DSE :: Volume #5

#404: Staggered

The moist gloomy and cold second waterway corridor, Gatekeeper taking a step trend darker deep place. 潮湿阴冷的第二水路走廊,守门人在迈步走向更黑暗的深处。 Is total wreck on behalf of the black clothes of City-State securer, the operational cane of special technical manufacture has been scarred, the ache and exhausted as if turned into some remote illusion, the ear bank transmitted, only then echo of bottom deep place empty echo. 代表城邦保卫者的黑衣早已破烂不堪,特殊技术制造的作战手杖已伤痕累累,疼痛与疲惫都仿佛变成了某种遥远的幻觉,耳畔传来的,只有地底深处空洞回响的回声。 The blood as if soon drained away, but the heart was still beating, the death was so imminent, during the breath, as if can feel World of the Dead that ice-cold —— in this darkness alone corridor, did not have the ally again, very long has not seen the enemy. 血似乎快要流尽了,但心脏仍在跳动,死亡是如此迫近,呼吸间,仿佛都能感受到亡者世界的那份冰冷——在这黑暗孤寂的走廊中,再无战友,也已经很久不曾看到敌人。 But still had the thing to accompany the Agatha vanguard, goes to the dead end of travel in this, having one bunch is not really bright, but the flame of some slightly temperatures. 但仍有东西在陪伴阿加莎前行,在这赴死之旅的末路,有一簇不甚明亮,但略有些温度的火苗。 The left hand of Agatha holds in the chest front, is protecting that bunch of baseless beat cautiously fire seed, the flame spooky green reflected to shine her chin, reflected to shine little segment path on surrounding corridor, she is feeling, even enjoyed this point fire seed to take to some own temperature ——, because she can feel, front path already even more ice-cold. 阿加莎的左手托在胸前,小心翼翼地护着那一簇凭空跳动的“火种”,火焰的幽幽绿色映亮了她的下巴,也映亮了周围走廊上的一小段路,她感受着,甚至享受着这一点火种带给自己的些许温度——因为她能感觉到,前方的道路已经愈发冰冷。 Also or, what ice-cold is her oneself this body. 亦或者,冰冷的是她自己这幅躯体。 I have crossed the Upper District four corners, is close to the Boiling Gold mine pit peripheral branch corridor......” Agatha saying to that flame in a soft voice, she raised the head, the vision has swept a data plate on side front wall, on the motley ancient data plate, writes Chengqu Subdistrict —— this that the sewer corresponds to help her determine that oneself the position, on this section of road has almost not run into the enemy at present, but the road is getting more and more difficult to walk, one type...... suffocating ice-cold is delaying my footsteps.” “我已经越过上城区的交叉路口,正在接近沸金矿井周边的分支走廊……”阿加莎轻声对那火苗说道,她抬起头,目光扫过侧前方墙壁上的一块铭牌,斑驳古老的铭牌上,写有下水道对应的城区街道——这能帮助她确定自己目前所处的位置,“这段路上几乎没遇到敌人,但路越来越难走,有一种……令人窒息的冰冷在拖延我的脚步。” A dignity low and deep sound resounds in her heart directly: Perhaps, these heretic have given up delaying your footsteps...... they to concentrate on with the lackey the final time.” 一个威严低沉的声音直接在她心底响起:“或许,那些邪教徒已经放弃用爪牙来拖延你的脚步……他们正在将精力放在最后的时刻上。” Outside situation how?” “外面的情况怎么样?” Had the thick fog, the fog covered entire City-State, the City-State guard is keeping the order and urges the resident to go home, some crossroads have been able to see that Guardian squad —— they brought is going on night patrol with the inspection lamp, because the thick fog is preventing the strength of Sun,” Agatha heart that dignified sound said, around City-State, in the sea level also in the haze, the coverage scope possibly extended to over a hundred nautical miles beyond.” “起了大雾,雾笼罩整个城邦,城邦卫队正在维持秩序并催促居民回家,一些路口已经能看到守卫者小队——他们带着巡夜用的提灯,因为浓雾正在阻挡太阳的力量,”阿加莎心底那个威严的声音说道,“在城邦周围,海面上也在起雾,覆盖范围可能延伸到上百海里之外。” „...... These heresies took action,” Agatha said in a soft voice, perhaps was my action stimulates them, making them begin ahead of