DSE :: Volume #4

#398: The waterway interlocks

Connects the secret passage deep place of second waterway, Nimmo Wilkins hand holds an inspection lamp, in front guides while said with some expressions of taking pleasure in others' misfortunes: Our people have received the wind sound/rumor, the evacuation and cleaning clean this following trace, the Church person —— these spread darkness should make them have a headache in the central the underground drill of city and XC area now.” 连接第二水路的秘密通道深处,尼莫・威尔金斯手执一盏提灯,一边在前面带路一边用有些幸灾乐祸的语气说道:“我们的人都已经收到风声,撤离并‘清扫’干净了这下面的痕迹,教会的人正在中央城区和XC区的地下钻来钻去——现在那些蔓延的黑暗该让他们头疼了。” I also worried that you will seize the chance to do some destruction,” Duncan spoke thoughtlessly saying that after all in the second waterway, you were the home game.” “我还担心你们会趁机搞些破坏,”邓肯随口说道,“毕竟在第二水路,你们才是主场。” We do not need to do that” Nimmo actually shakes the head, we give loyalty to Tyrian Captain, but Tyrian Captain never wants to ruin this City-State —— from protecting the City-State angle, we and Church, even has no conflict with the city hall. Now the Church heretic in person's in thinking means elimination city, we are also insufficient to be swayed by personal feelings, makes to help these heretic things.” “我们没必要这么做,”尼莫却摇了摇头,“我们效忠提瑞安船长,而提瑞安船长从不希望毁掉这座城邦——从保护城邦的角度,我们和教会,甚至和市政厅都没什么冲突。现在教会的人在想办法清除城里的邪教徒,我们还不至于意气用事,做出帮助那些邪教徒的事情。” Duncan nods, then also somewhat asked one curiously: „Hasn't old ghost appeared today?” 邓肯点了点头,接着又有些好奇地问了一句:“老鬼今天没出现?” Old ghost he......” in Nimmo words is somewhat scruple, then sighed gently, „the old ghost recent state of mind was even more unstable, he was too old . Moreover the Church organization manpower searched the action of second waterway also somewhat to stimulate his nerve, this made him recall initially in sewer fight —— to avoid the condition, I can only make him rest that side the tavern cave.” “老鬼他……”尼莫话语中有些迟疑,接着轻轻叹了口气,“老鬼最近的精神状态愈发不稳定,他年纪太大了,而且教会组织人力搜索第二水路的行动也有些刺激到了他的神经,这让他回忆起当初在下水道里的战斗——为了避免出状况,我只能让他在酒馆地窖那边休息了。” The final soldier who once gave loyalty to the queen, could not go out dozens years ago that nightmare —— Duncan also only to sigh eventually regarding this, and was silent with Alice is going to the second waterway deep place. 曾效忠女王的最后的战士,终究还是走不出几十年前的那场噩梦——邓肯对此也只能叹息一声,并和爱丽丝一起沉默着前往第二水路深处。 They passed through the secret passage, after the multi-channel secret door and as if by the crossroad of dark sentry post surveillance, entered the second waterway through one with the previous time completely different way finally. 他们穿过了秘密通道,又经过多道暗门和似乎被暗哨监视的路口,最后通过一条和上次完全不一样的路径进入了第二水路。 Obviously, to deal with the search operations of Church and authority, ambushed the Sea Mist fleet informers in City-State to begin using one set to prepare the good camouflage and early warning system. 显然,为了应对教会和当局的搜索行动,潜伏在城邦中的海雾舰队线人们启用了一套早就准备好的伪装、预警系统。 Finally, Duncan and Alice under the leadership of Nimmo the place that returns to that corridor —— once the crow to have an accident. 最终,邓肯爱丽丝在尼莫的带领下又回到了那条走廊——曾经乌鸦出事的地方。 I first went back,” Nimmo said to Duncan, in recent city anxious, the person of following closely are getting more and more, I must stare at the above situation, you must pay attention to Church here......” “我就先回去了,”尼莫对邓肯说道,“最近城中紧张,盯梢的人越来越多,我得盯着上面的情况,您在这里要注意教会的……” He wants to remind the Duncan attention security, meets the Church search team carefully here, finally the words told only half that suddenly thought which has is not right, suppressed for quite a while in the throat, emits one: Under you handles gently, they are actually not the unprincipled person......” 