DSE :: Volume #5

#403: Truth of depletion

Leads squad fully-armed Guardian, Agatha to leave the advancement foothold that Unit Church built, they across several stockade that is constructed by the simple fortification and fire temporarily, the crossroad that also across was illuminated by the gas lamp together, arrived in a branch corridor most deep place finally. 带领着一小队全副武装的守卫者,阿加莎离开了教会建立的推进据点,他们穿过几道由简易工事和射击位临时构筑的栅栏,又穿过一道被瓦斯灯照亮的路口,最终抵达了一条分支走廊的最深处。 The gas lamp that on the wall mounts exudes the slight fizz, the ancient pipeline system air feed is not steady, making that light appear somewhat drags, dimly, but under not really bright light, can see that together the jet black and heavy/thick alloy front door calmly stands and waits for a long time in the corridor terminal. 墙壁上镶嵌的瓦斯灯发出轻微的嘶嘶声,古老的管道系统供气不稳,令那灯光显得有些摇曳、昏暗,而在不甚明亮的灯光下,可以看到有一道漆黑而厚重的合金大门正静静伫立在走廊末端。 The cane and shoe heel knock the empty echo of sound of ground in the corridor, before Agatha arrived at that leaf of front door, —— perhaps is because the time passes is too long, the seal of this door has actually had problems, between two leaves of strobes can see a narrow slit, but sealed the lead ingot on door bolt seems like attacked unclearly, the middle obvious stretch, tears the sign obviously. 手杖与鞋跟叩击地面的响声在走廊中空洞回响,阿加莎来到了那扇大门前——或许是因为时间过去太久,这扇门的密封其实已经出了问题,两扇闸门之间可以看到一条狭窄的缝隙,而原本封在门闩上的铅块则似乎是受过不明冲击,中间可见明显的拉伸、撕裂迹象。 On front door one side data plate, may see steel seal that the Cold Frost city hall leaves behind. 大门一侧的铭牌上,可看到寒霜市政厅留下的钢印。 This explores army's discovery in this underground deep place, is, strange front door that situated in second waterway central area she and Magistrate Winston mentioned. 这就是探索部队在这地下深处的发现,是她与执政官温斯顿提到的、位于第二水路中心区域的古怪大门。 The city hall blocked this place, Magistrate oneself actually knew nothing —— to lose with this door related material about existence of this door, it could trace the queen years just-concluded that chaotic age, the turbulent situation made this door vanish by the disciple back secret in the memory of people. 市政厅封锁了这个地方,执政官本人却对这扇门的存在一无所知——与这扇门有关的资料已经遗失,它或许可以追溯到女王时代刚刚结束的那个混乱年代,动荡的局势让这扇门以及门背后的秘密都消失在了众人的记忆里。 Behind this can be the lair that these Annihilationists hide? Also or Frost Queen riddle that Norah leaves the world? 这后面会是那些湮灭教徒藏身的巢穴吗?亦或者寒霜女王蕾・诺拉留给世人的谜团? Agatha puts out a hand, touches the rough heavy/thick alloy shutter gently, the sense of touch that the fingertip transmits is not knowing why appears somewhat slow numb, only then that icy cold is especially clear. 阿加莎伸出手,轻轻触碰着粗糙厚重的合金门板,指尖传来的触觉不知为何显得有些迟钝麻木,只有那股冰凉格外清晰。 Can open this door?” A black clothes guards the first half step to ask, Magistrate that side permission had gotten down......” “要打开这扇门吗?”一名黑衣守卫上前半步问道,“执政官那边的许可已经下来了……” Mr. Winston truly issued the permission, but this type dust-laden many years of the front doors in the darkness cannot open rashly,” Agatha shakes the head gently, its back possible seal thing —— of danger I am first going opposite to examine the situation.” “温斯顿先生确实下达了许可,但这种在黑暗中尘封多年的大门不能贸然打开,”阿加莎轻轻摇了摇头,“它背后可能封印着危险的东西——我先去对面查看一下情况。” Nearby Guardian understand immediately the intention of senior official, draws back backward. 附近的守卫者们立刻明白了长官的意图,向后退开。 Agatha raised the head, looks among that crevice folding doors boards, then puts out a hand forward. 阿加莎则抬起头,看向两扇门板中间的那道裂隙,接着向前伸出手去。 Nothing happened, she has doubts knits the brows. 