DSE :: Volume #5

#402: „Leads me to go to that door.”

The devil and books own mutation of after the adaptation of period of time after the ship, Nina having been used to small difficult —— facing studying learning process including and is not restricted in Spirit World to float in the shadow and Deep Sea deep sea that presents, in addition painstaking training until now, she also has the considerable progress to the own strength control now. 经过在船上一段时间的适应之后,妮娜已经习惯了面对读书学习过程中的小困难——包括且不限于灵界中浮上来的影子、幽邃深海中出现的恶魔以及书本自身的异变,再加上一直以来的刻苦训练,她如今对自己的力量掌控也有了长足的进步。 The concrete manifestation is, even if she raises legs 6000 具体表现就是,哪怕她抬腿一个6000 …… …… Dazzling brilliance suddenly, the devil from the world Deep Layer can under change to the ashes in the prestige of Sun instantaneously, in the air has not even left behind stink —— that anything scorches with enough time, only then after the high noon sunlight has air-dried the bedding, warmly warm flavor. 刺目光辉骤然而过,来自世界深层的恶魔在太阳的威能下瞬间化作灰烬,空气中甚至没来得及留下什么烧焦的臭味——只有正午阳光暖洋洋晒过被褥之后温暖的味道。 Last is kept the room center by Nether Hound that the books attraction comes alone, even if the chaos widowed wisdom, only depends upon Nether Demon that the instinct acts, this fearsome lifeform still fell into vacant of short time probably, it does not seem able to understand why then lost two companion —— suddenly now, in front of it was being grabbed the chains and bending down low roar Doggy by Shirley , is walking up step by step, such as the hot sun is covering brilliance Nina. 最后一只被书本吸引而来的幽邃猎犬孤零零地留在房间中央,哪怕身为混沌寡智、只依靠本能行动的幽邃恶魔,这可怖的生物仍好像陷入了短时间的茫然,它似乎无法理解为什么突然间便失去了两个同伴——现在,它面前是正被雪莉抓着锁链、俯身低吼的阿狗,身后则是正一步步走上前来,如烈日般笼罩着光辉的妮娜 Is better than at present that after behind terrifying pressure seems like not too normal similar. 来自身后的恐怖威压远胜过眼前那个看起来不太正常的“同类”。 Nether Demon has turned the head subconsciously, to like the solar scalding hot line of sight. 幽邃恶魔下意识转过头,对上了一道如太阳般灼热的视线。 Nina lowers the head slightly, her sending silk has caught a golden splendor completely, the dazzling glare dissipates from her seven orifices, under the body of this human is burning the prestige energy of ancient times hot sun, she gazes at this that devil, that devil skeleton then burns directly in her vision. 妮娜微微低下头,她的发丝已经完全染上一层金辉,刺目的强光从她的七窍中逸散,这幅人类的躯壳下燃烧着远古烈日的威能,她注视这那恶魔,那恶魔身上的骸骨便直接在她的目光中燃烧起来。 Shirley was frightened, she had not previously seen the appearance that Nina has been angry, she even thinks in this ordinary day the sunlight open friend simply had not been angry, but she knows that now oneself is more wrong much —— Nina to be angry now obviously. 雪莉被吓到了,她此前都没见过妮娜生气的模样,她甚至以为这位平日里一直阳光开朗的朋友根本没有生气的时候,但现在她知道自己错得离谱——妮娜现在显然非常生气。 Her anger just like prominences ascension, even if restrains the heat of dissipating, these rays still as if can fire the soul of person to be common. 她的怒火正如日珥般升腾,哪怕收敛了逸散出来的热量,那些光芒仍然仿佛能灼烧人的灵魂一般刺眼。 Is even more anxious in Shirley, finally cannot help opening the mouth, Nina spoke —— she to open mouth finally, scalding hot plasma brilliance in her corners of the mouth escape, sound, if thundered: 雪莉越发紧张,终于忍不住要开口的时候,妮娜终于说话了——她张开嘴,灼热的等离子光焰在她的嘴角逸散,声若轰鸣: My work!” Her sound even has the grief and indignation, my examination paper! My reference book! Shirley work! Was grasped by these dogs broken!” “我的作业!”她的声音甚至带着悲愤,“我的卷子!我的参考书!还有雪莉的作业!都被这几只狗抓碎了!” The anger of Sun made the devil shock loses the ability to act, Shirley one hear was startled, even almost made noise happily: Really? Doesn't my work have?” 