time......” “……那些异端采取行动了,”阿加莎轻声说道,“或许是我的行动刺激到了他们,让他们提前动手……” Your condition is not quite as if good.” “你的状况似乎不太好。” I possibly somewhat injure heavily,” Agatha continues to walk forward, she felt that the own breath is somewhat serious, but the mind was instead more sober than any time in the past, does not need to be worried for me, I have prepared for —— that went to I delivering to their lairs your fire seed, regardless in what way.” “我可能伤得有些重,”阿加莎继续向前走着,她感觉自己的呼吸有些沉重,但头脑反而比以往任何时候都要清醒,“不过不必为我担心,我已做好赴死的准备——我会将您的火种送到他们的巢穴里,无论以何种方式。” I hope that looks you live are completing this task, although Agatha —— you is the God of Death envoy, but is not necessary to worry to look for the Bartok registration. Right, speaking of this me is a little suddenly curious, to your God of Death Priest, death this matter...... was the demotion or being promoted?” “我更希望看着你活着完成这项任务,阿加莎——虽然伱是死亡之神的使者,但大可不必这么着急去找巴托克报到。对了,说到这我突然有点好奇,对你们这些死亡之神神官而言,‘死亡’这件事……到底算是降职还是升职?” Agatha was startled, pulls the corners of the mouth: Your sense of humor really made my accidental/surprised —— be sorry, this issue I also really had no way to reply, perhaps death Priest through the ages had not pondered this matter, later if possible...... I think well.” 阿加莎怔了一下,扯扯嘴角:“您的幽默感真令我意外——抱歉,这个问题我还真没法回答,恐怕古往今来的死亡神官们都没有思考过这件事情,之后有机会的话……我会好好想想的。” Good, wish you to find the answer.” “好,祝你找到答案。” The sound in mind was quiet temporarily, is Agatha breathes a sigh of relief —— not to know gently the misconception, she felt suddenly the own breath is not difficult a moment ago exhaustedly, even the footsteps became slightly relaxed a point. 脑海中的声音暂时沉寂了,阿加莎轻轻舒了口气——不知是不是错觉,她突然感觉自己的呼吸没有刚才那么艰难疲惫,连脚步都变得稍微轻松了一点。 She looks at the fire seed that a left hand lifted, protects cautiously it, takes a step to pass through together the crossroad. 她看了一眼左手托举的火种,小心翼翼地将它护住,迈步走过又一道路口。 Some water current overflow from a nearby discharge tunnel, formed a small water in the ground, water tranquil like mirror, is producing an inverted image the dim waterway vault. 有水流从附近的一条排水道中溢出,在地面上形成了一片小小的积水,积水平静如镜,其中倒映着昏暗的水路穹顶。 Agatha oversteps this water, in the tranquil water surface flood aliquation level fluctuation —— shatter inverted image, shines upon one to wear the black windproof coat and body to twine in the ceremony bandage and hand suddenly to propose the form of tin cane. 阿加莎踏过这积水,平静的水面泛起层层波动——陡然破碎的倒影中,映照着一个身穿黑色风衣、身上缠绕着仪式绷带、手中提着锡制手杖的身影。 When that form walks in Agatha comes the direction, in this short instance, their front surface. 那身影向着阿加莎来时的方向走去,在这短暂的瞬间,她们迎面而过。 ...... …… Agatha stopped the footsteps suddenly, some doubts looked that to place that oneself just passed through, she sees there to have a flake water, is still exuded layer upon layer the ripple by the water surface that on the footsteps alarm. 阿加莎突然停下了脚步,有些疑惑地看向自己刚刚走过的地方,她看到那里有一小片积水,被脚步惊扰的水面上仍泛着层层波纹。 In the turbulent shatter water surface, could not have seen a moment ago that instantaneous inverted image, but Agatha always thought that oneself saw anything a moment ago probably. 动荡破碎的水面中,已经看不到刚才那瞬间的倒影,但阿加莎总觉得自己刚才好像看到了什么东西。 That is a form, probably her own, actually does not look like —— that form to wear a tattered black clothes, the whole body is scarred, looked as if experienced the fights, but its march direction, was actually the deep place of second waterway. 那是一个身影,像是她自己的,却又不太像——那身影穿着一袭破烂的黑衣,浑身伤痕累累,看上去仿佛经历了一场又一场战斗,而其行进方向,却是第二水路的深处。 