DSE :: Volume #4

#397: City hall

Snowed. 下雪了。 How long the sunny fine weather simply has not as if continued, another snowing then visited Cold Frost, starting from the morning, the cloudy cloud seems the lead ingot the same as pile up sky over City-State, the disorderly cold wind has blown the street not to stop, when the time, the snowflake then starts to sprinkle toward noon thick fallingly, 晴朗的好天气似乎根本没有持续多久,又一场降雪便造访了寒霜,从早上开始,阴沉沉的云就好像铅块一样积压在城邦上空,无序的冷风一刻不停地吹过街道,而在时间临近中午的时候,雪花便开始纷纷扬扬地洒落下来, From Upper District to Lower District, from each tall tower to each mean alley, entire City-State was covered in dimly, in the thick falling snowflake. 上城区下城区,从每一座高塔到每一处陋巷,整座城邦都被笼罩在朦胧的、纷纷扬扬的雪花中。 Sudden snowing made on the street appear peaceful many. 突如其来的降雪让街道上显得安静了不少。 The steam motor car checked the sound that stopped to break in the snow the tranquility on street, a dark-gray vehicle stopped in the entrance of city hall, the vehicle door opened, Agatha of black clothes from vehicle, 蒸汽车刹停的响声打破了雪中街道上的宁静,一辆深灰色的车子停在了市政厅的大门口,车门打开,一袭黑衣的阿加莎从车上下来, Moves toward front that big dignified, is primarily the big project of light gray tone. 走向面前那座高大庄严的、以浅灰色为主色调的大型建筑。 She raised the head, 她抬起头, Looks main building —— this that the city hall stands tall and erect classical building that inherited from the royal power time still holds on the dignified bearing of time, its the roof structure of column, arched entrance and continual fluctuating standing tall and erect seemed like no matter when powerful, 看着市政厅高耸的主楼——这座从王权时代传承下来的古典建筑物仍然保有着上个时代的威严气度,其高耸的立柱、拱门与连续起伏的屋顶结构不管什么时候看上去都气势十足, Although its name turned now from cold winter royal court city hall, but it the position in City-State has not changed. 尽管它的名字从“凛冬王庭”变成了如今的“市政厅”,但它在城邦中的地位从来都没变过。 It was still symbolizing in City-State authoritarian double pole one, 它仍然象征着城邦中的“威权双极”之一, Is sheltering city of —— construction this Boiling Gold with facing each other across a great distance silent Grand Cathedral together with the history book that the stone builds, in the construction passes the power and character who alternates is just in the page the writing record one after another, 与遥遥相对的寂静大圣堂共同庇护着这座沸金之城——建筑是用石头堆砌起来的历史书,建筑中流转更迭的权力和人物只不过是书页中一行又一行的文字记述, The queen years are also good, present Magistrate system, 女王时代也好,如今的执政官制度也罢, Turned into the history book to be turned the past record finally unavoidably...... 都最终免不了变成历史书中一段被翻过去的记录…… The Agatha knitting the brows head, lifts the hand to pinch the frontal eminence suddenly gently. 阿加莎突然皱了皱眉头,抬起手轻轻捏着额角。 She knows, oneself was distracted, 她知道,自己又走神了, Also emitted many feeling —— oneself like the sentimental poet over the two days always so, 还像个多愁善感的诗人一样冒出了许多的感慨——自己这两天总是如此, Does not know why will not then be able to bear indulge in flights of fancy something, 不知为何便会忍不住胡思乱想一些事情, Either does not have restlessing of reason. 要么就是没来由的心神不宁。 This is not the good phenomenon, as City-State Gatekeeper, the own mind condition must maintain highly controlled, 这可不是好现象,作为城邦守门人,自己的心智状态必须维持高度受控, Being distracted wants the situation of avoid as much as possible. “走神”是要尽可能避免的情况。 The sound of footsteps transmits from the front door direction, 脚步声从大门方向传来, Interrupted the psychological activity of Agatha, she raised the head, saw the senior secretary who wears the dark blue coat has walked to oneself. 