太阳之怒令恶魔都震慑地失去了行动能力,雪莉一听更是大吃一惊,甚至几乎乐出声来:“真的?我的作业也没啦?” But the next second she then responded, hurried to block is preparing a flying foot for Nina that the work revenged: Wait! First keeps this devil life! Doggy has the words to ask!” 但下一秒她便反应过来,赶紧拦住正准备一个飞脚为作业报仇的妮娜:“啊等等!先留这个恶魔一命!阿狗有话要问!” Nina the foot lifted at this time, but after hearing shouting of good friend, stopped subconsciously, looks with the corner of the eye split vision to Shirley: Nether Demon that also has —— that what is inquisitive not while the person reads runs over to disturb? Killed several on the ship......” 妮娜这时候脚都抬起来了,但听到好友的呼喊之后还是下意识停了下来,用眼角余光看向雪莉:“还有什么好问的——不就是趁着人看书的时候跑过来捣乱的幽邃恶魔吗?在船上都弄死好几个了……” But the present is during the daytime!” Shirley said loudly. “可现在是白天!”雪莉大声说道。 Nina gawked, suddenly responded. 妮娜愣了一下,突然反应过来。 The present is during the daytime, although outside had very big fog, the sky also becomes dim like the evening, but from the time, the present was daytime —— Vision 001 still covered the time of the world. 现在是白天,尽管外面起了很大的雾,天空也变得昏暗如傍晚,但从时间上,现在是白天——异象001仍笼罩世界的时间。 This time City-State is safe, why won't reading bring in invasion —— these Nether Demon in darkness to appear? 这个时间的城邦是安全的,阅读并不会引来黑暗中的入侵——这些幽邃恶魔为什么会出现? Nina vision( 6000 妮娜的目光(6000 …… …… Is extremely glorious in the short distance bathing star, the bone of this devil whole body starts to emit light smoke —— its instinct to struggle, as if also wants to open the crevice to return to the Deep Sea deep sea together, but escape of this instinct was then broken instantaneously. 在极近距离沐浴恒星光辉,这恶魔浑身的骨头都开始冒出青烟——它本能地挣扎着,似乎还想要打开一道裂隙返回幽邃深海,但这本能的逃亡瞬间便被打断。 Doggy disturbs the crevice that side that devil just presented and not taken shape. 阿狗干扰掉了那恶魔身边刚刚出现、还未成型的裂隙。 What can ask?” Nina restrained some own strengths, looks curiously to Doggy, you did not say that normal Nether Demon has no wisdom, has no way to exchange?” “能问出什么吗?”妮娜收敛了一些自己的力量,好奇地看向阿狗,“你不是说正常的幽邃恶魔都没什么智慧,根本没法交流吗?” Does not have the brain to turn over to not to have the brain, but really must investigate can also find out a thing —— they to have the memory, moreover in the chaos thought will also present some continual fragments occasionally,” Doggy shook the head, seems like, because put together headbutt slightly a little brain after another Nether Hound a moment ago humming sound, felt relieved, Nether Demon has Nether Demon exchange method.” “没脑子归没脑子,但真要调查也是能查出点东西的——它们有记忆,而且混沌的思维里偶尔也会出现一些连续的碎片,”阿狗晃了晃脑袋,似乎是因为刚才跟另一只幽邃猎犬拼头槌之后略有点脑子嗡嗡的,“放心,幽邃恶魔幽邃恶魔的‘交流’手段。” What exchanges the method?” Nina and Shirley asked with one voice. “什么交流手段?”妮娜雪莉异口同声地问道。 „...... It is not artistic,” Doggy is muttering, slowly moved toward that already under the hot sun ignition gradually Nether Hound that stops struggling, later, it looked up Shirley one, closed the eye, Shirley.” “……不怎么美观,”阿狗咕哝着,慢慢走向了那已经在烈日灼烧下渐渐停止挣扎的幽邃猎犬,随后,它又抬头看了雪莉一眼,“闭上眼睛,雪莉。” Shirley was startled, closed the eye obedient. 雪莉怔了一下,听话地闭上了眼睛。 The short low roar, the fight, is the sound that the blade was torn, ground and chewed, made the person of tooth acid in sound, a devil struggled fiercely only continued the moment time. 短促的低吼,搏斗,紧接着是骨片被撕裂、碾碎、嘴嚼的声音,令人牙酸的吱嘎声中,一个恶魔的剧烈挣扎只持续了片刻时间。 