DSE :: Volume #5

#408: Thundering in Sea Mist

The low and deep dignified whistle reverberates in the sea level, the sacred steam spews out from the ships core cabin, vibrates the chimney that Sea Mist is standing tall and erect with its internal intriguing each pipeline, but in this just like the war bugle steam whistle in the cry, all sailors goes into action. 低沉威严的汽笛声在海面上回荡开来,神圣的蒸汽自舰船核心舱中喷涌而出,震动着海雾号高耸的烟囱与其内部错综复杂的每一条管道,而在这宛若战争号角般的汽笛呜鸣中,所有的水手都行动起来。 The elevator the revolution, will fire the medical pouch and heavy shell sends in fort below combat ammunition depot, the steam conduit thunders continuous, the holy gas will send in various place essential organizations and blessing regions, the sailors go through between the deck and corridor, enters the operational position respectively. 提升机吱嘎运转,将发射药包和重型炮弹送入炮台下方的作战弹药库,蒸汽管道轰鸣不休,将圣洁的气体送入各处关键机构和祝福区域,水手们在甲板和走廊间穿行,各自进入作战位置。 When the steam shistle's second time resounding, the Sea Mist rear chapel sounded the copper bell, symbolizes the Goddess of Storm blessing ding to resound, making the Gamona gracious gift arrive, in this was regarded as curse by the world on fearsome battleship. 当汽笛第二次响起的时候,海雾号尾部的小教堂敲响了铜钟,象征着风暴女神赐福的钟声鸣响,令葛莫娜的恩赐降临在这艘被世人视作“诅咒”的可怖战舰上。 But in the other main action shipboard, similar dings and whistles of Sea Mist fleet also resounds the dings of —— ship-borne churches to reverberate in abundance in the fog, is indistinct seems producing the mysterious resonance, plays the bell that called to make a sound with one voice even starts to interfere with Reality, making the thick fog in sea level have reduced, the sign of dissipation slightly pale. 而在海雾舰队的其他主力战舰上,类似的钟声与汽笛声也纷纷鸣响——一座座舰载教堂的钟声在雾中回荡开来,隐约间仿佛产生着神秘的共鸣,齐声奏鸣的钟响甚至开始干涉现实,令海面上的浓雾都有了稍许减淡、消散的迹象。 Meanwhile, along with the action of Sea Mist fleet, makes in the Cold Frost navy that approaching the patrol sea area walked back and forth responded to the —— flag to raise, the lights flickering, the bell whining noise of whistle and ship-borne church like shining reverberated in the fog! 与此同时,伴随着海雾舰队的行动,在临近巡逻海域逡巡的寒霜海军也做出了回应——旗帜升起,灯光闪烁,汽笛声与舰载教堂的钟鸣声如辉映般在雾中回荡! In this moment, two fleet half a century of disputes and hostility finally true concessions in this Vision that arrives in everyone top of the head, under the thick fog blockade of strange danger, the navy and fleet of Undead that control the living establishes already the strength of becoming can also each other depend upon only. 在这一刻,两只舰队半个世纪的纠葛与敌意终于真正让步于这场降临在所有人头顶的异象,在诡异危险的浓雾封锁之下,生者建立的海军和不死人主宰的舰队已经成为唯一还能彼此依靠的力量。 No one knows when the enemy, will appear in what form, but everyone knows, then presents each strange ships in this piece of sea level, is the enemies. 没有人知道敌人会在什么时候,以什么样的形式出现,但每个人都知道,接下来出现在这片海面上的每一艘陌生舰船,都是敌人。 Even, each not agrees responded to the communication allied force ships, was the enemies. 甚至,每一艘不肯回应通讯的“友军舰船”,也都是敌人。 The enemy is this sea. 敌人是这片大海本身。 