DSE :: Volume #5

#401: ……

The City-State center, the Cold Frost highest place, silent Grand Cathedral calmly stands and waits for a long time in the summit, the gloomy weather made the construction that this dignity sank secretly as if more silent constraining, the steeple that it stood in great numbers stood and waited for a long time in the mist, such as the thorn and sharp blade, are overlooking the entire city. 城邦的中心,寒霜最高的地方,寂静大圣堂静静地伫立在山顶,阴沉的天色令这威严暗沉的建筑仿佛更多了一份缄默中的压抑,它林立的尖塔在薄雾中伫立,如荆棘与利刃,俯瞰着整座城市。 Places in the crowd the especially conspicuous big form to stroll to pass through the square before church, as if ordinary tourist such is sizing up around the square scenery. 一个放在人群中格外显眼的高大身影漫步走过教堂前的广场,仿佛普普通通的游客那样四下打量着广场周围的风景。 Soon, also put on the dark brown coat and makings scholarly moderate venerable from the crowd, walked toward that big form directly. 过不多久,又有一名穿着深棕色外套、气质儒雅温和的老先生从人群中走了出来,径直向那高大身影走去。 Vanna saw walks Morris that from the crowd, then goes to a relatively secluded place calmly. 凡娜看到了从人群中走来的莫里斯,便不动声色地来到一处相对僻静的地方。 Church square here does not have any Anomaly.” Vanna by a street light, the eyes is looking at the church front door of not far away, said in a low voice. “教堂广场这边没有什么异常。”凡娜靠在一座路灯上,双眼望着不远处的教堂大门,低声说道。 That side city hall is also, in the surface, here person has not at least been polluted by the spiritual or the cognitive trace,” Morris scratched the own monocle, I discover a situation.” “市政厅那边也是,至少表面上,这里的人都没有受到精神或认知污染的痕迹,”莫里斯擦了擦自己的单片眼镜,“不过我发现一个情况。” „A situation?” “一个情况?” Some people discussed the recent authority's near the square exploration action to the sewer, if right, they discussed should be the matter of second waterway,” Morris said, they mentioned in the discussion Gatekeeper Agatha —— that Gatekeeper is leading personally.” “有人在广场附近讨论最近当局对下水道的探索行动,如果没错的话,他们谈论的应该就是第二水路的事情,”莫里斯说道,“他们在谈论中提到了守门人阿加莎——那位守门人在亲自带队。” Gatekeeper Agatha?” On the Vanna face the expression immediately slightly changes, may Captain say......” 守门人阿加莎?”凡娜脸上表情顿时微微一变,“可船长说过……” True Agatha, should be stranded in a mirror Cold Frost city at this moment,” Morris said in a low voice, „that is leading...... mostly is a sham.” “真正的阿加莎,此刻应该被困在一个镜像化的寒霜城里,”莫里斯低声说道,“正在带队的那个……多半是个赝品。” Vanna inspires gently, raised the head suddenly, looks to the silent Grand Cathedral direction. 凡娜轻轻吸了口气,紧接着猛然抬起头,看向寂静大圣堂的方向。 That palatial dignified construction stands under the gloomy sky background, the steeple of standing in great numbers silent stands and waits for a long time in the mist. 那座巍峨庄严的建筑立在阴沉的天空背景下,林立的尖塔在薄雾中无声伫立。 Her expression becomes dignified: „...... Cathedral has no unusual condition, only then two possibilities, either, the sham has hidden the truth from the eye of Cathedral, either......” 她的表情变得凝重:“……大教堂没有任何异状,所以只有两个可能,要么,赝品瞒过了大教堂的眼睛,要么……” Is Cold Frost Church is either incredible, at least in Cathedral had/left very big problem,” Morris nods gently, either way, Cold Frost Church has lost obviously control —— to the matter we should leave here, this matter must tell Mr. Duncan immediately.” “要么就是寒霜教会已经不可信,至少大教堂里出了很大的问题,”莫里斯轻轻点了点头,“不管是哪种情况,寒霜教会显然已经失去了对整件事的控制——我们该离开这里了,这件事必须立刻告诉邓肯先生。” Vanna silent nods, walks toward the exit|to speak of square edge with Morris together, but before departure, she raised the head for the last time, looks to silent Grand Cathedral that stretch of open area. 