Also after a while, Shirley probes is opening the eye, saw that on the room central floor is only left over a small pile the black dust that dissipates fast, Doggy is standing by that pile of dust, Nina a little in a daze stands in the opposite, crossed good long while, her hot sun brilliance dissipates gradually, and exclaimed in surprise one: Oh —— 又过了一会,雪莉试探着睁开眼睛,看到房间中央的地板上只剩下一小堆正在飞快消散的黑色尘埃,阿狗正站在那堆尘埃旁边,妮娜则有点愣神地站在对面,过了好半天,她身上的烈日光辉才渐渐消散,并惊叹了一声:“哇哦—— Shirley guessed correctly after oneself closed the eye, a moment ago matter, her expression slightly looked at Doggy one complex: Actually...... I do not have......” 雪莉猜到了刚才自己闭上眼睛之后发生的事情,她表情略显复杂地看了阿狗一眼:“其实……我也没……” You will have the nightmare, I understand you,” Doggy shook the head, then rubbed the tooth, somewhat shut out spat one toward side, „.” “你会做噩梦的,我了解你,”阿狗晃了晃脑袋,接着磨了磨牙齿,有些嫌弃地朝旁边啐了一口,“呸。” „Did you press the tooth?” “伱硌牙了?” This type gnaws the devil that the character does not recognize like the stone, including a complete sentence unable to press out —— really to owe this fellow from inside also to pursue the knowledge to run.” Doggy detests is complaining the own illiterate person similar, is showing oneself as a self-confidence and pride of cultural dog, later then lowers the head, seems like in the information that the sensation oneself just exchange obtains very much earnestly. “这种连字都不认的恶魔啃起来就像石头,从里面连一句完整的句子都榨不出来——真亏这家伙也是追逐着知识跑出来的。”阿狗嫌恶地吐槽着自己的文盲同类,彰显着自己作为一只文化狗的自信和骄傲,随后便低下头,似乎是在很认真地感知着自己刚刚“交流”得到的情报。 A moment later, it somewhat raised the head puzzled, looks to Shirley and Nina: Strange...... the memory demonstration of this Nether Hound surviving...... it had not only felt the suppression of Vision 001......” 片刻之后,它有些困惑地抬起头,看向雪莉妮娜:“奇怪……这只幽邃猎犬残存的记忆显示……它一直都不曾感受到异象001的压制……” Shirley and Nina look at each other in blank dismay stunned. 雪莉妮娜错愕地面面相觑。 But now...... obviously is the daytime......” “可现在……明明是白天……” Shirley is whispering subconsciously, slowly before arriving at the window, the probe head looks to out of the window. 雪莉下意识地嘀咕着,慢慢来到了窗前,探头看向窗外。 The more and more rich fog has covered all streets, the thick mist and upper air cloud cluster are covering Cold Frost like the curtain, but in this heavy/thick curtain, the skylight like the dusk, the distant place could not even have seen the avenue opposite construction facade gloomily. 越来越浓郁的雾已经笼罩了所有的街道,厚厚的雾气和高空云团就像层层迭迭的帷幕般笼罩着寒霜,而在这厚重的帷幕中,天光已然暗淡如黄昏,远处甚至看不到大街对面的建筑门面。 But the sky still one group of rays, that was position —— that Sun was at truly is during the daytime, truly was Vision 001. 但天空仍有一团光芒,那是太阳所在的位置——确确实实是白天,确确实实是异象001 Nina, you looked, Shirley raised the hand is pointing at the sky, Sun in that......” 妮娜,你看,”雪莉抬手指着天空,“太阳就在那……” She stopped suddenly. 她突然停了下来。 The thick fog and cloud layer deep place, that group bright ray vibrated quietly several, as if in the water the inverted image disperses generally to the surroundings dizzy. 厚厚的雾与云层深处,那团明亮的光芒悄然抖动了几下,紧接着就仿佛水中倒影一般向周围晕散开来。 As if, from the beginning that is not solar —— that is only when the curtain rises, survives a visual afterimage sky over City-State. 似乎,从一开始那就不是什么太阳——那只是在帷幕升起来的时候,残存在城邦上空的一幕视觉残像而已。 Sky over Cold Frost, Sun vanished. 寒霜上空,太阳消失了。 ...... …… At the same time, City-State central area, right under place bottom deep place situated in Boiling Gold mine pit, in the ancient dust-laden second waterway. 同一时间,城邦中心区域,位于沸金矿井正下方的地底深处,古老尘封的第二水路中。 The fog in city has not spread underground, some differences in surface will not affect action —— of exploration team the place bottom world that leaves uncultivated profoundly, Church Unit Guardian the advancement foothold that reinforced them just to build orderly. 城市中的雾并没有蔓延到地下,地表上的些许异样也不会影响到探索队伍的行动——在幽深荒废的地底世界,教会守卫者正在紧张有序地加固着他们刚刚建立起来的推进据点。 