DSE :: Volume #5

#414: Joint

Bang! 轰! A slating loud sound blasts open in the consciousness deep place loudly, Morris almost in then lost instantaneously to own condition control —— will be advocating under the asylum condition that the consciousness isolation and mind solidify, he still by that spread, but to the impact swept across the mind, and in following, in the difficult situation information impact creakies! 一阵雷鸣般的巨响轰然在意识深处炸裂,莫里斯几乎在瞬间便失去了对自身状态的掌控——即便是在将主意识隔离、心智固化的庇护状态下,他仍被那股蔓延而至的冲击席卷了心灵,并在紧随其后的、惊涛骇浪般的信息冲击中摇摇欲坠! In an instant, his stands behind the oneself body side psychology angle of view then revolves, in the field of vision cannot see the writing in oneself mind again, only felt that the inexhaustible dense fog is circling the ascension, but the colonies of these words and expressions as if out-of-control oneself read a moment ago attack and gnaw in his memory everywhere, is tearing his personality part, he even forgot the own name suddenly, in the mind remaining, only has oneself in that given name —— that the last second of type sees 刹那间,他那站立在自己身体侧后方的“心理学视角”便旋转起来,视野中再看不到自己头脑中的文字,只感觉无穷无尽的迷雾在盘旋升腾,而自己刚才所阅读的那些字句则仿佛失控的蜂群般在他的记忆中四处冲击、啃噬,撕扯着他的人格部分,他一时间甚至遗忘了自己的名字,脑海中所剩下的,唯有自己在最后一秒种所见的那个名号—— Deep Sea Sacred Lord. 幽邃圣主 However in the next quarter, this dizzy feeling was then suppressed by anything suddenly, Morris thought that own consciousness by an incomparably powerful strength is entrained forcefully returned to Real World, in this entrained in process, he saw in the thick fog presented light of many array shape, twinkle, among that many lights, regarding a biggest red light source. 然而就在下一刻,这股天旋地转的感觉便猛然被什么东西遏止了,莫里斯觉得自己的意识被一股无比强大的力量硬生生拽回到了现实世界,而在这个“拽回”的过程中,他看到浓雾中出现了许多阵列状的、闪烁的灯光,那许多灯光中间,又围绕着一个最大的红色光源。 This seems God of Wisdom Rahm to the glance that he throws, but the next second, these array lights dissipate fast, changes monstrous waves that pats turbulently ; 这一幕仿佛是智慧之神拉赫姆向他投来的一瞥,但下一秒,那些阵列灯光又飞快消散,化作汹涌拍来的巨浪; The monstrous waves change to pale windblown dust of loudly disintegration in him at present, the exquisite pale ashes just like the bone ash of disciple, fall to him voluminous ; 紧接着,巨浪又在他眼前化作了一片轰然崩解的苍白尘烟,细腻苍白的灰烬宛若圣徒的骨灰,向他洋洋洒洒落下; Afterward, these pale windblown dust burn in the midair, changes to crashing hot rain, condenses the innumerable dazzling and scarlet flame classes, as if must burn him completely comes! 随后,那些苍白尘烟又在半空中燃烧起来,化作一片坠落的火雨,其中凝聚出无数刺目而赤红的焰流,仿佛要将他焚尽般汹涌而至! But falls on the scarlet flame to previous quarter, Morris saw that all fires caught a fire of quiet green —— turbulent rupturing suddenly in a flash became temperate, and fell on the side little, flame touched the own shoulder, he feels immediately who patted oneself layer on layer/heavily, the next second, he then opened the eye suddenly, and realized that oneself has returned to the own body. 但就在赤红火焰落到身上的前一刻,莫里斯看到那所有的火突然又染上了一层幽绿——汹涌爆裂的火转瞬间变得温和下来,并一点点落在身旁,其中一片火焰触碰了自己的肩膀,他立刻感觉到有谁重重地拍了自己一下,下一秒,他便猛然睁开眼睛,并意识到自己已经回到自己的躯体内。 The effect that the consciousness isolation and mind solidify was finished forcefully, oneself returned to this world from the crazy critical state again. 意识隔离和心智固化的效果被强行结束了,自己再一次从疯狂临界状态返回了这个世界。 But in the flash that the consciousness restores, Morris then resists is looking at one again the impulsion, makes an effort that black skin big book to close up the hand. 而在意识恢复的一瞬间,莫里斯便抵抗着“再看一眼”的冲动,用力将手中那本黑皮大书合拢。 