打断了阿加莎的心理活动,她抬起头,看到一名穿着深蓝色外套的高级秘书已经向自己走来。 Ms. Agatha, 阿加莎女士, ” The young man who is assistant Magistrate arrives in front of Agatha, lowers the head to salute respectfully, Magistrate has known your visit, he in dome office you.” ”担任执政官助理的年轻男子来到阿加莎面前,恭敬地低头致敬,“执政官已得知您的来访,他在圆顶办公室等您。” Omitting the smalltalk is also good,” Agatha nods, guides.” “省去客套也好,”阿加莎点点头,“带路吧。” City hall uppermost layer, in a big office that has the circular arch, Cold Frost City-State current Magistrate Winston is sitting after the spacious arc desk. 市政厅最上层,一间有着圆形拱顶的大型办公室内,寒霜城邦的现任执政官温斯顿正坐在宽大的弧形办公桌后。 He is stature slightly some big men of putting on weight, puts on style, has the medal and bright blue coat of colorful silk ribbon decoration, perhaps is manages City-State in decline to consume energy, his hair already sparsely to situation in imminent danger, has to wear a wig of curl to cover scalp ——, when Agatha enters the dome office, this Mr. Magistrate is manipulating one to place the fine brass machinery on desk. 他是一个身材略有些发福的高大男人,穿着气派的、带有勋章与绶带装饰的亮蓝色外套,或许是管理一座衰退中的城邦过于消耗精力,他的头发已经稀疏到岌岌可危的地步,以至于不得不戴了一顶卷曲的假发来遮挡头皮——阿加莎进入圆顶办公室的时候,这位执政官先生正在摆弄着一个放在办公桌上的精致黄铜机械。 That sophisticated mechanism seems like some micro model, the gear and the lever mechanism its close meshing is exquisite like the artware, and exudes the clear sound under Magistrate Winston's manipulation once for a while. 那个结构复杂的机械装置看上去像是某种微缩模型,其紧密啮合的齿轮和连杆结构如艺术品般精妙,并在执政官温斯顿的摆弄下时不时发出清脆的响声。 Never expected that you have the time to manipulate the machine model when the so busy government affairs unexpectedly,” the Agatha sound conveys before the desk, I thought the situation in City-State enough to make you be tied up recently.” “没想到您在如此繁忙的政务之余竟还有时间摆弄机器模型,”阿加莎的声音从办公桌前传来,“我以为最近城邦里的情况已经足够让您忙得不可开交了。” This is not the machine model, this is mine car crab traversing mechanism —— of next generation can save 30% powers, “这可不是什么机器模型,这是下一代的矿车牵引机构——能节约百分之三十的动力, Moreover is more reliable than durably the previous generation, 而且比上一代更加可靠耐用, Magistrate Winston raised the head, a face said earnestly, City-State terrible business one after another, but we cannot therefore not life and development.” 执政官温斯顿抬起头,一脸认真地说道,“城邦的麻烦事一件接一件,但我们总不能因此就不生活和发展了。” Agatha shows neither approval nor disapproval. 阿加莎不置可否。 Magistrate Mr. Winston is infatuated in the machinery and engineering technology, he holds the post of the Magistrate 12 years, most energy placed to the engineering design the support of institute and mechanical factory, promote on, this Mr. Magistrate has the ambitious idea, he as if hopes that solves City-State current difficult position —— through the technical breakthrough and seeks the new economic powerhouse including the upgrade to old facility, but how to say...... 执政官温斯顿先生醉心于机械和工程技术,他担任执政官十二年,大部分精力都放在了对工程设计所和机械制造厂的支持、推动上,这位执政官先生有野心勃勃的想法,他似乎希望通过技术上的突破来解决城邦目前的困境——包括对老旧设施的升级改造和谋求新的经济动力,但怎么说呢…… Only can say that the idea is very good, the confidence is very full, quite a lot —— may Reality be beset with difficulties diligently. 只能说想法很好,信心很足,努力颇多——现实困难重重。 