DSE :: Volume #5

#407: Beginning

The continuous bellow has completely broken peace in No. 3 graveyard, flame times of muzzle spout illuminates this dim thick fog, sways the form of distortion to reappear from the fog unceasingly, drops down —— in the sacred flame and metal bombardment the place that but drops down in them, the jet black unclear material has spread to the trail on. 接连不断的轰鸣声已经彻底打破三号墓园中的宁静,枪口喷涌的火焰一次次照亮这片昏暗的浓雾,摇晃扭曲的身影从雾中不断浮现,又在神圣的火焰与金属轰击中一个个倒下——而在它们倒下的地方,漆黑不详的物质已经蔓延到小径上。 , A more unclear thing that these obviously no longer are moves restlessly corpse that” —— they blaspheme, must eliminate all here. 这些显然已经不再是“躁动的尸体”——它们是更加亵渎的、更加不详的东西,必须尽数消灭在这里。 Old person's marksmanship is very accurate, these abnormal thing that walks from the fog in his eyes like leisure reptile, even if away from the thick fog, he can also spear/gun place solve. 老人的枪法很准,那些从雾中走出来的畸形之物在他眼中就像慢悠悠的爬虫,哪怕隔着浓雾,他也能一枪一个地解决掉。 In fact he uses the skill of short-sword and cane is stronger, the experience fuller —— but old person knows, oneself must avoid as much as possible prematurely and these monsters falls into the short weapons dogfight. 实际上他使用短剑和手杖的本事更强,经验更足——但老人知道,自己必须尽可能避免过早地和那些怪物陷入短兵缠斗。 He is very old, the experience of veteran cannot counter-balance the physical body the senility, but the enemy as if always does not kill cleanly, once falls into engages in hand-to-hand combat, he then did not have again possibly resists these monsters opposite of the trail. 他已经很老了,老兵的经验不能抵消肉体的衰老,而敌人似乎总也杀不干净,一旦陷入短兵相接,他便再无可能把那些怪物抵挡在小径对面了。 Must calculate precisely, must exhaust possibly few physical strength elimination as far as possible many monsters, must delay the time, Cathedral and City-State authority is certainly adopting the means that the reinforcements will come, no matter which side —— this city will not fall to the enemy in such bewildered thick fog. 要精确计算,要用尽可能少的体力消灭尽可能多的怪物,要拖延时间,大教堂城邦当局一定正在采取办法,援军会来的,不管是哪一方——这座城市不会在这么一场莫名其妙的大雾里沦陷掉。 Indistinct, has other sound of gunfire to transmit from the distant place. 隐隐约约的,有别的枪声从远处传来。 Guards the grandfather!” Annie shouts, will just load the good rifle to hand in the old person hand again, simultaneously somewhat looks at the direction that the sound of gunfire transmits anxiously, „is other place also opening fire...... some people to help us?” “看守爷爷!”安妮喊道,将刚刚装填好的步枪再度递到老人手中,同时有些紧张地看着枪声传来的方向,“别的地方也在开枪……是有人来帮咱们了吗?” Is the guarding of No. 4 graveyard and No. 2 graveyard,” old person lifts the muzzle, a round thunders to crush an ugly head that in the mist appeared, simultaneously does not return said, some people will help our, should not be afraid.” “是四号墓园和二号墓园的看守,”老人抬起枪口,一发轰鸣击碎了雾气中浮现出的一颗丑陋头颅,同时头也不回地说道,“会有人来帮我们的,不要害怕。” I am not afraid.” Annie said diligently loudly, her sound a little trembles although, the old guarding of graveyard has not actually seen through the courage that little girl this supports forcefully. “我不害怕。”安妮努力大声说道,尽管她的声音有点发抖,墓园的老看守却没有拆穿小女孩这强行撑起来的勇气。 Because she is brave enough. 因为她已经足够勇敢了。 You are truly brave,” old guard said, he makes more relaxed as far as possible, even if his arm that oneself displays has actually started to tremble, you from which learned these? How do you put the bullet to the rifle and hunting rifle?” “你确实很勇敢,”老看守说道,他尽可能让自己表现的轻松一些,哪怕他的手臂其实已经开始发抖,“你是从哪学会这些的?