DSE :: Volume #4

#399: „Connection”

When the first abnormal anomaly shouts is flushing, Agatha slightly leaned a body, and with enemy staggered instantaneously with the limbs of cane light point that monster, making it burn in cremation instantaneously, later she before that group pale roaring flame fell to the ground lifted cane forward one finger/refers, drew out a dazzling white line from the flame, making it crash into the front crossroad, such as the flowing fire spread burnt down these ugly monster. 当第一个畸形怪胎嘶吼着冲上来的时候,阿加莎只是微微侧了一下身子,并在与敌人交错的瞬间用手杖轻点那怪物的肢体,令其在“火葬”中瞬间燃烧,随后她又在那团苍白烈焰落地前抬起手杖向前一指,从火焰中引出一道刺眼的白线,令其坠入前方的路口,如流火蔓延般去焚烧那些丑陋的怪物。 She lets the body large scale activity in avoidance as far as possible, to reduce exhausted and influence of grief, simultaneously avoids with these anomaly contacts as far as possible, to reduce loss —— in energetic aspect, because has not known that front has many to kill, not only the monster is waiting for oneself, she must save the physical strength to be good. 她在尽量避免让身体大幅度活动,以减轻疲惫和伤痛的影响,同时尽量避免和那些怪胎接触,以减轻精神方面的损耗——因为还不知道前方有多少杀不光的怪物在等着自己,她必须节省体力才行。 She did not conflict the death, she knows after oneself this body death , may still fight, until changing to the bone ash, that bone ash will also float in this cursed place, purification these revolting monster —— she never feared all these continually, but before the hug death, she still wants to investigate to be clear that here truth, and prevented the actions of these heresies as far as possible. 她并不抵触死亡,她知道自己这具躯体死亡之后仍可战斗,直至化作骨灰,那骨灰也将漂浮在这个被诅咒的地方,持续净化那些令人作呕的怪物——她从来不惧怕这一切,但在拥抱死亡之前,她仍想调查清楚这里的真相,并尽可能地阻止那些异端的行动。 That this she is attacked all the way is getting more and more frequent, the actions of these abnormal anomalies are getting more and more anxious, this had proven indistinctly direction that matter —— she looks for right, in front of this dens of these heresies. 这一路上她遭到的袭击越来越频繁,那些畸形怪胎的行动越来越焦躁,这已经隐隐约约证明了一件事——她找的方向没错,这前面正是那些异端的老巢。 More black mud infiltrated from nearby wall and arch, here each hole and each brickwork joint are the hotbeds of these abnormal thing births, but as a result of the factor of topography, these sham the appearance way starts becomes strangely is harder to deal with. 更多的黑色泥浆从附近的墙壁和拱顶上渗了出来,这里的每一道孔隙、每一个砖缝都是那些畸形之物诞生的温床,而由于地势的因素,这些“赝品”的出现方式开始变得更加诡异难缠起来。 A slight fizz transmits from the side, in the Agatha heart the raising police trillion, she felt that because of being tired and slow, can only reverse the body at crucial moments reluctantly, in the cane turning round standard by the hand keeps off —— along with the sharp stabbing pain on the shoulder transmitting, she noticed that the cane center-section bursts out a dazzling sparks/Mars, wears the black clothes, in the hand takes the form of Guardian cane also to be struck to fly. 一阵轻微的嘶嘶声从侧后方传来,阿加莎心中升起警兆,她感觉到身体因疲惫而迟缓,只能在关键时刻勉强扭转身体,以手中手杖回身格挡——伴随着肩膀上传来的一阵尖锐刺痛,她看到手杖中段迸发出一道耀眼的火星,一个身披黑衣,手中拿着守卫者手杖的身影随之被击飞出去。 That form falls on the ground, if some revolting mollusk creeping motion were crawling, it raised the head, under the black ceremonial hat is a as if melting flows the face of distortion slowly, in that fearsome facial features, can distinguish certain familiar outlines vaguely. 那身影落在地上,又如某种令人作呕的软体动物般蠕动着爬了起来,它抬起头,黑色礼帽下是一张仿佛融化般缓缓流淌变形的面孔,在那可怖的面容中,依稀可以辨别某些熟悉的轮廓。 