DSE :: Volume #5

#411: Tracing

In the room fell into suddenly peacefully. 房间中一时间陷入了安静。 This continued peacefully for enough more than ten seconds, Agatha heard Bishop Ivan the low and deep hoarse sound to transmit from the bandage: Oh —— 这安静持续了足足十几秒钟,阿加莎才听到伊凡主教低沉沙哑的声音从绷带下面传来:“啊哦—— „...... Your response, is a little unexpected.” “……你的反应,有点出人意料。” Because your information was too unexpected,” Bishop Ivan slow the god has come probably finally, he adjusted a sitting posture, the tone becomes especially serious, you said Cold Frost City-State Boiling Gold mineral lode dozens years ago has dried up? Is this you the truth that discovers below?” “因为你的情报太出人意料了,”伊凡主教好像终于缓过神来,他调整了一下坐姿,语气变得格外严肃,“你说寒霜城邦沸金矿脉几十年前就已经枯竭了?这就是伱在下面发现的真相?” Yes, the second waterway most deep place has a gate, possibly is the first-generation city hall blocks, behind the gate was a dried up ore said that —— judged from the position, it should the enrichment region bottom of mine pit, was the region that theoretically will mine finally......” “是的,第二水路最深处有一道门,可能是第一代市政厅封锁的,门背后是一条早已枯竭的矿道——从位置判断,它应该是在矿井底部的富集区,也是理论上最后才会开采到的区域……” Agatha has not concealed, said in the underground discovery oneself all, but in this process, the look naked eye of Bishop Ivan was obviously getting more and more dignified. 阿加莎没有隐瞒,把自己在地下的发现尽数道出,而在这个过程中,伊凡主教的眼神肉眼可见地越来越凝重。 After a while, Agatha said oneself in the following discovery, but also brought some to add hesitant: „...... That is only an ore said that in the mine has the innumerable ore saying that even if that is the most deep place of enrichment region, cannot judge from this entire mine pit has dried up, therefore my conclusion has a large part to base on the suspicion...... I to know, this suspicion was crazy.” 过了一会,阿加莎说完了自己在下面的发现,但又带着些许犹豫补充道:“……那只是一条矿道,矿山里面有数不清的矿道,即便那是富集区的最深处,也不能由此判断整个矿井已经枯竭,所以我的结论有很大一部分是基于猜想……我知道,这个猜想过于疯狂了。” „......, The crazy suspicion,” Bishop Ivan opens the mouth slowly, if after all said according to you, the Boiling Gold mine pit has dried up —— that we in the past in this half a century unceasingly is what that transported from in the mine? What are Cold Frost City-State these year of transportation to the Boiling Gold catalyst of other cities?” “……是啊,过于疯狂的猜想,”伊凡主教慢慢开口,“毕竟如果依你所言,沸金矿井早已枯竭——那我们过去这半个世纪里不断从矿山里运出来的又是什么?寒霜城邦这么些年输送到其他城市的沸金触媒又是什么?” Agatha has not spoken, she knows the issue that Bishop Ivan said is unable to avoid, was unanswerable. 阿加莎没有说话,她知道伊凡主教所言的问题根本无从回避,也无法回答。 Cold Frost City-State always produces the highest-quality Boiling Gold undressed ore and end product catalyst stick, in the past 50 years, only a Boiling Gold output of Cold Frost city was almost equivalent to other entire Cold Sea City-State Boiling Gold in sum total —— mine continuously, the catalyst that the driving machinery turnover the wealth, the smelting factory is producing around the clock was transported to the whole world, uses these catalyst the ships to proliferate Boundless Sea. 寒霜城邦向来出产最优质的沸金原矿和成品触媒棒,过去50年中,仅寒霜一城的沸金产量就几乎相当于整个冷冽海其余城邦的总和——矿山中的沸金源源不绝,掘进机械昼夜不停地吞吐着财富,熔炼工厂出产的触媒被输送至整个世界,使用那些触媒的船只遍布无垠海 But in the entire half a century, does not have any case of Boiling Gold order has had problems. 而在整整半个世纪里,没有任何一例沸金订单出过问题。 If the mineral lode has really dried up dozens years ago, on issue —— Boundless Sea of that not to mention Cold Frost mine so many ships, what in their steam cores fever is what? Illusory image? 如果矿脉真的在几十年前就已经枯竭了,那且不说寒霜矿山的问题——无垠海上那么多船,它们的蒸汽核心里烧的是什么?幻影吗? Crossed for a long time, Gatekeeper can only sigh one in a soft voice: „......, if that also pollutes the divine creative force, our world may really incredible to the fearful degree.” 