DSE :: Volume #5

#406: The sound of gunfire in graveyard

In the graveyard, the old guard raised the head again, looked at a nearby guarding hut. 墓园中,老看守再次抬起头,看了一眼旁边的看守小屋。 He will have stopped the situation that in the morgue the dead moves restlessly to report in the form of rapid to Cathedral, but has not been responded to —— to be obvious, was covered by the strange thick fog in the entire city, the present that the sunlight of sky vanishes strangely, Cathedral the unnecessary energy has not watched Anomaly situation in a small graveyard. 他已经将停尸场中亡者躁动的情况以迅件的形式报告给大教堂,但至今仍未得到回应——显然,在整座城市都被诡异浓雾覆盖,天空的阳光诡异消失的现在,大教堂已经没有多余的精力去关注一座小小墓园中的异常情况。 Only can...... old guard mutter by oneself, tightened the tight-fitting on coat, leather soft armor and metal of flapper coat inside lining exudes the slight fricative, „the range of this fog may big......” “只能靠自己了……”老看守咕哝着,紧了紧身上的大衣,大衣内衬的皮革软甲和金属插板发出轻微的摩擦声,“这雾的范围可不小……” Ka the fricative and knocked the sound to break the deathly stillness in graveyard, under the thick fog, the coffins on nearby several morgue stages as if sent out the slight vibration. 咔啦咔啦的摩擦声和叩击声打破了墓园中的死寂,浓雾之下,附近几座停尸台上的棺材似乎发出了轻微的震动。 „...... Looked in the share that in I stand night watch to your group of deceased people every day, can't at this time law-abiding?” The old guard frowns, lifts the muzzle slightly, he knows that these parked several days of corpses activity to get up quite suddenly because of this strange fog, but he did not have the means. “……看在我每天给你们这帮死人守夜的份上,这时候就不能安分一点?”老看守皱起了眉头,微微抬起枪口,他知道这些好生停放了几天的尸体突然“活动”起来是因为这诡异的雾,但他毫无办法。 Only can wait for them to crawl probably, then spear/gun sends off. 大概只能等着它们爬起来,然后再一枪一个送走。 In the mind is thinking, in moving restlessly sound different sounds with surrounding coffin brought to the attention of this old person suddenly, he was startled, responded instantaneously, looked up to that trail of graveyard entrance. 就在脑海中这么想着的时候,一阵与周围棺材里的躁动声不同的声响突然引起了这位老人的注意,他怔了一下,瞬间反应过来,抬头看向墓园入口的那条小径。 A small form ran from trail another totteringly, the white thick coat and skirt are placed in the dim environment seem like the snowball that one group jumps. 一个小小的身影跌跌撞撞地从小径另一头跑了出来,白色的厚外套和裙摆在昏暗的环境中像是一团跳跃的雪球。 Guards the grandfather! Helps me! Guards the grandfather! You in!?” “看守爷爷!帮帮我!看守爷爷!您在不在!?” The small snowball that group jumps is yelling on the trail, the sound sounds the panic and intense that brings to suppress diligently. 那团跳跃的小雪球在小径上喊叫着,声音听上去带着努力压制的恐慌与紧张。 Annie!” The old guard cannot attend to being startled immediately, is away from the thick fog to shout to that girl subconsciously, comes, toward that side!” 安妮!”老看守顿时顾不上吃惊,下意识地隔着浓雾对那女孩喊道,“过来,不要往那边去!” Runs in the little girl in graveyard to look to arrive the old person flustered finally near guarding hut, on that nervous alarmed and afraid face presented relaxation of flash, then runs over toward here fast: Guards the grandfather! Good you here......” 慌里慌张跑进墓园的小女孩终于看到了站在看守小屋附近的老人,那紧张惊惧的面孔上出现了一瞬间的放松,紧接着便飞快地朝这边跑了过来:“看守爷爷!太好了您在这儿……” Why you still ran all over the place outside at this time!?” The old guard actually cannot attend to listening to cheering of girl, immediately pulls a long face reproves loudly, because today's situation differs from the past, the danger of this thick fog does not snow like the ordinary day in the street that slips, you know that now the entire city did declare martial law?!” “你为什么这时候还在外面乱跑!?”老看守却顾不上听女孩的欢呼,立刻绷着脸大声训斥道,因为今天的情况不同以往,这浓雾的危险可不像平日里下雪打滑的街道,“你知道现在全城戒严了吗?!” I dispersed with the schoolmates!” Annie has a scare by the old person severe appearance and tone, but beckoning with the hand answered fast, we visited the museum with the teacher, came out met the thick fog, the teacher said that led us to go to the recent curtain of night refuge shelter, but the time of my a blink they entered in the fog to disappear......” “我跟同学们走散了!”