DSE :: Volume #5

#410: The fog is flurried

The switch presses down ka the sound resounds in the secret room unceasingly, the metal reed when putting through and separating to send out the rhythm buzz the cry, not the visible signal was delivered to the roof, and by camouflaging the antenna of windvane is sent out, but the news from Sea Mist fleet sent in this secret room, transforms as the relay ka the sound, as well as on paper tape a series of orderly round holes. 开关按下的咔哒声在密室中不断响起,金属簧片在接通和断开时发出有节奏的嗡鸣,看不见的信号被送至屋顶,并由伪装成风向标的天线送出,而来自海雾舰队的消息则又被送入这密室,转化为继电器咔哒咔哒的响动,以及纸带上一系列有规律的圆孔。 Nimmo has the earphone to sit before the table, is monitoring the sound in earphone while slightly has is striking the desktop with the finger agitated, a young miss who put on the service person to overpower took up just the paper tape that spat from the punching machine by him, debated is reading the above round hole. 尼莫戴着耳机坐在桌前,一边监听着耳机中的动静一边略有烦躁地用手指敲打着桌面,一名穿着服务员制服的年轻姑娘则在他旁边拿起了刚刚从打孔机中吐出来的纸带,辩读着上面的圆孔。 After a while, Nimmo entrains the earphone that turns around, backward by chair, is pinching the forehead while long shouted the tone. 过了一会,尼莫拽掉头上的耳机,向后靠在椅子上,一边捏着眉心一边长长地呼了口气。 Tyrian Captain has started to fight with the strange fleet that in the fog presents, Cold Frost navy's that side tactical situation is unclear temporarily, but the situation is not quite as if good,” takes the young miss of paper tape to lower the sound, said with the somewhat tense tone, in city a wind sound/rumor has not actually heard......” 提瑞安船长已经开始和雾中出现的诡异舰队交手,寒霜海军那边的战况暂时不明,但情况似乎不太好,”拿着纸带的年轻姑娘压低声音,用有些紧张的语气说道,“城里却一点风声都没听到……” Thick fog blocked the news channel of folk, the resident in coasting area, even if hears the crackle of gunfire not to know that what had, but the City-State authority must maintain the city limit the order —— large surface area to be possible now unable to add on busy of navy scared,” raises is pinching the forehead not, „the situation on outside street how? In shop?” “浓雾阻断了民间的消息渠道,海岸区的居民即便听到炮声也不会知道发生了什么,而城邦当局现在必须维持市区范围的秩序——大面积恐慌可帮不上海军的忙,”提莫捏着眉心,“外面街道上的情况怎么样?店里呢?” Public security officer army the entire city has declared martial law, the street last present is very peaceful, but as if heard the sound of gunfire from very far place a moment ago, two steam walkie-talkies from the oak street crossroad process, went toward the north side hurriedly,” young miss replied, in shop the present situation is good, we fuel for illumination were sufficient, but......” “治安官部队已经全城戒严,街上现在十分安静,但刚才从很远的地方似乎传来了枪声,有两台蒸汽步行机从橡木街路口经过,匆匆忙忙往北边去了,”年轻姑娘答道,“店里现在情况还好,我们用于照明的燃料充足,不过……” „?” “不过?” Had more than ten by the thick fog trapped/sleepy guest here, now on the street has blocked, the shelter has also been kept at full strength, they do not have the place to go, the time grew, in these people will accumulate unavoidably scared.” “被浓雾困在这里的客人有十几个,现在街上已经封锁,庇护所也已经满员,他们没地方可去,时间长了,这些人中难免会积累恐慌。” „...... That cannot rush to the avenue them, the tavern now is their temporary sanctuaries, moreover really must drive out, will attract the public security officer and Church person absolutely,” Nimmo shakes the head, meets me to have a look at the situation.” “……那也不能把他们赶到大街上,酒馆现在就是他们的临时庇护所,而且真要把人赶出去,绝对会引来治安官和教会的人,”尼莫摇了摇头,“一会我上去看看情况。” This Sea Mist fleet informer finishes speaking, the room corner then transmitted ambiguous muttering suddenly: Clash/To one time,...... they forced one's way into...... the reinforcements also to come to one time again......” 这位海雾舰队线人话音刚落,房间角落便突然传来了一阵含混的咕哝:“再冲一次,再冲一次……他们打进来了……援军也来了……” Nimmo knits the brows immediately, sets out to look that to position that the sound conveys. 