DSE :: Volume #4

#396: Material quality unclear Alice

Duncan has truly thrown down fire seed —— but him to feel this to Cold Frost City-State in that mirror also by far insufficient. 邓肯确实已经向那个镜像中的寒霜城邦投下了一个火种——但他觉得这还远远不够。 He can obviously feel, this Cold Frost situation and Pland are different, the fire seed that he throws down has not spread fast in another side of mirror . Moreover the sensation of oneself to fire seed also has big weakening and disturbs —— he to suspect, this possibly is because mirror both sides the world has the impediment naturally, or is because between mirror and Real World actually accurate correspondence, the parts of these dislocations, in not disturbing his judgment. 他能明显地感觉到,这一次寒霜的情况与普兰德不同,他投下的火种并没有在“镜子的另一侧”飞快地蔓延起来,而且自己对火种的感知也存在很大的削弱和干扰——他猜想,这可能是因为“镜子两侧”的世界天然存在阻隔,或者是因为镜像和现实世界之间其实并没有准确对应,那些错位的部分,在干扰他的判断。 Whatever the reason, he needs to find the way to strengthen relation between oneself and fire seed, strengthens with relation between White Oak and Agatha. 不管原因是什么,他都需要想办法加强自己和火种之间的联系,加强和白橡木号阿加莎之间的联系。 But in the conversation, Vanna showed expression looking pensive suddenly: Mentioned the issue of mirror...... you to determine that oneself saw that Gatekeeper form in the inverted image of glass, right?” 而在交谈中,凡娜突然露出了若有所思的表情:“说起镜像的问题……您确定自己在玻璃的倒影中看到了那位守门人的身影,是吗?” Naturally can determine.” “当然可以确定。” This somewhat felt strange......” Vanna is frowning, „, if she is really is stranded in that mirror world, how City-State did not have the —— highest securer to be missing to a present wind sound/rumor strangely, even if blocked off the flow of news for stability will of the people, at least Cathedral and city hall will also take other actions to......” “这就有些奇怪了……”凡娜皱着眉头,“如果她真是被困在那个镜像世界里,城邦怎么到现在还一点风声都没有——最高保卫者离奇失踪,哪怕是出于安定人心的考虑封锁了消息,至少大教堂和市政厅方面也会采取一些别的行动才对……” She speaking of this, according to own experience feedback: Secret search, the martial law of specific area, the frequency and distribution of Guardian night patrol change —— even in situation of news blackout, these details can still observed, but I today and Mr. Morris moved in City-State was very long, has not discovered the change in this aspect.” 她说到这顿了顿,根据自己的经验总结着:“秘密搜索,特定范围的戒严,守卫者夜间巡逻的频率和分布变化——即便在消息封锁的情况下,这些细节也是可以观察到的,但我今天和莫里斯先生在城邦里活动了很久,都没发现这方面的变化。” Is lowering the head Nina that reads to raise the head suddenly: Perhaps is because that Gatekeeper was just missing shortly , hasn't City-State responded?” 正低头看书的妮娜突然抬起头:“或许是因为那位守门人刚失踪没多久,城邦还没反应过来?” „...... Must really be such words, that Cold Frost may rotten enough to be really incurable,” Vanna shakes the head very much earnestly, „, but on my this period of time observation, this City-State, although has certainly goes into the recession the difficult position, other aspects are not bad, Church and city hall are at least operating orderly.” “……要真是这样的话,那寒霜可真就烂到无可救药了,”凡娜很认真地摇了摇头,“但就我这段时间的观察,这座城邦虽然有一定陷入衰退的困境,其他方面却没那么糟糕,教会和市政厅至少是在有序运行的。” Perhaps tomorrow we will observe the atmosphere in City-State to change.” Duncan spoke thoughtlessly saying that but when he prepared to continue to open the mouth, on the arm actually transmitted the touch of a little feeling fuzzy suddenly, breaks words that he wants to speak. “或许明天白天我们就会观察到城邦里的气氛变化了。”邓肯随口说道,而就在他准备继续开口的时候,胳膊上却突然传来了有点发沉的触感,打断了他想说的话。 Shirley, the head has hit on his arm, exudes the even snoring sound. 