DSE :: Volume #5

#405: Hits and regains consciousness

Was the fog, the whole world as if sinks to a deep pool chaos grayish white fluid deep place everywhere, the myriad things of place of seeing blurred the boundary in this fog, the city of distant place, the path in vicinity...... became ambiguous is all unclear. 到处都是雾,整个世界仿佛都被沉入了一潭混混沌沌的灰白流体深处,入目之处的万物都在这雾中模糊了边界,远处的城市,近处的道路……全都变得暧昧不清。 In the underground movement period of time, the scene in surface turned into the appearance that oneself did not know merely completely. 仅仅是在地下活动了一段时间,地表上的景象就完全变成了自己不认识的模样。 Hurries back Agatha of surface to stand from the second waterway in the communications post exits, somewhat looks at the condition on street stunned, 从第二水路匆匆返回地表的阿加莎站在交通站出口,有些错愕地看着街道上的状况, Now on the path could not have seen the pedestrian completely, under the thick fog , is only left over one group of including nearby street light floats in the midair, the dim glow, in addition, then can only see that some dark-red lights move when the fog slowly, the middle mixes with the steam mechanism/organization is operating sound —— that is the caution light of steam walkie-talkie top of the head is glittering. 现在道路上已经完全看不到行人,浓雾之下,连附近的路灯也只剩下一团漂浮在半空的、朦朦胧胧的辉光,除此之外,便只能看到有一些暗红色的灯光在雾中慢慢移动,中间夹杂着蒸汽机关运行时的声响——那是蒸汽步行机头顶的警示灯在闪烁。 „ The City-State guard and public security officer army has rushed to various crossroads, now in various city area forbidden undertake transfer of personnel, 城邦卫队和治安官部队已经奔赴各处路口,现在各城区之间严禁人员流动, The civilian vehicle all forbids to start off, 民间车辆一律禁止上路, Cannot return to the people in family/home to be arranged nearby to take refuge from danger promptly, 未能及时返回家中的民众被安排就近避险, Pastor Church who comes to aid said to the Agatha report,most curtain of night sanctuaries have been kept at full strength, ”一名前来接应的教会牧师对阿加莎汇报道,“大部分夜幕庇护所已经满员了, We can only coordinate the security department to diverge in the church, warehouse and recent underground station the people. ” 我们只能配合治安部门把民众分流到教堂、仓库和最近的地铁站里。” Speaking of this, this pastor stopped, 说到这,这位牧师停顿了一下, Sighed layer on layer/heavily. 重重叹了口气。 Oh...... more people can arrange the library and so on place takes refuge from danger, but piles up the book collection the place to start to have the corroded phenomenon now, all book stacks were blocked the time that...... the mist ascended happen to are in City-State most factories change shifts the time, “唉……原本更多人可以安排到图书馆之类的地方避险的,但堆积藏书的地方现在开始出现侵蚀现象,所有书库都被封锁了……雾气升腾的时间正好是城邦中大部分工厂换班的时候, Too many people were far away from the main house gate. ” 太多人远离家门了。” Agatha has not responded, but took back the vision from the street slowly, 阿加莎没有回应,只是慢慢从街头收回了目光, Looks up the sky looking pensive. 若有所思地抬起头看着天空。 The fog in heavy/thick cloud layer and City-State camouflaged the sky, 厚重的云层和城邦内的雾霭遮蔽了天空, Skylight gloomy is ordinary like the dusk, 天光暗淡的如同黄昏一般, But in that chaos bright backdrop, could not have seen the shadow of Sun. 而在那混沌未明的天幕中,看不到太阳的影子。 „The present is the daytime......” she said in a soft voice. “现在是白天……”她轻声说道。 Yes, “是的, The present is during the daytime, 现在是白天, But this strange fog possibly disturbed the strength of Sun, ” pastor brings an anxiety seriously, corrosion that in library presents because of this......” 但这诡异的雾可能干扰了太阳的力量,”牧师面色凝重中带着一丝紧张,“图书馆里出现的侵蚀就是因为这个……” „ Nothing can disturb strength —— of Sun in the daytime, so long as Vision 001 hangs in the space, “没有什么东西能在白天干扰太阳的力量——只要异象001挂在天上, Even cloud covering sunlight, entire city dark like curtain of night, the strength of Sun will not weaken, ” Agatha shakes the head gently, judged according to me, this thick fog is not the reason, how is it possibly only phenomenon that’ a bigger crisis initiates...... the situation on mountain?” 