Technical progress, can make us be completed under the premise that the cost can accept the transformation to the mine facility, a more practical new machine can also exit|to speak other City-State —— Cold Frost unable to depend upon to betray Boiling Gold this road to live forever,” Winston notices Gatekeeper to respond averagely, could not bear said several, „the Boiling Gold mine was the foundation of Cold Frost survival, the pillar/backbone that but the sole industry formed was extremely really weak......” “技术上的进步,可以让我们在成本能够接受的前提下完成对矿山设施的改造,更加实用的新机器也可以出口到其他城邦——寒霜不能永远依靠出卖沸金这一条路活着,”温斯顿注意到守门人反应平平,忍不住多说了几句,“沸金矿山是寒霜存活的基础,但单一产业形成的支柱实在太过薄弱了……” I am not the economical or the area of technology official.” Agatha has to remind tactfully. “我并不是经济或技术领域的官员。”阿加莎不得不委婉地提醒道。 „, Good, I neglected,” Winston lifts the hand, side puts the machine model on desk while looks up Agatha, that we said the proper business, did Ms. Agatha, the exploration work about second waterway, you as if have the words to say?” “哦,好吧,我忽略了,”温斯顿抬起手,一边将办公桌上的机器模型放到旁边一边抬头看着阿加莎,“那我们说正事吧,阿加莎女士,关于第二水路的探索工作,您似乎有话要说?” Exploration army met troublesome under the connection shaft in central two area,” Agatha said straightforwardly, that channel close to the Boiling Gold mine bottom, part of pipeline legs has had been transformed the trace, but the front door to next connection section was blocked —— I to give the order under exploration army is, can destroy the obstacle in second waterway with the violent means that but my person report said that they saw on the front door lead sealing and data plate that the city hall leaves behind.” “探索部队在中央二区的连接竖井下面遇上了麻烦,”阿加莎直截了当地说道,“那条通道靠近沸金矿山底部,其中一部分管道支路存在被改造过的痕迹,但通往下一连接段的大门被封锁了——我给探索部队下的命令是,可以用暴力手段破坏第二水路中的障碍物,但我的人报告说他们在大门上看到了市政厅留下的铅封和铭牌。” „...... The lead sealing and data plate of city hall?” Winston obviously gawked, his unexpected expression does not counterfeit, „did you determine?” “……市政厅的铅封和铭牌?”温斯顿明显愣了一下,他那意外的表情不似作假,“你确定?” Agatha is observing the expression on Magistrate face, long time, she said in a soft voice: You know nothing evidently.” 阿加莎观察着执政官脸上的表情,良久,她才轻声说道:“看样子您对此一无所知。” That was abandons the half a century of second waterway —— its previous time to be operational rules the City-State age in Frost Queen!” Winston raises both hands, the expression seems a little exaggerating, what lead sealing, even if under that has and data plate, that is still the queen period remains, how to have thing —— Ms. Agatha who the city hall keeps, is difficult to be inadequate you to think that was I blocked there front door secretly? What significance does this have? Stores the buried treasure in the place bottom deep place?” “那是废弃了半个世纪的第二水路——它上一次被投入使用还是在寒霜女王统治城邦的年代!”温斯顿扬起双手,表情显得有点夸张,“即便那下面有什么铅封和铭牌,那也得是女王时期留下来的,怎么会有市政厅留下来的东西——阿加莎女士,难不成你认为是我秘密封锁了那里的大门?这有什么意义呢?在地底深处贮藏宝藏?” „The reason that...... you have not truly done that” Agatha nods gently, „, if you really want to store what buried treasure, in City-State any place the second waterway of out of control condition is more credible.” “……您确实没有这么做的理由,”阿加莎轻轻点了点头,“如果您真的想贮藏什么宝藏,城邦里任何一个地方都比失控状态的第二水路靠谱。” I do not want to listen to you to assume seriously this matter,” Winston beckons with the hand, but his expression has enforced, on that data plate does not have the date and head name and so on thing? On the regular data plate must have this type of thing, you should be able to determine very much easily based on this is who gets up the big door lock.” “我可不想听您一本正经地假设这种事情,”温斯顿摆摆手,但他的表情已经严肃起来,“那铭牌上没有日期和负责人姓名之类的东西吗?