什么都没发生,她疑惑地皱了皱眉。 A black clothes guards to look curiously: Had problems?” 一名黑衣守卫好奇地看过来:“出什么问题了吗?” „...... Not, without issue.” Agatha shakes the head, then gathers the attention again. “……不,没有问题。”阿加莎摇了摇头,接着再度集中起注意力。 Wind curls up in the open area finally, her form changed to the grayish white fog group in the wind, this grey wind circled two before the front door, later drills into that say/way narrow slit. 一股风终于在空地上卷起,她的身影在风中化作了灰白的雾团,这灰风在大门前盘旋了两下,随后钻入那道狭窄的缝隙。 Same place security, waits for Gatekeeper to come back.” “原地警戒,等守门人回来。” The team leader who the black clothes guards confirmed that Agatha across front door, relaxes, starts to tell that the team members establish the security position in the corridor. 黑衣守卫的队长确认阿加莎穿过大门,松了口气,开始吩咐队员们在走廊中设置警戒位。 But in another side, that grayish white tornado after front door slit entered a dim space, the wind circled the moment, the Agatha form then condensed. 而在另一边,那股灰白的旋风穿过大门缝隙之后进入了一片昏暗的空间,风盘旋了片刻,阿加莎的身影便从中凝聚出来。 When Gatekeeper has turned head, looks at oneself came the front door, lowered the head to confirm a oneself situation, knits the brows subconsciously. 守门人回过头,看了一眼自己来时的大门,又低头确认了一下自己身上的情况,下意识地皱了皱眉。 Why...... in the ordinary day has used the custom the god technique to use actually to feel today somewhat jerkily? How many differences even did the body own speed of response appear slowly? 为什么……平日里已经用习惯的神术今天使用起来却感觉有些生涩?甚至身体自己的响应速度都显得慢了几分? After the moment is puzzled, Agatha shakes the head, temporarily the attention will return to the present proper business. 片刻困惑之后,阿加莎摇了摇头,暂时将注意力放回到眼前的正事上。 She looks to all around, the inspection lamp of waist sends out pale yellow luminous, scatters darkness that here lingered, in shadow in all directions seems to be hiding many things of being ready to make trouble, but when she looks with rapt attention, in these darkness is also peaceful. 她看向四周,腰间的提灯散发出昏黄的光亮,驱散了这里萦绕的黑暗,四面八方的阴影中似乎潜藏着许多蠢蠢欲动的事物,但当她凝神看去的时候,那些黑暗中又都安静下来。 A moist gloomy channel, can see that everywhere the exposed soil and is exuding the metallic luster stone, in the inspection lamp not really bright ray, can see for supporting the crossbeam and pillar/backbone of channel, as well as scatters some junks by nearby stone pile. 一条潮湿阴暗的通道,四处还可以看到裸露的泥土和泛着金属光泽的石块,在提灯不甚明亮的光芒中,更可以看到用于支撑通道的横梁、支柱,以及散落在附近石堆旁的一些杂物。 Agatha is knitting the brows, she judged that here scene does not seem like the part of —— normal sewer corridors of second waterway is not this structure, this front door back space...... seemingly is more like one to leave uncultivated for a long time ore to say. 阿加莎皱着眉,她判断出这里的景象不像是第二水路的一部分——正常的下水道走廊不是这个结构,这大门背后的空间……看上去更像是一条荒废已久的矿道。 Did the ore say? 矿道? Agatha raised the head, looks at the above that moist dark rock ceiling looking pensive, but her vision actually as if penetrated that thick rock and soil, has been upward, goes straight to these channels, shafts, machinery and slopeway. 阿加莎抬起头,若有所思地看着上方那潮湿黑暗的岩石顶棚,而她的目光却仿佛穿透了那厚厚的岩石和泥土,一直向上,直抵那些层层迭迭的通道、竖井、机械与坡道。 Boiling Gold mine pit. 沸金矿井。 This second waterway situated in the City-State center, its underground leg peripheral interlocks to go through from the Boiling Gold mine pit, a large number of sewer even books are part of queen years mine pit draining water system, but in these channels...... truly possibly is only away from a door from an ore recent place. 这处第二水路位于城邦中心,其地下支路从沸金矿井周边交错穿行,相当一部分下水道甚至本就是女王时代矿井排水体系的一部分,而这些通道里距离矿道最近的地方……确实可能只隔着一扇门。 