你怎么会给步枪和猎枪装子弹?” My mother has several spears/guns, she hangs them in the bedroom and living room,” Annie presses in the tubular magazines of double-barreled shotgun the bullet fast while said that that year that father did not have, mother bought several spears/guns, she said that she needs to protect in the good family/home...... ah!” “我妈妈有好几把枪,她把它们挂在卧室和客厅里,”安妮一边飞快地把子弹压进双管猎枪的筒状弹仓一边说道,“爸爸没有回来的那一年,妈妈就买了好几把枪,她说她需要保护好家里……啊呀!” Reed collapse open/start on magazine buckle, the sharp metal edge gouged a long wound on the little miss finger suddenly, she called out in alarm immediately. 弹仓卡扣上的簧片突然崩开,锐利的金属边缘在小姑娘手指上剜开了一道长长的伤口,她顿时惊呼起来。 But the next second, she then makes an effort with another finger the reed homing, will load the good hunting rifle to give the present old person: Gives you.” 但下一秒,她便用另一根手指使劲将簧片归位,将装填好的猎枪递给眼前的老人:“给您。” The old guard detected the bloodstain on spear/gun, heard calling out in alarm of Annie, but he was only silent the moment, then threw another spear/gun behind: „...... Filling.” 老看守察觉了枪上的血迹,听到了安妮的惊呼,但他只是沉默了片刻,便将另一把枪扔到身后:“……装填。” The sound of gunfire thunders again. 枪声再次轰鸣。 The rickets the black clothes old person of waist such as a curving and tenacious tree, sews oneself in this rich fog firmly, between he and Annie no longer talked gradually, was only left over the silent fire, as well as dignity between even more look, he is calculating, calculates oneself to get rid of many monsters, calculated Annie loading the good hunting rifle or the rifle for several time hands in the oneself hand. 佝偻着腰的黑衣老人如一颗弯曲而坚韧的树,牢牢地将自己钉在这片浓郁的雾中,他与安妮之间渐渐不再交谈,只剩下沉默的射击,以及神色间的越发凝重,他在计算,计算自己到底已经干掉了多少怪物,计算安妮已经第几次把装填好的猎枪或步枪递到自己手中。 Last box of bullet.” He muttered in a soft voice. “最后一盒子弹了。”他轻声咕哝道。 Guards the grandfather, last box of bullet!” Annie sent out calling out in alarm almost at the same time. “看守爷爷,最后一盒子弹了!”安妮几乎在同一时间发出了惊呼。 I know, old guarding does not return, he was silent to solve one almost to rush to the abnormal anomaly before hut, later toward beckoned behind, loaded the good hunting rifle, then placed near the spears/guns and remaining bullets my foot, you went to under my bed, that had a dark brown box, inside was the spare ammunition.” “我知道,”老看守头也不回,他沉默着解决掉了一个几乎已经冲到小屋前的畸形怪胎,随后朝身后招了招手,“装填好猎枪,然后把枪和剩下的子弹都放在我脚边,伱去我的床铺下面,那有个深棕色的箱子,里面是备用的弹药。” Good! Dark brown box, spare ammunition!” Annie says immediately fast, then makes an effort to advance out the spear/gun and bullet, turns around to run toward the room. “好!深棕色箱子,备用的弹药!”安妮立刻飞快地说道,接着把枪和子弹用力推到门外,转身朝屋内跑去。 The old guarding looked down a hunting rifle and bullet of oneself under foot silently, then has leaned slightly the body, closed the door conveniently, and extracted in the bosom the short-sword, sewed short-sword effort on the hook of outside door bolt. 老看守默默地低头看了一眼自己脚下的猎枪和子弹,接着微微侧过身子,随手关闭了房门,并抽出怀中短剑,将短剑用力钉在外面门闩的挂钩上。 Almost the next second, he then heard in the hut to hear the somewhat startled sound of footsteps , was the girl makes an effort the sound that struck the door as well as calls out in alarm. 几乎下一秒,他便听到小屋内传来了有些惊慌的脚步声,紧接着,是女孩用力敲打房门以及惊呼的声音。 „...... Deceived you for the last time.” “……最后一次骗你了。” The old guard said in a soft voice, then holds a gun to fire from the oneself recent abnormal anomalies single-handed again and again, later turns around fast, from the doorframe taking advantage of strength taking off, the corner of idle left hand from doorframe has wielded, before the hand then leaves jet black cane —— fell to the ground, he by the hand in the black eighty years old another monster that appears from the fog ruthlessly is pounding down, in instance that head shatter corpse falls to the ground, he also falls on the ground steadily. 老看守轻声说道,接着单手持枪向距离自己最近的畸形怪胎们连连射击,随后飞快地转身,从门框借力起跳,空闲的左手从门框上方的一处角落挥过,手中便多出了一柄漆黑手杖——落地之前,他以手中黑杖朝着另一只从雾中浮现的怪物狠狠砸下,在那头颅破碎的尸体倒地的瞬间,他亦平稳落在地上。 