DSE :: Volume #4

#395: Mirror that gradually approaches

Patrol shipboard, everyone looks that dumbfoundedly that suddenly the huge ships that to/clashes from the thick fog, looks that its is almost higher than a time of bow almost to scratch the broad side compared with the picket ship, looks that its hull of that motley corrosion forwards slowly, Warrior above as if was still hanging the obsolete tattered flag, these could not have seen completely the cloth strip of appearance was swinging in the night wind carelessly, seems like...... the shroud that opens loosely to be the same. 巡逻舰上,所有人都目瞪口呆地看着那突然从浓雾中冲出来的庞大舰船,看着它那几乎比巡逻舰高出一倍的舰首几乎擦着船舷而过,看着它那斑驳锈蚀的船身缓缓向前,“勇士号”上方似乎仍悬挂着陈旧破烂的旗帜,那些已经完全看不出原本模样的布条在夜风中胡乱摇摆着,看上去像是松散开的……裹尸布一般。 The picket ship commander is first responds. 巡逻舰指挥官是第一个反应过来的。 Continues to shift, the acceleration is far away!” He shouts greatly, „should not be involved in the stern wave of that ship!” “继续转向,加速远离!”他大喊道,“不要被卷入那艘船的尾浪里!” Scrapes past with a main force battleship in this distance is the extreme danger, particularly to being the picket ship of small-scale ships the —— steamship surrounding and rear the water current will disturb the direction of boat enormously, in the fierce swing, any will scratch to bump time will be fatal. 在这个距离上跟一艘主力战舰擦身而过是极端危险的,尤其是对属于小型船舶的巡逻舰而言——大船周围和尾部的水流会极大干扰小船的航向,剧烈的摇摆中,任何一次擦碰都将是致命的。 The steam core starts to shout again, the helmsman has felt the terrifying that steamship brings to affect the hull of —— picket ship to turn toward one side displacement at this moment to swing, he must spell to go all-out to stabilize in the unsystematic ocean current anchors the body, and accelerates far away from that close colossus. 蒸汽核心再次开始嘶吼,舵手此刻已经感受到那艘大船带来的恐怖影响——巡逻舰的船身正在向着一侧偏移摇摆,他必须拼尽全力才能在无规则的海流中稳定住船身,并加速远离那近在咫尺的庞然大物。 The effort of helmsman borders on the failure. 舵手的努力濒临失败。 The Warrior speed exceeds the estimate, but coerces in this ship surrounding turbulent flow is treacherous strange, even surpasses experience —— that helmsman so many years accumulated he to feel that as if had the innumerable invisible rope to tie down the rudder and ship's bottom of patrol boat in the seabed, is dragging this boat venomous close to that like the Ghost Ship obsolete battleship. “勇士”号的速度超出预计,而裹挟在这艘船周围的乱流更是诡谲古怪,甚至超出了舵手这么多年积累下来的经验——他感觉就仿佛有数不清的无形绳索在海底缠住了巡逻艇的舵面和船底,在充满恶意地拖着这艘小船靠近那艘如同幽灵船般的老旧战舰。 The entire ship starts to send out disturbingly the sound, like being torn into shreds vigorously general by what not obvious thing. 整艘船都开始发出令人不安的吱吱嘎嘎声音,就像正在被什么不可见的东西大力撕碎一般。 The picket ship just started to depend upon suddenly shifts only insisted with a distance that the engine full load strives for several breath, put in order a ship then to start at the visible speed later by to the Warrior stern, that corrosion cliff rapid enlargement in everyone field of vision, many rocking, resembles the person inhuman fearful form to appear near the warrior number broad side, the boat that with making one is afraid the line of sight of overlooks will soon be tilting. 巡逻舰刚开始依靠突然转向和引擎满载争取来的一点距离只坚持了几个呼吸,随后整艘船便开始以肉眼可见的速度靠向“勇士”号的船尾,那片锈蚀的“悬崖”在所有人视野中迅速放大,更有许多晃动的、似人非人的可怕身影出现在勇士号的船舷附近,用令人不寒而栗的视线俯瞰着即将倾覆的小船。 Must run upon! Must run upon!” “要撞上了!要撞上了!” Some people call out in alarm, the sailors run immediately to the oneself recent parapet or the arm rest, is good to avoid in the flash of hit being flung outboard, however contacted that moment —— latter of warrior number stern to vanish in one side of picket ship. 