过了许久,守门人只能轻声感叹一句:“……若那也是污染造物,那我们这个世界可真荒诞到了可怕的程度。” „Our world is always incredible, perhaps but...... your time really found the essential clue,” Bishop Ivan actually shakes the head, „are we do not go to manage that suspicion crazy, from sane angle, dozens years ago the contradiction that between mine pits the mineral lode that then dries up and is still delivering now stably, may in the unusual condition with present City-State be related very much.” “我们这个世界一向荒诞,但或许……你这次真的找到了关键的线索,”伊凡主教却摇摇头,“我们不要去管那个猜想是不是疯狂,从理智的角度,几十年前便枯竭的矿脉和如今仍然在稳定产出的矿井之间的矛盾,很有可能就与现在城邦中的异状有关。” „...... Clue that but had according to before, the present unusual condition should be these Annihilationists initiates,” the Agatha reminder said, what relations they did have with the mine pit?” “……但根据之前掌握的线索,现在的异状应该是那些湮灭教徒引发的,”阿加莎提醒道,“他们跟矿井有什么关系?” Perhaps they not necessarily had to relate —— they to draw support from and detonate this crisis with the mine pit,” Bishop Ivan is pondering fast, the experience that dozens years of life gained, particularly the experience that heretic dealt with, at this moment is helping him improve this puzzle, these heresies not possible the layout dozens years in City-State not to have been found, depletion of mineral lode possibly traced the queen years let alone, that time Cold Frost, no heretic can escape the eye of Frost Queen to crackdown effort far abundant today of heresy......” “他们不一定跟矿井有关系——他们或许只是借助并引爆了这个危机,”伊凡主教飞快地思考着,几十年人生积累的经验,尤其是跟邪教徒打交道的经验,此刻正在帮助他完善这个拼图,“那些异端不可能在城邦里布局几十年还没被人发现,更何况矿脉的枯竭可能追溯到女王时代,那个时代寒霜对异端的打击力度远盛今日,没有哪个邪教徒能逃过寒霜女王的眼睛……” Speaking of this, this Old Bishop stopped, suddenly also asked: You said a moment ago, Winston Magistrate does know nothing about that door of second waterway deep place?” 说到这,这位老主教停顿了一下,突然又问道:“你刚才说,温斯顿执政官对第二水路深处的那扇门一无所知?” Agatha nods: He said.” 阿加莎点了点头:“他是这么说的。” „...... I do not believe that his view,” Bishop Ivan is hesitating shaking the head, beginning generation of city hall that time situations truly were chaotic a point, but initial several Magistrate and connection between government affairs teams should not present such big careless mistake, particularly is so essential and sensitive secret......” “……我不太相信他的说法,”伊凡主教迟疑着摇了摇头,“初代市政厅那时候的局势确实混乱了一点,但最初几届执政官和政务团队之间的交接不该出现这么大纰漏,尤其是这么关键且敏感的秘密……” Your meaning is, Winston has Magistrate concealed to me?” Agatha knits the brows, why does he want this?” “你的意思是,温斯顿执政官对我有所隐瞒?”阿加莎皱起眉,“他为什么要这样做?” I do not know, possibly to maintain the authority in city hall, possibly is behind this secret has bigger involving, even possibly is because he by what thing control, had not been said certainly,” Bishop Ivan is saying, the vision actually falls on Agatha suddenly, what I am more surprised, you have not produced in this aspect unexpectedly suspected that —— you will not have this negligence in the past.” “我不知道,可能是为了维持市政厅的权威,可能是这个秘密背后有更大的牵扯,甚至可能是因为他已经被什么东西控制,都说不准,”伊凡主教说着,目光却突然落在阿加莎身上,“我更惊讶的是,你竟然没有在这方面产生怀疑——你以往不会有这种疏忽。” Agatha was shocked. 阿加莎愣住了。 In this moment dull, the inverted image in that —— that puddle when she actually recalled returned from the second waterway experiences, in that inverted image moved toward the reverse direction another oneself. 在这片刻的呆愣中,她却回忆起了从第二水路返回时所经历的那一幕——那水潭中的倒影,那倒影中走向相反方向的“另一个自己”。 Agatha, you how?” The voice of Bishop Ivan from being distracted awakens her. 阿加莎,你怎么了?”伊凡主教的声音将她从走神中唤醒。 Agatha blinks, shakes the head gently. 阿加莎眨眨眼睛,轻轻摇了摇头。 