DSE :: Volume #5

#415: Going into a well

Agatha protects that bunch of small flame in the hand, takes a step again, walks toward the deep place of second waterway. 阿加莎将那簇小小的火苗护在手中,再次迈步,向着第二水路的更深处走去。 In fact, she had lost to the judgment of time, even becomes to surroundings all sensations fuzzy, how long in this moist gloomy and cold place not too clear oneself she had climbed mountains and crossed rivers, solved many monsters unclear oneself, increased many wound —— in this process in some period of time, she even once forgot the own name, forgot why oneself appear here sewer. 事实上,她已经失去了对时间的判断,甚至对周围一切的感知都变得模糊起来,她已经记不太清自己到底在这潮湿阴冷的地方跋涉了多久,记不清自己解决了多少怪物,又在这个过程中增添了多少伤口——在某一段时间里,她甚至一度忘记自己的名字,忘记自己为何出现在这条下水道里。 But when that green flame in the palm jumps, she would retrieving own to be sane, and only remembers firmly that ultimate mission —— 但当那绿色火焰在手心跳跃的时候,她总会寻回自己的理智,并牢牢记住那唯一的、终极的使命—— Takes the fire seed, delivers to these heresies the fire seed in the lairs. 带上火种,把火种送到那些异端的巢穴中。 The gloomy and cold wind blows from the front dark corridor, in the wind seems coercing twittering with shouting, the body of Agatha swayed, she sensation from the wind to malicious existence, then hid the flame in hand in the tattered black clothes inner layer cautiously. 阴冷的风从前方黑暗的走廊中吹来,风中仿佛裹挟着层层迭迭的呢喃与嘶吼,阿加莎的身体摇晃了一下,她从风中感知到了恶意的存在,便将手中的火苗小心翼翼地藏在已经破破烂烂的黑衣内层。 Must hide it, cannot make these heresies detect. 要藏好它,不能让那些异端察觉。 She raised the head, looks to the dark deep place, saw that in the wind has the innumerable shape uncertain shadows to fluctuate, the gas lamp on corridor wall does not know when to has only been left over the glow tiny glimmer dimly, the filthy black mud little infiltrated from the surrounding ceiling and pipeline grill, the creeping motion, the polymerization, the formation, sends out nauseously twittering sound. 她抬起头,看向黑暗深处,看到风中有无数形状不定的阴影正在起伏,走廊墙壁上的瓦斯灯不知何时已经昏暗到只剩下萤火般的细小微光,污浊的黑色泥浆一点点从周围的棚顶和管道格栅中渗了出来,蠕动,聚合,成型,发出令人作呕的呢喃声。 Agatha lifts that the same as proliferate the scar with oneself the cane, why does not know, she thought unexpectedly oneself was full of the strength again, that irritating fatigue has vanished quietly. 阿加莎抬起那根与自己一样遍布伤痕的手杖,不知为何,她竟觉得自己再度充满了力量,那恼人的疲惫感已悄然消失。 She the cane on the ground, the vision stares at these to blaspheme the filthy thing that in the darkness surges layer on layer/heavily stubbornly, the stick end strokes the ground, sends out such as the mighty bell resounds thundering —— 她将手杖重重顿在地上,目光死死盯着那些在黑暗中涌动的亵渎污浊之物,杖端击打地面,发出如洪钟鸣响般的轰鸣—— Thump —— “咚—— The elevator makes noise, the cage sway sinks to the mine pit deep place, is gaining ground in the Guardian soldier of elevator cage edge security suddenly, some doubts said with ally: What sound did you have to hear a moment ago?” 升降机吱嘎作响,轿厢摇摇晃晃地沉入矿井深处,正在升降机轿厢边缘警戒的守卫者战士突然抬起头,有些疑惑地与身旁战友说道:“你刚才有没有听到什么声音?” Probably thump,” another Guardian erratically said surprisedly, has actually turned the head subconsciously, looks at one to stand in cage central Gatekeeper, like...... like......” “好像是咚的一声,”另一名守卫者惊疑不定地说道,紧接着却又下意识地转过头,看了一眼正站在轿厢中央的守门人,“就像……就像……” Your excellency before the action of purification heresy started with the cane sounds death knell sound —— he to want when like Gatekeeper saying that has not actually said. 就像守门人阁下在净化异端的行动开始前用手杖敲响“丧钟”时的声音——他想这么说,却没说出口。 Because of Gatekeeper in this, she is sitting in repose with eyes closed. 因为守门人就在这,她正在闭目养神。 Seemed like hears subordinate's conversation, Agatha opened the eye, she looked at around one, was silent is arriving by the cage edge that the guard rail revolved, looked to under. 