DSE :: Volume #5

#412: Academic exchanges

After leaving summit, Vanna and Morris then in this dense fog with sham that” these brave unceasingly fight —— they do not remember that on the road eliminated many monster that is formed by the element, but what is clear is that no matter eliminates many, these monster associations rapid have been supplemented from the dense fog. 自离开山顶之后,凡娜莫里斯便一直在这片迷雾中与那些不断冒出来的“赝品”战斗——他们已不记得路上消灭了多少由原素形成的怪物,但有一点很明显,不管消灭多少,这些怪物总会迅速从迷雾中得到补充。 Eliminates these replica to be useless purely. 单纯消灭这些复制品是没用的。 Morris is gazing at this thick fog, once for a while has the weak silver light to be mobile in his eyeground, he traces these to present the thought flash in fog accidentally, where the attempt determines these monster back masters. 莫里斯注视着这片浓雾,时不时有微弱的银光在他眼底流动,他追踪着那些偶然出现在雾中的思维闪光,尝试从中确定那些怪物背后的控制者在什么地方。 After a while, he looks up suddenly to some direction: Toward here.” 过了一会,他突然抬头看向某个方向:“往这边。” Vanna puts out a hand to grasp in the air immediately, congealed a new great sword from the everywhere mist, took a step in front of Morris. 凡娜立刻伸手在空气中一抓,从无处不在的雾气中凝结出了一柄新的巨剑,迈步走在莫里斯前面。 They go through in the dense fog, across the deserted street, has depended upon the surrounding pale yellow street light to determine reluctantly the position of nearby building, by the ear will transmit remote sound —— once for a while sometimes is the voice of City-State guard and monster battle, sometimes is strange howling and shouting, sometimes will even hear as if close praying for rescue sound. 他们在迷雾中穿行,穿过已经空旷无人的街道,依靠周围昏黄的路灯勉强确定着附近建筑物的方位,耳旁时不时会传来遥远的声音——有时候是城邦卫队和怪物交战的声音,有时候是诡异的呼啸与嘶吼,有时候甚至会传来仿佛近在咫尺的求救声。 But these transmit the position of praying for rescue sound, black mud that forever only then surges. 但那些传来求救声的位置,永远只有涌动的黑色泥浆。 The fog is flowing, the building outline in mist also as if follows to flow, these dim fuzzy outlines lived probably came to be the same, in the fog tall tower turned into the giant of flesh, the roof spread the giant touching wrist and eye stalk, both sides street light also started to sway gradually, the dark lamp post was curving like the soft plant, then the light turned into bunch of muddy yellow eyes. 雾在流动,雾气中的建筑物轮廓也仿佛跟着流动起来,那些朦胧模糊的轮廓好像活了过来一样,雾中高塔变成了血肉的巨人,屋顶蔓延出巨大的触腕与眼柄,就连两旁的路灯也渐渐开始摇晃,黑沉沉的灯柱像柔软的植物一样弯曲下来,则灯光变成一团团浑浊的黄色眼睛。 At this moment, a low and deep gentle prayer sound transmitted from the front suddenly, interrupted the Morris train of thought that also makes his present scenery quickly return to the original condition. 就在这时,一阵低沉轻柔的祷告声突然从前方传来,打断了莫里斯的思绪,也令他眼前的景物迅速恢复原状。 Vanna is praying in a soft voice , as if wave general glow outward diffusion centered on her, is disturbing the thick fog. 凡娜在轻声祝祷,层层迭迭的、仿佛水波一般的辉光以她为中心向外扩散着,扰动着浓雾。 Is careful, in the fog has anything to disturb the reason of person, after” finished a prayer, Vanna does not return said, we are too long in the time in this fog treating.” “要小心,雾中有什么东西可以干扰人的理智,”结束一段祷文之后,凡娜头也不回地说道,“我们在这片雾里待的时间太长了。” Actually has minimal impact,” Morris spoke thoughtlessly saying that occasionally met some illusion auditory hallucination to me is the normal state, I have been used.” “其实影响不大,”莫里斯随口说道,“偶尔遇上一些幻觉幻听对我而言是常态,我已经习惯了。” „...... I next time with the Heidi communication time should chat your healthy attitude with her.” “……我下次跟海蒂通信的时候应该跟她聊聊您的健康态度。” Morris the corners of the mouth shook immediately, wants to say anything, but, mobile mist floats from side in the meantime suddenly, he only thought that field of vision absent-minded, at present then loses the Vanna trace. 