即便云层遮挡了阳光,整个城市暗如夜幕,太阳的力量也不会削弱,”阿加莎轻轻摇了摇头,“依我判断,这层浓雾不是原因,它可能只是一个更大危机所引发的‘现象’……山上的情况怎样?” In Cathedral is filled with the person now,” pastor said fast, but at the same time, several steam walkie-talkie of caution light ka ka is arriving at the communications post to export in nearby open area, among walkie-talkies, is a vehicle that is hanging the Church flag, met your car(riage) to come, we first returned to the mountain, on the road said again.” 大教堂里现在挤满了人,”牧师飞快说道,而与此同时,有几架开着警示灯的蒸汽步行机咔咔地走到了交通站出口附近的空地上,步行机之间,则是一辆悬挂着教会旗帜的车子,“接您的车来了,我们先返回山上,路上再说。” Agatha and pastor sneaked in the vehicle, the steam walkie-talkie made the light of powerful toward that thick fog, on path that in shone upon reluctantly, vehicle start, 阿加莎与牧师钻进车子,蒸汽步行机向着那片浓雾打出了强力的灯光,在勉强映照出的道路上,车辆起步, Beyond wants the slow vehicle speed to go to be located in the summit compared with the normal speed Cathedral. 以远比正常速度要慢的车速前往位于山顶的大教堂 Haze time, “起雾的时候, Many prayers and tourists are detained on the mountain, 还有很多祷告者和游客滞留在山上, Cathedral sheltered everyone as far as possible, 大教堂尽可能庇护了所有人, Really cannot receive, arranged in nearby old church museum, that side the city hall also arranged the shelter, has not stayed outside, ” on the vehicle, the pastor continued to report the situation to Agatha, Ivan Archbishop has stabilized at present stays in a brothel overnight the potential, without letting scared spread in the church, he from started to use the spirit to be able a moment ago the communication and churches in various City-State places maintains the contact, so far, has not appeared because of the pollution that the community caused scared......” 实在收不进去的,就安排到了旁边的旧教堂博物馆里,市政厅那边也安排了庇护所,算是没有把人留在外面,”在车上,牧师继续对阿加莎汇报着情况,“伊凡大主教目前已经稳定住局势,没有让恐慌在教堂内蔓延开,他从刚才开始就在用灵能通讯和城邦各处的教堂保持联络,目前为止,还没有出现因群体恐慌而导致的污染……” A low and deep mechanical bellow transmits from the glass, Agatha turns head to look that to direction that the sound conveys. 一阵低沉的机械轰鸣声从车窗外传来,阿加莎扭头看向声音传来的方向。 She noticed that several long in the air guide rails extend from the mountain road, across the thick fog, the directional distant place, the standing tall and erect support tower is lifting the track like the giant, there is a jet black goods warehouse to be hanging in together on track, is thundering to drive to the thick fog deep place, around the goods warehouse red caution light like many eyes, glitters to keep in the mist. 她看到数条长长的空中导轨从山路上方延伸出去,穿过浓雾,指向远方,高耸的支撑塔如巨人般托举着轨道,又有漆黑的货仓悬挂在其中一道轨道上,正轰鸣着向浓雾深处驶去,货仓周围的红色警示灯如同许多眼睛,在雾气中闪烁不停。 That is the transportation system of Boiling Gold mine, will mine the Boiling Gold undressed ore that from the mine pits is transported through these giant packing containers and ravine tracks to breaking at the foot of the hill, separates the factories and big furnaces. 那是沸金矿山的运输系统,从矿井内开采出的沸金原矿会通过那些巨大的货箱和山间轨道被运到山脚下的破碎、分选工厂和大熔炉。 „...... Is the mine track still operating?” Agatha has turned the head surprisedly, looks to nearby pastor, „haven't workers gone to seek asylum?” “……矿山轨道还在运行?”阿加莎惊讶地转过头,看向一旁的牧师,“工人们没有去避难吗?” Meanwhile, in her mind appears was actually a short time ago in the scene that the underground deep place sees, that the ancient ore that dries up had then said dozens years ago. 与此同时,她脑海中浮现出的却是前不久才在地下深处看到的景象,那条在几十年前便已经枯竭的古老矿道。 