凡娜无声点了点头,与莫里斯一同向广场边缘的出口走去,而在离开之前,她又最后一次抬起头,看向寂静大圣堂对面的那片空地。 That is the position that the city hall is, once was called cold winter royal court Banteay Srei stood and waited for a long time the haze on there —— summit, in the mist that was slightly rich, Vanna saw that building also such as silent Grand Cathedral stood and waited for a long time equally silent under the sky, its apex stood tall and erect, the turret stood in great numbers, thorn and sharp blade in tall Taru the fog, are overlooking the city silent. 那是市政厅所在的方位,曾被称作“凛冬王庭”的女王宫就伫立在那里——山顶上起雾了,在稍微浓郁起来的雾气中,凡娜看到那座建筑物也如寂静大圣堂一样沉默地伫立在天空下,其尖顶高耸,塔楼林立,一座座高塔如雾中的荆棘与利刃,沉默地俯瞰着城市。 The Vanna footsteps stopped suddenly. 凡娜的脚步突然停了下来。 Morris has turned the head immediately: Vanna? What did you see?” 莫里斯顿时转过头:“凡娜?你看到什么了?” Vanna is staring at that dim mist stubbornly. 凡娜死死盯着那片朦胧的薄雾。 The mist winds around, the city hall restored the original design, that is a palace architecure that has various type arc arches, around the iron grey main building of dignified atmosphere, like the wing the long the arch of hall and continual fluctuating that to the both sides extend. 雾气缭绕中,市政厅恢复了原样,那是一座有着各式弧形拱顶的宫殿式建筑,威严大气的灰白色主楼周围,是如羽翼般向两侧延伸出去的长厅和连续起伏的拱顶。 Also does not have the gloomy black apex, does not have such as tall tower of forest. 既没有阴沉的黑色尖顶,也没有如林的高塔。 Vanna? You how?” The Morris sound resounds from side again. 凡娜?你怎么了?”莫里斯的声音再次从旁响起。 I saw another Cathedral —— a moment ago in the position of city hall,” Vanna said suddenly in a low voice, the expression seems especially dignified, „, although only has the flash, but I confirmed that oneself has not misread!” “我刚才看到了另一座大教堂——就在市政厅的位置,”凡娜突然低声说道,表情显得格外凝重,“虽然只有一瞬间,但我确认自己没有看错!” Another Cathedral?” Morris is startled, his instinct looks to the square, but the place of seeing, only then seems like the city hall of no difference. “另一座大教堂?”莫里斯吃了一惊,他本能地看向广场对面,但入目之处,只有看上去毫无异样的市政厅。 But he has not suspected the judgment of Vanna slightly. 但他丝毫没有怀疑凡娜的判断。 This is not the good sign,” senior scholar voice was low and deep, lifts the hand to press according to the ceremonial hat of top of the head, evidently only then you saw a moment ago that this possibly was because you appeared as Spiritual Vision ability far supernormal person —— that Vision of reverend around Cathedral directly, this was the corroded even more serious evidence.” “这可不是好兆头,”老学者嗓音低沉,抬起手按了按头顶的礼帽,“看样子只有你看到了刚才那一幕,这可能是因为伱作为神职者的灵视能力远超常人——那一幕异象直接出现在大教堂周围,这是侵蚀愈发严重的证据。” Vanna has not spoken, she is only frowning tightly, the vision went to at the foot of the mountain city region, long time opens the mouth slowly: Haze, everywhere was.” 凡娜却没有吭声,她只是紧皱着眉头,目光投向了山脚下的城市区域,良久才慢慢开口:“起雾了,到处都是。” The haze, at first was the Cold Frost City-State central area, later the mist then started to turn toward the entire city to spread, from the beginning only then the silk threads mist, rapidly became to the mist rich, for several hours , the entire city then has covered in one piece dimly. 起雾了,最初是寒霜城邦的中心区域,随后雾气便开始向着整个城区蔓延,从一开始只有丝丝缕缕的薄雾,到雾气迅速变得浓郁,短短几个小时内,整座城市便已经笼罩在一片朦胧中。 Outside had the big fog!” “外面起了好大的雾啊!” Shirley lies in the window of second floor bedroom, extends the neck to look into the scene on street, on the face has the surprised facial expression to shout to shout. 雪莉趴在二楼卧室的窗口,伸着脖子眺望着街道上的景象,脸上带着惊奇的神情嚷嚷道。 