安妮被老人严厉的模样和语气吓了一跳,但还是飞快地摆着手解释道,“我们跟老师去参观博物馆,出来的时候遇上了大雾,老师说带我们去最近的夜幕避难所,但我一眨眼的功夫他们就走进雾里不见了……” The guard old person is staring: Enters in the fog to disappear?” 看守老人瞪着眼睛:“走进雾里不见了?” Yes, disappears, on a twinkling's matter,” Annie seems still shaken, but was explaining diligently own experience, then my oneself looked for the avoidance the place, the museum blocked, on the street could not find the Sir, all gates were locked, I made an effort to knock on a door also no one to open, then I think that the teacher has said that in case the danger looked for the recent pastor, Guardian or the public security officer, the graveyard was recent, I listened to you saying that you were the Guardian veteran......” “是啊,不见了,就一眨眼的事,”安妮显得惊魂未定,但还是努力解释着自己的经历,“然后我就自己去找躲避的地方,博物馆封锁了,街上找不到大人,所有的门都锁着,我使劲敲门也没人开,然后我想到老师说过,如果遇上危险就去找最近的牧师、守卫者或治安官,墓园最近,我听您说过,您是个守卫者老兵……” Is listening to the girl the explanation, the expression on old guarding face changed fast several times, he realized that under oneself was desperate a moment ago somewhat wrongly accused the little miss, dealing that this child actually places in the contemporaries is the calm action, but cannot wipe the face suddenly, can only continue to put on a serious face: Therefore you did come to the graveyard to seek asylum?” 听着女孩噼里啪啦的解释,老看守脸上的表情飞快变化了数次,他意识到自己刚才情急之下有些错怪了小姑娘,这孩子的应对其实放在同龄人里已经是冷静之举,但又一时间抹不开面子,只能继续板着脸:“所以伱就来墓园里避难了?” Annie makes an effort to nod: Right, they said that the Guardian veteran is fiercer than ordinary Guardian......” 安妮使劲点头:“对啊,他们都说守卫者老兵比普通守卫者更厉害……” „......, but the graveyard is actually not the place that suits seeks asylum,” old guarding sinking sound said that particularly at this kind of time.” “……但墓园却不是个适合避难的地方,”老看守沉声说道,“尤其是在这种时候。” Annie is somewhat flustered: I...... shouldn't I come to here?” 安妮有些慌张:“我……我不该来这儿?” „......, Does not have a better choice now, you brave the thick fog to be higher in the probability that the street runs all over the place to have an accident,” old guard shakes the head, you first hide......” “……不,现在也没有更好的选择,你冒着浓雾在街道乱跑出事的概率更高,”老看守摇了摇头,“你先躲……” This saying has not said, the strange sound of nearby Kerala then broke him , the split vision of his corner of the eye then noticed on a nearest morgue stage to raise a cover of shadow —— inferior coffin to be shoved open suddenly suddenly, not a law-abiding arm is struggling holding up from that coffin, later, the dead of moving restlessly set out! 这话还没说完,附近一阵喀拉拉的怪响便打断了他,紧接着,他眼角的余光便注意到距离最近的一座停尸台上突然升起了一个阴影——一口劣质棺木的盖子被猛然推开,一只不安分的手臂从那棺木中挣扎着举起,随后,躁动的亡者从中起身! Reminded Annie to close the eye radically without enough time, the old guarding the instinct has lifted in the hand the double-barreled shotguns, bang after thundered, that did just sway the corpse that set out then to face upward to drop down, because lost balanced tumbles from the morgue stage in the place. 根本来不及提醒安妮闭上眼睛,老看守已经本能般地抬起手中双管猎枪,“砰”的一声轰鸣之后,那个刚摇摇晃晃起身的尸体便仰天倒下,又因失去平衡从停尸台上滚落在地。 „!” “啊!” Hides in his behind Annie eventually is only a child, immediately had a scare by this sound of gunfire, but compared with sound of gunfire, what she is more astonished was a moment ago that in...... the corpse that in the mist sits. 躲在他身后的安妮终究只是个小孩子,顿时被这枪声吓了一跳,但比起枪声,她更惊愕的是刚才那个在雾气中坐起来的……尸体。 That...... that......” little girl is pointing at the morgue stage panic-stricken, the tone stutter. “那个……那个……”小女孩惊恐地指着刚才的停尸台,语气结结巴巴。 Old guard subconscious opens the mouth: Do not fear that is only......” 