You confirmed that doesn't have the issue?” Bishop Ivan in the tone has the suspicion obviously, you were distracted over the two days more than once, and......” “你确认没问题?”伊凡主教语气中显然有着怀疑,“你这两天不止一次走神,而且……” I am very good, has been very good,” Agatha actually interrupted the Old Bishop words, why does not know, after short absent-minded, her tone at this moment is relaxed, she shouted the tone gently, sets out from the chair, suddenly thought to be clearer matter —— I should.” “我很好,一直很好,”阿加莎却打断了老主教的话,不知为何,在短暂的恍惚之后,她此刻的语气却轻松起来,她轻轻呼了口气,从椅子上起身,“只是突然想明白一些事情——我该出发了。” Bishop Ivan stood: „...... Do you want to go to the mine?” 伊凡主教站了起来:“……你要前往矿山?” Navy is preventing the enemy, the public security officers and Guardian in the control situation, they won the time, I also had the opportunity to do to understand all these back sources, should.” “海军在阻挡敌人,治安官和守卫者们在控制局势,他们争取来了时间,我还有机会搞明白这一切背后的源头,该出发了。” Stopped Agatha to here, as if to emphasize also said: Time is limited, I cannot rest here too for a long time.” 阿加莎到这里停顿了一下,仿佛是为了强调般又说道:“时间有限,我不能在这里休息太久。” Good, that” Bishop Ivan nods gently, hopes that you can verify the truth smoothly, safe and secure return.” “好,那就出发吧,”伊凡主教轻轻点了点头,“希望你能顺利查明真相,平安返回。” I will verify the truth.” “我会查明真相的。” ...... …… In the thick fog, has the remote sound of gunfire to resound once for a while, the middle is mixing with or Unit Guardian from the warning broadcast of public security officer army occasionally, police siren sound that as well as certain facilities sound automatically. 浓雾中,时不时有遥远的枪声响起,中间偶尔夹杂着来自治安官部队或守卫者的警告广播,以及某些设施自动拉响的警笛声音。 City-State already in fog fuzzy, but in the fog is filling the invisible terrifying. 城邦已在雾中模糊,而雾中弥漫着无形的恐怖。 Comparatively speaking, I am glad to cope with hundreds and thousands of fully-armed heretic, or rushes ahead several in a city of flaming combustion again back and forth.” “相比较而言,我更乐意去对付成百上千全副武装的邪教徒,或者在一座熊熊燃烧的城市中再冲杀几个来回。” Vanna is diverged the great sword that conveniently congeals by the cold ice, knits the brows to look that the present ground said. 凡娜随手散去由寒冰凝结的巨剑,皱眉看着眼前的地面说道。 In limited field of vision, eye of institute and ground is proliferating the fearsome fissure of spreading across, but massive filthy black mud flow and wriggles in these fissures slowly, and falls into the solidification rapidly, some mud are even also retaining the outline of human form reluctantly, presents on the essential limbs makes the distortion appearance that one is afraid. 在有限的视野中,目之所及的地面遍布着纵横交错的可怖裂痕,而大量污浊的黑色泥浆则在那些裂痕间缓缓流淌、蠕动,并迅速陷入凝固,其中一些泥浆甚至还勉强保留着人形的轮廓,却又在关键的肢体上呈现出令人不寒而栗的扭曲模样。 Was too disgusting.” Vanna also whispered. “太恶心了。”凡娜又嘀咕道。 Jokes aside, were you really glad to hit again in a combustion city?” “说真的,你真的乐意在一座燃烧的城市中再打一场?” The Morris sound conveys from side, this senior scholar is carrying the cane, looked in front of one torn to pieces battlefield, spoke thoughtlessly to Vanna said. 莫里斯的声音从旁传来,这位老学者拎着手杖,看了一眼面前支离破碎的“战场”,随口对凡娜说道。 „...... Good, does not think, Vanna shrugs, sham City-State that no matter the thick fog fills, the city of combustion Black Sun arrives, where very to goes.” “……好吧,不想,”凡娜耸耸肩,“不管是浓雾弥漫的赝品城邦,还是黑太阳降临的燃烧之城,都好不到哪去。” During the speeches, the thick fog is mobile, a big form appears from the dense fog suddenly in Vanna behind, the head of this form is swelling, the gigantic one-eyed shivers in the fog fiercely, the next second, this monster then throws to Vanna. 说话间,浓雾流动,一个高大的身影突然从迷雾间浮现在凡娜身后,这身影的头颅肿胀畸形,硕大的独眼在雾中剧烈颤抖,下一秒,这怪物便向凡娜扑去。 Vanna has not actually turned head, but made an effort to step on a ground —— invisible shock-wave twinkling to proliferate, the thing of that abnormal distortion only took forward one step, was broken the lower part directly, dropped changes to the mud after the place rapidly. 