Doggy also lay by the window, the ugly bone head and is pushing aside with Shirley, stares outside was looking at after for quite a while, suddenly emits a crosstalk: „The reason of city region multi- fog is the day and night temperature difference is usually big, and human activities cause in the water vapor ascension and air the dust to increase, the watery air between buildings will meet decreases temperature suddenly will form......” 阿狗也趴到了窗户旁,丑陋的骨头脑袋跟雪莉并排挤着,盯着外面看了半天之后突然冒出一串话:“城市区域多雾的原因通常是昼夜温差较大,且人类活动导致水汽升腾、空气中尘埃增多,建筑物之间的含水空气遇上突然降温就会形成……” Shirley hear of faces of compel ignorant: What Doggy are you saying?” 雪莉听的一脸懵逼:“阿狗你在说什么?” Doggy was saying that «Naturally Back Logic» Chapter 2 content, it has been reading this book over the two days,” is doing the homework Nina to turn head to look at one by nearby desk, spoke thoughtlessly saying that you should also try oneself to have a look at the simple reading material occasionally, to proficiently grasped word very useful —— is not really good you to start from the picture book.” 阿狗在说《自然背后的逻辑》第二章的内容,它这两天一直在看这本书,”正在旁边书桌旁写作业的妮娜扭头看了一眼,随口说道,“你偶尔也该试着自己看看简单的读物了,对熟练掌握单词很有用的——实在不行你可以从绘本开始。” Shirley thinks, not too said definite: You are taunting me to be literate too few, learns can only read the picture book now?” 雪莉想了想,不太确定地说道:“你是不是在嘲讽我认字太少,学到现在都只能看绘本?” The Nina attention has returned to the own work in: Not, because you truly can only read the picture book, the description fact is not the taunt......” 妮娜的注意力已经转回到自己的作业上:“不是啊,因为你确实只能看绘本,描述事实不算嘲讽……” Shirley stares immediately, seems like wants to be angry, but by a out of the window richer mist to the attraction, was then beckoning with the hand again and again: Yeah I you did not tell that this —— you came to see quickly! Outside really big fog! I have not seen such thick fog in Pland......” 雪莉顿时瞪起了眼睛,似乎是想要生气,但紧接着便又被窗外更加浓郁的雾气给吸引,连连摆着手:“哎我不跟你说这个了——你快来看看!外面真的好大的雾啊!我在普兰德都没见过这么大雾……” Pland day and night temperature difference is small, in the morning and wind is also big in the evening, originally not the easy haze,” Nina not to lift, I did not look, my work had not finished, the set of examination paper that Teacher Morris keeps is really difficult . Moreover the choice question confused, I always thought that elected mistakenly......” 普兰德昼夜温差小,早晨和晚上又风大,本来就不容易起雾,”妮娜头也不抬,“我不看,我作业还没写完呢,莫里斯老师留的这套卷子真难,而且选择题太迷惑了,我总觉得选错了……” Hi, meets the option that does not handle you to choose C,” Shirley is running off at the mouth, the eye transferred, as if floats the new idea, Nina, can you go out to play? In the , does not walk away opposite of the —— street to have a shop that sells the dessert, this weather definitely has no guest, could buy very cheap cake......” “嗨,遇上搞不定的选项你就都选C,”雪莉信口胡诌着,紧接着眼睛又转了一下,仿佛浮上新的点子,“妮娜,你要不要出去玩?就在附近,不走远——街对面有个卖点心的店,这种天气肯定没什么客人,说不定能买到很便宜的蛋糕……” I do not go,” Nina spoke thoughtlessly, must go to your oneself to go, Uncle Duncan came back me not to complain......” “我不去,”妮娜随口说着,“要去你自己去,邓肯叔叔回来了我不告状就……” Her words just told only half, strange, the sound of xi xi su su actually resounded in the room suddenly, interrupted conversations between two girls. 她的话刚说到一半,一阵奇怪的、窸窸窣窣的声音却突然在房间中响起,打断了两个女孩之间的交谈。 What sound did you...... have to hear a moment ago?” Shirley jumped from the window rapidly, a face looks at the surroundings vigilantly. “你……刚才有没有听到什么声音?”雪莉迅速从窗台旁边跳了回来,一脸警惕地看着周围。 