DSE :: Volume #5

#409: Twin

The fire thunders, strange twin Ghost Ship inserts horizontally, under the eyes of warring parties hid broke through the battlefield loudly, let alone on Sea Mist, Tyrian even thought that thick fog deep place these sham battleship followed for several seconds. 炮火轰鸣中,一艘诡异的双生幽灵船就这么横插进来,又在交战双方的眼皮子底下轰然冲过了战场,别说海雾号上了,提瑞安甚至觉得就连浓雾深处那些“赝品”战舰都跟着愣了好几秒钟。 Afterward, he then hears Eden's voice to transmit from side: Ship...... Captain, ran a moment ago that is also in the fog comes out probably, do we...... hit?” 随后,他便听到艾登的声音从旁传来:“船……船长,刚才跑过去那个好像也是雾里面出来的,咱们……打吗?” On the bridge, a both eye all shifted to their Captain, because the Captain previous quarter had said the words also stayed in all person hearts at this time: 舰桥上,一双双眼睛全都转向了他们的船长,因为船长前一刻说过的话这时候还停留在所有人心中: After making war, in this sea area new all things, is the enemies. 开战之后,这片海域中新出现的所有东西,都是敌人。 „...... Hits!” After silentness that several seconds are awkwardly difficult to suffer, Tyrian stares to shout finally, can catch up?! Moreover haven't you seen the shadow of that ship in sea?” “……打个屁!”几秒钟令人尴尬难捱的静默之后,提瑞安终于瞪起眼睛喝道,“追得上吗?!而且你们没看到那艘船在海中的影子?” Eden shrank the neck immediately, on the smooth head delimits has reflected light together, he is hesitating the opens the mouth: I saw, that shadow...... is twining the spirit fire probably.” 艾登顿时缩了缩脖子,光溜溜的脑袋上划过一道反光,他犹豫着开口:“我看到了,那影子……好像缠绕着灵火。” The first mate finishes speaking, a low and deep bellow then transmits from the Sea Mist hull deep place, simultaneously sky over the deck steam whistle also resounded —— this, the past Vanished Fleet main force battleship as if to be responded by transcendent strength has transformed suddenly spontaneously, definitely the judgment of first mate. 大副话音刚落,一阵低沉的轰鸣声便从海雾号船体深处传来,同时甲板上空的汽笛也突然鸣响——这艘被超凡力量改造过的、昔日的失乡舰队主力战舰仿佛在是自发作出回应,肯定着大副的判断。 Ship also had to induce,” Eden raised the head looks at one, the expression looked complex to Tyrian, Captain, you said that what origin a moment ago that ship was?” “船也有感应了,”艾登抬头四下看了一眼,表情复杂地看向提瑞安,“船长,您说刚才那艘船是什么来历?” „...... Perhaps is the arrangement of father,” Tyrian kept a serious look, the sinking sound said, do not go into seriously , to continue to battle. Moreover all allied forces of notice including Cold Frost navy, do not stop that strangely...... considers as finished, it is estimated that speed......” “……或许是父亲的安排,”提瑞安表情严肃,沉声说道,“不要深究,继续作战。另外通知包括寒霜海军在内的所有友军,不要阻拦那艘诡异的……算了,估计那个速度……” His words just told only half, the sailor who side monitors the radio then received what message suddenly, stood got up to report loudly: Captain! The Cold Frost navy sea owlet transmits the contact, said that speed strange quick, appearance strange Ghost Ship rushed over from them a moment ago suddenly at present, directly soars the Cold Frost main island, they inquired that is our ship.” 他话刚说到一半,旁边监听无线电的水兵便突然收到了什么消息,紧接着站了起来高声汇报:“船长寒霜海军‘海枭’号传来联络,说刚才有一艘速度奇快、模样诡异的幽灵船突然从他们眼前冲了过去,直奔寒霜本岛,他们询问那是不是我们的船。” Tyrian made an effort to pinch the forehead, after the moment, beckoned with the hand: Cannot raise Vanished matter —— saying that with them is the allied force, other does not explain. After waiting for the war to be slightly steady, my again whereabouts he confirmation.” 提瑞安用力捏了捏眉心,片刻后才摆摆手:“不能跟他们提失乡号的事情——就说是友军吧,别的不做解释。