雪莉已经倒了过来,脑袋撞在他胳膊上,发出均匀的鼾声。 However the next second, has not waited for Duncan to have anything to respond, he noticed this miss shies from the sleep directly wakes up, including is lying in Doggy that the sofa foot dozes off is brought to fling the midair directly: Right...... to...... to not......” 不过下一秒,还不等邓肯有什么反应,他就看到这姑娘从睡梦中直接惊跳醒来,连着正趴在沙发脚打瞌睡的阿狗都被直接带着甩到了半空:“对对对……对……对不……” Shirley this sorry to does not have the stutter to come out finally, Duncan then hears bang a loud sound, was flung Doggy of midair to fall the ground a moment ago, the latter turns rolling, dog head humming sound: What situation what situation, hit?” 雪莉这“对不起”到最后也没结巴出来,邓肯便听到“砰”的一声巨响,刚才被甩到半空的阿狗掉到了地上,后者一骨碌翻起来,狗头嗡嗡的:“什么情况什么情况,打起来了?” Then it realized that the surrounding atmosphere is a little strange, looks up, several vision fall on oneself and Shirley strangely. 然后它就意识到周围的气氛有点诡异,抬头一看,好几道目光都怪异地落在自己雪莉身上。 Was not hits, was Shirley rests,” Duncan sighed with a smile, looked that to the whole person was still tying tight Shirley, doesn't matter, went upstairs to sleep, the minor must guarantee that the sufficient sleep line of —— Nina, do not read, sack time.” “不是打起来了,是雪莉睡过去了,”邓肯笑着叹了口气,看向仍然整个人紧绷着的雪莉,“没关系,上楼睡觉去吧,未成年人要保证充足睡眠才行——妮娜,你也别看书了,睡觉时间到了。” „.” Nina then received just to see half of books reluctant, set out to hold on also in anxious Shirley, they are holding hands to move toward second floor. “哦。”妮娜这才不情不愿地收起了刚看到一半的书,起身拉住了还在紧张的雪莉,俩人牵着手走向二楼 Duncan looks that two girls disappear in the staircase, this has transferred the line of sight, nods to Vanna: Tomorrow you and Morris go to Upper District, having a look at that side Cathedral to have change on what atmosphere, if possible, inquires the response —— matter of city hall to develop today, that side Cold Frost city hall sense of existence will be very throughout low, I will be very curious they to do.” 邓肯看着两个女孩子消失在楼梯上,这才转过视线,对凡娜点点头:“明天你和莫里斯去一趟上城区,看看大教堂那边有没有什么气氛上的变化,如果可能的话,打探一下市政厅的反应——事情发展到今天,寒霜市政厅那边的存在感始终十分低下,我很好奇他们到底在干什么。” Good,” Vanna nods, then is a little also curious, that you? What do you then have to arrange?” “好的,”凡娜点了点头,接着又有点好奇,“那您呢?您接下来有什么安排?” I prepare to go to the second waterway again, passes with Alice,” Duncan spoke thoughtlessly saying that we had a look at that corridor —— that at that time the crow had an accident, since the present speculated that had one mirror Cold Frost, but at that time the crow was also very likely once to astray there, perhaps we can find any recent clue from that corridor.” “我准备再去一趟第二水路,和爱丽丝一起过去,”邓肯随口说道,“我们去看看当时乌鸦出事的那条走廊——既然现在推测存在一个‘镜像寒霜’,而当时乌鸦又极有可能曾误入那里,或许我们能从那条走廊里找到什么新的线索。” Speaking of this, he responded suddenly: Said, Alice still does tidy up in the kitchen?” 说到这,他突然反应过来:“说起来,爱丽丝还在厨房里收拾吗?” Probably,” Morris is saying while sets out to turn head, which corner will she truly delay too for a long time in the kitchen...... is not the head will fall to catch with?” “好像是,”莫里斯一边说着一边起身回头,“她确实是在厨房耽搁太久了……不会是脑袋掉在哪个角落卡住拿不出来了吧?” Really did not make one be free from worry...... I to have a look in the past.” Duncan sighed reluctantly, then set out to leave the sofa to arrive at the kitchen. “真不让人省心……我过去看看吧。”邓肯无奈地叹了口气,便起身离开沙发来到了厨房。 Just arrived at the kitchen, he then saw is standing gothic puppet —— by basin she like Morris guessed has not made the head actually, is actually beginning from a strange angle supinely, looks at the corner/horn of ceiling dull. 