有人惊呼起来,水兵们立刻跑向离自己最近的栏杆或扶手,好避免在撞击的一瞬间被甩出船外,然而就在巡逻舰的一侧接触到勇士号船尾的那一刻——后者消失了。 The warrior number vanished, vanishes under glare of the public eye. 勇士号消失了,消失在众目睽睽之下。 On nightmare that such as awakens terrified, that previous second also blocks the sky the obsolete main force battleship such instantaneous dissipation in the soldiers at present, only leaves behind the terrifying the impression and frightened mood trembles in everyone heart, the person on bridge and deck look at each other in blank dismay, seems like the first awakening after a dream, knows nothing about oneself to be. 就如一个悚然惊醒的噩梦,那艘前一秒还遮天蔽日般的老旧主力战舰就这么瞬间消散在士兵们眼前,只留下恐怖的印象和恐惧的情绪在每一个人心头震颤,舰桥和甲板上的人面面相觑,仿佛大梦初醒,茫然不知自身所在。 The fog dispersion, the World Creation chilly brilliance sprinkled in the sea level, the cold sea breeze made many people sober, in the spacious sea level was only left over fluctuating the breaker, floating ice fragment that and distant place walked back and forth. 雾消散了,世界之创清冷的光辉洒在海面,寒冷的海风让许多人清醒过来,空旷的海面上只剩下一片起伏的碎浪,以及远处逡巡的浮冰碎片。 The picket ship commander loosens slowly grabs the parapet hand, arrives by the porthole, is looking at outside sea, a subordinate arrives at side him, as if thought aloud that is muttering: Collective illusion? A moment ago was that an illusory image?” 巡逻舰指挥官慢慢松开抓着栏杆的手,来到舷窗旁边,望着外面的大海,一名部下走到他身旁,仿佛自言自语般咕哝着:“集体幻觉?刚才那是个幻影?” „...... It is not the illusion,” commander voice is low and drawn out, he lifts the hand, is pointing at a guard rail outside porthole, saw? The guard rail damaged —— we to run upon a moment ago.” “……不是幻觉,”指挥官嗓音低缓,他抬起手,指着舷窗外的一处护栏,“看到了吗?护栏破损——我们刚才已经撞上了。” Now which then it does go? The beforehand Haiyan does not seem like this situation...... the petrel number until thoroughly to be crushed this not to vanish baseless. Moreover our surrounding ocean current outbreaks the change, the helmsman is not even able to control the direction a moment ago......” “那它现在去哪了?之前的‘海燕号’好像不是这种情况……海燕号直到被彻底击碎都没有这样‘凭空消失’。而且刚才我们周围的海流突然发生了变化,舵手甚至无法控制航向……” The commander has not opened the mouth suddenly, after pondering for a long time, he said slowly: Perhaps...... we drove into not that Ghost Ship that some crevice —— suddenly presented vanishes suddenly a moment ago, but is our oneself.” 指挥官一时间没有开口,在沉思了许久之后,他才慢慢说道:“或许……我们刚才驶入了某种夹缝——突然出现又突然消失的并不是那艘幽灵船,而是我们自己。” On the subordinate face appears instantaneously the stunned and frightened expression, then looks at the sea level of distant place subconsciously, and Cold Frost City-State direction, will open the mouth several seconds later: That...... do we return to Real World now?” 部下脸上瞬间浮现出错愕与惊悚的表情,紧接着便下意识地看着远方的海面,以及寒霜城邦的方向,过了几秒钟才开口:“那……我们现在回到现实世界了吗?” „...... Simultaneous call Sea Mist and Cold Frost main island,” commander hesitates shortly, said fast, ratio to their responses, judges our condition —— before is unable to determine the situation, close to any do not appear in the ships of coastal water.” “……同时呼叫海雾号寒霜本岛,”指挥官短暂沉吟,飞快说道,“比对他们的回应,判断我们自身的状态——在无法确定情况之前,不要靠近任何出现在附近海域的舰船。” Yes.” “是。” ...... …… „Did they meet one in 40 years of front-heavy no battleship? Then that battleship before will soon be hitting vanished suddenly?” In Sea Mist Captain, Tyrian by the chair, after listening to the first mate Eden's report, selected the eyebrow, now they still wander —— in the patrol sea area, because does not dare to confirm that oneself did return to Real World?” “他们遇上了一艘在四十年前沉没的战舰?