老看守下意识开口:“别怕,那只是……” «Supernatural» third volume of Chapter 6 has said!” Annie stroked along the aura finally, shouted fast, teacher said that at this time should meditate the Bartok name immediately at heart, then the rope brushes moving restlessly with the branch of ebonylike wood or has smoked, then found the opportunity to go into the recent church to seek help......” “《超自然》第三册第六章讲过!”安妮终于捋顺了气息,飞快地喊道,“老师说这时候应该立刻在心里默念巴托克的名,然后用酸枝木的枝条或烟熏过的绳索抽打躁动者,然后找机会跑到最近的教堂里求助……” The old guarding is listening to the little girl the words, after staying for 2-3 seconds, suddenly lifts the hunting rifle fast, pushes the ball palate again, did not return turns around to aim at another morgue platform, bang after thundered, another just moving restlessly who crawled from the coffin lay down it should the place of deep sleep. 老看守愣愣地听着小女孩噼里啪啦的话语,呆了2-3秒之后突然飞快地抬起猎枪,再次推弹上膛,头也不回地转身瞄准了另一个停尸平台,“砰”的一声轰鸣之后,另一具刚刚从棺材里爬出来的躁动者又躺回了它应该沉睡的地方。 Your present textbooks were different from me in the past, after we placed the high school, this class in the past.” He spoke thoughtlessly to say. “你们现在的课本跟我当年不一样了,我们当年把这一课放在高中以后。”他随口说道。 Annie is holding the head subconsciously, in the impact that the small body in the gunshot brings once again somewhat trembles, although carried the text a moment ago time responded quickly, her frightened and anxious still quite displayed honestly. 安妮下意识地抱着脑袋,小小的身体在又一次枪响带来的冲击中有些发抖,尽管刚才背课文的时候反应很快,她的恐惧和紧张仍然相当诚实地表现了出来。 You hide in the room, before” old person shields immediately the little girl is arriving at the guarding hut, the backhand opens the front door, pushed Annie, what, no matter outside has, absolutely do not leave ——, so long as you do not go out, this hut security like the sacred image hall in church, got it?” “你躲进屋里,”老人立刻掩护着小女孩来到看守小屋前,反手打开屋门,把安妮推了进去,“不管外面发生什么,都绝对不要离开——只要你不出去,这间小屋就像教堂的圣像厅一样安全,明白了吗?” Annie stared in a big way the eye panic-stricken, looks at outside thick fog while is nodding subconsciously, but in her line of sight, the morgue stage in that thick fog such as lived in abundance came general, the shadow wriggled in the platforms, invisible shouting reverberated in the graveyard, the nailed tight coffin cracked and opens one after another, but the panic-stricken form should regain consciousness and sit up for bed that” the person rested from these. 安妮惊恐地瞪大了眼睛,一边看着外面的浓雾一边下意识地点着头,而在她的视线中,那浓雾里的一个个停尸台就如纷纷活了过来一般,阴影在平台之间蠕动,无形的嘶吼在墓园中回荡,被钉死的棺材一个接一个崩裂、打开,而令人惊恐的身影正从那些本应供人安息的“睡床”中苏醒、坐起。 Always guards Annie pushes toward the hut, closes the door conveniently, turning around is a spear/gun. 老看守把安妮往小屋里一推,随手关上房门,转身便又是一枪。 The watchman hut is very firm, moreover there is a spell protection, but if entire graveyard all deceased people really all crawl, then this frail small-scale shelter not necessarily can block attacks —— completely, even if in the physics blocked, the dead besieges the brought spiritual stimulation may also penetrate the protection of hut, affects that child. 看守人小屋很坚固,而且有符咒保护,但如果整个墓园所有的死人真的全都爬起来,那么这单薄的小型庇护所也不一定能挡住全部进攻——哪怕物理上挡住了,亡者围攻所带来的精神刺激也有可能穿透小屋的保护,影响到那孩子。 Gets rid of as far as possible, Annie was safe. 尽量多干掉一些,安妮就安全了。 God of Death on, I retired for ten years!” 死亡之神在上,我退休十年了!” In the veteran throat sends out muttering of pollution, in the hand draws the bolt adeptly, discards the cartridge case to push the ball palate, his pair in the eyes of pollution contains one group of flames probably, almost without the process of aiming, he has then aimed at the next not law-abiding resident. 老兵喉咙里发出浑浊的咕哝,手中娴熟地拉动枪栓,抛掉弹壳又推弹上膛,他那双本已浑浊的双眼中却好像蕴藏着一团火光,几乎没有瞄准的过程,他便已经瞄准了下一个不安分的住客。 The gunshot, the dead rests with a crash, the gunsmoke raises, the soul is reborn in paradise. 