似乎是听到了部下的交谈,阿加莎睁开眼睛,她看了一眼四周,沉默着来到被护栏围绕的轿厢边缘,看向下方。 That Guardian that Gatekeeper,” before opened the mouth walked, hesitated was saying, what sound had to transmit from below a moment ago probably, can have others also to act in the mine pit?” 守门人,”之前开口的那名守卫者走过来,犹豫着说道,“刚才好像有什么声音从下面传来,会不会是还有别人也在矿井里行动?” Here, only then we,” Agatha have not turned head, does not need to care about the sound.” “这里只有我们,”阿加莎没有回头,“不必在意刚才的声音。” The subordinates drew back temporarily, Agatha actually still looks at the below that boundless and dim darkness. 部下暂时退下了,阿加莎却仍看着下方那片无边而朦胧的黑暗。 Here is the Boiling Gold mine pit, leads to the biggest vertical channel of lower-level tunneling area, but even in this mountain massif deep place, the fog...... were still ubiquitous. 这里是沸金矿井,是通往下层掘进区的最大一条垂直通道,而即便是在这山体深处,雾……仍然无处不在。 The normal condition fog is certainly impossible to fill this place, but these strange fog obviously are the functions of transcendent strength, they as if have the consciousness the same as infiltrate everywhere, moreover in dimmly-lit, thorough underground region, mist like emerging out of thin air full. 正常情况的雾当然是不可能弥漫到这种地方的,可这些怪异的雾显然是超凡力量的作用,它们仿佛有意识一样地四处渗透,而且在灯光昏暗、深入地下的区域,雾气更是如凭空出现般充盈。 The mine pit elevator then drops in this dim mist unceasingly, the surroundings can see that occasionally dim light group upward movement —— that is sets the gas lamp and electric lamp in shaft, they seem like so weak, is away from the mist to look the time of such as the glimmer of firefly is unexpectedly tiny. 矿井升降机便吱吱嘎嘎地在这片朦胧的雾气中不断下降,周围偶尔可以看到昏暗的光团向上移动——那是设置在竖井里的瓦斯灯和电灯,它们看上去是如此微弱,以至于隔着雾气看去的时候竟如萤火虫的微光般细小。 No matter what, the equipment in mine pit obviously also in the operation —— ventilation system, power conduit, lighting system, lifting gear...... normal operation. 但不管怎样,矿井中的设备显然都还在运作——通风系统,动力管道,照明系统,提升装置……都在正常运行。 At this time used the machinery equipment naturally to be more careful, after Agatha sent the pastor has inspected the condition of elevator, to decide that specially used the —— safer choice of this elevator is the step ladder and slopeway in use emergency channel goes into a well, but that too consumed the time and physical strength. 这种时候使用机器设备当然要倍加小心,阿加莎是专门派牧师去检查过提升机的状况之后才决定使用这台升降机的——更稳妥的选择是使用应急通道中的步梯和坡道下井,但那就太耗费时间与体力了。 Hopes this gadget comes up the time should not be bad,” a young Guardian soldier is whispering low voice, „the freight transportation cage and track that on the beforehand hillside that out-of-control crashes may impressive.” “但愿这玩意儿上去的时候别坏,”一名年轻的守卫者战士小声嘀咕着,“之前山坡上那失控坠毁的货运轿厢和轨道可令人印象深刻。” At this time can't you say of pleasant to hear?” Another quite old Guardian knits the brows immediately, everyone —— on the elevator you must be really anxious, jumped to result in simply, freely falling body time surely did not have the breakdown.” “这种时候你就不能说点好听的?”另一名较为年长的守卫者顿时皱了皱眉,“大家都在升降机上呢——你要实在紧张,干脆跳下去得了,自由落体的时候肯定没故障。” no no no, I was speak thoughtlessly a saying, this gadget looked firmly is safe, will definitely not have problems......” 不不不,我就是随口一说,这玩意儿一看就坚固稳妥得很,肯定不会出问题……” At this time the nun who keeps the hair's length only to ears heard two soldiers' conversations, collected saying: I heard that Pland City-State of distant place has female Inquisitor, she can from the cliff jump to the shitan directly cuts to kill heir, she jumps to be definitely all right from here......” 这时又有一名留着齐耳短发的修女听到了两名战士的交谈,凑过去说道:“不过我听说远方的普兰德城邦有一位女审判官,她可以从悬崖上直接跳至石滩斩杀‘子嗣’,她从这里跳下去肯定没事……” Two Guardian silent two seconds, with one voice: „...... Is that a person?!” 