The face that the next second, that flows condensed, changes to face line sharp-featured young people —— he to look up to Agatha, on the face reveals the puzzled appearance: Team leader? You how here?” 下一秒,那流淌的面孔凝聚了,化作一个脸部线条轮廓分明的年轻人——他抬头看向阿加莎,脸上露出困惑的模样:“队长?您怎么在这儿?” Agatha grasps the finger of cane to turn white slightly, the look stagnated for one second. 阿加莎握着手杖的手指微微发白,眼神凝滞了一秒钟。 Almost at the same time, she hears a sound —— that sound not to know that from where comes, seems the entire sewer at the resonance, that sound is whispering to her: 几乎与此同时,她听到一个声音——那声音不知从何而来,仿佛是整个下水道都在共鸣,那声音在对她低语: „, You recognized him ——, when you were also not Gatekeeper, your loyal deputy team chief shielded you to retreat...... you to keep that from the darkness...... to lead him to go back him, how?” “啊,你认出他了——当你还不是守门人的时候,你忠诚的副队长掩护伱从黑暗中撤退……你把他留在那了……带他回去,如何?” Agatha has not responded, is only silent going forward, after three, then changes to grey wind, later that wind when young Guardian front stops suddenly and condenses, when her form appears again, in her hand that tin cane deeply has pricked the chest of that black clothes Guardian. 阿加莎没有回应,只是沉默着上前,三步之后便化作一股灰风,随后那股风在年轻的“守卫者”面前骤停、凝聚,待她的身影再度出现时,她手中那柄锡制手杖已经深深刺入那黑衣守卫者的胸口。 The young black clothes guards looks at this stunned, as if cannot believe oneself will die in the oneself deep faith team leader in hand, but suddenly, he understood anything probably, in the throat sends out in a soft voice twittering: Had finished......” 年轻的黑衣守卫错愕地看着这一幕,仿佛不敢相信自己会死在自己深深信赖的“队长”手中,但突然间,他好像明白了什么,喉咙里发出轻声呢喃:“原来已经结束了么……” Sorry, quick will finish.” Agatha said in a soft voice. “抱歉,很快就会结束。”阿加莎轻声说道。 The young black clothes guarded lowers the head slowly, smiled one: Team leader, you grasped the strength of wind of ashes finally......” 年轻的黑衣守卫慢慢低下头,笑了一声:“队长,您终于掌握灰烬之风的力量了……” Yes, practicing was very long.” Agatha said in a soft voice, the pale flame ascends in her at present, that black clothes guard the body melts and breaks up in cremation, changes to place black dust. “是的,练了很久。”阿加莎轻声说道,苍白的火焰在她眼前升腾,那“黑衣守卫”的身体在“火葬”中融化、崩解,化作一地黑尘。 Decisive, callous, conforms to you as the status of God of Death disciple very much.” “果断,冷酷,很符合您作为死亡之神圣徒的身份。” That disgusting sound reverberates again, Agatha has turned around, actually saw that more abnormal anomalies are taking shape, has sham not to speak what knight spirit toward the master who oneself wells up —— that sound in all directions obviously, even if when launching a psychological attack, he is also directing these to launch the attack toward oneself unceasingly. 那个令人厌恶的声音再一次回荡起来,阿加莎转过身,却看到更多的畸形怪胎正在成型,四面八方都有“赝品”朝自己涌来——那声音的主人显然不讲什么骑士精神,哪怕是在“攻心”之时,他也在不断指挥这些喽啰朝自己发起进攻。 The flame bursting sound and cane counter-attack sound and sound reverberates in the underground corridor air-splitting, Agatha is resisting the attack of abnormal thing, while sinking sound opens the mouth: These cheap tricks can only enrage me, actually cannot delay my footsteps —— to be opposite, angry can only make me find your safe houses quickly, what advantage does this have to you?” 火焰爆裂声、手杖回击声以及破空声在地下走廊中回响,阿加莎一边抵挡着畸形之物的袭击,一边沉声开口:“这些小把戏只能激怒我,却不能拖延我的脚步——相反,愤怒只能让我更快找到你们的藏身处,这对你有什么好处?” „...... So, you were truly angry, seemed like compared with a moment ago also ominous, but are not related the —— appropriate mood fluctuation is also necessary, Miss Gatekeeper.” “……确实如此,你生气了,看上去比刚才还凶,但是没关系——适当的情绪波动也很有必要,守门人小姐。” The sound that in the corridor reverberates as if goes far away gradually, in the Agatha actually heart moves the —— appropriate mood fluctuation is also necessary? What meaning are these words? 