Everyone's nerve is tying tight, waits for in the fog to have the change, waits for Cold Frost main island to spread the recent news, information and instruction that or any other possibly has, but this made one feel the depressing waiting not to know how long continued, assumed personal command to direct Tyrian that to have a strange feeling on Sea Mist suddenly. 所有人的神经都紧绷着,等待着雾中出现变化,等待着寒霜本岛方面传来新的消息,或其他任何可能存在的情报与指令,而这令人倍感压抑的等待不知持续了多久,在海雾号上坐镇指挥的提瑞安突然产生了一种奇怪的感觉。 He as if felt that a gaze, this gaze actually did not come from any accurate direction —— seems like spanned the time together rather than the space vision, threw from the remote past, calmly is falling on him. 他仿佛感觉到一股注视,这股注视却不来自任何确切的方向——就好像是一道跨越了时间而非空间的目光,从久远的过去投来,正静静地落在他身上。 He with astonishment raised the head, is observing the situation the Sea Mist bridge subconsciously. 他惊愕地抬起头,下意识地环视着海雾号的舰桥。 First mate Eden is exchanging with the boatswain, the correspondent is communicating the coordinates of respective ships with the Cold Frost navy, that aged black robe pastor has caught up from the chapel, at this time is closing eyes to pray that side the artillery technique long seat the —— thick fog covered the marine field of vision, the spirituality direction of pastor is the battleship will battle in the thick fog and enemy in a big way depended on. 大副艾登正在与水手长交流,通讯员正在和寒霜海军沟通各自舰船的坐标,那位老迈的黑袍牧师已经从小教堂赶过来,这时候正在炮术长的坐席旁闭目祈祷——浓雾遮挡了海上的视野,牧师的灵性指引将是战舰在大雾中与敌人交战的最大倚仗。 But in a farther place, a form calmly is standing by the porthole. 而在更远一些的地方,一个身影正静静地站在舷窗旁。 Tyrian recalled —— half a century ago in that already in the yellowing memory, the queen once boarded this battleship personally, that time Sea Mist has not experienced these 50 years growth, its another was of more ancient, the appearance vicissitudes, but the queen stood in that position, is gazing at the remote sea level for a long time. 恍惚间,提瑞安回忆起了半个世纪前的一幕——在那已经泛黄的记忆中,女王陛下曾亲自登上这艘战舰,那时候的海雾号还没有经历这五十年的成长,它还是另一副更加古老、更加沧桑的模样,而女王就站在那个位置,长久地注视着遥远的海面。 She issued in that position made the Sea Mist fleet be far away from the order of Cold Frost three days later. 她在那个位置下达了让海雾舰队在三天后远离寒霜的命令。 Now, that form has turned the head slowly, issued another order. 现在,那个身影慢慢转过头,下达了另一份命令。 Tyrian, defends Cold Frost.” 提瑞安,保卫寒霜。” In half a century later, the second order arrived finally. 在半个世纪之后,第二道命令终于到了。 Tyrian awakens suddenly, felt that the heart in bang bang jumps, the eye as if looked straight ahead close to some truth the knowledge scalding hot stabbing pain, the noise in mind also thunders the shake, but has not waited for him to ponder that carefully saw a moment ago is other illusion or anything, the rapid alarm then resounded on the bridge suddenly, interrupted his all ponders. 提瑞安猛然惊醒,感觉心脏在砰砰直跳,眼睛仿佛直视了某种接近“真理”的知识般灼热刺痛,脑海中的噪声亦轰鸣震荡,而还不等他仔细思考刚才看到的那一幕到底是幻象还是什么别的东西,急促的警铃声便骤然在舰桥上响起,打断了他所有的思考。 The ting rings out, the split vision of his corner of the eye has seen scene —— in distant sea level, in the mist winds around, there is a huge ship shadow to reappear from the thick fog, seemed the sea to stick out upwardly, molds in the past Ghost Spirit. 