His movement is quick, even so, this book still changed several pages before closing up fiercely, in corner of the eye peripheral vision of flashing past, some writing of vibration maps Morris field of vision —— that by the extremely deep impression is a few words, when brings as if the intensity holds to read just before the end a few words: We will return to that finally to the pure highest sage's origin.” 他的动作很快,但即便如此,这本书在合拢之前仍剧烈翻动了几页,在一闪而过的眼角余光中,一些抖动的文字以极其强烈的印象映入莫里斯的视野——那是一句话,带着仿佛临终时的强烈执念般的一句话:“我们终将回归那至纯至圣的起源。” The black skin big book was gathered completely, in the Morris mind occupies the writing that the final time is seeing, is breathing heavily fiercely. 黑皮大书完全被合起来了,莫里斯脑海中盘踞着最后时刻所看到的文字,剧烈喘着粗气。 Vanna detects immediately here difference, two steps then close up: You how?” 凡娜立刻察觉了这边的异样,两步便靠拢过来:“您怎么样?” „...... Daily of scholar, has to do with the fatal knowledge, then fortunately survives,” Morris is uniform the asthma, reaches out Vanna, is all right, I am my —— hold me to get up.” “……学者的日常,与致命的知识打交道,然后幸存,”莫里斯把气喘匀,向凡娜伸出手,“没事,我还是我——扶我起来。” Just set out, he then also asked: How long does time pass by?” 刚一起身,他便又问道:“时间过去多久?” Several seconds,” the Vanna nod replied, I just noticed you opened to read several book, you closed it suddenly, simultaneously your spirituality continuous, in the surrounding fog also started the shadow that appeared unable to distinguish turbulently.” “几秒钟,”凡娜点头回答,“我刚看到您把书翻开看了几眼,您就猛然把它合上了,同时您的灵性动荡不休,周围的雾中也开始浮现出无法辨别的阴影。” That marvelous sight that „when several seconds......” Morris pulled the corners of the mouth, in the mind actually recalled oneself was entrained to see from the out of control edge. “几秒钟……”莫里斯扯了扯嘴角,脑海中却回忆起自己从失控边缘被拽回来时所见的那一幕幕奇景。 In the next second, in his mind then appears a low and deep dignified sound: Morris, what situation does your side meet?” 就在下一秒,他脑海中便浮现出一个低沉威严的声音:“莫里斯,你那边遇上什么情况?” Morris is startled, hurries to reorganize the expression, responded in the heart: I a moment ago in reading the book of blaspheming seized from the Annihilationists hand, did not receive to pollute —— Captain carefully, was you pulls back me finally?” 莫里斯一怔,赶紧整顿表情,在心中回应:“我刚才在阅读一本从湮灭教徒手中缴获的亵渎之书,不小心受到污染——船长,是您最后把我拉回来的?” Un,” the Duncan response said, I detected a moment ago suddenly your mind was attacked, drew support keeps on you mark to examine a situation. you said a moment ago you did seize book of the blaspheming? Concrete what's the matter? You also with Vanna in the same place? You now in what position?” “嗯,”邓肯回应道,“刚才我突然察觉你的心智受到攻击,就借助留在你身上的‘印记’查看了一下情况。伱刚才说你缴获了一本亵渎之书?具体怎么回事?你还跟凡娜在一起么?你们现在在什么位置?” Vanna and I in the same place, we still moved in Upper District, we discovered that has Annihilationists to enter Real World with the aid of the dense fog shield, and is controlling part sham to attack City-State —— we to find and eliminate a moment ago control,” Morris is responding immediately, later reorganized a mentality , to continue saying that situation is very strange, that heretic died the later corpse to present and phenomenon of element material fusion, seems like some type extreme transformation result, he then along a carrier black nameless book, the content on book......” 凡娜和我在一起,我们仍在上城区活动,我们发现有湮灭教徒借助迷雾掩护进入现实世界,并在操控一部分‘赝品’袭击城邦——刚才我们找到并消灭了其中一个操控者,”莫里斯立刻回应着,随后又整理了一下思路,继续说道,“情况很古怪,那邪教徒死亡之后尸体呈现出和原素物质融合的现象,似乎是某种极端的‘改造’结果,他随身则携带者一本黑色的无名之书,书上的内容……” Morris stopped suddenly, the tone becomes the great care, simultaneously is controlling the own thought carefully: „The content on book is discomforting, is original text that before crow these bible bodies of transcribing writes about, I only look with enough time a small part, then encountered the pollution. Sorry, now can only report so many —— I unable to recall inside detail now.” 