两位守卫者沉默了两秒钟,异口同声:“……那还是人吗?!” I am hear......” “我就是听说……” The soldiers are talking, this will not affect their later actions, can actually dilute in anxious —— Guardian that in this darkness drops unceasingly brings is also a person, needs to relax the nerve. 战士们在交谈,这并不会影响他们之后的行动,却可以冲淡在这黑暗中不断下降带来的紧张——守卫者也是人,也需要舒缓神经。 Agatha is turning away from them, without being involved, without preventing own subordinate —— she to be only calmly is listening, on the face does not know when actually took wiped the vague smile. 阿加莎则背对着他们,既没有加入其中,也没有阻止自己的部下——她只是静静地听着,脸上不知何时却带上了一抹若有若无的笑容。 Unlike in many mind, usually in serious calm Gatekeeper actually treats the subordinate always to be tolerantly gentle. 与许多人印象中的不同,平日里严肃沉稳的守门人其实对待部下一向平和宽容。 At this moment, the steel wire is tight and friction sound of braking system resounded from all around, broke the Guardian between the exchange. 就在这时,钢索绷紧以及制动系统的摩擦声响从四周响起,打断了守卫者们之间的交流。 The elevator cage starts to decelerate, and stops gradually in an open and gloomy and cold place. 升降机轿厢开始减速,并渐渐停在一个开阔而阴冷的地方。 Here was the first even Ceng transportation selected,” Agatha observed the situation all around, what seen was in the nearest structural support, the lighting system as well as nearby open area the mine staff of slightly disorderly pit gear —— hurried evacuation cannot carry off all things obviously, here found at everywhere the trace that flustered left, where was transportation map at?” “这里就是第一平层的交通点了,”阿加莎环视四周,看到的是距离最近的支撑结构、照明系统以及附近空地上略显杂乱的矿井设备——匆忙撤离的矿山工作人员显然没能带走所有东西,这里随处可见忙乱中留下的痕迹,“交通图在哪?” Here,” a pastor goes forward immediately, when will embark gives Gatekeeper from the mine affairs office's bringing transportation map, our present positions are Well 2.” “在这里,”一名牧师立刻上前,将出发时从矿山事务局带来的交通图递给守门人,“我们现在的位置是二号井。” Agatha received the blueprint, goes down the elevator while acts according to the material ratio to the surrounding environment, simultaneously before recalling is going into a well , the information that from mine administrators there gains: „The well evil ways car(riage) to tunneling area had suspended shipment, must go to the tunneling area only to walk, according to the red line identification, 150 meters away will have the slopeway to excavation dissolution.” 阿加莎接过图纸,一边走下升降机一边根据资料比对着周围的环境,同时回忆着下井之前从矿山管理人员那里获取的情报:“通往掘进区的井下道车已经停运了,要前往掘进区只能步行,按照红色的线路标识走,150米外会有通往采掘作业面的坡道。” She raised the head, confirmed an all around situation. 她抬起头,又确认了一下四周的情况。 First inspects around, sets up a safety point, then walks toward the deep place.” “先检查一下四周,设立一个安全点,然后再往深处走。” The subordinates bustle about, Guardian goes to confirm that the security of each transportation bayonet socket, the pastor and nun start to conduct the simple purification to the elevator peripheral open area and arrange the altar and sacred object. 部下们忙碌起来,守卫者前去确认各个交通卡口的安全,牧师与修女开始对升降机周边的空地进行简单的净化并布置祭坛、圣物。 Agatha is walking around at will. 阿加莎则随意在四处走动着。 She, knocks down before the transportation box that has not carried off with enough time stopped the footsteps. 她在一个没来得及带走的、翻倒在地的转运箱前停下了脚步。 Transportation box iron, the internal lining has the insulation of tin system, sealing has not fastened tightly, knocks down after had shaken off, can see that inside contents —— is some ores that knock the scrap. 转运箱是铁质的,内部衬有锡制的隔层,封盖没有扣紧,翻倒在地之后已经被摔开,可以看到里面的内容物——是一些敲成小块的矿石。 These ores exude the dim metal sense of reality, the color is sinking secretly on the cover that can see as if blood vessel, the pale golden trace. 那些矿石泛着昏暗的金属质感,颜色暗沉的外皮上可以看到仿佛血管般的、淡金色的纹路。 