铃声大作中,他眼角的余光已经看到远方海面上的景象——在雾气缭绕间,有庞大的舰影正从浓雾中浮现出来,就好像大海本身在向上隆起,塑造出了一个往昔的幽灵 That Ghost Spirit the mast stands tall and erect, the old-style chimney structure such as the sea beast bears the proliferation the coral, it is adjusting to face slowly, toward the flank movement of Sea Mist fleet. 那“幽灵”的桅杆高耸,旧式的烟囱结构如海兽背上增生的珊瑚,它在缓缓调整朝向,向着海雾舰队的侧翼移动。 Such near, even does not need the spirituality direction of pastor. 如此之近,甚至都不需要牧师的灵性指引。 Visual unit appears! Sketch recognition, third party ships!” Observation calls loudly. “目视单位出现!剪影识别,第三方舰船!”观察手高声喊道。 Opens fire,” Tyrian takes a step to return to Captain own dignifiedly the seat, the voice like the iceberg ice-cold, except for in the ship in recognition list, has presented all things in this piece of sea level, is the enemies.” “开火,”提瑞安迈步回到自己的舰长席,嗓音如冰山般威严冰冷,“除了已经在识别列表上的船,出现在这片海面上的一切东西,都是敌人。” In a twinkling, the artillery shouts, thunder fulmination! 霎时间,火炮嘶吼,雷霆爆鸣! On Sea Mist, is in the best fire angle three Lord turrets successively to start the bombardment, the been ready heavy armor-piercing shell departed the barrel in thunderous, changed to together the raging fire meteor that fell from the day in the thick fog, pounded the ship shadow that presented to the distant fog ruthlessly! 海雾号上,正处于最佳射击角度的三座主炮塔先后发动了轰击,早已蓄势待发的重型破甲弹在雷鸣中飞出炮膛,在浓雾中化作一道从天而坠的烈火流星,狠狠砸向远方雾中出现的舰影! But almost while Sea Mist launches the attack, in that fog also transmitted one after another artillery to thunder —— that sounds imitates, if the remote thunder, in a series of flame twinkles, firing lines cut the mist, toward Sea Mist sea area whip. 而几乎在海雾号发动攻击的同时,那片雾中也传来了接二连三的火炮轰鸣——那听上去就仿若遥远的雷霆,在一连串的火光闪烁中,一道道火线划破了雾气,向着海雾号所处的海域急坠而来。 Tyrian calmly sits on the captain seat, is narrowing the eye slightly, is listening to that remote thundering, is calculating the flight of shell. 提瑞安静静坐在舰长席上,微微眯着眼睛,听着那遥远的轰鸣,计算着炮弹的飞行。 Is the old style 356 millimeters main artillery, which old friend is four Sanlian......? 是老式的356毫米主炮,四座三联……是哪一个老朋友? Once had carried out queen guard the duty Duke Lune? Resists the deep sea heir in the storm, does brave bravely challenge Knight that sinks? Also or...... Warrior? 曾执行过女王护卫任务的“卢恩公爵”号?还是在风暴中对抗深海子嗣,英勇战沉的“骑士”号?亦或者……“勇士”号? The howling sound such as calling out in grief of report mourning female monster, crushes the tranquility that the sea level only saved from the thunder that the sky crashes, the huge explosion arouses dozens building high water columns, the thick fog that even in the sea level lingers in shock-wave was being ripped crushes, changes to the innumerable pale turbulent flow. 呼啸声如报丧女妖的悲鸣,自天空坠落的雷霆击碎了海面仅存的平静,巨大爆炸激起数十层楼高的水柱,连海面上萦绕的浓雾都在冲击波中被撕得粉碎,化作无数苍白乱流。 Shell one that flies from the thick fog has not fallen near Sea Mist, first round of bombing of Sea Mist similarly so. 从浓雾对面飞来的炮弹没有一枚落在海雾号附近,海雾号的首轮炮击同样如此。 