Place that oneself just left. 那正是自己刚刚离开的地方。 Probably is somewhat sudden, the voice of subordinate oneself stops from conveys behind: Gatekeeper? What happened?” 大概是自己停下的有些突然,部下的声音从身后传来:“守门人?发生什么事了?” That water......” Agatha has turned head, is pointing at not far away, a moment ago in? What strange scene do in you see present?” “那片积水……”阿加莎回过头,指着不远处,“刚才就在吗?你们有没有看到里面出现什么奇怪的景象?” Water?” The subordinates have looked back one, some expression doubts, it a moment ago there......, but I had not seen that anything is strange.” “积水?”部下回过头看了一眼,表情有些疑惑,“它刚才就在那里……但我没看到有什么奇怪的。” Agatha has not spoken, is only suddenly silent, for a very long time is gazing at that still in the water surface of rocking, long time, in her look had/left one gradually dignified and thinking. 阿加莎没有说话,只是突然沉默下来,久久地注视着那仍在晃动的水面,良久,她的眼神中才渐渐多出了一丝凝重与思索。 What were you see?” The subordinates cannot bear some worries. “您是看到什么了吗?”部下忍不住有些担心。 Agatha was also silent the moment, shakes the head gently: Does not need to be worried, all are good, all...... good.” 阿加莎又沉默了片刻,才轻轻摇摇头:“不必担心,一切都好,一切……都好。” Subordinates obviously still some doubts, but facing the higher authority dignified look, he restrained many curiosity, and changed the topic promptly: What did you discover opposite of that door a moment ago? Felt after you come back the expression is always very serious......” 部下显然仍有些疑惑,但面对上级凝重的神色,他还是收敛起了过多的好奇心,并及时转换话题:“您刚才在那扇门对面发现了什么?感觉您回来之后的表情就总是很严肃……” In the heart the chaotic train of thought draws in rapidly, Agatha raised the head, looked that has vanished to a waste barrow front door when to oneself came a moment ago direction —— that say/way in crossroad another side, but she still clearly records discovery of oneself in that dark ore say/way. 心中纷乱的思绪迅速收拢,阿加莎抬起头,看向自己刚才来时的方向——那道通往废弃矿道的大门已经消失在路口的另一侧,但她仍然清晰地记着自己在那条幽暗矿道中的发现。 She not in that ore mileage exploration too for a long time, but after confirming own discovered that then the old route returned to the second waterway, and led to step hurriedly road —— that returned to the foothold stemming from the necessary discretion, she to the present with the subordinates had not disclosed that oneself discovered anything after that door. 她没有在那条矿道里探索太长时间,而是在确认自己的发现之后便原路返回了第二水路,并急匆匆地带队踏上了返回据点的路——出于必要的谨慎,她到现在还没有跟部下们透露自己到底在那扇门后发现了什么。 Even if to the present, she does not know how should to the present black clothes guards explain that frightened strange...... suspicion. 哪怕到了现在,她也不知道该怎么跟眼前的黑衣守卫们解释那个过于惊悚离奇的……“猜想”。 After hesitating shortly, she has turned around , to continue walks toward the foothold direction. 短暂犹豫之后,她转过身,继续向据点方向走去。 After taking a section of road, she as if thought aloud that suddenly said in a soft voice: „Does Cold Frost...... maintain the survival by what?” 走了一段路之后,她才突然仿佛自言自语般轻声说道:“寒霜……以什么维持生存?” Maintains the survival by what?” The subordinates are startled slightly, suddenly has not responded, several seconds later will be hesitating the opens the mouth, „do you mean...... the source of income of City-State? Boiling Gold business?” “以什么维持生存?”部下微微一怔,一时间没反应过来,过了几秒钟才迟疑着开口,“您是说……城邦的经济来源?沸金生意?” Boiling Gold is the blood of Cold Frost, the mine pit is the heart of City-State......” Agatha is thinking aloud in a soft voice, was saying makes the black clothes guards feel the puzzled words, we have not as if thought that this heart can have stops beating the time......” 