莫里斯顿时嘴角抖了一下,就想开口说点什么,但就在此时,一股流动的雾气突然从旁飘来,他只觉得视野恍惚了一下,紧接着眼前便失去了凡娜的踪影。 The senior scholar stops the footsteps immediately, vigilant all around while makes noise the summon: Vanna?” 老学者立刻停下脚步,一边警惕四周一边出声呼唤:“凡娜?” The fog calmly is flowing, here no one responded to his call. 雾在静静流淌,这里没有任何人回应他的呼叫。 The Morris nerve ties tight little, simultaneously observes the situation the surroundings fast. 莫里斯的神经一点点紧绷起来,同时飞快地环视周围。 When does not know, all around has only had the pale boundless fog, the building that in the mist can also see clearly reluctantly has disappeared, even these pale yellow street lights also vanish in the field of vision all, but in this pale chaos deep place, he saw something suddenly. 不知何时,四周已经只剩下苍白无边的雾,雾气中原本还能勉强看清的建筑物已经不见踪影,甚至连那些昏黄的路灯也尽数消失在视野中,而在这片苍白混沌深处,他突然看到了一些事物。 That is the huge shadow, probably incomparably giant tall tower, but carefully looked that can actually see that thing is swaying and wriggling slightly, it seems like that the touching wrist of some huge sea monster, from the sky taking bearing land, is licking to lick thing —— Morris in land greatly is not touched the wrist dim outline to attract by that voluntarily, he is staring at it, felt that as if can absorb the truth and mystery —— from its huge terrifying shadow 那是庞大的阴影,像是无比巨大的高塔,但仔细看去却又能看到那东西在微微摇晃、蠕动,它似乎是某种庞大海怪的触腕,正从天空探向大地,舔舐着大地上的事物——莫里斯不自觉地被那巨大触腕朦胧的轮廓所吸引,他盯着它,感觉仿佛能从它那庞然恐怖的阴影中汲取到真理与奥秘—— The next second, Morris knits the brows, shakes the head. 下一秒,莫里斯皱了皱眉,摇摇头。 This gadget does not have the truth, this is only some poisoning people's minds illusion. 这玩意儿没有真理,这只是某种蛊惑人心的幻象。 Un?” “嗯?” In the fog broadcast a sound suddenly, seems like somebody to be surprised, Morris looked instantaneously to direction that the sound conveys, he noticed that distant that huge illusion vanished, but a thin and tall person's shadow is going out from the fog. 雾中突然传来了一个声音,似乎是某人正感到意外,莫里斯瞬间看向声音传来的方向,他看到远方那庞大的幻象消失了,而一个高高瘦瘦的人影正从雾中走出。 You have not received to affect —— unexpectedly accidentally/surprisingly.” That thin and tall person's shadow becomes the congealing reality, is one wears in the dark blue coat and hand to take a middle-aged male of black skin big book impressively, but in this middle-aged man behind, a jet black chains from his neck bone extends to the midair, the chains end floats one to be similar to the mist and dust to rise baseless to shrink the uncertain jellyfish shape lifeform. “你竟然没有受到影响——真令人意外。”那个高高瘦瘦的人影变得凝实,赫然是一名身穿暗蓝色外套、手中拿着一本黑皮大书的中年男性,而在这中年男子身后,一条漆黑的锁链从他的颈骨延伸至半空,锁链尽头凭空漂浮着一只如同烟尘般涨缩不定的水母状生物。 Morris has not spoken, but is gazing at that and mist and dust jellyfish Annihilationists of paragenesis, attentively on the alert all sounds of opposite party. 莫里斯没有吭声,只是注视着那个与“烟尘水母”共生的湮灭教徒,全神贯注地警惕着对方的一切动静。 Do be not so anxious, Elderly man, I did not mind chats actually with you, the day of final arrival has arrived in any case, I currently have a lot of time,” that middle-aged man actually smiled, the tone unexpectedly is gentle accidental, I am very curious, why you after witnessing the Lord stance have not received to affect —— you to see these illusions, this explained that your Spiritual Vision is truly enough, but you...... unexpectedly not insane?” “不要这么紧张,老人家,我其实不介意与你聊聊,反正最终的降临之日已经到来,我现在有很多时间,”那中年男子却笑了起来,语气竟意外平和,“我真的很好奇,你在目睹主的姿态之后为什么没有受到影响——伱能看到那些幻象,这说明你的灵视确实是足够的,但你……竟然没疯?” Sorry, my spirit is