DSE :: Volume #5

#434: Looks to the distant place

The mirror changes to the ashes, the darkness starts to abate, the illusory image of queen guard vanished, invades the City-State blaspheming divine creative force also to break up in abundance, changes to the rapid dry black mud, in City-State the shots of various places also are quiet —— to displace, is actually one type of covers the entire city fear and silence that difficult word. 镜像化作灰烬,黑暗开始消退,女王卫队的幻影消失了,入侵城邦的亵渎造物也纷纷崩解,化作迅速干涸的黑色泥浆,城邦中各处的枪炮声也随之沉寂下来——取而代之的,却是一种笼罩全城的、难言的恐惧与寂静。 Everyone can see that huge existence, that stands and waits for a long time in Boundless Sea, is overlooking existence of City-State from the cloud layer. 每一个人都能看到那个庞大的存在,那个伫立在无垠海中的,正从云层中俯瞰城邦的存在。 Before several minutes, mirror Cold Frost in that giant in the hand changed to the ashes, but matter that then must have, no one can guess correctly. 就在几分钟前,镜像寒霜在那“巨人”的手中化作了灰烬,而接下来要发生的事情,没有人能猜到。 Only has the spread entire city, to cover sea level Dark Green Flames, still in flaming burnt —— but these flame actually not to offend somebody, they have stroked Real World like the illusory image, when touches, can feel only has a harmless warmth. 唯有蔓延全城、覆盖海面的幽绿火焰,仍然在熊熊燃烧着——但这些火焰却并不伤人,它们只是如幻影般拂过现实世界,在触碰到的时候,能感觉到的唯有一种无害的温暖。 Agatha lowers the head, helped up the complexion bad high rank deacon conveniently, the flame that on her arm burns made the latter a little tight, but compared with covered the atmosphere of entire city at this moment, these permits Jinzhang appeared not worth mentioning but actually. 阿加莎低下头,随手搀起了脸色糟糕的高阶助祭,她手臂上燃烧的火焰令后者有点紧张,但比起此刻笼罩全城的气氛,这些许紧张倒显得不足挂齿了。 Then......” high rank deacon complexion is somewhat pale, he looks at Agatha, looks on the opposite party burns, with fills the flame same quiet green spirit fire of entire city at this moment, the sound also somewhat trembles, what will then have?” “接下来……”高阶助祭脸色有些苍白,他看着阿加莎,看着对方身上燃烧的、与此刻弥漫全城的火焰一样的幽绿灵火,声音还有些发颤,“接下来会发生什么?” Agatha thinks, shakes the head: I do not know.” 阿加莎想了想,摇摇头:“我不知道。” The high rank deacon stared in a big way the eye: „Don't you know?!” 高阶助祭瞪大了眼睛:“您不知道?!” „...... Had not asked, Agatha said confidently, at that time the situation was urgent, I do not have to choose.” “……没问,”阿加莎坦然说道,“当时情况紧急,我没有更多选择。” The high rank deacon is dumbfounded, he has many issues want to ask in the —— sea level that giant the origin, in city the essences of these flame, the reason of Agatha this moment this appearance, however cannot ask suddenly. 高阶助祭目瞪口呆,他有许多问题想问——海面上那个“巨人”的来历,城市中这些火焰的本质,阿加莎此刻这副模样的缘由,然而一时间却一个都问不出来。 Agatha has not paid attention to the high rank deacon's response again, she has leaned slightly the face, looks that finally some exquisite pale ashes fall gently slowly on the oneself shoulder. 阿加莎则没有再理会高阶助祭的反应,她只是微微侧过脸,看着最后些许细腻的苍白灰烬慢慢飘落在自己肩膀上。 The ashes that in City-State flutters do not know when has stopped, falls on her shoulder, seems like last piece of ——, she thought that was similar some people to pat the own shoulder. 城邦中飘扬的灰烬不知何时已经止息,落在她肩头的,似乎是最后一片——恍惚中,她觉得仿佛有人拍了拍自己的肩膀。 I must leave,” she hears some people to open the mouth in the oneself ear, „the mortal world journey ended, a farther road waits for me to go.” “我得离开了,”她听到有人在自己耳边开口,“尘世的旅途结束了,还有更远的路等着我去走。” Bon voyage, Bishop Ivan.” “一路顺风,伊凡主教。” Some winds blow from the distant place, has blown the silent Grand Cathedral front door, has blown the square before front door, curled up that lithe bone ashes, making it dissipate in the wind quietly. 