走廊中回荡的声音仿佛渐渐远去,阿加莎却心中一动——适当的情绪波动也很有必要?这句话是什么意思? However here no one has been able to reply that her question, that the master of sound only has a goal, weakens her physical strength, to delay her footsteps using the cannon fodder unceasingly, now he had departed, here remains, another batch of monsters that only then just infiltration from the surroundings wall came out. 然而这里已经没人能回答她的疑问,那声音的主人只有一个目的,就是利用炮灰来不断削弱她的体力、拖延她的脚步,现在他已经离去了,这里留下来的,只有刚刚从周围墙壁上“渗透”出来的又一批怪物。 The Agatha look concentrates, welcomed again to the own enemy. 阿加莎眼神一凝,再次迎向自己的敌人。 ...... …… Our soldiers are battling with the enemy!” “我们的战士正在与敌人交战!” A green flame cut dim in second waterway suddenly, the pigeon Ai form flushed from the flame, directly pounding on the Duncan shoulder, made an effort to whip the wing while exuded the sharp boisterous scream. 一道绿色的火光骤然划破第二水路中的昏暗,鸽子艾伊的身影从火焰中冲了出来,径直“砸”在邓肯肩膀上,一边使劲拍打翅膀一边发出尖锐聒噪的喊叫声。 The silly bird as well as its sharp yelling that this flees suddenly have a scare Duncan, even almost frightened the head of Alice. 这突然窜出来的傻鸟以及它尖锐的喊叫把邓肯吓了一跳,甚至几乎吓掉了爱丽丝的脑袋。 Has searched half-day Duncan to stare in this dry spacious underground corridor immediately, turns head the pigeon essence that looks on the oneself shoulder the whole body to get angry: What did your ghost call?” 已经在这干燥空旷的地下走廊中搜索半天的邓肯顿时瞪起眼睛,扭头看着自己肩膀上浑身冒火的鸽子精:“你鬼叫什么?” Ai crooked head, the small eye stares to look at Duncan, seriously nods: Our searching Ji was attacked! Our searching Ji was attacked! The tactical situation too disadvantageous...... our soldiers was battling with the enemy to us!” 艾伊歪了歪脑袋,小眼睛直勾勾看着邓肯,表情严肃地点点头:“我们的探姬遭到攻击!我们的探姬遭到攻击!战况对我们太不利了……我们的战士正在与敌人交战!” Alice held the head to collect: Captain, did Ai eat the stomach ache?” 爱丽丝扶着脑袋凑了过来:“船长,艾伊吃坏肚子了?” Ai turned head to stare puppet one, stretched out the neck to peck two on the latter skull, made thump thump after the sound, shouted to shout: Makes sense makes sense makes sense......” 艾伊扭头瞪了人偶一眼,伸出脖子在后者脑壳上啄了两下,发出“咚咚”的声音之后扯着嗓子嚷嚷:“像话吗像话吗像话吗……” Alice pecked calls out in alarm, holds the head to run. 爱丽丝被啄的一声惊呼,抱着脑袋就跑。 Duncan has not actually cared about this sound, he is hearing Ai to shout the later complexion then to enforce for the second time, then looked looking pensive to some direction. 邓肯却没有在意身边这点动静,他在听到艾伊第二次嚷嚷之后脸色便已经严肃起来,紧接着便若有所思地看向了某个方向。 You two peaceful, after” several seconds of type, he breaks suddenly silent, the look looked especially dignifiedly to corridor another side crossroad, Ai possibly detected anything.” “你们两个安静一下,”几秒种后,他突然打破沉默,神色格外凝重地看向了走廊另一侧的路口,“艾伊可能察觉了什么。” Alice instantaneous is honest, and looked that to direction that the Duncan vision is. 爱丽丝瞬间老实下来,并看向邓肯目光所在的方向。 Is the mark that I leave behind...... is that Gatekeeper,” the Duncan sound resounds, he has taken the footsteps to the front, she nearby this.” “是我留下的印记……是那个‘守门人’,”邓肯的声音响起,他已经向前方迈出脚步,“她在这附近。” Alice looks at that direction, suddenly opened the eye. 爱丽丝看着那个方向,紧接着突然睁大了眼睛。 „, Wired!” “啊,有线!” Miss puppet sends out short calling out in alarm, then ran —— she to be even quicker than the Duncan speed fast, must hold the balloon that will soon run swiftly like an impatient child hurriedly, as soon as she slid slightly runs then arrived around the crossroad, then jumped round trip grasps in the air certain the things of being able to see. 