DSE :: Volume #5

#413: Next record

Although with Morris is many years of old friend, but actually Morris in Vanna eye is only a scholar of modest scholarly —— also when Pland City-State, this venerable used most energy in the school classroom, the rest of the time soaked either in the library, either were drawn to give the speech by certain schools. 虽然跟莫里斯是多年的老相识,但其实一直以来在凡娜眼中的莫里斯都只是一位温和儒雅的学者罢了——还在普兰德城邦的时候,这位老先生把大部分精力都用在了学校课堂,剩下的时间则要么泡在图书馆里,要么被某些学校拉去做演讲。 Vanna many opportunities have not understood this elder in the transcendent domain forte. 凡娜没多少机会了解这位长辈在超凡领域的“过人之处”。 But since Vanished, she finally started to see the Morris other aspect, and realized these follow God of Wisdom Rahm, seems like the human and animals harmless scholars to complete their work by anything —— 但自从上了失乡号,她终于开始见到莫里斯的另一面,并意识到那些追随智慧之神拉赫姆的、看上去人畜无害的学者们到底是凭借什么来完成他们的工作的—— That is in one of the the world's most dangerous work: Tracks down the knowledge. 那是在这个世界上最危险的工作之一:追寻知识。 But thinks carefully this is also normal, the scholars should have the original and powerful strength, after all in this world pursues exists numerously, to Spirit World illusory image what has from Nether Demon that the knowledge is running, but overwhelming majority knowledge made the mortal catch up finally, what depended on was what? Depends on is the mortal scholars powerful academic standard...... 但仔细想想这也正常,学者们是应该有独到且强大的力量,毕竟这个世界上追着知识跑的存在众多,从幽邃恶魔灵界幻影什么都有,但最后绝大部分知识都让凡人追上了,凭的是什么?凭的就是凡人学者们强而有力的学术水平…… Vanna rubbed the forehead, makes an effort to control indulging in flights of fancy in head, spoke thoughtlessly to whisper: Originally you such fierce...... know early I also attended class in the past earnestly, perhaps......” 凡娜揉了揉脑门,使劲控制住脑袋里的胡思乱想,随口嘀咕了一句:“原来您这么厉害……早知道我当年也认真上课,或许……” „It is not good, the difference too divided much,” Morris shakes the head unemotionally, exercises earnestly is quite suitable you.” “不行,差太多分了,”莫里斯面无表情地摇了摇头,“还是认真锻炼比较适合你。” Vanna somewhat is immediately awkward: I at least also smooth graduated from the City-State university......” 凡娜顿时有些尴尬:“我至少也顺利从城邦大学毕业了……” Morris looked at her one eyes: Sports special skill 1/3 school grades, Church takes advanced courses 1/3 school grades.” 莫里斯看了她一眼:“体育特长三分之一学分,教会进修三分之一学分。” Vanna does not speak, after the short several seconds were silent, her vision went to the surrounding thick fog, is shifting the topic stiffly: heretic that you eliminate, should be the masters of these sham anomalies?” 凡娜不吭声了,短暂的几秒钟沉默之后,她目光投向周围浓雾,生硬地转移着话题:“您消灭的邪教徒,应该就是那些赝品怪胎的控制者?” Most is one of the masters,” Morris shakes the head, heard the sound that other blocks transmitted? Now entire City-State everywhere is that monster, does not know that perhaps many heretic have entered Real World...... only to depend on us not to eliminate while the thick fog cleanly.” “最多是控制者之一,”莫里斯摇了摇头,“听到其他街区传来的动静了吗?现在整个城邦到处都是那种怪物,不知有多少邪教徒已经趁着浓雾进入现实世界……仅凭我们恐怕消灭不干净。” The Vanna expression nods dignifiedly, but when prepared to say anything again, the split vision of her corner of the eye actually noticed anything suddenly, immediately gently well. 凡娜表情凝重地点了点头,但就在准备再说些什么的时候,她眼角的余光却突然注意到了什么,顿时轻轻“咦”了一声。 She arrives at that already side Annihilationists that died, squats to inspect the situation of this corpse, puts out a hand to pull taut the collar of opposite party, rips open conveniently. 她来到那已经死去的湮灭教徒身旁,蹲下来检查着这具尸体的情况,伸出手扯住对方的衣领,随手撕开。 