She along ore stand forth, in the heart exudes more and more doubts slowly simultaneously unceasingly. 她沿着矿道慢慢向前走去,同时心中不断泛起越来越多的疑惑。 Here is only an ore said that even seems like dark is swallowed and twisted thoroughly, because the Boiling Gold itself/Ben is one type has the Saint metal, micro Boiling Gold that in the rock and soil contain sufficiently resists like the lights and steam corrodes a —— such ore saying that why will be blocked seriously by such a leaf of front door? 这里只是一条矿道而已,甚至看上去还没有被黑暗彻底吞噬、扭曲,因为沸金本就是一种具备圣性的金属,岩石和泥土中蕴含的微量沸金足以像灯火和蒸汽一样抵御侵蚀——这样一条矿道,为什么会被那么一扇大门郑重其事地封锁起来? It was blocked in the place bottom, even this generation of Magistrate do not know that its has ——, if were really the queen years finished the later first-generation city hall issuing the blockade order initially, what unique element that here had, can make them so anxious? 它被封锁在地底,甚至连这一代的执政官都不知道它的存在——如果真是当初女王时代结束之后的第一代市政厅下达了封锁命令,那这里到底有什么特殊之处,要让他们如此紧张? Moreover why this ore had obvious been abandoned...... can like this? It had not been polluted obviously, here does not have the monster, without illusion, no...... 而且这条矿道明显已经被废弃了……为什么会这样?它明明没有被污染,这里没有怪物,没有幻象,也没有…… Boiling Gold. 沸金 Agatha stopped suddenly, the vision has swept ore both sides slopeway below tunneling level, she realized finally gradually the origin of that being out of sorts feeling oneself always feels. 阿加莎突然停了下来,目光扫过矿道两侧坡道下方的掘进层,她终于渐渐意识到了自己始终感觉到的那股违和感的来源。 Here does not have Boiling Gold. 这里没有沸金 ...... …… The city hall, once Banteay Srei uppermost layer, in the dome office, the stature put on weight Magistrate Winston who and wore the blue jacket to manipulate the exquisite machinery in hand slowly. 市政厅,曾经的女王宫最上层,圆顶办公室内,身材发福、穿着蓝色外套的执政官温斯顿慢慢摆弄着手中的精巧机械。 The mechanical model of brass manufacture transmits in his hands slightly ka ka the sound, the gear and connecting rod are rotating, each meshing and revolving, have a precise and ice-cold aesthetic sense. 黄铜制造的机械模型在他手中传来轻微的咔咔响声,齿轮与连杆转动着,每一次啮合、旋转,都带着一种精确而冰冷的美感。 Gear that the intelligent divine creative force, the crystallization of engineering, civilized achievement —— revolves, is the medal and colorful silk ribbon of mortal civilization. 智慧的造物,工程学的结晶,文明的成果——旋转的齿轮,便是凡人文明的勋章与绶带。 Before Winston the mechanical model puts the body, not care with clothes outside the decoration colorful silk ribbon is cleaning greasy dirt near model foundation, after scratching is clean, nods gently, on the face brings to appreciate artware satisfaction to acclaim. 温斯顿将机械模型放到身前,毫不在意地用衣服外的装饰绶带擦拭着模型底座附近的一块油污,擦干净之后轻轻点了点头,脸上带着欣赏艺术品般的满意赞叹。 Boiling Gold is the blood of Cold Frost, the mining machinery is the heart of pump over blood......” 沸金寒霜的血液,矿山机械是泵送鲜血的心脏……” As if thought aloud, as if said that to at present exquisite small machine, Winston is provoking these tiny brass gears with the finger, while is muttering in a soft voice. 仿佛自言自语,又仿佛是说给眼前精巧的小机器,温斯顿一边用手指拨弄着那些细小的黄铜齿轮,一边轻声咕哝着。 50 years...... really such as dream bubble general......” “五十年……真如梦幻泡影一般……” He sets out slowly, paces to move toward the window. 他慢慢起身,踱步走向窗台。 Broad glass out of the window, is fills the thick fog of entire city, the mist ascension winds around, all buildings and paths blurred the outline and boundary, as if must melt in this City-State general, open area opposite that palatial big church, turned into the mist one group of dim unclear shadows, but tall tower and apex that these stand in great numbers, then imitates, if suffocates, the dying giant in the mist. 