正规的铭牌上都要有这种东西,你们应该能很容易据此确定到底是谁把大门锁起来的。” „Very regrettable, all writing damage to be difficult to distinguish, the data plate and lead sealing suffered the quite serious corrosion, in fact that leaf of front door especially frail —— we have suspected are nearby the mine pit the acid ambient of stratum caused the accelerated aging of metal,” Agatha shakes the head, „can only determine that door will be Queen —— who the city hall will lock the time will not really have that type of specification form lead sealing.” “很遗憾,所有文字都污损难辨,铭牌和铅封都遭受了相当严重的腐蚀,事实上就连那扇大门都已经格外脆弱——我们怀疑是矿井附近地层的酸性环境导致了金属的加速老化,”阿加莎摇摇头,“只能确定那扇门确实是市政厅锁起来的——女王时代不会有那种规格形式的铅封。” The warm Stern stand, the expression on his face was slightly agitated, paced after the spacious arc desk back and forth, how long crosses did not know, he stopped to mutter: If that is really the city hall stays behind , can only be long ago —— even possibly is the queen years ended later first or the second municipal government......” 斯特站了起来,他脸上的表情略显烦躁,在宽大的弧形办公桌后来回踱步,过了不知多久,他才停下来咕哝道:“如果那真是市政厅留下的,也只能是在很久以前的时候——甚至可能是女王时代结束之后的第一届或第二届市政府……” Your predecessors have not transmitted all materials to the own successor evidently.” Agatha said. “看样子您的前任们并没有把所有资料都转交给自己的继任者。”阿加莎说道。 Also might be the early confusion cause some material losing to damage,” warm Stern beckoned with the hand, no matter what, the underground deep place of urban center region actually had one by the city hall the region that ordered to block, moreover part of this region second waterway, this matter very not normal...... Ms. Agatha, this matter must investigate clearly.” “也有可能是早期的混乱导致一部分资料遗失损毁了,”温斯特摆摆手,“但不管怎么样,城市中心区域的地下深处竟然存在一处被市政厅下令封锁的区域,而且这处区域还是第二水路的一部分,这件事都很不正常……阿加莎女士,这件事必须调查清楚。” Naturally, this is my responsibility,” Agatha nods, her expression relaxed a point, „, although I have not gotten the answer of wish, but can obtain your support attitude also same —— exploration action to continue, I will do to understand behind that door as soon as possible am anything, will have any new progress, the Church aspect will communicate with the city hall promptly.” “当然,这是我的职责,”阿加莎点了点头,她的表情放松了一点,“虽然我没有得到想要的答案,但能得到您的支持态度也一样——探索行动会继续进行,我会尽快搞明白那扇门背后是什么东西,有任何新进展,教会方面都会及时与市政厅沟通的。” This best.” Winston nods. “这样最好。”温斯顿点了点头。 The atmosphere of dome office relaxes slightly. 圆顶办公室的气氛稍微放松下来。 I was not many disturbed,” Agatha said, „some second waterway also many things needed me to go to supervise personally.” “那我就不多打扰了,”阿加莎说道,“第二水路还有许多事情需要我去亲自监督。” She and Magistrate politeness said goodbye, later turned around to leave the dome office. 她与执政官礼貌道别,随后转身离开了圆顶办公室。 The Gatekeeper form disappears in the room, only the other walking sticks and shoe heels knock the sound of ground to go far away gradually, Winston breathes a sigh of relief long time gently, some doubts knitting the brows heads. 守门人的身影消失在房间中,只余下手杖与鞋跟叩击地面的响声渐渐远去,温斯顿良久才轻轻舒了口气,紧接着又有些疑惑地皱了皱眉头。 „...... Ms. Agathahas not hurried along...... this stature slightly putting on weight some middle-aged Magistrate to raise the head with grey wind today actually ‚, looks at the direction that Agatha leaves, is whispering low voice, originally she can also walk to pass in and out from the entrance normally?” “……阿加莎女士今天倒是没有用‘灰风’赶路……”这位身材略有些发福的中年执政官抬起头,看着阿加莎离开的方向,小声嘀咕着,“原来她也是能正常从门口走路进出的么?”
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