always healthy, but also is insufficient, because some illusions of poisoning people's minds go haywire,” the Morris calm opens the mouth, is reading aloud the God of Wisdom Rahm name in the heart simultaneously silently, where did you lead my companion?” “抱歉,我的精神一向健康,还不至于因为一些蛊惑人心的幻象就陷入混乱,”莫里斯沉着开口,同时在心中默默念诵着智慧之神拉赫姆的名,“你把我的同伴带到了什么地方?” First should not be worried about others, Elderly man, you now......” “还是先别担心别人了,老人家,你现在……” That heretic words just told only half, the Morris then sudden look concentrates, raised the hand refers to the opposite: Romont Tussaud inequality group!” 邪教徒的话刚说到一半,莫里斯便突然眼神一凝,抬手指向对面:“罗蒙索夫不等式组!” The huge knowledge was reduced the words, the magnanimous information pours into the thought advancement of goal loudly, that heretic form swayed instantaneously, as if very painfully low head. 庞大的知识被压缩成话语,海量的信息轰然灌入目标的思维进程,那邪教徒的身影瞬间摇晃了一下,仿佛很痛苦地低下了头颅。 But prepares to release the instance of second thought bombardment in Morris, an intense vigilant feeling actually resounds in his heart suddenly, he closed the mouth suddenly, simultaneously exhausts to suppress own thought —— full power, but almost at the same time, he noticed that heretic raised the head suddenly, the eyeground leads to taunt. 但就在莫里斯准备释放第二次思维轰击的瞬间,一股强烈的警惕感却突然在他心底响起,他猛然闭上了嘴巴,同时用尽全力遏止住自己的思维——而几乎同一时间,他看到那邪教徒突然抬起头,眼底带着一丝嘲讽。 The thought bombardment has the recoil, Morris felt instantaneously dizziness —— he responded luckily promptly, this dizziness is not serious. 思维轰击发生反冲,莫里斯瞬间感觉一阵眩晕——幸好他及时反应,这眩晕并不严重。 Really regrettable,” that heretic spreads out the hand, the ridicule looks at the senior scholar who the body sways, I do not fear this probably......” “真遗憾,”那邪教徒摊开手,嘲弄地看着身体摇晃的老学者,“我好像不太怕这个……” Bang!” “轰!” heretic finishes barely the words, the mist and dust jellyfish that he floats behind has started to contract fiercely, the next second, along with the inflation of suddenly that jellyfish, in front of this heretic also presents howling fulmination of one group of huge black fireball —— fireball in the air, the next second then pounds in position that ruthlessly, in Morris stands! 邪教徒话音未落,他身后漂浮的烟尘水母已经开始剧烈收缩,下一秒,伴随着那水母的猛然膨胀,这邪教徒面前随之出现一团巨大的黑色火球——火球在空气中呼啸爆鸣,下一秒便狠狠砸在莫里斯所站的位置上! The black mist and dust fills the air, had fierce trembling including the surrounding thick fog, Annihilationists looks the smog that has not dissipated, shakes the head regrettably: So many body was eliminated by the thought impact, you think that I will make an appearance off hand? What a pity, the knowledge was not equal to the wisdom.” 黑色烟尘弥漫,连周围的浓雾都发生了剧烈的震颤,湮灭教徒看着那尚未消散的烟雾,遗憾地摇了摇头:“那么多的‘躯壳’被思维冲击消灭,你以为我会毫无准备地露面?可惜了,知识并不等于智慧。” When lang —— ka scratches!” “当啷——咔擦!” What thing fell in the sound of place transmits towering, broke thinking aloud of this heretic, he stared in a big way the eye instantaneously, summons the strength of strong winds to blow off a that black smog —— disrupted triangular prism to appear by magic spell in him at present. 什么东西掉落在地的声响突兀传来,打断了这邪教徒的自言自语,他瞬间瞪大了眼睛,以魔咒呼唤出狂风的力量吹散那片黑色烟雾——一个已经碎裂的三棱镜出现在他眼前。 The surface of that triangular prism break also remains vaguely a Morris illusory image. 那三棱镜断裂的表面依稀还残留着莫里斯的一幕幻影。 Triangular prism? «Optics Deceit»?!” “三棱镜?《光学的欺骗》?!” This believer responded suddenly, the next second then looked to nearby some direction, but nearly at the same time, in the open area that in that was empty has reappeared the Morris form. 这教徒猛然间反应过来,下一秒便看向了附近的某个方向,而近乎同一时间,在那原本空无一物的空地上已经浮现出莫里斯的身影。 