尼莫顿时皱了皱眉,起身看向声音传来的位置。 There is placing a bed, a clothing sloppy old person is lying down above ignorantly, old person's lower back rickets, in the bosom holds one not to know where from brings the big spanner that seemingly lies down is not very calm and steady. 那里安置着一张床铺,一个衣衫邋遢的老人正浑浑噩噩地躺在上面,老人的腰背佝偻,怀中则抱着一个不知道从哪拿来的大扳手,看上去似乎躺的很不安稳。 Old ghost, the old ghost,” Nimmo walks, patted old person's shoulder, „did you have the nightmare?” “老鬼,老鬼,”尼莫走过去,拍了拍老人的肩膀,“你做噩梦了?” Hugged the old person of big spanner ignorant to open the eye, slow several seconds opened the mouth: Who are you?” 抱着大扳手的老人浑浑噩噩中睁开了眼睛,迟钝了好几秒才开口:“你是谁?” I am Nimmo,” Nimmo Wilkins look is somewhat complex, your dream to what?” “我是尼莫,”尼莫・威尔金斯神色有些复杂,“你梦到什么了?” Nimmo......, Nimmo, I, you am the rookies of queen guard...... hello/you good, am I the pipeline engineer of second waterway...... the dream? I have not had a dream, I nap, when naps...... the present? Should I inspect the power conduit?” “尼莫……哦哦,尼莫,我记起来了,伱是女王卫队的新人……你好,我是第二水路的管道工程师……梦?我没做梦,我打了个盹,就打了个盹……现在什么时候了?我是不是该去巡视动力管道了?” Now afternoon,” Nimmo had shaken the head, do not think that the matter of power conduit, we removed temporarily from that place, now is everywhere unsafe, we must stay in the foothold to wait to instruct that —— this was General Tyrian order.” “现在已经下午了,”尼莫摇了摇头,“别想动力管道的事儿了,我们暂时从那地方撤出来了,现在到处都不安全,我们要留在据点这边等待指示——这是提瑞安将军的命令。” General Tyrian......” old ghost look absent-minded, sobers suddenly probably, immediately sets out from the bed, is! Engineer Wilson receives the order! Awaits orders in the foothold!” 提瑞安将军……”老鬼眼神恍惚了一下,突然间好像又清醒过来,立刻从床上起身,“是!工程师威尔逊收到命令!在据点待命!” Nimmo look is somewhat complex, but stood slowly the body, returns to the old person by the military salute, later has turned around, young miss who wears the sales clerk to overpower nods to that: You stay here to look after the old ghost, above I go to confirmation.” 尼莫神色有些复杂,但还是慢慢站直了身体,向老人回以军礼,随后转过身,对那位身穿店员制服的年轻姑娘点了点头:“你留在这里照看老鬼,我去上面确认情况。” After telling, he then left the secret room, returned to the tavern situated in surface through the secretly thought/passage. 吩咐完之后,他便离开了密室,通过暗道返回位于地表的酒馆。 Gold/Metal flute in tavern, a depressing tight atmosphere is full the hall, was stranded the guest in shop because of the thick fog, remains sales clerk and server who the tavern is on duty, almost all people are paying attention to display window outside situation ——, but the institute of eye and place, can see only has the thick fog, as well as street indistinctly in thick fog. “金笛”酒馆内,一种压抑紧张的气氛充盈着大厅,因浓雾而被困店中的客人,留守酒馆值班的店员和服务生,几乎所有人都在关注着橱窗外面的情况——而目之所及的地方,能看到的唯有浓雾,以及在浓雾中影影绰绰的街道。 The gas lamp of entire city has lightened ahead of time, the man-made lights scatter dim that this strange thick fog brought reluctantly, however they still being insufficient made this chaos world again clear, these pale yellow light/only rolls like without duckweed float in the mist, seems like similar to rows of floats in the street above eye. 全城的瓦斯灯都已经提前点亮,人造的灯火勉强驱散了这诡异浓雾带来的昏暗,然而它们尚不足以让这个混沌的世界重新清晰,那些昏黄的光团就像无根浮萍般漂浮在雾气中,看上去就如同一排排漂浮在街道上方的眼睛。 Nimmo comes out after the gate of kitchen, arrives by the counter. 尼莫从后厨的门中出来,来到柜台旁。 Situation how?” He to defending the sales clerk after counter asked in a low voice. “情况怎样?”他对守在柜台后的店员低声问道。 