然后那艘战舰在即将撞上来之前又突然消失了?”海雾号船长室内,提瑞安靠在椅子上,听完大副艾登的汇报之后挑了挑眉毛,“现在他们还在巡逻海域徘徊——因为不敢确认自己是不是回到了现实世界?” „When yes, the commander of that picket ship as if judged that according to before encounters Warrior all sorts of phenomena they drove into one shortly ‚the Anomaly sea area, now they are contacting the Sea Mist fleet and Cold Frost simultaneously, attempts by this to determine that the surrounding environment is real,” Eden nods saying that shrugs, I felt them possibly a little by the scared out of one's wits, hyperaesthesia.” “是的,那艘巡逻舰的指挥官似乎根据之前遭遇‘勇士号’时的种种现象判断出他们短暂驶入了一个‘异常海域’,现在他们在同时联络海雾舰队和寒霜,尝试以此确定周围的环境是不是真实的,”艾登点头道,紧接着又耸耸肩,“我觉得他们可能有点被吓破胆了,神经过敏。” „...... Not, this is the correct discretion,” Tyrian actually shakes the head, the expression is quite earnest, we can not like the present Cold Frost navy, but must acknowledge, they have truly defended City-State 50 years of —— in the experience of transcendent Vision resistance, they are less inferior than us, the judgment of that commander should be correct.” “……不,这是正确的谨慎,”提瑞安却摇了摇头,表情颇为认真,“我们可以不喜欢现在的寒霜海军,但必须承认,他们确确实实已经保卫了城邦五十年——在与超凡异象对抗的经验上,他们不比我们逊色,那个指挥官的判断应该是正确的。” Is listening to the Captain words, the expression on Eden face also follows to be earnest finally: Therefore...... they really did drive into one shortly...... possibly with the Anomaly sea area that Real World overlaps ‚’? Moreover met the warrior number there?” 听着船长的话,艾登脸上的表情终于也跟着认真起来:“所以……他们真的短暂驶入了一个……可能跟现实世界重迭的‘异常海域’?而且在那里遇到了勇士号?” Warrior number...... I still remember that ship, its newly-built time, the queen also once cut the ribbon for it personally,” in the Tyrian tone has the feeling, you still remember how it submerges?” “勇士号啊……我还记得那艘船,它刚建成的时候,女王还曾亲自为它剪彩,”提瑞安语气中带着感慨,“你还记得它是怎么沉没的吗?” Naturally remembers, after all was attacked and sunk by us,” first mate Eden nods, that ship was controlled by the rebel army later experienced a transformation, later was sent to exterminate our rebel fleet, the result's first confrontation by the ambush that you arranged attacking and sinking in the Cold Frost open sea —— several rounds of bombing hit ammunition compartments and fuel depots, it almost broke off around the middle.” “当然记得,毕竟就是被我们击沉的,”大副艾登点点头,“那艘船被叛军控制之后经历了一番改造,随后被派来剿灭我们这支‘叛逃舰队’,结果第一场交锋就被您安排的伏击给击沉在寒霜外海了——几轮炮击先后命中弹药舱和燃料库,它几乎是拦腰折断的。” Yes, breaks off around the middle, the warrior number that but that picket ship sees is a complete ship,” Tyrian said that „, therefore very obvious —— with petrel number similar sham.” “是的,拦腰折断,但那艘巡逻舰看到的勇士号是一艘完整的船,”提瑞安说道,“所以很明显——跟海燕号类似的赝品。” „The Cold Frost aspect has been seeking for these sham origin, because they always look like emerging out of thin air general......” Eden looking pensive, overlapping space that...... hidden?” 寒霜方面一直在寻找那些‘赝品’的来源,因为它们总是像‘凭空出现’一般……”艾登若有所思,“难道……一个隐藏起来的重迭空间?” „The Cold Frost aspect should quick receive the message, in them the smart person may analyze that as for us, does not need to worry about —— we to have the own duty for them.” 寒霜方面应该很快就会收到消息了,他们中的聪明人会分析出那个可能性的,至于我们,不必替他们操心——我们有自己的任务。” You must this matter report that gives old Captain?” “您要把这件事报告给老船长吗?” Naturally, he has been waiting for my recent news,” Tyrian said, raised the hand referred to outside, you first go out, gate guanhao, do not make one come.” “当然,他一直在等着我的新消息,”提瑞安说道,抬手指了指外面,“你先出去,把门关好,不要让人进来。” Yes, Captain.” “是,船长。” ...... …… That side Tyrian reported a new situation.” 