他想提醒邓肯注意安全,小心在这里遇上教会的搜索队伍,结果话说到一半突然又觉得有哪不对,在嗓子里憋了半天,冒出一句:“您下手轻点,他们其实都不是坏人……” Duncan could not bear happily: You do not need to worry, I know discretion —— goes back quickly, you has left the tavern too for a long time.” 邓肯忍不住乐了起来:“你不用担心,我知道分寸——赶快回去吧,伱已经离开酒馆太长时间了。” Good.” “好。” Nimmo left quickly, the spacious and gloomy and cold ground water Lu Zhongyi time is peaceful. 尼莫很快离开了,空旷而阴冷的地下水路中一时间安静下来。 When Duncan raised the head, looks at the front empty corridor, before the mind actually recalls oneself , arrived here situation. 邓肯抬起头,看着前方空荡荡的走廊,脑海中却回忆起自己之前来到这里时的情形。 That named crow the young people, pour by the bilge of front not far away, he died in the dry ground, the cause of death was actually drowned by the sea water, but in his pocket, but also the stopper is not knowing where from transcribes „the bible body record. 那个叫“乌鸦”的年轻人,就是倒在前面不远处的污水沟旁,他在干燥的地面上死去,死因却是被海水溺毙,而在他的口袋中,还塞着一张不知从什么地方抄录来的“圣书体”记录。 Now this corridor had been cleaned up cleanly, should be Nimmo and old ghost cleans up. 现在这条走廊已经被清理干净了,应该是尼莫和老鬼清理的。 Duncan has turned the head, saw that Alice is following honestly side oneself, in the eye that beside the veil reveals leads serious expression —— but him to know that this puppet is in fact blowing off the head, anything has not thought. 邓肯转过头,看到爱丽丝正老老实实跟在自己身旁,面纱之外露出来的眼睛中带着严肃的表情——但他知道这人偶实际上只是在放空脑袋,什么都没想。 Duncan knows certainly that cannot count on, infers anything with this puppet discussion, he brings Alice to come, because she can see these line ——, even if occasionally because of line that” the mirror world approaches to divulge, cannot escape her eye. 邓肯当然知道不能指望跟这个人偶讨论、推理什么东西,他带爱丽丝过来,只是因为她能看到那些“线”——哪怕是偶尔因镜像世界靠近而泄露过来的“线”,也逃不过她的眼睛。 If sees line again ‚’, immediately tells me.” Duncan said seriously. “如果再看到‘线’,立刻告诉我。”邓肯严肃地说道。 Un un!” Alice nods immediately. “嗯嗯!”爱丽丝立刻点头。 Duncan slowly stand forth. 邓肯慢慢向前走去。 In his mind is still thinking crow matter. 他脑海中则还在想着“乌鸦”的事情。 At that time, him and Morris and the others guessed that crow astrayed some place to encounter the misfortune, finally actually searched for the entire corridor unable to find the clue, the investigation then reaches in the impass, but now looked like...... the place of crow astraying as if to have the answer at that time. 在当时,他和莫里斯等人都猜测“乌鸦”是误入了某个地方才遭遇不幸,最后却搜遍了整个走廊都没能找到线索,调查便陷入僵局中,而现在看来……当时乌鸦误入之处似乎有了答案。 Very likely, was mirror Cold Frost neutralizes Reality Cold Frost to have the short connection in this corridor, that possibly was a crevice, possibly was instantaneous inverted image —— that in the water appeared somewhere the crow that crossed from the bypass then falls into unfortunately. 极有可能,是镜像寒霜在这条走廊中和现实寒霜发生了短暂的交汇,那可能是一条裂隙,也可能是某处积水中浮现出的瞬间倒影——从旁路过的乌鸦便不幸地落入其中。 No matter how he bridged over that boundary at that time, is a little obvious: 不管他当时到底是怎么跨过那条界限的,有一点都很明显: This corridor, should be a weak point that between the mirror and Reality connect. 这条走廊,应该就是镜像和现实之间连接的一个薄弱点。 ...... …… Underground, gloomy and cold moist, in the air fills the flavor that one type is getting moldy and spoil rottenly, feeling on probably entire City-State is one corpse —— that gradually rots, but oneself is walking in the internal organs of this rotten corpse. 地下,阴冷潮湿,空气中都弥漫着一种腐烂霉变的味道,给人的感觉就好像整座城邦都是一具正在逐渐烂掉的尸体——自己正行走在这具腐尸的脏腑中。 