Worker definitely sought asylum,” pastor, when saw that orbital packing container appears is also very surprised, but is definitely replies very much, mine church has confirmed. Now passes possibly is the last batch of undressed ore that the tunneling area delivers, should be difference engine automatic arrangement —— you know the Boiling Gold undressed ore that mines will stay period of time to pack off in the storing area, on the procedure/program paper tape will establish, the machine will only illuminate holds......” “工人肯定都去避难了,”牧师在看到那轨道货箱的时候显得也很惊讶,但还是很肯定地回答道,“矿山教堂已经确认过。现在过去的可能是掘进区送上来的最后一批原矿,应该是差分机自动安排的——您知道的,开采上来的沸金原矿在堆储区停留一段时间就会被送走,程序纸带上设定的,机器只会照着执……” A discomforting bellow transmits from thick fog another suddenly, breaks the words that the pastor vowed solemnly, everyone's vision looked instantaneously to direction that the sound conveys, actually only saw that another jet black goods warehouse cage drove —— to be located in the same track from another end of in the air track with just the passing over gently and swiftly mountain road above goods warehouse fast. 一阵令人不安的轰鸣声突然从浓雾另一头传来,打断了牧师信誓旦旦的话语,所有人的目光瞬间看向声音传来的方向,却只看到另一座漆黑的货仓轿厢从空中轨道的另一端飞快驶来——与刚刚掠过山道上空的货仓位于同一条轨道。 Must run upon!!” “要撞上了!!” The pastor only exudes one to call out in alarm with enough time, the earth-shaking hit has then happened, fierce hit of two rows of goods warehouses on in the air track, sends out thundering and explosion of terrifying, the goods warehouse side cover is torn, glitters the pale golden gloss ore to sprinkle like the rainstorm to the hillside , follows fierce swings of two rows of goods warehouse on track to rock, the power round and the auxiliary wheel falls off, the wheel axle break, the cage of changing beyond all recognition braves the spark and thick smoke of twinkle falls towards the mountain valley. 牧师只来得及发出一声惊呼,惊天动地的撞击便已经发生,两列货仓在空中轨道上猛烈撞击,发出恐怖的轰鸣与爆炸,货仓侧盖被撕裂,闪烁着淡金色光泽的矿石如暴雨般泼向山坡,紧接着,伴随两列货仓在轨道上的剧烈摇摆晃动,动力轮和辅助轮脱落,轮轴断裂,面目全非的轿厢冒着闪烁的火花和浓烟坠向山谷。 The wreckage fragment that drops from the clouds together almost scratches the vehicle roof that Agatha is riding, pounds ruthlessly in the roadside. 一块从天而降的残骸碎片几乎擦着阿加莎乘坐的车顶,狠狠砸在路旁。 But has not waited for the person on vehicle to respond, another made the person of tooth acid, extremely fearful metal tearing sound then transmitted from the upper air again. 而还不等车上的人反应过来,另一阵令人牙酸的、极其可怕的金属撕裂声便再度从高空传来。 That say/way withstood the in the air track of huge impact in the twist deformation, haunches top in which iron tower of track sparks flying in all directions, are tying tight the steel girder and steel wire flip-flop the break, an entire track then pounds to fall later directly from the sky! 那道承受了剧烈冲击的空中轨道在扭曲变形,撑起轨道的其中一座铁塔顶部火花四溅,紧绷着的钢梁与钢索噼噼啪啪地断裂,随后一整段轨道便直接从上空砸落下来! Avoids quickly!” “快躲开!” The pastor on vehicle calls out in alarm immediately loudly, before he opens the mouth, the motorcade has then started Fallen Item —— several steam walkie-talkies that avoid that to drop from the clouds to disperse immediately, before situated in team central the steam motor car accelerates suddenly to/clashes, after the soul-stirring several seconds of type, terrifying thundering transmits from Agatha behind. 车上的牧师立刻高声惊呼,而在他开口之前,车队便已经开始躲避那从天而降的坠落物——几台蒸汽步行机立刻分散,位于队伍中央的蒸汽车则猛然加速前冲,在惊心动魄的几秒种后,一阵恐怖的轰鸣从阿加莎身后传来。 She has turned head, saw that the track of that say/way break has pounded on the mountain road, thoroughly destroyed this road, two steam walkie-talkies were cut off opposite of Fallen Item, lucky has not been injured —— they to step the long mechanical segmental appendage, starts to climb up nearby mountain massif, the white high pressure steam spews out from the armor plate slits, fuses together with the thick fog of surroundings. 