人偶小姐发出一声短促的惊呼,紧接着便飞快地跑了过去——她甚至比邓肯速度还快,就像一个心急的孩子要急匆匆抓住一个即将飞跑的气球,她一溜小跑便到了路口附近,接着便跳起来去抓空气中某些看不见的事物。 Duncan only saw Alice to run, jumped in front is grasping the thing in air, but, he then as if saw indistinctly in the Alice hand really presented anything. 邓肯只看到爱丽丝跑了过去,在前面蹦跳着去抓空气里的东西,而紧接着,他便仿佛隐隐约约看到了爱丽丝手中真的出现了什么事物。 Some white, are nearly transparent, in the air is refracting the environmental light slightly...... line. 一些白色的,近乎透明的,在空气中微微折射着环境光的……线。 He walked quickly, Alice has turned the head, on the face showed the happy bright smile. 他快步走了过去,爱丽丝则转过头,脸上露出了愉快灿烂的笑容。 I catch......” “我抓到……” Miss puppet the happy smile only continued the flash, the next second, in her hand the indistinct line then suddenly starts, break shatter, and is similar to accelerates to make decent the general fast dissipation in the air. 人偶小姐愉快的笑容只持续了一瞬间,下一秒,她手中隐隐约约的线便突然开始破碎、断裂,并如同加速风化一般快速消散在空气中。 „!” Alice calls out in alarm, line broke!” “啊!”爱丽丝惊呼起来,“线断了!” But her screams finish barely the words, a big tall and strong form has then walked quickly from side, Duncan the end that will put out a hand —— soon to dissipate thoroughly falls into his hand toward line that” that break makes decent. 但她的惊呼声话音未落,一个高大魁梧的身影便已经从旁快步走来,邓肯向着那断裂风化的“线”伸出手去——一段即将彻底消散的线头落入他手中。 Instantaneously, that online then dyed a quiet green flame. 瞬间,那线上便染了一层幽绿的火光。 Duncan has turned the head slowly, he looks at the eye of Alice, Alice stares in the big eye to reflect a bunch of jump quiet green. 邓肯慢慢转过头,他看着爱丽丝的眼睛,爱丽丝瞪大的眼睛中则倒映着一簇跳跃的幽绿。 I caught.” Duncan said in a soft voice. “我抓到了。”邓肯轻声说道。 ...... …… An abnormal anomaly changes to the ashes in the pale roaring flame, another abnormal anomaly was crushed the head by the cane, such as the muck collapses, the Agatha rotation body, the fight cane in hand cuts the air, pounds ruthlessly to last also stands in the crossroad enemy. 一个畸形怪胎在苍白烈焰中化作灰烬,另一个畸形怪胎被手杖击碎了头颅,如软泥般瘫倒下来,阿加莎转动身体,手中的战斗手杖划破空气,狠狠地砸向最后一个还站在路口的敌人。 Afterward, her movement stopped suddenly. 随后,她的动作猛然停了下来。 Completely stemming from the instinct, completely without with enough time the ponder, the huge fear and intimidation has then shaken her complete mind directly, she even felt that the own muscle and skeleton at that flash sent out gratingly fearful the sound, some seedling source even possibly suppressed her movement from great power —— of spirituality intuition from the direct early warning of God of Death Bartok suddenly. 完全出于本能,完全没来得及思考,巨大的恐惧和震慑感便已经直接震住了她全部的心智,她甚至感觉自己的肌肉和骨骼都在那一瞬间发出了刺耳可怕的吱嘎声,某种源自灵性直觉的强大力量——甚至可能是源自死亡之神巴托克的直接预警猛然遏止了她的动作。 She noticed that the own cane stopped, stopped in that last just sham that” crawled from the mud by head less than several millimeters position. 她看到自己的手杖停了下来,停在那最后一个刚刚从泥浆中爬起来的“赝品”头颅旁边不到几毫米的位置。 She stared in a big way the eye, looks that whole body the human form form that by flowing the mud was formed raised the head slowly, its head position gradually condensed an eye, had the quiet green flame in that body surface combustion, but a low and deep voice flip-flop made noise —— in the flame 她瞪大了眼睛,看着那个浑身由流淌泥浆形成的人形身影慢慢抬起头,其头颅位置逐渐凝聚出一双眼睛,有幽绿的火焰在那躯体表面燃烧起来,而一个低沉的嗓音则在火焰中劈啪作响—— „Does Agatha, need to help?” 阿加莎,需要帮助吗?”
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