The clothes following flesh is melting and wriggling, presents by the appearance that the black mud pollution infiltrates, but with dying of this body main body, the speed that these mud wriggled also slows down in the naked eye obviously, and presented the dry shape gradually. 衣服下面的血肉正在融化、蠕动,呈现出被黑色泥浆污染浸润的模样,而随着这具身体本体的死去,那些泥浆蠕动的速度也在肉眼可见地放缓,并渐渐呈现出干涸之状。 „...... This is also a sham!?” Vanna opens the eye in the astonishment, cannot believe own to discover, this group of heretic...... even the oneself people did make the sham?!” “……这也是个赝品!?”凡娜在惊愕中睁大眼睛,不敢相信自己的发现,“这帮邪教徒……连自己人都做成了赝品?!” No, without is so simple,” Morris is actually knitting the brows, he is also inspecting that heretic corpse carefully, and recalls was being fought a moment ago the detail, after the moment, shakes the head slowly, my sensation his thought fluctuation, is different —— these shams exists in the ponder process with the sham obviously is at variance with the human the fault/chasm, even if they can display with average man not different, because element does not stabilize, but is unable to maintain the stable consciousness, but this heretic not this issue.” “不,没这么简单,”莫里斯却皱着眉,他也在仔细检查那邪教徒的尸体,并回忆着刚才战斗中的细节,片刻后缓慢地摇了摇头,“我感知过他的思维波动,和赝品是不一样的——那些赝品在思考过程中存在明显异于人类的断层,哪怕他们可以表现的跟常人无异,也会因为‘原素’本身的不稳定而无法维持稳定意识,但这个邪教徒没有这种问题。” Saying, he put out a hand to refer to heretic chest that piece by the flesh that the black mud covered. 说着,他又伸手指了指邪教徒胸口那片被黑色泥浆覆盖的血肉。 Moreover what is more important is this part, you looked, he —— element and normal flesh that are not constituted by the element also exist, this is more like a paragenesis, or...... self- pollution.” “而且更重要的是这个部分,你看,他并不是由原素构成的——原素和正常的血肉同时存在,这更像是一种共生,或……自我污染。” Vanna stared at that position to look at for quite a while, the brow wrinkled gradually: „Do this group of heresies pollute oneself with the element on own initiative? Even replaced some own flesh...... this to be a little disgusting with the element, even if placed on Annihilationists, was the impressive abnormal degree.” 凡娜盯着那个位置看了半天,眉头渐渐皱起:“这帮异端主动用原素污染自己?甚至用原素取代自己的部分血肉……这有点恶心了,哪怕放在湮灭教徒身上,也是令人印象深刻的变态程度。” The Morris tone is actually very calm: I thought that transforms Nether Demon Annihilationists not to have many differences from these oneself, this group of lunatics detest and reject the mortal world flesh and blood, they always did not mind that transforms itself with the craziest means.” 莫里斯的语气倒是还挺淡定:“我觉得和那些把自己改造成幽邃恶魔湮灭教徒也没多少差别,这帮疯子厌弃尘世间的血肉之躯,他们向来不介意用最疯狂的办法改造自身。” Saying, his attention placed other place. 说着,他的注意力又放在了别的地方。 He looked that has taken that black skin big book in hand to that heretic. 他看向那邪教徒一直拿在手中的那本黑皮大书。 Slightly after doing hesitates, the senior scholar puts out a hand, the finger that covered from heretic stubbornly makes an effort to pull out that book. 略作犹豫之后,老学者伸出手,将那本书从邪教徒死死扣住的手指中用力抽了出来。 Be careful,” Vanna sees that reminds immediately, in this book possibly records content that blasphemed the contamination! Now the strength of Sun has been weaken, rashly contact......” “小心,”凡娜见状立刻提醒道,“这本书里可能记载着亵渎污秽的内容!现在太阳的力量已经减弱,贸然接触……” Scholar will always open the brand-new and mysterious books, to us, each reading challenges and adventurous process,” Morris shakes the head gently, does not need to be worried, the Rahm religious sect's in reading behavior in view of this situation has the special training and deals with the skill, you only need help me stand guard in side, if has anything to be attracted by this book, helping me solve it.” “学者总是会翻开全新而神秘的书本,对我们而言,每一次阅读都是挑战和冒险的过程,”莫里斯轻轻摇了摇头,“不必担心,拉赫姆教派针对这种情况下的阅读行为有专门的训练和应对技巧,你只需在旁帮我警戒,以及如果有什么东西被这本书吸引过来,帮我解决掉它。” Vanna hesitant, seriously nods: „...... Good.” 