The sound of footsteps in filling the sewer corridor of strange taste is resounding, sounding is slightly heavy, Agatha is walking slowly forward, through the temporary divination and spirituality sensation confirmed direction that goes forward, while is paying attention to the surrounding slightest sign of trouble discretely. 脚步声在弥漫着怪味的下水道走廊中响起,听上去略显沉重,阿加莎慢慢向前走着,一边通过临时的占卜和灵性感知确认前进的方向,一边谨慎注意着周围的风吹草动。 Her black clothes has damaged seriously, soft armor of inside lining and twines, the ceremonial bandage were also many more blood stains, the damage that on the body encountered had surpassed critical of self- restore, she can only first think the technique to stop bleeding, actually had no time to consider the flesh restore again the matter. 她的一袭黑衣已经破损严重,内衬的软甲和身上缠绕的、仪式性的绷带也多了更多的血污,躯体上遭到的损伤已经超过自我修复的临界,她只能先用神术止血,却无暇再考虑血肉修复的事情。 However the good news is, Agatha even more determined the direction that oneself goes forward was correct —— after eliminating more and more sham anomalies, in encountered after this venomous duplication City-State repeatedly, she finally more and more clearly smelling to the flavors of these heresies. 不过好消息是,阿加莎愈发确定自己前进的方向是正确的——在消灭了越来越多的赝品怪胎之后,在多次与这座充满恶意的复制城邦交锋之后,她终于越来越清晰地“嗅”到了那些异端的味道。 She passed through Lower District main street and small alley following this flavor, passed through the subway path of spacious distortion, sneaks in the collapsing toppling sewer, finally, discovered this has left uncultivated does not know many years, the world situated in City-State underground deep place. 她循着这股味道穿过了下城区的大街小巷,穿过了空旷扭曲的地铁通路,钻进坍塌倾颓的下水道,最终,发现了这个已经荒废不知多少年的、位于城邦地下深处的世界。 Here surpasses her the record that sees broadly in the records depository, surpassed her to see these file later imagination. 这里的广阔超出她在档案库中看到的记录,超出了她在看到那些档案之后的想象。 Agatha raised the head, looks at the front light dim broad corridor, the ancient gas lamp embed on the corridor both sides walls, the lamp flame that the air feed is insufficient flickers, the ray drags the beat in the coverglass, on the corridor arch of arc may see the pipeline and that the structural support spread across, under the gas lamp of swaying shines, all things threw down the shadow that rocks the distortion, as if there is innumerable invisible thing, wriggling during that is dim. 阿加莎抬起头,看着前方灯光昏暗的宽阔走廊,古老的瓦斯灯镶嵌在走廊两侧的墙壁上,供气不足的灯焰忽明忽暗,光芒在玻璃罩中摇曳跳动,弧形的走廊拱顶上又可看到纵横交错的管道与支撑结构,在摇晃的瓦斯灯照耀下,所有东西都投下了晃动扭曲的影子,就仿佛有无数的无形之物,蠕动在那昏暗之中。 But by corridor ground, is flowing the drainage ditch of sewage, on revolting Blackwater's flows from wall grill opens the mouth, integrates these drainage ditches, exudes the bicker. 而在走廊的地面两侧,则是流淌着污水的沟渠,令人作呕的黑水从墙壁上的格栅开口中流淌下来,融入那些沟渠,发出哗哗的流水声。 Agatha knows where here is. 阿加莎知道这里是什么地方。 Here is Cold Frost underground place that „the second waterway —— she planned to lead to explore. 这里是寒霜地下的“第二水路”——她原本就打算带队探索的地方。 Only what is different from the plan, what she planned to lead to explore is City-State in Real World underground, this moment oneself was actually stranded in Cold Frost that in duplicates. 唯一跟计划不同的是,她本打算带队探索的是现实世界中的城邦地下,此刻自己却被困在一个复制出来的寒霜中。 Agatha closed the eye slightly, the careful sensation aura flowing in air, she is shielding these filthy odors flavors, depends upon the own spirituality intuition, is searching the positions of these heresies. 阿加莎微微闭上了眼睛,仔细感知着空气中的气息流动,她屏蔽着那些污浊恶臭的味道,依靠自己的灵性直觉,搜索着那些异端的方位。 She can feel, the time that as oneself is detained here is longer, and these anomalies have to do, oneself with this sham cities relation gradually was also being strengthened. 