等战局稍稳之后,我再去向‘他’确认情况。” Yes, Captain!” “是,船长!” The artillery thunders, the flame and explosion in fog not because of the interlude of this moment slightly tranquil, shoots up to the sky the giant water columns that in the distant place, Tyrian vision looking pensive penetrated the thick fog of battle area, calmly gazes at the direction that strange ship was departing a moment ago. 火炮轰鸣,雾中的火光与爆炸并没有因这片刻的插曲而有稍许平静,在远处冲天而起的巨大水柱间,提瑞安若有所思的目光穿透了交战区的浓雾,静静注视着刚才那艘怪船离去的方向。 ...... …… I thought that we ran upon anything a moment ago probably!” “我觉得咱们刚才好像撞上了什么东西!” Lawrence runs back the own table before the porthole in a hurry, to a small mirror that on the table is placing loudly said, looked up outside one anxiously, saw that the sea area outside porthole was dim, as if had the innumerable illusory things indistinctly to float in the sea level, where for a while is unable to distinguish clearly unexpectedly is real, where was the illusory image. 劳伦斯从舷窗旁边匆匆跑回到自己的桌子前,对着桌上摆放的一面小镜子大声说道,紧接着又不安地抬头看了一眼外面,看到舷窗外的海域昏暗朦胧,仿佛有无数影影绰绰的虚幻事物正漂浮在海面上,一时竟无法让人分清哪里是真实,哪里是幻影。 But White Oak oneself, is going through from these illusory images at an exceptional pace. 白橡木号自己,正以惊人的速度从那些幻影间穿行。 In the mirror surges black fog, puts on the female adventurer of Captain uniform/subdue to appear in the mist. 镜子中涌动起一片黑雾,穿着船长制服的女冒险家出现在雾气中。 We have not run upon,” on the Martha face has the happy smile, we almost run upon.” “我们没撞上,”玛莎脸上带着愉快的笑容,“我们只是差一点撞上。” Almost ran upon is also very frightened!” Lawrence took up that small mirror conveniently, moves toward the window while said fast, did not have the frame of reference a moment ago time I had not discovered that what speed —— we now are?!” “差点撞上也已经很惊悚了!”劳伦斯随手拿起了那面小镜子,一边走向窗户一边飞快地说道,“刚才没有参照物的时候我还没发现——咱们现在到底是什么速度?!” Quickly, very quick —— invisible no qualitative illusory image, can such as the wind pass through the ocean waves generally,” Martha is smiling, looks at the eye of Lawrence by the mirror, you still remember your many years ago has said to me? you said that you must transform the most outstanding vanguard to explore the ship White Oak and Black Oak, then with me together, passing over gently and swiftly sea...... my lover like wind, we now minimum seven to eight levels.” “非常快,非常非常快——无形无质的幻影,可以如风一般穿越海浪,”玛莎微笑着,透过镜子看着劳伦斯的眼睛,“你还记得你很多年前对我说过的话吗?伱说你要将白橡木号黑橡木号改造成最优秀的先锋探索船,然后与我一起,像风一样掠过大海……我的爱人,我们现在起码七到八级。” My that is an analogy! An analogy!” In the Lawrence look brings panic-stricken, because when opens the mouth, he then looks that helplessly another huge illusory image almost scratches the present porthole to plunder the rearward, that illusory image bridge stands tall and erect, the hull side turret aims at the distant place distantly, it another dimension and enemy battle, but white Oak Black Oak seems directly before its main artillery muzzle rushes over. “我那是个比喻!一个比喻!”劳伦斯眼神中带着一丝惊恐,因为就在这么开口的时候,他便眼睁睁看着又一个庞大的幻影几乎是擦着眼前的舷窗掠向后方,那幻影舰桥高耸,船身侧面的炮塔正遥遥指向远方,它正在另一个维度与敌人激战,而白橡木-黑橡木号仿佛是直接从它的主炮炮口前冲了过去。 A moment later, Lawrence lifts the hand to knock the forehead, sighed: Ok, you can guarantee that security on line, how is outside now a situation?” 片刻之后,劳伦斯抬手敲敲额头,叹了口气:“算了,你能保证安全就行,外面现在到底是怎么个情况?” We are passing through the war zone sea area.” Martha is moderately tranquil. “我们正在穿越战区海域。”玛莎语气温和而平静。 War zone? What battle is who?” “战区?