Everyone is very anxious, now and transportation and communication of peripheral block all broke, no one knows that other places are what situations,” sales clerk said in a low voice, „, but well in no one, because the pressure ran —— no one to be willing at this time to run in that fog oversized outward.” “大家都很紧张,现在和周边街区的交通和通讯全都断了,没有人知道其他地方是什么情况,”店员低声说道,“但好在没有人因为压力过大就往外跑——没有人愿意在这时候跑进那雾中。” Nimmo nods gently: If really has such idiot to appear, do not block, asking them to leave ——, if they tread this door, even if only treated for one second in the fog, cannot make them come back absolutely. From now on, here permits cannot enter, walks all that from the thick fog, the default is the thing of evil spirits.” 尼莫轻轻点了点头:“如果真有这样的蠢货出现,不要拦,让他们走——但一旦他们踏出这扇门,哪怕只在雾里待了一秒钟,也绝对不能让它们回来。从现在开始,这里许出不许进,从大雾中走来的一切,都默认是邪祟之物。” The young sales clerk swallowed a saliva anxiously, makes an effort to nod: Yes, Shopkeeper.” 年轻店员紧张地咽了口口水,用力点头:“是,店长。” But at this moment, strange humming sound the sound transmitted from the street suddenly, broke Nimmo and hand/subordinate the conversation. 而就在这时,一阵怪异的嗡嗡声突然从街道上传来,打断了尼莫和手下之间的交谈。 That sounds seems like the sound that what equipment starts, the middle is also mixing with the heavy-duty machine in the sound that on the street moves. 那听上去像是什么设备启动的声音,中间还夹杂着重型机器在街道上移动的声响。 The person in shop some unrests, before some people arrives at the window suddenly anxiously, watches the sound on outside street, some people noticed that in the fog presented some red lights of movement, then calls out in alarm in a low voice: Steam walkie-talkie...... also had the walkie-talkie to appear!” 店里的人一时间有些骚乱,有人紧张地来到窗前,看着外面街道上的动静,有人看到雾中出现了一些移动的红色灯光,便低声惊呼起来:“蒸汽步行机……又有步行机出现了!” Nimmo also before the window walks, but he just arrived at half, then hears strangely that humming sound the sound is suddenly incisive , then has slightly reveals the distorted the big trumpet to resound —— that from out of the window is the broadcast installment that on the steam walkie-talkie carries is shouting propaganda. 尼莫也向窗前走去,而他刚走到一半,便听到那怪异的嗡嗡声突然尖锐起来,紧接着,便有略显失真的大喇叭声从窗外响起——那是蒸汽步行机上携带的广播装置在喊话。 ...... to inform the residents...... Magistrate and Church head is regaining the City-State order...... Cold Frost to be affected by unclear Vision, our...... specifically reminded, asking the resident to stay in the family/home or the safe asylum facility, simultaneously for safety, may produce the mirror surface thing far away from all as far as possible, including and was not restricted in the mirror, water surface and smooth metal...... “滋滋……敬告广大市民……执政官教会负责人正在恢复城邦秩序……寒霜正被不明异象影响,我们正……特别提醒,请居民留在家中或安全的庇护设施内,同时为安全起见,尽可能远离身边一切可产生镜面的事物,包括且不限于镜子、水面及光滑的金属…… Reemphasized, please possibly produce the mirror surface thing far away from your side all, is all. “再次强调,请远离您身边一切可能产生镜面的事物,是一切。 Moreover, such as discovered that person manner is strange, please hide to the safe independent space in immediately, and if conditions permit seeks help from the head or recent Guardian and the public security officer asylum facility, to any you do not feel rashly the suspect launches the attack, please first guarantee own safety and isolation. “另外,如发现身边的人举止怪异,请立刻躲藏至安全的独立空间内,并在条件允许的情况下向庇护设施的负责人或最近的守卫者、治安官求助,不要贸然向任何您感觉可疑的人发动攻击,请优先确保自身安全、隔离。 If you felt that own condition has different, please hide to the safe independent space in immediately, and avoids as much as possible and others talked...... “如您感觉自身状态有异,也请立即躲藏至安全的独立空间内,并尽可能避免和其他人交谈…… „ The above is came from Magistrate Winston as well as transcendent domain expert adviser's reminder. “以上是来自执政官温斯顿阁下以及超凡领域专家顾问的提醒。 Informed the residents......” “敬告广大市民……” The broadcast sound is going far away gradually, integrates that thick fog with the red caution light of steam walkie-talkie together gradually. 广播声在渐渐远去,与蒸汽步行机的红色警示灯一同渐渐融入那片浓雾。 Nimmo raised the head, what sees is periphery one both gets sucked into in short supply eye. 尼莫抬起头,所看到的是周围一双双深陷紧张的眼睛。 