莫里斯突然停了下来,语气变得格外谨慎,同时小心控制着自己的思维:“书上的内容令人不安,是之前‘乌鸦’抄录的那些圣书体记叙的原文,我只来得及看完其中一小部分,便遭到了污染。抱歉,现在只能汇报这么多——我现在不能回忆里面的细节。” Duncan sound silent two seconds, later resounds again: Was OK, the safety first, do not continue the thing that recalls you to see. Takes the book, later reports to me face to face.” 邓肯的声音沉默了两秒钟,随后再度响起:“可以了,安全第一,不要继续回忆你看到的东西。把书带上,之后当面向我汇报。” Morris relaxes slightly: Yes, Captain.” 莫里斯微微松了口气:“是,船长。” At this moment, nearby Vanna suddenly opens the mouth: Captain, your side situation how?” 就在这时,一旁的凡娜突然“开口”:“船长,您那边情况怎样?” I and Alice are very actually peaceful second waterway —— here.” “我和爱丽丝在第二水路——这里倒是很安静。” Close to the underground deep place of central city area, in the four corners of somewhere second waterway, Duncan raised the head, looks to the distant spacious corridor. 靠近中心城区的地下深处,第二水路的某处交叉路口中,邓肯抬起头,看向远方空旷的走廊。 Thin mist are floating sky over the corridor, sticks to vault that is sinking secretly, that fog as if emerges out of thin air in this space, moreover over time is more and more becoming strong —— but is compared by the City-State surface that the thick fog covers completely, here some mist are not serious. 有一层稀薄的雾气正漂浮在走廊上空,紧贴着那暗沉的穹顶,那雾仿佛是凭空出现在这空间里面,而且随着时间推移正变得越来越浓重——但和已经被浓雾完全笼罩的城邦地表比起来,这里的些许雾气并不严重。 I am waiting for the fire seed to take place.” “我在等着火种就位。” With the aid of mark the relation, he said to Vanna in the heart. 借助“印记”的联系,他在心中对凡娜说道。 Fire seed?” The Vanna sound sounds some doubts. “火种?”凡娜的声音听上去有些疑惑。 These Annihilationists lairs in Real World —— mirror Cold Frost are not their supreme headquarters,” Duncan said slowly, „ the Sea Mist fleet is also good, the Cold Frost navy, including the City-State guard and Church Guardian, they are slowing down the process that the mirror breaks surface in invasion that Real World eliminates ‚’, only then begins from mirror that one side, can solve this time problem truly. “那些湮灭教徒的巢穴不在现实世界——镜像寒霜才是他们的大本营,”邓肯慢慢说道,“海雾舰队也好,寒霜海军也罢,包括城邦卫队和教会守卫者们,他们在现实世界消灭的‘入侵’都只是在减缓镜像上浮的过程,只有从镜像那一侧动手,才能真正解决这次的问题。 Agatha brings the fire seed to go to —— she to find these heresies the lairs, then I will help her light that place.” 阿加莎已经带着火种去了——她会找到那些异端的巢穴,然后我会帮助她点燃那个地方。” Vanna that side response obviously hesitated for several seconds: What does that...... have us to do?” 凡娜那边的回应明显迟疑了几秒钟:“那……有什么我们能做的?” Continues to hunt in the fog then, eliminates all shams that you see, discovers behind them all masters, can hunt and kill many to hunt and kill many,” Duncan said, slows down the invasion to be meaningful, you are Agatha win the time, is reducing the pressure that she faces.” “继续在雾中狩猎即可,消灭你们见到的所有赝品,找出他们背后所有的控制者,能猎杀多少就猎杀多少,”邓肯说道,“减缓入侵是有意义的,你们在为阿加莎争取时间,也是在减轻她面对的压力。” Vanna responds immediately: Yes, I understood!” 凡娜立刻回应:“是,我明白了!” Several seconds later, her sound conveys again: Moreover...... in present City-State sham Gatekeeper is possibly also acting, but Church seems like does not have any response, you think......” 紧接着又过了几秒钟,她的声音再次传来:“另外……现在城邦中可能还有一个赝品‘守门人’在行动,而教会这边似乎没有任何反应,您认为……” Her sound sounds somewhat hesitant. 她的声音听上去有些犹豫。 Duncan has known that sham the matter, even knows Vanna is clearer. 邓肯则早已知晓那赝品的事情,甚至比凡娜知道的还要清楚。 After all, he has established the contact with true Agatha. 毕竟,他已经与真正的阿加莎建立过联络。 