提瑞安那边报告了一个新情况。” Cold Frost City-State, the temporary residence situated in oak street, Duncan to sitting said in oneself opposite Morris and Vanna. 寒霜城邦,位于橡木街的临时住所内,邓肯对坐在自己对面的莫里斯凡娜说道。 Side him, Nina is holding with great interest, follows oneself to loaf midnight Shirley outside that a history book is looking already unstab that is stranded. 在他身旁,妮娜正捧着一本历史书看的津津有味,在外面跟着自己游荡到半夜的雪莉则已经困的东倒西歪。 New situation?” Morris adjusts a sitting posture immediately, „did the sea have an accident?” “新情况?”莫里斯立刻调整了一下坐姿,“海上出事了?” „A Cold Frost picket ship encountered a 40 years of front-heavy no navy battleship in the sea southwest, doubtful with petrel number same sham, but after both sides have not erupted the fight —— mild hit, that sham battleship then vanished in the picket ship baseless at present. Now said that does not permit also to have the new sham suddenly to appear in the sea, that picket ship short time drove into —— second possibility of one in the Real World parallel Anomaly sea area greatly.” “一艘寒霜巡逻舰在西南海域遭遇了一艘四十年前沉没的海军战舰,疑似是跟海燕号一样的‘赝品’,但双方没有爆发战斗——轻度撞击之后,那艘‘赝品’战舰便凭空消失在巡逻舰眼前了。现在说不准是又有新的赝品突然出现在大海上,还是那艘巡逻舰短时间驶入了一个与现实世界平行的异常海域里——第二种可能性更大一点。” „............ Morris is analyzing these words with the Real World parallel Anomaly sea area, the expression slowly becomes serious, he raised the head, this seems to be verifying your tonight's discovery......” “……与现实世界平行的异常海域……”莫里斯分析着这句话,表情慢慢变得郑重起来,他抬起头,“这似乎在印证您今天晚上的发现……” Yes, in the mirror presented another Cold Frost ——, if all shams, even these heretic dens hide in one mirror, that can explain why searched for the entire city unable to find the source of pollution,” Duncan said slowly, also had once was unknown baseless the return crow, in City-State duplicated the person massively from unchecked sources, certain personnel was missing...... can explain clear.” “是的,镜子里出现了另一个寒霜——如果所有的赝品,甚至那些邪教徒的老巢都是藏在一个‘镜像’里,那就可以解释为什么搜遍了整座城也找不到污染的源头,”邓肯慢慢说道,“还有一度去向不明又凭空回归的‘乌鸦’,城邦里大量来源不明的复制人,某些人员的失踪……都能解释清了。” Morris and Vanna look at each other in blank dismay, from the look of opposite party, they saw the same dignity. 莫里斯凡娜面面相觑,从对方的眼神里,他们看到了同样的凝重。 „...... The general heresy and devil I can cope, even if the enemy is strong, assembles some manpower and firepower also can always solve cleanly, but the enemy in mirror......” Vanna brow tight wrinkle, seems like some headaches, I cannot think for a while the solution...... I cannot even think how these heresies accomplish.” “……一般的异端和恶魔我都能对付,哪怕敌人再强,多调集些人手和火力也总能解决干净,但镜子里的敌人……”凡娜眉头紧皱,看上去有些头疼,“我一时想不到解决方案……我甚至想不到那些异端是怎么办到的。” If this is also the Deep Sea Sacred Lord authority, Its strength not only obviously spread in the sea level from the deep sea, moreover is proliferating massively, this no longer is made several replica such small scale the sound.” Morris also says. “如果这也是幽邃圣主的权柄,那祂的力量显然不只是从深海蔓延到了海面上,而且还在大规模扩散,这已经不再是制造几个复制品那样‘小打小闹’的动静了。”莫里斯也开口说道。 Two professional as if fell into worriedly, Duncan sees that then smiles: Actually I had thrown down fire seed to the mirror.” 两位“专业人士”似乎都陷入了苦恼,邓肯见状便笑了笑:“其实我已经向镜子对面投下了一个火种。” Morris & Vanna: „......?” 莫里斯&凡娜:“……啊?”
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