But he responded quickly. 但他很快反应过来。 Takes arrange/cloth to come!” He shouts to the sales clerks and servers, lives in all show case and mirror cover!” “去取布来!”他对店员和服务生们喊道,“把所有玻璃柜台和镜子都罩住!” Everyone also responded, although anxious still, but the City-State resident had the foundation obviously, in the general knowledge and psychological quality that under the transcendent disaster helped oneself, the sales clerks brought rapidly were used in the dustproof cloth cover after taking a break, kept the guests in shop to go forward to help, at a rapid speed the vision all possibly had the mirror surface thing cover to live. 大家也都纷纷反应过来,尽管紧张仍在,可城邦的居民显然都具备基础的、在超凡灾害下自救的常识和心理素质,店员们迅速取来了在打烊之后用于防尘的罩布,留在店里的客人们则纷纷上前帮忙,以飞快的速度将视线范围内一切可能产生镜面的东西罩住。 But similar situation, is performing in entire Cold Frost City-State each corner. 而类似的情况,正在整个寒霜城邦每一处角落上演。 The terrifying of fog is covering this City-State. 雾的恐怖正笼罩这座城邦 In the thick fog fills the air, Agatha has returned to Cathedral. 在大雾弥漫中,阿加莎已返回大教堂 She saw in Grand Cathedral nearby lounge Bishop Ivan who just finished. 她在大圣堂旁边的休息室里见到了刚刚忙完的伊凡主教。 This bishop goes out of that he usually in rested spirit coffin, and put on outside the whole body bandage long gown that takes Archbishop, but in the Agatha memory, she has many years not to see the appearance of Bishop Ivan. 这位主教走出了他平日里休息的那副“灵棺”,并在浑身的绷带外面套上了作为大主教的袍服,而在阿加莎的记忆中,她已经有很多年不曾见到伊凡主教的这副打扮了。 Even my corpse has to crawl to work,” wears Bishop Ivan of long gown to sit on the chair, to just entered Agatha of room to spread out both hands, too long has not moved outside the coffin, I felt that oneself has broken tired.” “连我这具尸体都不得不爬起来干活了,”身穿袍服的伊凡主教坐在椅子上,对刚走进房间的阿加莎摊开双手,“太久没有在棺材外面活动,我感觉自己已经累散架了。” If you have the body to be able breaking,” Agatha spoke thoughtlessly saying that present situation how?” “如果你还有身体可以‘散架’的话,”阿加莎随口说道,“现在情况怎么样?” Situation, everyone was asking situation how —— bad cannot be bad,” Bishop Ivan the hoarse low and deep voice spreads from the bandage, „ sham is attacking the city, the monster that before ambushed also started to crop up, in a moment ago, several memorial parks was under the attack, the places of these temporary parking deceased people seemed to be regarded by the enemy entered Real World channel, that side the city hall also spread the news, Lower District several streets hears the sound of gunfire, but in marine, our fleets have attacked brutally with the gadget that the into the sea|nautical mile braved. “情况,每一个人都在问情况怎么样——糟的不能再糟了,”伊凡主教嘶哑低沉的嗓音从绷带下面传出,“赝品正在进攻城市,之前潜伏的怪物也开始冒头,就在刚才,有数座墓园遭遇袭击,那些临时停放死人的地方似乎被敌人当成了进入现实世界的‘通道’,市政厅那边也传来消息,下城区数个街道传来枪声,而在海上,我们的舰队已经跟海里冒出来的玩意儿大打出手。 General attack started, but compared with the general attack of enemy, what is worse is we to the present has not known that this disaster or conspiracy complete picture, how these hide in the heresy of hidden place...... they achieve all these, where do they hide?” “全面进攻开始了,但比起敌人的全面进攻,更糟糕的是我们到现在还不知道这场灾难或者说阴谋的全貌,那些躲藏在暗处的异端……他们到底是怎么做到这一切的,他们又藏在什么地方?” Bishop Ivan is saying, slowly raised the head, looks at the eye of Agatha. 伊凡主教说着,慢慢抬起头,看着阿加莎的眼睛。 What did you in underground discover? From your look, I guess that you saw certainly anything.” “你在地下发现了什么?从你的眼神,我猜你一定是看到了什么东西。” I had not found the lair that these heresies hide, but I found...... a more discomforting clue.” “我没有找到那些异端藏身的巢穴,但我找到了……更令人不安的线索。” Agatha inspires gently, after moment stop, slowly said —— 阿加莎轻轻吸了口气,片刻停顿之后慢慢说道—— Our Boiling Gold mine pits, as if dozens years ago, even before is longer, has dried up.” “我们的沸金矿井,似乎在几十年前,甚至更久以前,就已经枯竭了。”
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