宽阔的玻璃窗外,是弥漫全城的浓雾,雾气升腾缭绕中,所有的建筑物与道路都模糊了轮廓与边界,仿佛要融化在这座城邦中一般,就连空地对面那座巍峨高大的教堂,也变成了雾气中一团朦胧不清的影子,而那些林立的高塔与尖顶,则仿若在雾气中窒息、垂死的巨人。 Winston expression is gazing at the fog of out of the window tranquilly, he can hear square opposite the alarm of transmitting, can hear the city hall guard and public security officer army's the sound of building up in the square and dispatch. 温斯顿表情平静地注视着窗外的雾,他能听到广场对面传来的警铃声,也能听到市政厅卫队和治安官部队在广场上集结、调度的声音。 Such strange fog, will certainly arouse the vigilance of city hall greatly, ordered even without oneself this Magistrate, the City-State guard strength also first will go into action —— however to keep the order according to the pre-set sequence in the thick fog, perhaps was only then most relaxed one point. 这么大这么诡异的雾,当然会引起市政厅的警觉,哪怕不用自己这个执政官下令,城邦的守卫力量也会按照预定程序先行动起来——然而在浓雾中维持秩序,或许只是接下来最轻松的一环。 Winston in the window advance party a meeting, turned around to arrive at not far away. 温斯顿在窗前站了一会,转身来到不远处。 A small round table places nearby the window, there is a silk threads mist to infiltrate the window seam, floats around the round table, but in like the smoke fog, he sees in that table to put the two kinds thing. 一张小小的圆桌放在窗台附近,有丝丝缕缕的雾气渗过窗缝,漂浮在圆桌周围,而在如烟般的雾中,他看到那桌上放着两样东西。 Same, is one pile already the document of yellowing and embrittlement, different, is a excellent workmanship revolver. 一样,是一摞已经泛黄、脆化的文件,另一样,是一柄做工精美的左轮。 The document with classical form writing and manufacture, the superior paper edge fine complex dye printing lace, has the elegant atmosphere that queen years that is in sole possession of obviously. 文件是用古典格式书写、制作的,上等的纸张边缘可见精美复杂的印花花边,带着女王时代那独有的典雅氛围。 «Boiling Gold Mine pit Dries up Early warning», «to Anomaly Ore Report», «to Extracting from an oil well Sample Check result Analysis»...... 沸金矿井枯竭预警》、《对异常矿道的调查报告》、《对出井样本的检查结果分析》…… Most documents has read the signature date from 1840 to 1845. 大部分文件的已阅签署日期在1840至1845年间。 Reviewing the person inscription is Norah. 批阅人落款是蕾・诺拉。 The revolver is the Magistrate Winston's individual collection, 12 years ago classical designs, even if placed firmly now still still reliable, maintained the appropriate handle and rifle bolt is glossy, seemingly can also serve again 12 years of —— or is longer. 左轮手枪则是执政官温斯顿的个人收藏,十二年前的经典款式,即便放在如今也仍坚固可靠,保养得当的手柄与枪机油润闪亮,看上去似乎还可以再服役十二年——或者更久。 Winston's vision has swept from these documents, finally falls on the revolver. 温斯顿的目光从那些文件上扫过,最后落在左轮手枪上。 He put out a hand to take up this heavy steel, is feeling its ice-cold touch, he opened inspected a cylinder of guns, one drove back the home position the cylinder. 他伸手拿起了这沉甸甸的钢铁,感受着它冰冷的触感,他打开检查了一下枪支的弹巢,又将弹巢啪一下推回原位。 The right hand lifts slowly, once was arrived by the barrel of master careful maintenance on the temples. 右手慢慢抬起,曾被主人精心保养的枪管抵在太阳穴上。 After several seconds, the spear/gun was put. 几秒钟后,枪被放了下来。 This posture is good, later uses this posture.” Winston said in a soft voice, later inspected an insurance of rifle bolt, put in the revolver the rifle scabbard of waist appropriately. “这个姿势不错,之后就用这个姿势吧。”温斯顿轻声说道,随后检查了一下枪机的保险,将左轮手枪妥帖地放到了腰间的枪套中。 The rapid sound of footsteps transmits from the corridor. 急促的脚步声从走廊上传来。 Magistrate your excellency, the thick fog in city was getting more and more serious......” 执政官阁下,城中的浓雾越来越严重了……” I know, I come.” “我知道,我就来。”
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