凡娜却没有回头,只是用力踩踏了一下地面——无形的冲击波瞬息扩散,那畸形扭曲之物只向前迈出一步,便直接被震碎了下半身,跌落在地之后迅速化作泥浆。 In she has under the control of consciousness, influence —— this senior scholar who close Morris has not received the shock-wave slightly held the own monocle, observes the situation the street that all around mist is filling calmly. 而在她有意识的控制下,近在咫尺的莫里斯丝毫没有受到冲击波的影响——这位老学者只是扶了扶自己的单片眼镜,镇定地环视着四周雾气弥漫的街道。 The next second, he looks suddenly to some position, the eyeground appears to wipe the silver light: 下一秒,他突然看向某个位置,眼底浮现出一抹银光: Micah Ferney suspected and showed.” “迈卡菲尼猜想及证明。” Next second, continuously, was stepped on explodes the low and deep fulmination then to transmit from the fog like the watermelon, visibles faintly several forms to reappear from that fog, head like fireworks explosion. 下一秒,连续不断的、如同西瓜被踩爆般的低沉爆鸣便从雾中传来,隐约可见有几个身影从那雾中浮现,头颅如烟花般爆炸。 Good news is, these inferior shams imitated the elaborative faculty of certain extent, but their back masters need the mind to be good,” Morris takes back the line of sight, eye Bank of China light/only weakens gradually, I also worried from the beginning they are the chaos skulls, the strength of such words knowledge was not effective to them.” “好消息是,这些劣质的赝品模仿了一定程度的思考能力,而它们背后的控制者更需要有头脑才行,”莫里斯收回视线,眼中银光渐渐减弱,“我一开始还担心它们都是混沌的空壳,那样的话知识的力量对它们就不怎么管用了。” The Vanna expression somewhat looks the monster that strangely these heads explode changes to the mud in the distant place gradually, turn head looked at Morris one: In the past you taught me the time had not said ‚the strength of knowledge originally was so easy-to-use.” 凡娜表情有些怪异地看着那些头颅爆炸的怪物在远方渐渐化作泥浆,回头看了莫里斯一眼:“当年您教我的时候可没说过‘知识的力量’原来这么好用。” At that time I then judged that you do not suit this road.” Morris spoke thoughtlessly to say. “那时候我便判断出你不适合这条路。”莫里斯随口说道。 Vanna: „......” 凡娜:“……” Miss Inquisitor the flash thought that oneself received the taunt probably, but after recalling a next past score on the test, she decides to continue to maintain the humble attitude. 审判官小姐一瞬间觉得自己好像受到了嘲讽,但在回忆了一下当年的考试成绩之后,她决定继续维持谦逊的态度。 „Do surroundings have?” “周围还有吗?” She is maintaining the security, asked in a low voice. 她维持着警戒,低声问道。 Temporarily did not have.” Morris shakes the head. “暂时没有了。”莫里斯摇了摇头。 He frequently sensation surrounding situation ——, when these monsters appear from the fog, their chaotic thoughts will first appear in his sensation, the dense fog can block the line of sight of person, but the brilliance of thought such as the dark night-light is in his eyes striking. 他时刻感知着周围的情况——当那些怪物从雾中出现的时候,它们混乱的思维会首先出现在他的感知中,迷雾可以阻挡人的视线,但思维的光辉在他眼中如暗夜明灯般醒目。 Few person can the active control own ponder certainly, therefore in detection intelligent lifeform this domain, no one can compared with resulting in the God of Wisdom disciple. 绝少有人能主动控制住自己的思考,因此在“侦测智慧生物”这个领域,没有人能比得过智慧之神的圣徒。 Temporarily without good, although quick will have newly braves,” Vanna shouted the tone, is moving the hands and feet slightly, you thought that...... the sham anomaly quantity on this direction are many, moreover combative nature obviously compared with other places?” “暂时没有就好,虽然很快就会有新的冒出来,”凡娜呼了口气,稍微活动着手脚,“您有没有觉得……这个方向上的赝品怪胎数量很多,而且进攻性明显比其他地方的强?” „Did you also feel?” Morris raises the eyebrow, that looks like my judgment right.” “你也感觉到了?”莫里斯扬起眉毛,“那看来我的判断没错。” You mean......” “您是说……” These sham that appears from the fog ‚’ are not the blind actions, in them part, the back is manned controllable.” “那些从雾中出现的‘赝品’并不都是盲目行动的,它们中的一部分,背后有人控制。”
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