining the memory and emotion of regular script, even could not detect that oneself is the counterfeit goods......” “但它似乎并不知道自己是个赝品,”阿加莎却轻轻摇了摇头,“还记得之前掌握的情报吗?这些‘赝品’似乎有三种情况,一种浑浑噩噩,攻击一切活人,一种似乎受到控制,会有组织地在城中破坏,还有一种,则仿佛保留着正体的记忆和情感,甚至察觉不到自己是假货……” The pastor gawked, the tone is somewhat scruple: Your meaning is......” 牧师愣了一下,语气有些迟疑:“您的意思是……” The Agatha look probably somewhat is suddenly complex, but no one detected that this instantaneous hesitation, after short hesitation, she said calmly: This sham was duplicated some time ago, before he possibly is retaining for several hours, even memory —— in a short time on the other hand, when we go into a well, the news in city hall is the confidential secretary has been transmitting, Magistrate Winston seems to be missing.” 阿加莎的眼神一时间好像有些复杂,但并无人察觉到她这瞬间的迟疑,在短暂沉吟之后,她语气平静地说道:“这个‘赝品’是在不久前被复制的,他可能保留着数小时前甚至更短时间内的记忆——另一方面,在我们下井的时候,市政厅方面的消息就一直是机要秘书在代为传递,执政官温斯顿似乎下落不明。” The pastor responded rapidly, understood the meaning of Agatha. 牧师迅速反应过来,理解了阿加莎的意思。 Sham is the counterfeit goods, but its memory real,” he said fast, Winston Magistrate possibly really led one team of soldiers to come to here some time ago . Moreover the staff sergeants named Martin Brad died in battle the staff sergeant in the ore say/way and his memory that —— this thick fog duplicated just dead in battle!” “‘赝品’是假货,但它的记忆是真的,”他飞快说道,“温斯顿执政官不久前可能真的带着一队士兵来过这里,而且其中有一个叫做马丁・布莱德的中士在矿道中战死了——这片浓雾复制出了刚刚战死的中士和他的记忆!” Perhaps this is the truth.” “或许这就是真相。” Agatha nods gently, then shifts to that to be said by the ore that the dim light illuminates. 阿加莎轻轻点了点头,接着转向那条被朦胧灯光照亮的矿道。 The situation in excavation deep place no one is clear, but Winston Magistrate evidently grasped truth —— that some others are not knowing he to fall into the Vision critical moment to lead one team of soldiers in the entire city to enter this mine pit deep place now, without a doubt, biggest clue then possibly in this direction. 采掘层深处的情况谁也不清楚,但温斯顿执政官显然是掌握着一些别人不知道的真相——现在他在全城陷入异象的关键时刻带着一队士兵进入了这矿井深处,毫无疑问,最大的线索便可能在这个方向。 Thanks a finger/refers of road.” “谢谢指路。” Agatha has turned the head, toward that pile could not have seen completely the human outline the dry mud nods seriously, later then waves to the surrounding subordinates: Follows —— we to look for the Magistrate whereabouts!” 阿加莎转过头,向着那堆已经完全看不出人类轮廓的干涸泥浆郑重其事地点了点头,随后便向周围的部下们一挥手:“跟上——我们去寻找执政官的下落!” ...... …… At the same time, by the boundless vastness that on the chaos dim sky covers, twin double shadow Ghost Ship just like the wind passing over gently and swiftly ocean waves, went through innumerably, in the ship shadow of mixture of truth and deceit. 同一时间,在被混沌昏暗天空笼罩的无边汪洋上,双生双影的幽灵船正如风般掠过海浪,穿行在数不清的、虚虚实实的舰影之中。 Lawrence stands in the White Oak bow, lowers the head to overlook the sea level of below fluctuating. 劳伦斯站在白橡木号的船头,低头俯瞰着下方起伏的海面。 In the ocean waves of that matter level fluctuating, he already can see distant City-State...... the inverted image. 在那层层起伏的海浪之间,他已然可以看到远方城邦的……倒影。
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