交战的是谁?” Martha in mirror turns the head, seems like observes her one side situation, after the moment, is returning the line of sight: Real World Cold Frost navy, that famous Sea Mist fleet, but their opponents on float the Real World shams from the mirror.” 镜子中的玛莎转了转头,似乎是正在观察她那一侧的情况,片刻后转回视线:“现实世界寒霜海军,还有那支大名鼎鼎的海雾舰队,而他们的对手则是从镜像中上浮到现实世界的赝品们。” In the Lawrence heart sinks, the expression becomes dignified: „...... Final time to?” 劳伦斯心中一沉,表情变得凝重:“……最后的时刻到了?” Arrived, Martha said evidently in a soft voice, mirror is superposing with Real World, final opposition process has started.” “看样子是到了,”玛莎轻声说道,“镜像正在与现实世界重合,最后的‘反相’过程已经开始。” So is why quick? You did not say that this process isn't early?” “为什么这么快?你不是说这个过程没那么早吗?” I can only make the general speculation, Lawrence —— after being separated from the sham ranks, I in the relation with this mirror world have been weakening fast, I do not know that had anything, but clearly some people had the consciousness to speed up the mirror opposition advancement......” “我只能做笼统的推测,劳伦斯——在脱离赝品行列之后,我和这个镜像世界之间的联系已经在飞快减弱,我不知道发生了什么,但显然有人有意识加快了镜像反相的进程……” Lawrence has not opened the mouth suddenly, but looks at out of the window, looks the nihility illusory image that the sea area that dim chaos as well as these passed over gently and swiftly unceasingly, will ask several seconds later suddenly: „Do we still navigate in the mirror sea area now?” 劳伦斯一时间没有开口,只是看着窗外,看着那片朦胧混沌的海域以及那些不断掠过的虚无幻影,过了几秒钟才突然问道:“我们现在仍然在镜像海域中航行?” Yes, we were still stranded in this mirror world,” Martha nods, „, but the impediment between mirror and Real World is blurring —— to leave our time is not many.” “是的,我们仍然被困在这个镜像世界里,”玛莎点了点头,“但镜像与现实世界间的阻隔正在模糊——留给我们的时间不多了。” If the opposition is really completed, what will have?” Lawrence asked. “如果反相真的完成,会发生什么?”劳伦斯问道。 City-State turns into the hotbed that the ancient god arrives, you said that what will have?” The Martha expression asked calmly. “一座城邦变成古神降临的温床,你说会发生什么?”玛莎表情平静地反问道。 Lawrence is pressing the temples subconsciously. 劳伦斯下意识地按着太阳穴。 „...... Damn, do we leave Cold Frost far also?” “……该死,我们离寒霜还有多远?” We must arrive,” Martha lifts the hand in the mirror, directional out of the window, me has been able to see the light of harbor region, the innumerable ships are building up in the peripheral sea area, the past half a century sunken wreck, innumerable replica —— but they turned a blind eye to Black Oak, at least temporarily was this.” “我们就要到了,”玛莎在镜子中抬起手,指向窗外,“我这边已经可以看到港口区域的灯光,数不清的舰船正在周边海域集结,过去半个世纪的沉船,无数的复制品——但它们对黑橡木号视若无睹,至少暂时是这样。” The Lawrence look nods seriously, he takes that for with the mirror of Martha dialogue, opens the door to leave own Room Captain, moves toward the bridge direction while the sinking sound asked: „After arrived in Cold Frost, how do you need me to do?” 劳伦斯神色严肃地点了点头,他拿上那面用于和玛莎对话的镜子,推开门离开自己的船长,一边走向舰桥方向一边沉声问道:“等抵达寒霜之后,你需要我怎么做?” Found their lair —— that for making and maintaining the strength of this mirror world in the Cold Frost deep place, I can feel its general position,” on the Martha face is always hanging the smile transfers seriously, she looks at the eye of Lawrence, the tone is especially earnest, once, but you start to seek for it, occupies should also in the City-State surrounding shams to respond immediately, I will find the way to constrain them.” “找到他们的巢穴——那股用于制造并维持这个镜像世界的力量就在寒霜深处,我能感觉到它的大概方位,”玛莎脸上始终挂着的微笑转成严肃,她看着劳伦斯的眼睛,语气格外认真,“而一旦你开始寻找它,盘踞在城邦周围的赝品们应该也会立刻反应过来,我会想办法拖住它们。” „...... Only depends on the black oak and white oak two ships, can cope? You said a moment ago, has the innumerable ships to assemble......” “……仅凭黑橡木和白橡木两艘船,能对付得了?