The vision swept the thick fog, the old person has made an effort to wield at present started the black stick, the filthy black fluid such as the variation blood flung to fall from the stick body, he cane made an effort on the ground, the metal mechanism/organization ka to make noise, the jet black stick body is short immediately half inch, the both sides actually sprang the innumerable sharp cutting edges. 目光扫过眼前浓雾,老人用力挥了一下手中黑杖,污浊的黑色流体如变异的血液般从杖身甩落,他又将手杖用力顿在地上,金属机关咔哒作响,漆黑的杖身立刻短了半寸,两侧却弹出无数锐利锋刃。 The instance of cutting edge separating, seems mixing with innumerably came from the time, call letter with angry roaring. 锋刃弹开的瞬间,仿佛夹杂着无数来自过去时光的、层层迭迭的呼号与怒吼。 In graveyard that the thick fog fills, even fell into that instantaneous silence. 大雾弥漫的墓园中,甚至陷入了那么瞬间的寂静。 The old guard has turned head, looked at a front door of hut, looks corner —— that above the doorframe that hidden compartment is at like most Guardian veterans, he chose in the retirement that year will accompany the weapon imposition of oneself half a lifetime above last door that in oneself guards, has not actually thought, oneself will fight before this door with this old companion again shoulder to shoulder. 老看守回过头,看了一眼小屋的大门,看着门框上方那处暗格所在的角落——就像大多数守卫者老兵一样,他在退休那年选择将陪伴了自己半生的武器安放在自己所守卫的最后一扇门上方,却没想到,自己与这老伙计会在这扇门前再次并肩战斗。 We defend a door...... we are being the guarding of Bartok......” old person's waist still the rickets, in the cold dim fog, he has turned around slowly, the vision falls in the form that these sway, in the mouth is reading aloud the pledge of Guardian generation inheritance, we swore that defends the health with the dying border, the dead therefore rests, the living is therefore peaceful......” “我们守着一扇门……我们是巴托克的看守……”老人的腰依然佝偻,在寒冷昏暗的雾中,他慢慢转过身子,目光落在那些摇晃的身影上,口中念诵着守卫者们世代传承的誓言,“我们立誓守卫生与死的边境,亡者因而安息,生者因而安宁……” The abnormal anomalies in fog move restlessly, the forms of innumerable swaying start to cross that trail, charges into hut that still stood erect. 雾中的畸形怪胎们躁动起来,无数摇晃的身影开始越过那小径,冲向那座仍然屹立的小屋。 Responded to them, was the sound of gunfire of old guarding, as well as stick sword howling air-splitting. 回应它们的,是老看守的枪声,以及杖剑破空的呼啸。 You do not want to rest, I deliver you to rest!” “你们不想安息,我送你们安息!” Kills the sound, the angry roaring sound, thundering that the rifle and hunting rifle open fire, the last fight of Guardian makes this graveyard shiver. 砍杀声,怒吼声,步枪与猎枪开火的轰鸣,守卫者的最后一场战斗令这墓园都为之颤抖。 In the hut of watchman, the Annie small body rolls up in the entrance, holds to listen to outside sound. 在看守人的小屋中,安妮小小的身子蜷缩在门口,抱着头听着外面的动静。 She wept low voice, finally in the sound of gunfire thundered, changed wails. 她小声啜泣起来,最终在枪声轰鸣中,化作嚎啕大哭。 12-year-old she, was deceived one time by the guard grandfather. 12岁的她,又被看守爷爷骗了一次。 ...... …… At the same time, Cold Frost open sea. 同一时间,寒霜外海。 The filled the air thick fog does not limit sky over City-State, when high noon, the mist has then crossed the offshore boundary line, has covered in the patrol range of Sea Mist fleet. 弥漫的浓雾并不局限于城邦上空,在正午时分的时候,雾气便已经越过近海边界线,一直覆盖到了海雾舰队的巡逻范围内。 In so rich and strange fog, even if it has the Transcendent Attribute curse fleet, has to tighten the nerve. 在如此浓郁而又诡异的雾中,哪怕是本身就具备超凡属性的诅咒舰队,也不得不绷紧了神经。 The Sea Mist bridge, Tyrian deeply frowned stands before the spacious porthole, stares in the sea level such as the wall is building the thick fog, first mate Eden arrives at him behind, the tone is reporting the situation seriously: „...... Up to now, we were disturbed with the cold relation between ports, the ice bays and pirate islands intensely, the calls of all frequency bands all do not have the response, with the Cold Frost communication of navy as well as Cold Frost main island harbor area, although was also disturbed, but can also relate reluctantly. The coverage scope of this thick fog has spread to the Cold Frost main island outside at least 100 nautical miles...... 