她能够感觉到,随着自己在这里滞留的时间越长,跟那些怪胎打交道越多,自己与这座赝品城市之间的“联系”也在被逐渐加强。 In front. 在前面。 Gatekeeper opens the eye, disregards indistinct ache that various wounds transmitted, chose the front road fork , to continue walks toward the corridor deep place. 守门人睁开眼睛,无视了身上各处伤口传来的隐约疼痛,选择了前方一条岔路口,继续向走廊深处走去。 She remembered a matter suddenly. 她突然想起了一件事情。 Some time ago, oneself once visited that arrived in Cold Frost, some doubtful ancient Shenhuo deified existence of body, at that time the opposite party once suggested to her wanted her to go underground to look for the clue. 不久前,自己曾拜访那位降临在寒霜的、疑似某位古神或古神化身的存在,当时对方曾向她暗示,要她去“地下”寻找线索。 Now, she is approaching the lair that these heresies hide under the aura direction unceasingly. 现在,她正在气息指引下不断靠近那些异端藏身的巢穴。 These heresies really hide in City-State underground, hides —— is only this underground safe house is not in the Real World Cold Frost city in the second waterway that this abandons, but in foreign land that in duplicates. 那些异端真的藏身于城邦地下,藏在这废弃的第二水路中——只是这“地下藏身处”并不在现实世界寒霜城里,而是在一个复制出来的异域内。 Agatha pulled the corners of the mouth. 阿加莎扯了扯嘴角。 Path ups and downs, after all zero point. 道路曲折,终归原点。 She misunderstood that arrival suggestion at that time, was mistaken that enemy on conceals in the Real World second waterway, now oneself actually the mistake arising out of chance circumstances enters this to duplicate City-State, and found the clue in the second waterway of this replica. 她当时误解了那位降临者的暗示,误以为敌人就藏在现实世界的第二水路里,现在自己却又阴差阳错地进入了这个复制城邦,并在这复制品的第二水路中找到了线索。 Paces back and forth in the branch road, ultimately moves toward correct direction —— this is also a luck? 在岔路中徘徊,最终走向正确的方向——这是否也是一种幸运? Agatha is observing the surrounding situation. 阿加莎观察着周围的情况。 The second waterway in Real World she, although does not have to nose thoroughly, but also knows that some general situations, she knows that ancient sewage system has abandoned and blocked thoroughly, all the pipeline to second waterway, shaft and drain tank has closed, theoretically, there should be dry or the relatively dry place. 现实世界中的第二水路她虽然没有深入查探过,但也知道一些大概情况,她知道那个古老的下水道系统早已彻底废弃、封锁,所有通往第二水路的管道、竖井和排水槽都已经关闭,理论上,那里应该是一个干燥或相对干燥的地方。 But in the present sewer corridor actually the finding at everywhere sewage flows, in the surrounding pipeline can also hear the sound of draining water once for a while. 而眼前的下水道走廊中却随处可见污水流淌,周围的管道中也时不时能听到排水的声音。 In Cold Frost City-State that this duplicates, does the second waterway present continuously used condition —— this is also the difference between sham and quality goods? 在这个复制出来的寒霜城邦,第二水路呈现出一直被使用的状态——这也是赝品和正品之间的区别? Agatha is thinking, later suddenly stopped the footsteps. 阿加莎思索着,随后突然停下了脚步。 The sticky disgusting creeping motion sound transmits from the surroundings, the manages road junctions of these pollution discharges and cover the wall surface of black pollutant, the black mud are infiltrating unceasingly outward. 黏腻恶心的蠕动声从周围传来,那些排污的管道口和覆盖着黑色污染物的墙壁表面,黑色泥浆正在不断向外渗透。 The anomaly that these are haunted by the ghost came. 那些阴魂不散的怪胎又来了。 Very tired, the wound is aching, the ceremony bandage has damaged, God of Death blessing also gradually weakens, the blood outflow causes felt weakly degree that is unable to neglect. 身体很疲惫,伤口在作痛,仪式绷带已经破损,死亡之神赐福也随之逐渐减弱,血液流失导致的虚弱感到了无法忽视的程度。 But Agatha is only raised the head tranquilly, is gazing at these in the abnormal monster that oneself gathers at present. 阿加莎只是平静地抬起头,注视着那些正在自己眼前汇聚起来的畸形怪物。 Come, goes.” “来吧,赴死。”
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