她回过头,看到那道断裂的轨道已经砸在山路上,彻底摧毁了这条干道,两台蒸汽步行机被阻隔在坠落物对面,万幸的是并未受伤——它们迈动着长长的机械节肢,开始攀爬旁边的山体,白色高压蒸汽从装甲板缝隙间喷涌而出,与周围的浓雾融为一体。 „2nd and No. 4 walkie-talkie cannot come, they should be prepare to crawl to the above track detour to return to Cathedral, we did not use they,” Agatha turn head looked at one, judged and tells quickly, continued to hurry along.” “二号、四号步行机过不来,它们应该是准备爬到上面的小道绕路返回大教堂,我们不用等它们了,”阿加莎回头看了一眼,很快判断并吩咐道,“继续赶路。” At a crucial moment......” nearby pastor could not bear scratch the forehead cold sweat, almost pounded gets up to the end.” “千钧一发……”一旁的牧师忍不住擦了擦额头冷汗,“差一点就砸到头上了。” Agatha has not spoken suddenly. 阿加莎却一时间没有说话。 A moment ago was that accidental/surprised?...... Malicious? 刚才那是意外?还是……恶意? Why should on the unidirectional bicycle general mine track present one row to the goods warehouse cage of travel? 为什么本应单向单车通行的矿山轨道上会出现一列对向行驶的货仓轿厢? The worker in mine sought asylum at this time, the operator of orbital system theoretically after setting the last class of train also goes seeks asylum...... the goods warehouse to hang up the track last step to have the insurance lock, if on the track has other goods warehouses, will not start out...... the difference engine to control this process, but the difference engine of normal operation will not make mistakes, the gear and work driving arm will carry out on the punch paper tape to establish the good procedure/program loyally, during meshing of metal do not have the vacillation. 矿山的工人这时候都去避难了,轨道系统的操作者理论上会在设置完最后一班列车之后也前去避难……货仓挂上轨道的最后一步有保险锁,如果轨道上存在其他货仓,就绝不会发车……差分机控制着这个过程,而正常运行的差分机是不会犯错的,齿轮与拨杆将忠诚执行打孔纸带上设定好的程序,金属的啮合间不存在动摇。 „The difference engine of mine possibly had problems......” Agatha as if to think aloud that said. “矿山的差分机可能出问题了……”阿加莎仿佛自言自语般说道。 Moreover has problems possibly incessantly is difference engine —— of mine, if the library in can present the evil spirits to corrode in broad daylight, then the coverage scope and urgent degree of this mutation will surpass everyone to imagine. 而且出问题的可能不止是矿山的差分机——如果图书馆在大白天都能出现邪祟侵蚀,那么这场异变的覆盖范围和紧急程度将超出所有人想象。 ...... …… The alarm biography on remote street hears indistinctly, the cold wind of chaotic disorder goes through in the spacious graveyard recklessly, the thick fog is covering all in field of vision, but in mist that this cannot melt, as if some innumerable low and deep twittering is overlapping and reverberating, just like dead not law-abiding moving restlessly. 遥远街道上的警铃声缥缈地传入耳中,混乱无序的冷风在空旷的墓园中肆意穿行,浓雾笼罩着视野中的一切,而在这化不开的雾气里,又仿佛有无数低沉的呢喃正在重迭、回响,宛若亡者不安分的躁动。 The sound that the rifle bolt insurance opens broke the tranquility in graveyard, an inspection lamp weak brilliance emerged from the shadow in fog, the lower back rickets old person was gripping tightly that loyal reliable double-barreled shotgun, such as the vigilant sentry stood on the track, is staring in the fog stubbornly these neat arrangements coffins. 枪机保险打开的声响打破了墓园中的平静,一盏提灯微弱的光辉驱散了雾中的阴影,腰背佝偻的老人紧握着那柄忠诚可靠的双管猎枪,如机警的哨兵般站在小道上,死死盯着雾中那些整齐排列的棺木。 Twittering the sound is only the misconception, at least now or the misconception, these coffins still treated honestly on the morgue stage, the person in coffin is still also lying down in the —— however air the strange atmosphere not to hide the truth from the sensation of veteran honestly. 呢喃声只是错觉,至少现在还是错觉,那些棺材仍然老老实实地待在停尸台上,棺材里的人也都还在老老实实地躺着——然而空气中诡异的气氛瞒不过老兵的感知。 He knows, some matter are happening, this graveyard today absolutely is was not possible to be law-abiding —— oneself care these resident , some are regaining consciousness gradually. 他知道,有些事情正在发生,这墓园今天绝对是不可能安分下来了——自己所“照料”的这些“住客”里,有一些正在渐渐苏醒。
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