Should be the preparation examines the sample with delivering that the changing shifts personnel bring together.” Middle-aged Guardian walks from side, has the experience to judge to say very much. “应该是准备随着换班人员一起带上去的送检样本。”一名中年守卫者从旁边走来,很有经验地判断道。 Because must investigate the mine pit situation, in Agatha this bringing subordinate has about half to carry out the task in the Boiling Gold mine region for a long time Guardian, although they are not the specialized miners, actually also to here situation quite some experiences. 因为要探查矿井情况,阿加莎这次带来的部下中有一半左右是在沸金矿山区域长期执行任务的守卫者,他们虽然不是专业的矿工,却也对这里的情况颇有些经验。 Boiling Gold undressed ore......” 沸金原矿吗……” Agatha kept a serious look, is provoking several ore that with the cane fell on the ground, bends the waist later, picks up examines together carefully. 阿加莎的表情严肃,用手杖拨弄着几块掉在地上的矿石,随后又弯下腰,捡起一块仔细查看。 After the moment, she gives that middle-aged Guardian this ore: you inspects.” 片刻后,她把这矿石递给那名中年守卫者:“伱检查一下。” Is the mass good undressed ore, only needs the simple shatter screen to feed in the furnace evidently, but has ore rate/lead this aspect I to be not quite good to judge that...... needs the professional.” “是质量不错的原矿,看样子只需简单的破碎初筛就能送进熔炉,不过出矿率这方面我不太好判断……需要专业人士。” Agatha knits the brows: This? No issue?” 阿加莎皱了皱眉:“就这样?没有任何问题?” I have not looked to have problems, is only the ore,” Guardian said confidently, also some doubts, what question you do have?” “我没看出问题,只是矿石而已,”守卫者坦然说道,紧接着又有些疑惑,“您是有什么疑问吗?” Agatha was silent was taking up a Boiling Gold ore, looked at carefully long time, opens the mouth in a soft voice: I then must say that although suspected, actually is also secret ——, only then this time a personnel who participate in the action can know, moreover must after going into a well.” 阿加莎沉默着拿起了一块沸金矿石,端详良久,才轻声开口:“我接下来要说的,尽管只是猜想,却也是机密——只有本次参与行动的人员才可以知晓,而且必须在下井之后。” Stands is startled in her opposite Guardian slightly, but the next second, on this soldier face is the dignified and serious expression. 站在她对面的守卫者微微一怔,但下一秒,这战士脸上便已然是凝重且严肃的表情。 Surprised, but is not flustered, accidental/surprised, but will not handle. 惊讶,但并不慌张,意外,但不会无措。 Because each has the qualifications to follow Gatekeeper to carry out the task Priest ——, no matter Guardian, is the nuns and pastors, is in Church after the person of selection, they once swore, and signed the contract under the gaze of Bartok. 因为每一个有资格跟随守门人执行任务的神官——不管是守卫者,还是修女和牧师们,都已是教会中经过遴选之人,他们都曾立誓,并在巴托克的注视下签下了契约。 Everyone fully realized the particularity that own mission, knows that needs Gatekeeper processing the event to have personally is strange, thorny —— in these thorough dark actions, anything possibly is secret, the previous second of common thing, the next second probably will also turn must isolate the taboo outside civilized world, person who even joins the action, probably turns into secret momentarily part. 每个人都深知自身使命的特殊性,知道需要守门人亲自处理的事件会有多么诡异、棘手——在这些深入黑暗的行动中,任何一件事都可能是机密,前一秒还寻常的事物,下一秒就可能会变成必须隔绝在文明世界之外的禁忌,甚至连参加行动的人,也随时可能变成“秘密”的一部分。 After all, something , even if merely is knowing, leaves behind the corroded in Real World the opening, even if made impression in the litigant mind merely, is giving the future out-of-control to cast the shadow. 毕竟,有些事情哪怕仅仅是“知晓”,就是在现实世界中留下侵蚀的裂口,哪怕仅仅是在当事人脑海中留下了“印象”,就是在给日后的失控留下阴影。 Agatha raised the head, saw that the placement of temporary altar and sacred object has been completed, the safety point has set up. 阿加莎抬起头,看到临时祭坛和圣物的安置已经完成,安全点已经设立。 Everyone, gathers —— I to announce something.” “所有人,集合——我要宣布一些事情。”
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