Is sliding like the spider common steam walkie-talkie across the broad sewer corridor, the high efficiency searchlight has swept in the corridor each gloomy corner, the multibarreled aerial cannon on carapace both sides forts is adjusting the angle in spider slightly, was vigilant the shadow that in momentarily these dark branch roads possibly hides, wears the silent member of jet black long gown the silent prayer in the bunker of intersection, conserves strength for the subsequent advancement, then elite senior Guardian are guarding the sentry posts and front doors in various crossroad places, their waists are hanging the inspection lamp, is raising the cane single-handedly, in addition hand is an after the hunting rifle or the heavy-caliber revolver of special re-equipping. 如同蜘蛛一般的蒸汽步行机滑行着穿过宽阔的下水道走廊,大功率探照灯扫过走廊中每一个阴暗的角落,多管机炮在“蜘蛛”甲壳两侧的炮台上微微调整着角度,随时警惕那些黑暗岔路中可能潜藏的阴影,身穿漆黑长袍的寂静修士们在十字路口的掩体中沉默祷告,为后续的推进养精蓄锐,精锐的资深守卫者们则把守着路口各处的哨位和大门,他们腰间挂着提灯,一手提着手杖,另一只手则紧握着经过特殊改装的猎枪或大口径左轮。 The second waterway by the oppressive rule too —— in this dim place execution exploration duty, was wanted investigation for a long time anything, gradually has rather been twisting the distortion the terrifying kingdom to declare war to one. 第二水路被黑暗统治了太长时间——在这昏暗的地方执行探索任务,与其说是要“调查”什么东西,倒不如说是在对一个已经逐渐歪曲畸变的恐怖王国宣战。 The enemies possibly are anything, the enemy are dark it. 敌人可能是任何东西,敌人就是黑暗本身。 The road fork in distant place heard the strange fizz, the middle is mixing with crawling and creeping motion sound of some huge limbs, two are responding immediately in the steam walkie-talkie of crossroad strongpoint security, four powerful flash light bombs first project from the spider body , Guardian on walkie-talkie then operated is transferring the manages aerial cannon to aim at the direction that the strange sound transmitted to make one round to strafe in the —— deafening bellow, that darkness inflated fiercely, as if had anything injured, and must appear the image from the darkness. 远方的一个岔路口传来了诡异的嘶嘶声,中间夹杂着某种庞大肢体的爬行、蠕动声音,两台正在路口据点警戒的蒸汽步行机立刻反应过来,四枚强力闪光弹首先从蜘蛛机体前端抛射出去,紧接着,步行机上的守卫者便操纵着转管机炮指向怪响传来的方向打出了一轮扫射——震耳欲聋的轰鸣声中,那片黑暗剧烈膨胀起来,似乎有什么东西受伤了,并就要从黑暗中显出形象来。 The silent member who 12 wear the black robe sets out after the bunker, simultaneously raises hand high the scripture, twines the arm of bandage to aim at that darkness distantly, sends out shouts angrily with one voice. 十二名身披黑袍的寂静修士从掩体后起身,同时高举手中圣典,缠绕绷带的手臂遥遥指向那片黑暗,发出齐声怒喝。 In the darkness, there is a pale flame to burn, coordinating the steam walkie-talkie to make the barrage that fired the ashes the thing that invisible darkness breeds. 黑暗中,有苍白的火焰燃烧起来,配合着蒸汽步行机打出的弹幕,将那无形黑暗孕育出来的东西烧成了灰烬。 The moving restlessly darkness returns to normal, the road fork gradually from shifts jet black dimly, shifted to the bright —— light to spread normally that crossroad, illuminated there situation. 躁动的黑暗重新恢复平静,岔路口逐渐从漆黑转向昏暗,又转向光明——灯光正常蔓延到了那个路口,照亮了那里的情况。 There anything does not have, only leaves behind on the wall the every large or small crater. 那里什么都没有,只留下墙壁上大大小小的弹坑。 And in air indistinct, fast stink of dissipation. 以及空气中隐隐约约的、飞快消散的臭味。 Agatha takes back the observation to the line of sight of distant road fork. 阿加莎收回了望向远方岔路口的视线。 A branch road was regained, Unit Guardian scattered another piece of dark —— of this bottom world, but regarding the entire huge second waterway, here is only a tiny corner. 一个岔路被收复了,守卫者驱散了这地底世界的又一片黑暗——而对于整个庞大的第二水路而言,这里只是个渺小的角落而已。 She comes to here not to process these road fork. 她来这里不是处理那些“岔路口”的。
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