你刚才说了,有数不清的舰船正在集结……” We are Vanished Fleet crew, Lawrence,” the Martha corners of the mouth also had a smile, „. Moreover, participates in this fight not, only then we.” “我们是失乡舰队一员,劳伦斯,”玛莎嘴角又有了一丝笑容,“而且,参与这场战斗的又不只有我们。” Lawrence responded rapidly, looked looking pensive to corridor out of the window. 劳伦斯迅速反应过来,若有所思地看向走廊窗外。 These huge ship shadow indistinctly is fighting in the sea level of distant place, with the lapse of time, the boundary between mirror and Reality is going a step further fuzzily, quick, including mirror Cold Frost and Reality Cold Frost, this trim sea area will burn. 那些影影绰绰的庞大舰影正在远方的海面上战斗,随着时间的推移,镜像与现实之间的界限正在进一步模糊,很快,包括镜像寒霜现实寒霜在内,这整片海域都将燃烧起来。 I understood,” Lawrence nods, receives to look to the vision of out of the window , to continue the half step to walk toward the bridge direction, also has last issue —— I to lead to enter Cold Frost actually, but how should we cope with of City-State deep place...... gadget? If that really such as you said that was part of ancient Shenhuo god, that common weapon possibly could not cope.” “我明白了,”劳伦斯点点头,收回望向窗外的目光,继续快步向舰桥方向走去,“不过还有最后一个问题——我带队进入寒霜倒是可以,可我们该怎么对付城邦深处的那个……‘玩意儿’?如果那真如你所言,是古神或古神的一部分,那寻常武器可能对付不了。” Bridge. 舰桥到了。 Lawrence calms down, goes forward to shove open that door. 劳伦斯定了定神,上前推开那扇门。 His first mate, two, the pastor on ship, his crew, is waiting for him here. 他的大副,二副,船上的牧师,他的船员们,都在这里等着他。 That seemingly strange Anomaly 077- sailor —— this dry corpses do not know where from looked for crew hat on a White Oak to wear in the top of the head, at this moment also sat in decent some chair on, curiously and is studying the work of other crew dedicated. 还有那个看起来奇奇怪怪的异常077-水手——这干尸不知从哪找了一顶白橡木号上的船员帽戴在头顶,此刻也像模像样地坐在某把椅子上,正好奇且专注地研究着其他船员们的工作。 Lawrence moves toward them, the crew set out to salute to him in abundance. 劳伦斯走向他们,船员们纷纷起身向他致敬。 The Martha sound conveys from the mirror: You will have the helper.” 玛莎的声音则从镜子中传来:“你会有帮手的。” Lawrence is responding to expressing best wishes of crew, at this time one hear, looks at Martha in mirror immediately surprisedly: Helper?” 劳伦斯回应着船员们的致意,这时候一听,顿时惊讶地看着镜子中的玛莎:“帮手?” Yes, helper —— in the past many years, the deep place battle in this mirror world, attempted to break through that leaf of front door to City-State most deep place, but cannot succeed, you found them, does not need to explain the purpose in coming, they naturally can become your boost...... probably.” “是的,帮手——在过去的很多年里,他们都在这镜像世界的深处战斗,尝试冲破通往城邦最深处的那扇大门,但始终没能成功,你去找到他们,不需要说明来意,他们自然会成为你的助力……大概。” Probably?!” “大概?!” Because I did not determine that what kind of existence they are, did not determine that they can exchange —— Lawrence, you know that I, although paced back and forth here many years, actually not many freedom.” “因为我也不确定他们到底是怎样的存在,不确定他们到底能不能与人交流——劳伦斯,你知道的,我虽然在这里徘徊了很多年,却并没多少自由。” Good, I understood, the helper,” Lawrence sighed, then in the tone then took unavoidably curiously, I also think here, only then we in surrounding sham did against, without thinking really also had others, who were they?” “好吧,我明白了,帮手,”劳伦斯叹了口气,接着语气中便不免带上好奇,“我还以为这里只有我们在跟周围的‘赝品’对着干,没想到竟然还有其他人,他们到底是谁?” They say...... the queen guard.” “他们自称……女王卫队。”
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