That form lifted the right hand to him, by the slow and clear intonation, opens the mouth word by word: Micah Ferney suspected and showed.” 那身影向他抬起了右手,以缓慢且清晰的语调,逐字开口:“迈卡菲尼猜想及证明。” However this time, then does not have rocking of body with heretic of mist and dust jellyfish paragenesis, he is bald-faced, puts out a hand the chains that directly holds behind the oneself neck to float, is strengthening the Nether Demon strength while is staring at the senior scholar in not far away stubbornly: Really sorry, actually I graduate from City-State Central University Math department......” 然而这一次,那与烟尘水母共生的邪教徒却连身体的晃动都没有,他再无掩饰,直接伸手抓住自己脖子后面漂浮的锁链,一边汲取着幽邃恶魔的力量一边死死盯着不远处的老学者:“真抱歉,其实我毕业于摩柯城邦中央大学数学系……” Ka. “咔哒”。 The clear sound sudden biography that the rifle bolt moves hears, Morris another form appear here heretic directly behind, a revolver resisted latter's back of the head directly. 枪机移动的清脆响声突然传入耳中,莫里斯的另一个身影直接出现在这邪教徒身后,一柄左轮手枪直接抵住了后者的后脑勺。 Bang!” “砰!” After a gunshot, the corpse that the brain hole opens greatly drops down accordingly, howls with Nether Demon that it co-exists is dissipating fast. 一声枪响之后,脑洞大开的尸体应声倒下,与之共生的幽邃恶魔随之呼啸着飞快消散。 You did not say that early your university graduates.” “你不早说你大学毕业。” The senior scholar blows the muzzle, receives the pistol while is shaking the head, but opposite of him, that another Morris the form just like the morning dew dissipation, the place of illusory image disappearance, a small crystal triangular prism drops in the place, falls the fragment. 老学者吹了吹枪口,一边收起手枪一边摇着头,而在他对面,那另一个“莫里斯”的身影正如朝露般消散,幻影消失之处,一个小小的水晶三棱镜跌落在地,摔成碎片。 Some Morris anxiety looked at triangular prism one of the that disruption, lowered the head to despise to poke the heretic corpse with the cane. 莫里斯有些肉疼地看了那碎裂的三棱镜一眼,低头鄙夷地用手杖戳了戳邪教徒的尸体。 Wasted my two prism —— also to have your university diploma.” “浪费了我两个棱镜——还有你的大学文凭。” During the speeches, the surrounding fog suddenly starts flowing again, the scenery in fog also changes fast, the building outline and light that once vanished appear in the Morris field of vision again , he then noticed that Vanna runs over from side fast. 说话间,周围的雾突然再度开始流动,雾中的景色亦飞快变化,一度消失的建筑物轮廓和灯光再次出现在莫里斯视野中,紧接着,他便看到凡娜从旁边飞快地跑了过来。 „Are you all right?!” Does not wait to run near, Vanna then opens the mouth anxiously, you disappeared a moment ago suddenly......” “您没事吧?!”不等跑近,凡娜便紧张地开口,“您刚才突然消失……” I also think that was you vanished,” Morris beckoned with the hand, evidently was only some temporary illusion...... and other.” “我还以为是你消失了,”莫里斯摆摆手,“看样子只是某种临时幻境……等一下。” He remembers anything suddenly, but while he opens the mouth, Vanna also stopped the footsteps beyond several meters suddenly. 他突然想起什么,而在他开口的同时,凡娜也猛然在几米外停下了脚步。 First confirmed real.” Two people with one voice. “先确认是不是真的。”两人异口同声。 Afterward they looked at each other one, with one voice: Vanished!” 随后他们对视了一眼,又异口同声:“失乡号!” It seems like real,” confirmed after both people have not had the unusual condition, Morris nods, discrete point does not have the fault.” “看来是真的,”确认两人身上都没有出现异状之后,莫里斯点了点头,“谨慎一点没坏处。” Vanna first discovered the heretic corpse that falls down, the look changes slightly: „Is this you are solved?” 凡娜则第一时间发现了倒在地上的邪教徒尸体,眼神微微变化:“这是您解决掉的?” Meeting a school record is high,” Morris nods, „conducted academic exchanges, I have better problem solving mentality luckily.” “遇上一个学历高的,”莫里斯点点头,“进行了一番学术交流,幸好我有更好的解题思路。” Vanna: „......?” 凡娜:“……?”
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