Nina is also anxious, but when she wants to size up the surroundings subconsciously, the split vision of her corner of the eye actually saw the examination paper and books surface that suddenly oneself spreads out at present appeared wiped the difference. 妮娜同样紧张起来,而就在她下意识地想要打量周围时,她眼角的余光却突然看到自己眼前摊开的试卷和书本表面出现了一抹异样。 The writing is moving, the symbol is revolving, the ink mark of being in sharp contrast lived to come to tremble probably generally, but in these vibrations pen mark edges, black shadow the ink that just like the dizzy dyed proliferated generally fast, and rapid full whole piece paper surface. 文字在移动,符号在旋转,黑白分明的墨痕就好像活了过来一般震颤起来,而在那些抖动的笔痕边缘,黑色的阴影正如晕染开的墨水一般飞快扩散,并迅速充盈整张纸面。 Almost the flash, Nina had only read a moment ago all books and examination papers start to tremble fiercely, overlap twittering the low sound of talking is mixing with the xi xi su su sound, reverberates in the entire room! 几乎只一瞬间,妮娜刚才看过的所有书本和卷子都开始剧烈震颤,重重迭迭的呢喃低语声夹杂着窸窸窣窣的声音,在整个房间中回响! „! The book that you read came under a spell!” Shirley calls out in alarm immediately makes noise, simultaneously lifted subconsciously with the chains that Doggy relates, but in flash that her screams drop, that tracked down the flavor of knowledge to come, to enter the room toward the thing of evil spirits Real World broke surface! “啊!你看的书中邪了!”雪莉顿时惊呼出声,同时下意识地抬起了与阿狗之间联系的锁链,而在她惊呼声落下的一瞬间,那追寻着知识的味道而来、朝着现实世界上浮的邪祟之物也进入了房间! The black mist and dust revolves crazily, the entity condenses from the mist and dust appears, the skeleton fragment crash-bang scatters on the floor, and changed to ugly and scary devil —— three Nether Hound suddenly falls on the floor, sends out the frightening low roar, in his chaos scarlet eye socket is full is being crazy and chaotic! 黑色烟尘疯狂旋转,实体从烟尘中凝聚浮现,骸骨碎片哗啦啦地散落在地板上,并眨眼间化作了丑陋又骇人的恶魔——三只幽邃猎犬落在地板上,发出令人恐惧的低吼,其混沌猩红的眼眶中充盈着疯狂与混乱! Then, they then saw is lying, as if a little in a daze Doggy in window nearby open area. 然后,它们便看到了正在窗户旁边的空地上趴着、似乎有点愣神阿狗 Nether Hound look at each other in blank dismay —— Shirley even to feel with Nether Hound oneself from that several chaos widowed wisdom primary devil in the stance saw vacant of flash. 幽邃猎犬幽邃猎犬面面相觑——雪莉甚至觉得自己从那几个混沌寡智的“原生恶魔”的姿态中看出了一瞬间的茫然。 However this has not affected her response slightly. 不过这丝毫没有影响到她的反应。 The jet black chains instantaneous crash-bang makes noise, Shirley raised the arm high, the tremendous strength brandished an entire circle like the meteor hammer Doggy, the next second then howled is pounding to the distance window recent that devil! 漆黑锁链瞬间哗啦作响,雪莉高高扬起了胳膊,巨大的力量将阿狗像个流星锤一样抡了个整圆,下一秒便呼啸着砸向了距离窗户最近的那只恶魔! My TM pulls out you!” “我TM抽死你!” In a loud sound, two dog heads had the earth-shaking hit loudly, but the devil obvious ratio of the Deep Sea deep sea running had just followed the Shirley actual combat to practice many years of Doggy —— from the degree of hardness of skull from the response is so. 轰然一声巨响中,两个狗头发生了惊天动地的撞击,而刚从幽邃深海里跑出来的恶魔显然比不过已经跟着雪莉实战练习了多年的阿狗——不论是从脑壳的硬度还是从反应上都是如此。 First Nether Demon put in an appearance to be pounded the fragment. 第一只幽邃恶魔一个照面就被砸成了碎片。 But second Nether Demon only opens the mouth with enough time, was unable to exude one to roar, then felt suddenly high temperature that a rapid impetuous charge came. 而第二只幽邃恶魔则只来得及张开嘴巴,还没能发出一声咆哮,便骤然感觉到了一股迅猛袭来的高温。 Together flame from side, but, Nina raises legs is 6000 一道火焰从旁而至,妮娜抬腿就是个6000
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