凡娜犹豫了一下,表情严肃地点头:“……好。” Morris un, completed fast prayer in the heart a time, later takes out the small bottle herbal medicine powder from the bosom, falls down its half and lights, the other half sprinkles in the present books, then also confirmed in a wrist/skill that skewer colored pebble skewer condition, this sits seriously, and places on that book the leg. 莫里斯嗯了一声,在心中完成一次快速祷告,随后从怀中取出小瓶草药粉末,将其一半倒在地上并点燃,另一半则洒在眼前的书本上,接着又确认了一下手腕上那串彩色石子手串的状态,这才郑重其事地席地而坐,并将那本书放在腿上。 The title page jet black piece of this book, the surface has no writing or the symbol, can only see close netted trace seal indistinctly on the hard shell seal, keeping the person definitely from judging its origin. 这书的封面漆黑一片,表面并无任何文字或符号,只能隐隐约约看到有细密的网状纹路印在硬壳封皮上,让人完全无从判断它的来历。 Morris opens the title page of book, looks at inward the content in page. 莫里斯翻开书的封面,看向内页中的内容。 Nearby Vanna turned away, avoids being affected by the books as far as possible. 一旁的凡娜则移开了视线,尽量避免受到书本影响。 Some disorderly lines and symbols mapped the Morris view. 一些凌乱的线条和符号映入了莫里斯的眼帘。 At first, he definitely is unable to understand that oneself saw anything, these disorderly tallying and lines do not conform to any language or the ancient writing that he knows, but when he attempts to open the next page, the traces on these pages suddenly start to move the —— ink mark to turn the thing of crawling has the life, goes through in the prisoner's cage that the paper constructs fast, the character of jump is stimulating the vision of senior scholar, merely several seconds, he then thought that oneself has started to understand the record in page. 起初,他完全无法理解自己看到了什么,那些凌乱的符合与线条不符合他所知的任何一种语言或古文字,但当他尝试着翻开下一页的时候,那些书页上的痕迹突然开始了移动——墨痕变成了有生命的蠕行之物,在纸张构筑的囚笼中飞快穿行,跳跃的字符刺激着老学者的视觉,仅仅几秒钟的时间,他便觉得自己已经开始理解书页中的记述。 These symbols and lines are swaying from side to side fast, all in page shiver in him at present, but knowledge direct mapping his mind! 那些符号与线条在飞快扭动着,书页中的一切都在他眼前颤抖,而“知识”则直接映射进了他的脑海! In the Morris heart moves, ahead of time establishes the protection and stress measure in oneself consciousness within the four seas starts instantaneously, the next second, lord the consciousness to pull out leaves, the sane solidification, he as if became an observer instantaneously, by an aloof and illusory angle of view stood Real World oneself behind, calmly and is reading soberly in the content that in the own brain appeared. 莫里斯心中一动,提前设置在自己意识海内的防护和应激措施瞬间启动,下一秒,主意识抽离,理智固化,他仿佛瞬间成了一个旁观者,以一个超然而虚幻的视角站到了现实世界的“自己”身后,冷静而清醒地阅读着正在自己的大脑中浮现的内容。 The conference that „...... loses various Wangmen opened opened, the initial plan then set...... “……遗落诸王们的会议开了又开,最初的计划便定下了…… Then was abandoned, their flesh will melt in the light......” “那被遗弃的,他们的血肉会在光里融化……” Only looked at two illusory, Morris that self- projection then frowns suddenly. 只看了两句,莫里斯那虚幻的“自我投影”便突然皱起眉头。 Before this is , when Captain leads to explore the second waterway for the first time, that named crow thing that on the paper that the young informer brings writes! Is that insufficient detail, some unauthentic, doubtful ancient record bible body record! 这是之前船长第一次带队去探索第二水路时,那个名叫“乌鸦”的年轻线人带回来的纸条上书写的东西!