刚一到厨房,他便看到了正站在水池旁边的哥特人偶——她倒是没有像莫里斯猜的那样弄掉了脑袋,却在以一个怪异的角度仰起头,呆呆地看着天花板的一角。 Extremely invests probably, Alice has not heard the Duncan sound of footsteps, she looks at that anything no direction, then stretches out is taking the hand of kitchen knife to provoke in the air, later traded a direction , to continue to provoke —— in the air is looking like wants to catch not a visible fly. 大概是太过投入,爱丽丝没有听到邓肯的脚步声,她只是愣愣地看着那个什么都没有的方向,然后伸出正拿着切菜刀的手在空气中拨弄着,随后又换了个方向,继续在空气中拨弄着——就像是想抓到一只看不见的苍蝇。 gothic puppet is lifting the kitchen knife cutting air in the kitchen expression delay, this scene is really strange, as if on next second of this puppet head will emit one to draw the blood strip of full screen, the surroundings will also resound a pipe organ style BGM —— Duncan to see that while convenient cannot bear the opens the mouth finally: „Are you doing?” 哥特人偶在厨房里表情呆滞地举着菜刀切割空气,这场景实在过于诡异,仿佛下一秒这人偶脑袋上就会冒出一根能拉满屏幕的血条,顺便周围还会响起一个管风琴风格的bgm——邓肯见状终于忍不住开口:“你在干什么?” „!” “哇!” Alice instantaneous one startled, asked to hold own head —— but her subconsciously actually to forget on oneself also to take a dagger, therefore the next second, only heard , her one blade poked on the own forehead. 爱丽丝瞬间一惊,下意识地伸手就要去扶自己的脑袋——但她却忘了自己手上还拿着一把尖刀,于是下一秒,只听得“噗”的一声,她就一刀戳在了自己的脑门上。 „”, That head was poked by her oneself. “嘎巴”一声,那脑袋就都被她自己戳下来了。 Although usually looked at this puppet frightened the far-fetched appearance, at this moment Duncan looked to be dumbfounded, he hurried to go forward one step to support the body that Alice creakied, then saw that the latter was thrown into confusion to brandish arm —— that also to be grasped by her the sharp kitchen knife in the hand, on the knife point is poking her own head, after brandishing several next, she lagged behind to respond, hurried to grasp the own head with the left hand, the right hand makes an effort to extract downward from the forehead the kitchen knife. 尽管平常看多了这个人偶惊悚又不靠谱的模样,这一刻邓肯还是看傻了眼,他赶紧上前一步扶住了爱丽丝摇摇欲坠的身体,紧接着便看到后者手忙脚乱地挥舞起了胳膊——那把尖尖的菜刀还被她抓在手里,刀尖上戳着她自己的脑袋,足足挥舞了好几下之后,她才后知后觉地反应过来,赶紧用左手抱住自己的头,右手使劲把菜刀从脑门上拔了下来。 Afterward this puppet was trying to find out one throws toward side the kitchen knife, holds the own head to press toward the neck on familiar and easy, bo , the thing turns over to the original position. 随后这人偶摸索着把菜刀往旁边一扔,轻车熟路地捧着自己的头颅往脖子上一按,“啵儿”的一声之后,物归原处。 You frighten me to jump!” Alice has turned the head, a little looks at Duncan suffering, but was quick her vision then on the thing by Duncan arm to be attracted, „...... Captain, this little looked familiar the blade yeah.” “您吓我一跳!”爱丽丝转过头,有点委屈地看着邓肯,不过很快她的目光便被邓肯胳膊上的东西吸引了,“……船长,这把刀有点眼熟哎。” Duncan unemotional( had is also blocked by bandage) gripped the kitchen knife hilt on arm, extracted downward to throw conveniently it one side: Nonsense, this was you inserted on me a moment ago.” 邓肯面无表情(有也被绷带挡住了)地握住胳膊上的菜刀刀柄,顺手把它拔下来扔到一旁:“废话,这是伱刚才插我身上的。” „...... Sorry!” puppet calls out in alarm immediately, goes forward to examine the situation flustered, „are you all right? Can wrap up?” “……对不起!”人偶顿时惊呼,慌慌张张地上前查看情况,“您没事吧?要不要包扎一下?” No need, in any case is a corpse.” The Duncan corners of the mouth pulled out, the vision actually cannot help but fell on the Alice forehead. “不必,反正本来就是一具尸体。”邓肯嘴角抽了一下,目光却不由得落在爱丽丝额头。 