Does not need to be worried that Agatha, after” moment hesitates, he responded, did not need to cope with her ——, but if you ran into her, in accordance with the situation needed, can provide the help.” “不必担心那个‘阿加莎’,”片刻沉吟之后,他回应道,“也不用去对付她——但如果你们遇到她,视情况需要,可以提供帮助。” That side Vanna obviously gawked for several seconds, in later tone brings with astonishment: Provides the help?! Helps that sham?” 凡娜那边明显愣了几秒钟,随后的语气中带着惊愕:“提供帮助?!帮助那个‘赝品’?” Don't forget, not all shams received the control of Annihilationists, most outstanding these, have the own will,” the Duncan tone was still tranquil, Gatekeeper will not easily become the puppet of heresy, naturally, the special details also needed you to judge when the time comes.” “别忘了,并不是所有的赝品都受湮灭教徒的控制,其中最杰出的那些,有着自己的意志,”邓肯的语气仍旧平静,“守门人不会轻易成为异端的傀儡,当然,具体情况还需要你们到时候自行判断。” Yes, I understood, Captain.” “是,我明白了,船长。” This time, in the response of Vanna brings an unusual seriousness. 这一次,凡娜的回应中带着一种异样的郑重。 As if she as the Inquisitor sense of mission, Gatekeeper produced the subtle resonance in this moment with that. 仿佛是她作为审判官的使命感,在这一刻与那位“守门人”产生了微妙的共鸣。 Finished with the followers between contact. 与追随者们之间的联络结束了。 Duncan shouted the tone gently, later lifted the hand, the fingertip ignited bunch of small flame. 邓肯轻轻呼了口气,随后抬起手,指尖燃起了一簇小小的火苗。 He is staring at that flame, a moment later opens the mouth in a soft voice: Agatha, you think that she really does meet such that such as you think?” 他凝视着那火苗,片刻之后轻声开口:“阿加莎,你认为‘她’真的会如你所想的那样吗?” A chilly and hoarse sound resounds from the flame: Meeting.” 一个清冷而沙哑的声音从火焰中响起:“会。” Why did you so affirm?” “你为何如此肯定?” Because I believe oneself.” “因为我相信自己。” But that is only your replica,” Duncan said calmly, among you will have the small difference, this difference possibly causes her to make with your different decision.” “但那只是你的复制品,”邓肯平静说道,“你们之间会存在微小的差异,这差异可能导致她做出和你不一样的决定。” But you have not therefore ordered your follower to eliminate that hidden danger,” Agatha said, you also believe my judgment.” “但您并没有因此命令您的追随者去消灭那个‘隐患’,”阿加莎说道,“您也相信我的判断。” Duncan silent several seconds, later sighed gently. 邓肯沉默了几秒钟,之后才轻轻叹了口气。 Once human named Brown Scott, proved to me his humanity, this humanitystill became effective —— therefore this time insham, I did not mind actually believes again one time.” “曾有一个叫做布朗・斯科特的人类,向我证明了他的人性,这份人性在‘赝品’身上仍旧生效——所以这一次,我倒是不介意再相信一次。” If...... I mean the eventuality, if my judgment were also wrong? Your trust wrong will pay......” “如果……我是说万一,万一我的判断也错了呢?您的信任会错付……” Doesn't matter, is the minor matters.” “没关系,都是小事。” Minor matter...... 小事吗…… In the gloomy and cold moist sewer corridor, Agatha lowers the head, looked at a palm that group still in the small flame of static combustion. 阴冷潮湿的下水道走廊中,阿加莎低下头,看了一眼手心那团仍在静静燃烧的小火苗。 The weak heat in that flame dissipating, seems to become her in only temperature —— that in this world can feel beside the flame, she feels the whole world like the tomb ice-cold. 那火苗中逸散出的微弱热量,似乎已经成了她在这世界上所能感受到的唯一温度——在火光之外,她感觉整个世界都如坟墓般冰冷。 That Captain the sound conveys again: Agatha, your side situation how?” 那位“船长”的声音再度传来:“阿加莎,你那边情况怎样?” I am still going forward, will draw near, I can feel, in very near place.” “我还在前进,就快到了,我能感觉到,在很近的地方。” I meant that your situation, your sound sounded with before is not quite same.” “我是说你的情况,你的声音听上去跟之前不太一样。” Agatha stopped the footsteps. 阿加莎停下了脚步。 She lowers the head, the vision sees, is body that oneself is scarred, the wound and no longer having bled. 她低下头,目光所见的,是自己伤痕累累的躯体,以及已经不再流血的伤口。 Doesn't matter,” she said in a soft voice, in the voice brings tomb ice-cold, is the minor matters.” “没关系,”她轻声说道,嗓音中带着坟墓般的冰冷,“都是小事。”
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