是那段语焉不详,来路不明,疑似某种古老记录的“圣书体”记述! The Morris look changes slightly, immediately is controlling the own body change page, making the own eye read these to blaspheme the writing of distortion, and forms the knowledge of correspondence to remember in the mind, later is reading the content in oneself mind at the angle of view of observer. 莫里斯眼神微微变化,立刻控制着自己的躯体翻动书页,让自己的眼睛阅读那些亵渎扭曲的文字,并在头脑中形成对应的知识记忆,随后以旁观者的视角阅读着自己脑海中的内容。 He saw many bible body record, but behind that content that the crow transcribes, really some torn to pieces sentences appear: 他看到了更多的圣书体记述,而在乌鸦抄录的那段内容后面,果然又有一些支离破碎的句子出现: „...... After that abandoned clan departs, the creation of myriad things was still conducted like the plan, losing various Wangmen starts to design at first is also the final blueprint...... “……在那被遗弃的氏族离去之后,万物的创造仍如计划般进行,遗落诸王们开始设计最初也是最终的蓝图…… However that first blueprint was abandoned quickly, because the Great Annihilation various Wangmen of complementary waves turbulent...... in mortal world gather the dust continuous are the stone, gathers stone Weixing, the group star actually breaks up to disrupt, is unable long-time...... “然而那第一份蓝图很快被废弃了,因为大湮灭的余波在尘世间动荡不休……诸王们聚尘为石,又聚石为星,群星却崩解碎裂开来,无法长久…… Pale King of Giants Salmir, therefore pours in Genesis first Evernight...... 苍白巨人之王萨尔米尔’因此倒在创世纪的第一个长夜…… „...... various Wangmen then starts to design the second blueprint, they select one from oneself, wants It to be the creator, first was elected, is King of Dreams, name King of Memory and Knowledge greatness, had once truly exposed the miracle of divine creative force because of this greatness...... “……诸王们便开始设计第二份蓝图,他们从自己中选出一位,要祂做造物主,第一个被选出来的,是梦境之王,亦名‘知识与记忆之王’的伟岸者,因这伟岸者曾确实展露过造物的奇迹…… But the second blueprint also cannot succeed, therefore King of Dreams was torn in Genesis second Evernight, border that Its part flutters in Real World...... “但第二份蓝图亦未能成功,于是梦境之王创世纪的第二个长夜被撕裂了,祂的一部分飘荡在现实世界的边境…… „ The third blueprint, delivers to another king to carry out, its named Creeping King, names ‚the lord of colony, It is the innumerable invisible tiny thing lord, wields the authority of creation, wields to create the reverse authority...... also to have the truth, said that It is ‚the elder brother of wisdom. “第三份蓝图,交予另一位王去执行,其名为‘蠕行之王’,又名‘集群之主’,祂乃是无数无形渺小之物的共主,执掌创造的权柄,又执掌创造反面的权柄……又有真理,称祂做‘智慧的兄长’。 „...... Creeping King then starts Its work, in third Evernight, It grants the colony the blueprint, and seeks a boost from the remaining clan, to avoid returning to King of Dreams and Pale King of Giants road, It that blueprint division, making some mortal world no longer various countries, making various countries change to 1200 cities, made that clan wield the initial ten cities, bestowed its Crete. “……蠕行之王便开始祂的工作,在第三个长夜,祂将蓝图赐予集群,并从尚存的氏族中寻一助力,为避免重蹈梦境之王苍白巨人之王的覆辙,祂将那蓝图划分,令尘世不再有诸国,令诸国化作一千二百城,又令那氏族执掌最初十城,赐其名‘克里特’。 „ The third Evernight then such safe and secure passed. This is good. “第三个长夜便这样平安度过了。这是好的。 But loses various Wangmen to be discontented with the action of Creeping King change blueprint, then stopped It to return to the road in Saint place, the clans of ten cities actually felt grateful Creeping King, they do not dare to praise this king before various kings, then had the given name of veneration for It in addition, they called it the Saint, named —— “但遗落诸王们对蠕行之王更改蓝图之举不满,便阻拦了祂返回圣座的路,十城的氏族却感激蠕行之王,他们不敢在诸王面前称颂这位王,便为祂另起了尊崇的名号,他们称其为圣,又名—— Deep Sea Sacred Lord.” 幽邃圣主。”
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