Is Knight, pays attention to its side side quick-fire artillery,” Tyrian opened the eye, his voice is not loud, actually spreads to each soldier ear clearly, this distance enough has made the quick-fire artillery display might the —— steam core pressurize, spreads out.” “是‘骑士’号,注意它的侧舷速射炮,”提瑞安睁开了眼睛,他的声音不大,却清晰地传入每一个士兵耳中,“这个距离已经足够让速射炮发挥威力了——蒸汽核心加压,拉开距离。” Yes! Steam core compression! Spreads out!” “是!蒸汽核心加压!拉开距离!” Sea Mist deep place heart sends out shouts low and deep, the entire ship starts to accelerate and shift slowly, but in nearby sea level, the floating ice also starts to emerge fast, general rapid toward spreads like some living creature in all directions, is constructing to the Sea Mist advantageous battlefield. 海雾号深处的“心脏”发出低沉嘶吼,整艘船开始加速并缓缓转向,而在附近的海面上,大片大片的浮冰亦开始飞快涌现,如同某种活物一般迅速向着四面八方蔓延,构筑着对海雾号有利的战场。 But while this ship start of evolution, the Tyrian corner of the eye split vision notices outside another side porthole also to have the fire to be luminous suddenly, along with a remote shadow. 而就在本舰开始机动的同时,提瑞安眼角余光突然注意到另一侧的舷窗外又有火光亮起,伴随着一个遥远的阴影。 First mate Eden calls loudly immediately: Discovered that the second ships, the radio does not have the response, not in recognition list!” 大副艾登立刻高声喊道:“发现第二艘舰船,无线电无回应,不在识别列表上!” Eden finishes barely the words , the low and deep bellows transmit from the distant place. 艾登话音未落,又有一阵低沉的轰鸣声从远方传来。 „The third ships! Not in recognition list!” “第三艘舰船!不在识别列表上!” Sea crow number transmits the communication, they have fought with the multiple enemy!” “海乌鸦号传来通讯,他们已经与复数敌人交手!” „The Cold Frost navy transmits the communication, the City-State offshore eruption fight!” 寒霜海军传来通讯,城邦近海爆发战斗!” „The first, second main artillery first copes with the knight number, the third main artillery and long-distance vice- artillery deal with other to present the enemy in firing distance,” the Tyrian sound does not have, because in the sea level presents the enemy to have the slight change one after another, he still gazed at thick fog deep place that also to open fire and go against the floating ice tranquilly unceasingly unceasingly the ship shadow that approaches toward here, does not need to care about all strange things that in some enemy also many —— sea levels present, is an enemy, this is only a start.” “第一、第二主炮优先对付骑士号,第三主炮和长程副炮应付其他出现在射程内的敌人,”提瑞安的声音丝毫没有因为海面上接二连三地出现敌人而有丝毫变化,他只是仍旧平静地注视着浓雾深处那个还在不断开炮、顶着浮冰不断朝这边靠近的舰影,“不必在意敌人还有多少——海面上出现的所有陌生东西,都是敌人,这只是个开始。” First mate Eden also opens the mouth loudly: Listens to Captain, the sea presents anything to hit anything, even if these old fogies lived, was not the opponent of Sea Mist fleet, continued to open fire!” 大副艾登也高声开口:“听船长的,海上出现什么就打什么,这些老家伙哪怕活过来了,也不是海雾舰队的对手,继续开炮!” With coming from the order of bridge, Sea Mist all main artilleries and vice- artillery started rounds of round of salvos, scalding hot flame times thick fog that lights this gloomy chaos. 伴随着来自舰桥的命令,海雾号所有的主炮和副炮都开始了一轮轮齐射,灼热的火光一次次点燃这片晦暗混沌的浓雾。 In the artillery thunders, many not distinguished ships start continuously to appear in this stretch of broad sea level! 而在火炮轰鸣中,更多的不受识别的舰船开始不断出现在这片广阔的海面上! Such —— this that just like Tyrian said is only a start. 