砰然枪响,亡者安息,硝烟升起,灵魂往生。 Another side today Gatekeeper may have was busy, hopes soul that they process so many to start off with enough time ahead of time.” “‘另一侧’的守门人今天可有的忙了,但愿他们来得及处理这么多提前上路的灵魂。” The old guarding is whispering, in the hand the movement actually non-stop slightly, several moving restlessly have started to turn toward the direction of guarding hut to move, his bullet palates, times open fire, times deliver own resident to start off ahead of time. 老看守嘀咕着,手中动作却丝毫不停,几个躁动者已经开始向着看守小屋的方向移动,他一次次子弹上膛,一次次开枪,一次次提前送自己的“住客”们上路。 The corpses of more and more swaying appear around the trail. 越来越多摇摇晃晃的尸体出现在小径周围。 These form indistinctly even made the old guarding produce puzzled —— of moment 那些影影绰绰的身影甚至让老看守产生了片刻的困惑—— In the graveyard has so many corpses? The morgue stage adds completely, can park so many corpses? 墓园中有这么多尸体吗?全部停尸台加起来,能停放这么多尸体吗? They brave baseless from this thick fog?! 它们是从这片浓雾中凭空冒出来的吗?! Bang! 砰! After another gunshot, nearby the old guard heard transmitted distance extremely near shouting, his has not lifted, the left hand then took advantage of opportunity to touch into the chest front, a short-sword also appeared in his hands, the next second, his body then as if vanished to present the movement baseless entrance nearby about several meters, the twinkling of short-sword in the air cut, a corpse dropped down, a head of swelling distortion tumbled on the ground. 又一声枪响之后,老看守听到附近传来了距离极近的嘶吼,他头也没抬,左手便顺势摸入胸前,一柄短剑随之出现在他手中,下一秒,他的身体便仿佛凭空消失又出现般移动到了门口旁边数米开外,短剑在空气中瞬息斩下,一具尸体倒下,一颗肿胀变形的头颅滚落在地上。 The old person looked down one, saw on that head to only have a gigantic eye impressively. 老人低头看了一眼,看到那头颅上赫然只有一颗硕大的眼睛。 In the heart stunned only continued the flash, the old person has returned to the hut entrance again, simultaneously lifts the muzzle, aimed at another to sway the shadow that flushed toward here in the mist. 心中错愕只持续了一瞬间,老人已经再度回到小屋门口,同时抬起枪口,指向了又一个在雾气中摇摇晃晃朝这边冲来的阴影。 Deducts the trigger, the spear/gun has not actually made a sound, only hears the rifle bolt hangs spatially ka the sound. 扣下扳机,枪却没响,只传来枪机挂空的咔哒声。 The old person look changes, receives rapidly the short-sword, with emptying the hand touches ammunition case —— of waist to be completely empty. 老人眼神微变,迅速将短剑收起,用空出来的手去摸腰间的子弹袋——已经空空如也。 After the moment is silent, the old guard sighed: Also good, quantity similar......” 片刻沉默之后,老看守叹了口气:“也好,数量差不多了……” He puts down has hit the spatial hunting rifle, puts out a hand to fish out the own short-sword again, looks up sways forms that appears to these from the mist. 他放下已经打空的猎枪,伸手再度摸出自己的短剑,抬头看向那些从雾气中摇摇晃晃浮现出的一个个身影。 Slight the sound from transmits behind. 一阵轻微的吱嘎声从身后传来。 The guarding hut was opened from inside. 看守小屋被人从里面打开了。 The old person turns head stunned, saw that Annie is visiting him cautiously. 老人错愕地扭头,看到安妮正小心翼翼地看着他。 In the little miss hand closely grabs one to load good high power rifle —— that is his reserve weapon. 小姑娘手中紧紧抓着一支装填好的大口径步枪——那是他的备用武器。 But in little girl, is the every large or small several ammunition cases and caissons. 而在小女孩脚下,是大大小小好几个子弹袋和弹药箱。 On the floor can see the obvious scratch, these heavy things were Annie take the big effort to tow to entrain from the corner obviously. 地板上可以看到明显的划痕,这些沉重的东西显然是安妮费了好大力气从墙角拖拽过来的。 Guards the grandfather, with this,” Annie lifts the hand, somewhat gives the present old person the rifle with effort, can apply?” “看守爷爷,用这个,”安妮抬起手,有些费力地把步枪交给眼前的老人,“能派上用场吗?” „...... The energy, after” moment is silent, the old person nods, puts out a hand to receive the rifle, simultaneously throws to the girl the double-barreled shotguns, filling.” “……能,”片刻沉默之后,老人点了点头,伸手接过步枪,同时将双管猎枪抛给女孩,“装填。”
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