有风从远方吹来,吹过寂静大圣堂的大门,吹过大门前的广场,卷起了那一片轻盈的骨灰,让它在风中悄然消散。 ...... …… Behind the church bell tower withstand/top, Shirley of black skirt is looking below street, she sits on wall that in eaves edge extends, two legs droop outside, is somewhat shaking bored, at the same time talked over: Was peaceful......” 教堂后方的钟楼顶上,一身黑裙的雪莉望着下方的街道,她坐在屋檐边缘一段延伸出去的墙体上,两条腿耷拉在外面,有些无聊地晃悠着,一边念念叨叨:“安静下来了啊……” Everyone scared...... Nina to stand in Shirley behind small platform probably, is saying while looked up sky, I also had a scare......” “大家好像都吓坏了……”妮娜站在雪莉身后的小平台上,一边说着一边抬头看了一眼天空,“我也被吓一跳……” Who sees is not afraid,” Shirley shrank the neck, is looking into the distant sea level cautiously that huge and dim form, I have never thought that Mr. Duncan will finally solve with this way this sound that troubles —— previous time in Pland is bigger.” “谁看见不害怕啊,”雪莉缩了缩脖子,小心翼翼地眺望着远方海面上那个巨大而朦胧的身影,“真没想到,邓肯先生最后会用这种方式解决这场麻烦——比上次在普兰德的动静还大。” Uncle Duncan said, the root of Cold Frost crisis is that mirror, must therefore solve the problem to completely solve the mirror —— seal or prevents the heretic ceremony only to be safe for a while, the means of getting it over and done, draw out the mirror root continually, draw burn down to Real World,” a Nina face is earnest, „the scale of mirror is too big, therefore he needs enough in a big way scene of fire......” 邓肯叔叔说,寒霜危机的根源是那个镜像,所以要解决问题就必须彻底解决镜像——封印或阻止邪教徒的仪式都只能一时安全,一劳永逸的办法,就是把镜像连根拔出,拉到现实世界烧掉,”妮娜一脸认真,“不过镜像的规模太大,所以他需要足够大的‘火场’……” Okay good, knows knew, you set on fire to be possible fierce, turn head I proposed certainly this matter with Mr. Duncan well,” Shirley is beckoning with the hand again and again, some doubts were on the rise, on the other hand...... is Mr. Duncan doing now? Hasn't matter been solved? When does he come back?” “好好好,知道了知道了,你放火可厉害了是吧,回头我一定跟邓肯先生好好提一提这件事情,”雪莉连连摆着手,紧接着又有些疑惑地抬起头,“不过话又说回来……邓肯先生现在在干什么呢?事情不是已经解决了吗?他什么时候回来?” Nina hears word is on the rise, looks the huge form in sea level to the city, thinks saying: „Do I ask?” 妮娜闻言抬起头,看向城外海面上的庞大身影,想了想说道:“那我上去问问?” Goes to go,” Shirley hurries to wave, comes up time do not forget to say one to Mr. Duncan, said that we two work were eaten by Nether Hound......” “去吧去吧,”雪莉赶紧挥手,“上去的时候别忘了跟邓肯先生说一声,就说咱们两个的作业被幽邃猎犬吃了……” She finishes barely the words, Nina has then changed to together the bright flaming arc in the midair, later outside direct impact city that sun-blocking shadow. 她话音未落,妮娜便已经在半空中化作一道明亮的焰弧,随后直冲城外那片遮天蔽日的阴影。 ...... …… Can overlook the altitude of trim Cold Frost sea area in one, the Duncan vision penetrated the crevice between cloud layers, calmly is observing below sea and city. 在一个能够俯瞰整片寒霜海域的高度,邓肯的目光穿透了云层间的空隙,静静地观察着下方的大海以及城市。 The sea level is boundless, extends to extremely the distant place, City-State such as the disc of float in sea, is bathing alone the skylight, the end of sea and sky can see grand dense fog dimly, that fog like the wall, presents the arc that visibles faintly, is surrounding the entire civilized border. 海面无垠,延伸向极远处,城邦如漂浮在大海上的圆盘,孤零零地沐浴着天光,海与天空的尽头则能够朦朦胧胧看到有一片宏伟的迷雾,那雾如墙,呈现出隐约可见的弧线,环绕着整个文明边境。 This is unprecedented angle of view —— he has never observed this world in this position, in this world also from having no person has handled similar matter. 这是一个前所未有的视角——他从未在这个位置观察过这个世界,想必这个世界上也从没有任何一个人做过类似的事情。 