沸金寒霜的血液,矿井是城邦的心脏……”阿加莎轻声自言自语着,说着让黑衣守卫们感到困惑的话语,“我们似乎都没有想过,这颗心脏会有停止跳动的时候……” Another black clothes guard cannot bear go forward, on the face brings an anxiety: You......” 另一名黑衣守卫忍不住上前,脸上带着一丝紧张:“您……” Agatha lifts the hand gently, interrupted the words of subordinate. 阿加莎轻轻抬起手,打断了部下的话。 First do not think so many, all still Wufa determined, I truly see something opposite of that door, but whether to disclose to you specifically, but also needs with Archbishop to discuss that is good.” “先别想这么多了,一切尚无法确定,我确实在那扇门对面看到一些东西,但具体能否对你们透露,还需要与大主教商议才行。” She has calmed down from beforehand disturbed. 她已经从之前的心绪不宁中冷静下来。 oneself was perhaps nervous, that was only drying up waste barrow said that but regarding ancient mine pits that mined many years, 12 ore say/way dried up are not worth the surprised matter, the City-State city hall follow-up blockade decision was very possible is other reason —— some type once existed, the pollution that but has abated now was the most likely situation. 自己或许过于神经紧张了,那只是一条枯竭的废弃矿道而已,而对于一个开采了许多年的古老矿井,一两条矿道枯竭并不是什么值得惊讶的事情,城邦市政厅后续的封锁决定很可能是别的原因——某种曾经存在,但如今已经消退的污染是最有可能的情况。 Draws a conclusion absurdly is the taboo in investigation. 妄下结论是调查中的大忌。 Agatha shakes the head, in the mind actually cannot help but appeared to flicker the scene in that water seeing a moment ago. 阿加莎摇了摇头,脑海中却又不由得浮现出了刚才在那片积水中看到的一瞬情景。 Line of that in the inverted image and oneself reversion, the experience fights the bloodstained...... oneself. 那个在倒影中与自己逆向而行的,历战染血的……“自己”。 Agatha closed the eye slightly, grips tightly the knuckle of cane because of making an effort, but some slightly blanches, but a moment later, she then opens eyes to look to the front, on the face the expression has returned to normal. 阿加莎微微闭上了眼睛,紧握着手杖的指节因用力而略有些发白,但片刻之后,她便重新睁眼看向前方,脸上表情已然恢复平静。 Some oneself also many things must be done. 自己还有许多事情要做。 In the silence, Agatha led the Guardian squad to return to the foothold situated in underground intersection, but just returned to here, she then detected that the surrounding atmosphere somewhat seemed to be unusual. 在沉默中,阿加莎带领着守卫者小队返回了位于地下十字路口的据点,而刚一回到这里,她便察觉到了周围的气氛似乎有些异样。 A slightly somewhat tight aura is covering the foothold, had to seem like just the pastor who got down from the shaft to talk with the defense head in foothold intensely anything, before several, cleaned up the steam walkie-talkie of branch road to be summoned ahead of time, seems preparing to return to the surface while the elevator. 一种略有些紧张的气息笼罩着据点,有看上去刚从竖井下来的牧师在紧张地跟据点的守备负责人交谈着什么事情,几台之前出发去清理岔路的蒸汽步行机被提前召了回来,似乎正准备乘升降机返回地表。 Agatha goes forward rapidly, but does not wait for her to make noise the inquiry, is responsible for the black clothes of here foothold guarding the commander then to open the mouth fast: Gatekeeper your excellency, in surface condition.” 阿加莎迅速上前,而不等她出声询问,负责此处据点的黑衣守卫指挥官便已经飞快开口:“守门人阁下,地表上出状况了。” Agatha brow tight wrinkle: What situation?” 阿加莎眉头紧皱:“什么情况?” Fog, very big and strange thick fog, covered entire City-State and peripheral sea area, the sky could not see Sun,” commander reports fast, also has the thing of evil spirits to appear in the library and records depository, although was defended the scholars to suppress by the value promptly, but fear that is hurried and spread —— Archbishop of confusion in the city is sending, please go back immediately!” “雾,非常大且诡异的浓雾,笼罩了整座城邦和周边海域,天空连太阳都看不到了,”指挥官飞快汇报,“还有邪祟之物出现在图书馆和档案库,虽然被值守学者们及时镇压,但恐慌和混乱正在城中蔓延——大主教派人下来,请您立刻回去!”
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