海雾号舰桥,提瑞安眉头紧锁地站在宽大的舷窗前,凝望着海面上如墙垒般的浓雾,大副艾登则来到他身后,语气严肃地汇报着情况:“……截至目前,我们与冷港、冰湾、海盗岛之间的联系均遭到强烈干扰,所有频段的呼叫皆无回应,和寒霜海军以及寒霜本岛港口区的通讯虽然也受到干扰,但勉强还能联系上。这片浓雾的覆盖范围已蔓延到寒霜本岛外至少一百海里…… Moreover, according to us sends the boat return of thick fog edge, the range of fog to stop proliferating, the density has not continued to rise, but the effort of outward bound announced that failure —— all boats that attempt to leave the thick fog range are spinning same place, and returned the thick fog deep place unknowingly.” “另外,根据我们派到浓雾边缘的小船回报,雾的范围已经停止扩散,浓度也没有继续上升,但向外航行的努力均宣告失败——所有尝试离开浓雾范围的小船都在原地打转,并不知不觉转回到了浓雾深处。” Stargazing room situation how?” “观星室情况怎么样?” „The out-of-sight correct astrology and physiognomy,” the first mate Eden expression is dignified, seemed like Spirit World and between the Deep Sea deep seas suddenly presented fuzzy lens, the observed astrology and physiognomy had the double image, moreover observes the stars the pressure that caused also to rise steep, is unable long time to observe.” “还是观察不到正确的星相,”大副艾登表情凝重,“就好像灵界幽邃深海之间突然出现了一层模糊的透镜,观察到的星相都有重影,而且观星导致的精神压力也陡升,根本无法长时间观察。” „...... Blocked evidently completed, Cold Frost City-State as well as peripheral sea area already and outside ‚the normal world isolated,” Tyrian was unemotional, in the one-eyed only the calmness, don't waste your energy goes out.” “……看样子封锁是完成了,寒霜城邦以及周边海域已经和外面的‘正常世界’隔绝开来,”提瑞安面无表情,独眼中唯有一片冷静,“不要白费力气往外跑了。” „Is blockade...... the blockade that who makes?” “封锁……是谁制造的封锁?” Occasionally thinks —— also with asking?” Tyrian turn head looked at Eden one eyes, heretic, worships Deep Sea Sacred Lord that group of lunatics, this period of time does the matter isn't they?” “偶尔动动脑子——还用问吗?”提瑞安回头看了艾登一眼,“邪教徒,崇拜幽邃圣主的那群疯子,这段时间搞事的不就是他们?” I know, Eden is staring, a face at present this weaponry was exaggerating point expression, „, but depended on one group of heretic, really can do such big weaponry?” “我知道,”艾登瞪着眼睛,一脸“眼前这阵仗是不是夸张了点”的表情,“但是就凭一帮邪教徒,真能搞出这么大阵仗?” Perhaps lunatic of one group of motley crew does not have this ability, but they worship lord was a different matter,” Tyrian places on the hand the present parapet, the voice said low and deep, Deep Sea Sacred Lord...... the blockade space and time, disturbance crowd of stars...... this was ancient God the prestige energy......” “一群乌合之众的疯子或许没有这个能力,但他们崇拜的‘主’就是另一回事了,”提瑞安将手放在眼前的栏杆上,嗓音低沉地说道,“幽邃圣主……封锁时空,干扰群星……这就是古神的威能吗……” Eden swallowed a saliva subconsciously. 艾登下意识地咽了口口水。 Therefore...... our time really can resist with the strength of ancient god directly?” “所以……我们这次真的是要直接跟古神的力量对抗了?” Feared?” “怕?” A little,” Eden nods, on the face actually squeezes an ugly smile, „, but does not have the means that the way of the world actually thinks on such —— carefully also no, initially did not brace oneself to time big fellow with old Captain in the same old way on, now old Captain also stands us.” “有一点,”艾登点了点头,脸上却又挤出一个丑陋的笑容,“但没办法,世道就这样——其实仔细想想也没什么,当初跟老船长对上的时候大家伙不是照样硬着头皮上么,现在好歹老船长还站在咱们这边呢。” This was good, making everyone be ready,” Tyrian shouted the tone gently, beckons with the hand to the first mate, leaves Cold Frost so many years, we could raise a disturbance on this sea area again.” “这就行了,让大家做好准备吧,”提瑞安轻轻呼了口气,对大副摆摆手,“离开寒霜这么多年,我们可能得再在这片海域上大闹一场了。”
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