He can feel, supports oneself now this stance flame is put out in the sea level and City-State gradually, this standing and waiting for a long time cannot maintain in the condition of sky for a long time, but before the energy of savings exhausts, he still wants to look at one. 他能够感觉到,支撑自己如今这幅姿态的“火焰”正在海面和城邦中渐渐熄灭,这种伫立于天空的状态并不能长久维持,但在积蓄的能量耗尽之前,他仍想多看一眼。 At this moment, bunch of small flame that fled from the cloud layer entered the Duncan view suddenly. 就在这时,一簇从云层中窜出来的小火苗突然进入了邓肯的视野。 That bunch of small flame is jumping in the cloud layers, such as a lithe swallow, but in the flame close to the own time, he hears the Nina sound to spread to the oneself ear: Uncle Duncan! Are you doing?” 那簇小小的火苗在云层间跳跃着,如一只轻盈的燕子,而在火苗靠近自己的时候,他听到妮娜的声音传入自己耳中:“邓肯叔叔!您在干什么啊?” I am observing this world,” Duncan smiles, flame said to that bunch in a soft voice, lifts the finger, making the latter jump in the oneself fingertip, how did you come up?” “我在观察这个世界,”邓肯微笑起来,对那簇“火苗”轻声说道,又抬起手指,让后者在自己指尖跳跃,“你怎么上来了?” Shirley makes me come up, she is curious you to do,” Nina is saying cheerfully, the flame is swaying —— in the Duncan fingertip, even if her stance at this moment has inflated one bunch also to want the giant flame compared with the bell tower, was still very exquisite in the Duncan eye, „did you say you in the observation world? What interesting?” 雪莉让我上来的,她好奇您在干什么,”妮娜欢快地说着,火焰在邓肯指尖摇晃着——纵使她此刻的姿态已经膨胀成一簇比钟楼还要巨大的火焰,在邓肯眼中也仍然十分小巧,“您说您在观察世界?什么有意思啊?” Duncan is smiling, raised the chin: You look, below.” 邓肯笑着,扬了扬下巴:“你看,下面。” That bunch of flame shook shaking to side. 那簇火苗向旁边晃了晃。 „...... “……哇。” „Very mysterious, right,” Duncan said in a soft voice, has overlooked Boundless Sea and marine City-State —— from no one in this altitude also has that dense fog of distant place, is so huge, even if at my angle of view at this moment, when will see it to feel that will suffocate.” “很神奇,对吧,”邓肯轻声说道,“从没有人在这个高度俯瞰过无垠海和海上的城邦——还有远方的那道迷雾,如此庞大,哪怕是以我此刻的视角,在看到它的时候都会感觉到窒息。” Nina carefully thinks very much: „......, but if is really a normal build human, when the Curtain of Eternity border had not instead felt, because looks not entire.” 妮娜很认真地想了想:“……但如果真是一个正常体型的人类,在永恒帷幕边境的时候反而就没感觉了,因为看不全。” Duncan was startled, suddenly smiled. 邓肯怔了一下,紧接着突然笑了起来。 Right, you said right, before the average person really arrives at that fog wall time instead will unable to realize that this constrains with the sensation of asphyxia, because they look at not entire...... us in the high place, seen were too many.” “对,伱说得对,普通人真的来到那道雾墙前的时候反而会意识不到这股压抑和窒息感,因为他们看不全……我们在高处,看到的太多了。” Uncle Duncan, how I felt that...... your words do have the profound meaning probably?” 邓肯叔叔,我怎么感觉……您的话好像另有深意?” Duncan has not responded to the question of Nina, he calmly is looking into the distant place, opens the mouth after a while suddenly: „Do you have the feeling to be curious, what does that dense fog opposite...... have?” 邓肯却没有回应妮娜的疑问,他只是静静地眺望着远处,又过了一会才突然开口:“你有没有感觉好奇,那道迷雾对面……到底有什么?” „...... In the book said, dense fog endless, without the opposite, outside only has the fog.” “……书上说,迷雾是无尽的,没有对面,外面只有雾。” Duncan looks to the fingertip: This was in the book said that your own idea?” 