正如提瑞安说的那样——这只是个开始。 Mirror Cold Frost is breaking surface, Reality border in fog fuzzy, once submerged the things in this sea, is entering in Reality in the form of replica massively! 镜像寒霜正在上浮,现实的边境正在雾中模糊,曾经沉没在这片大海中的东西,正以复制品的形式大规模进入现实中! But then all presents the things in this sea, is an enemy! 而接下来所有出现在这片大海上的东西,都是敌人! Raises a disturbance!” Eden that harsh big voice on bridge boisterous, on this bald robust man face has nearly fierce smile, obviously he very long has not had such full fight, vented these 50 years evil fire, the brothers, that help/gang enlarged ones vision to the navy effeminate! Let them have a look at the Sea Mist fleet is......” “大闹一场!”艾登那破锣般的大嗓门在舰桥上聒噪,这光头壮汉脸上带着一丝近乎狰狞的笑容,显然他已很久不曾有这样酣畅淋漓的战斗,“把这五十年的邪火都发泄出来吧,兄弟们,给海军那帮娘娘腔开开眼!让他们看看海雾舰队是……” Suddenly, this first mate boisterous voice of stops suddenly, he seemed blocked the throat by the invisible hand, stares the big eye to stare at some direction —— suddenly stubbornly, but the next second, Tyrian then knows why he will have this response. 突然间,这大副聒噪的声音戛然而止,他就仿佛被无形的手扼住了喉咙,猛然瞪大眼睛死死盯着某个方向——而下一秒,提瑞安便知道了他为何会有这番反应。 Also the ship shadow incomparably appears in nearby thick fog together towering, then by nearly with lightning speed the speed crashed in this stretch of battlefield directly horizontally, that ship shadow is different from any enemy who at present presents, is different any famous ships —— in Tyrian cognition 又一道舰影无比突兀地出现在附近的浓雾中,而后以近乎风驰电掣般的速度直接横冲进了这片战场,那舰影却不同于目前出现的任何一种敌人,不同于提瑞安认知中的任何一艘有名舰船—— That is concentrates together the solid black fog, a visible shadow, one group presents ships appearance the thing of nihility dimly! It like some type strange, the shadow that the reversion inverted image from the mirror comes out broke through the thick fog, howls the direct impact on come, but compared with this „the ship of shadow strange shape, lets is actually that ship shadow inverted image that the Sea Mist crew keep silent instantaneously in the sea level shadow. 那是一道凝实的黑雾,一片有形的阴影,一团朦胧呈现出舰船模样的虚无之物!它就像某种诡异的、从镜子里逆向倒影出来的影子般冲破了浓雾,呼啸着直冲过来,而比起这“暗影之船”诡异的形态,更让海雾号的船员们瞬间噤若寒蝉的却是那舰影倒影在海面中的“影子”。 That impressively is another ship, is lingering the quiet green flame, in the Sea Mist fleet whole staff eyes compared with the illusory image also wants strangely fearsome Ghost Ship! 那赫然是另一艘船,一艘萦绕着幽绿火光的,在海雾舰队全员眼中比幻影还要诡异可怖的“幽灵船”! This takes the sea level as the mirror twin ships ran like this towering, howled was breaking through the sea level, braved the billowing black smoke in the sea level, braved the spooky green fire under the sea level, it almost scratched the Sea Mist side to speed past, suddenly had then arrived at another head of battlefield. 这以海面为镜的“双生舰船”就这样突兀地跑了出来,呼啸着冲过海面,一艘在海面上冒着滚滚黑烟,一艘在海面下冒着幽幽绿火,它几乎擦着海雾号的侧面疾驰而过,眨眼间便已经到了战场的另一头。 Tyrian dares to pledge to the own father, his this lifetime has not seen the whirlwind fast such odd large ship! 提瑞安敢对自己的父亲发誓,他这辈子都没见过飚速这么离谱的大型舰船!
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