Miss puppet on the forehead was poked a blade by her oneself a moment ago, left behind a huge wound, but at this moment, that wound is actually healing in the —— wound not to have the blood at the visible speed, mild such as the section of jade, but short after several breath, there then recovers such as beginning. 人偶小姐脑门上刚才被她自己戳了一刀,留下了一道巨大的伤口,但此时此刻,那道伤口却正在以肉眼可见的速度愈合着——伤口中没有血液,只有温润如玉的切面,而短短几个呼吸之后,那里便复原如初了。 Alice is been a little irritable, the subconsciousness that the Duncan vision makes touches the face: Why you have visited me......” 爱丽丝邓肯的目光弄的有点别扭,下意识摸了摸脸:“您为什么一直看着我……” What material quality...... do you are do?” Duncan knits the brows, puts out a hand to bump a moment ago the Alice injured place, transmits is the flesh is similar, is icy cold and touch of deficient vitality, on your head opened a hole a moment ago, do you know?” “……你到底是什么材质做的?”邓肯皱了皱眉,伸手碰了碰刚才爱丽丝受伤的地方,传来的却是和肌肤类似,却又冰凉且缺乏生机的触感,“你脑袋上刚才开了个洞,你知道吗?” Alice was startled, lifts the hand to pat the forehead, replied muddleheaded: Was long.” 爱丽丝怔了一下,抬手摸摸脑门,愣头愣脑地回答:“长好了。” I knew certainly the Daoist priest to be good!” “我当然知道长好了!” „...... It is not clear,” Alice shakes the head, I do not know that oneself is what material quality does......, but does not seem like the wood/blockhead or the ceramics......” “……不明白,”爱丽丝摇摇头,“我也不知道自己是什么材质做的啊……但好像不是木头或者陶瓷……” Duncan suppressed for two seconds, pulls the corners of the mouth: I should not count on that what answer —— obtains to consider as finished from your here, did not say these, were you doing a moment ago? Why stares at the ceiling to be in a daze?” 邓肯憋了两秒钟,扯扯嘴角:“我就不该指望从你这里得到什么答案——算了,不说这些了,你刚才在干什么?为什么盯着天花板发呆?” Wired,” Alice is replying honestly, braved some —— but to disappear a moment ago suddenly now suddenly.” “有线,”爱丽丝老老实实地回答着,“刚才突然冒出来一些线——但现在又突然不见了。” The Duncan expression had the change instantaneously: Line?!” 邓肯的表情瞬间有了变化:“线?!” Alice can see specially line, but these lines, are representing person! 爱丽丝能看到特殊的“线”,而这些线,代表着“人”! Right,” Alice nods, a face is earnest, why I will also be curious wired to brave, here will not have others...... I to remember the matter that you will teach, cannot catch others casually line, a moment ago therefore provoked with the kitchen knife......” “对啊,”爱丽丝点了点头,一脸认真,“我也好奇为什么会有线冒出来,这里又没有别人……不过我记得您教导的事情,不能随便去抓别人的‘线’,所以刚才是用菜刀拨弄的……” After Duncan has not cared about this puppet, half a word words are saying anything, line that” his attention has placed, these that Alice mentioned suddenly to appear suddenly vanishes on. 邓肯并没有在意这人偶后半句话在说什么,他的注意力已经放在了爱丽丝提到的、那些突然出现又突然消失的“线”上。 His vision has swept the kitchen rapidly, here seeks for all possibly to establish the thing of relation with mirror. 他的目光迅速扫过厨房,在这里寻找着一切可能跟“镜像”建立联系的东西。 The glass on window, the water in basin, blade —— these of kitchen knife as if can be used to make the contact with the mirror space, however they have not presented the unusual condition. 窗户上的玻璃,水池中的积水,菜刀的刀刃——这些似乎都可以用来跟镜像空间建立联系,然而它们都没有呈现出异状。 But Duncan believes Alice, she will not lie. 邓肯相信爱丽丝,她不会说谎。 In some time, mirror Cold Frost happened with here Reality interlocked —— perhaps to be weak and short interlocking, made puppet catch the line that fluttering from that side came sufficiently. 就在刚才的某个时刻,镜像寒霜与这里的现实发生了交错——或许只是非常非常微弱且短暂的交错,却足以让人偶捕捉到从那边“飘”过来的线。
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