邓肯看向指尖:“这是书上说的,你自己的想法呢?” „...... I thought that in the book is also only scholars' speculation, Mr. Morris said that all involves thing outside the civilized world, is the guess —— so-called research of scholar, along the process that the suspicion confirms,” Nina was saying happily own idea, opposite of that fog perhaps is another world!” “……我觉得书上也只是学者们的猜测,莫里斯先生都说了,所有涉及到文明世界之外的东西,都是学者的猜测——所谓研究,就是沿着猜想去验证的过程,”妮娜开心地说着自己的想法,“那片雾对面说不定是另一个世界呢!” She, responded probably suddenly: „! Uncle Duncan are you plan pass through that thick fog? Really can try? Here approaches the northern border very much, moreover you now are so high, perhaps really......” 紧接着她顿了顿,好像突然反应过来:“啊!邓肯叔叔难道您是打算走过那道浓雾吗?真的要试试吗?这里就很靠近北方边境,而且您现在这么高,说不定真的……” „Very regrettable, is not feasible,” Duncan shook the head gently, broke exciting Nina, I cannot maintain this condition for a long time, cannot leave this sea area —— ceremony method to have the limit by this condition, we can do now, only then looks here.” “很遗憾,不可行,”邓肯轻轻摇摇头,打断了兴奋的妮娜,“我不能长久维持这个状态,更不能以这个状态离开这片海域——仪式手段是有极限的,我们现在能做的,只有在这里看着。” Nina seems the flash to be a little depressed, after a while, she is probing the opens the mouth: „Can I...... pass to have a look? I can fly in the space now ~ 妮娜好像一瞬间有点沮丧,过了一会,她又试探着开口:“那我……能过去看看吗?我现在可以在天上飞~” But can only fly a small meeting, your oneself very clear own limit,” Duncan shake the head, „, moreover I did not suggest that you do that we were too few to that thick fog understanding, the venture spirits and rash conduct are different.” “但只能飞一小会,你自己很清楚自己的极限,”邓肯又摇了摇头,“而且我也不建议你这么做,我们对那道浓雾了解太少了,冒险精神和莽撞行事是不一样的。” Nina silent a small meeting, stretched out the sounds: —— that we also really can only have a look here.” 妮娜沉默了一小会,拉长了声音:“哦——那我们还真就只能在这里看看啊。” The first step of starting, looked to the distant place, the Duncan corners of the mouth curled upwards, he felt that supports the own flame to start to abate rapidly, this consumption huge stance had arrived at the critical time, but before diverging oneself this projection, he was still smiling, „, moreover we must look, not only the distant place, Nina, did you notice the City-State appearance? The so neat disc, to the natural product, below sea, the profound length and breadth, we to the present has not known neatly that seabed has anything...... “启程的第一步,就是向远方看,”邓肯嘴角翘了起来,他感觉到支撑自己的火焰开始急速消退,这消耗巨大的姿态已经到了临界的时候,但在散去自身这幅投影之前,他仍然微笑着,“而且我们要看的不只是远处,妮娜,你注意到城邦的模样了吗?如此规整的圆盘,整齐到不似自然产物,还有下方的大海,深邃广袤,我们到现在还不知道那海底到底有什么…… heretic believe that this world will destroy finally, but they can create a new world, Holy See believes that follows the direction of Four Gods maintains the world eternal only means that but this world unknown thing were too many......, no matter heretic, is god Church, or each City-State scholars, everyone on all views about Boundless Sea, is one-sided.” 邪教徒们坚信这个世界终将毁灭,而他们可以创造出一个新世界,教廷坚信追随四神的指引就是维系世界永恒的唯一办法,但这个世界未知的东西实在太多了……不管是邪教徒,还是正神教会,亦或各个城邦的学者们,所有人关于无垠海上的一切看法,都是片面的。” Among the sea days, the giant huge body is dissipating quietly, the glassy surface sea, restores the mighty waves to fluctuate gradually. 海天之间,巨人庞大的躯体在悄然消散,如镜面般的大海,渐渐恢复波涛起伏。 The roaring flame drops toward City-State from the clouds together. 一道烈焰从云端向着城邦回落。 The conversation of Duncan and Nina was actually still continuing: 邓肯妮娜的交谈却仍在持续着: Ok, Nina, went back, the matter that we must handle are many.” “好了,妮娜,回去吧,我们要做的事情还多着呢。” „...... Was right! Uncle Duncan! Forgot that told you, I and Shirley work was eaten by Nether Hound!” “哦……啊对了!邓肯叔叔!忘记跟您说了,我和雪莉的作业被幽邃猎犬吃了!” „...... Has not related, I and Morris will prepare newly to you.” “……没关系,我和莫里斯会给你们准备新的。”
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