DSE :: Volume #4

#394: In the fog encounters

Restlesses?” After hearing the answer of Agatha, Bishop Ivan's some tone obvious changes, he is fixing the eyes on the eye of Agatha, as a disciple, restlessing wasn't a good phenomenon...... what happened? From starts?” “心神不宁?”在听到阿加莎的答复之后,伊凡主教的语气明显有些变化,他紧盯着阿加莎的眼睛,“作为一名圣徒,‘心神不宁’可不是个好现象……发生什么事了?是从什么时候开始的?” „After that sewage treatment center that suffers the pollution comes back,” Agatha has not concealed, she knows that present Old Bishop is in entire City-State most is worth the person of oneself trust, I always thought that oneself forgot anything probably, like...... kept that place anything, the matter duplicate/restores plate that but I have had there several, had not discovered the place of being out of sorts.” “就在从那个遭受污染的污水处理中心回来之后,”阿加莎没有隐瞒,她知道眼前的老主教是整个城邦中最值得自己信任之人,“我总觉得自己好像遗忘了什么事情,就像……把什么东西留在了那地方,但我已经将那里发生的事情复盘了数遍,都没有发现违和之处。” That sewage treatment center......” Bishop Ivan the voice is low and deep, he knows certainly what Agatha said is anything, this matter had reported in the earliest possible time to Cathedral and city hall at that time, the follow-up investigation and purification work to the present are still being conducted aggressively, I am also paying attention to the administrators who this matter —— that fortunately survives still to go to therapy in the mental institution now, processing station's original more than ten staff are still at present missing, but from the sample report, you should purify pollution —— of entire facility should not at that time to have what hidden danger to leave behind theoretically.” “那个污水处理中心……”伊凡主教嗓音低沉,他当然知道阿加莎说的是什么事情,这件事在当时已经第一时间上报给大教堂和市政厅,后续的调查和净化工作到现在还在紧锣密鼓地进行着,“我也在关注这件事——那个幸存下来的管理人员现在还在精神病院接受治疗,处理中心原本的十几名员工目前仍下落不明,而从现场的采样报告来看,你当时应该已经净化了整个设施的污染——理论上不该有什么隐患遗留下来。” But I still felt uneasy,” Agatha spoke frankly, „, although does not have the evidence, but I neglected certainly anything.” “但我仍感觉不安,”阿加莎坦言,“虽然没有证据,但我一定是忽略了什么。” „...... Has inspected the own state of mind? Result of cognitive calibration how?” “……检查过自己的精神状态吗?认知校准的结果如何?” Naturally has inspected,” Agatha nods, „, no matter the self- cognitive calibration conducts the subconscious inspection under the assistance of Psychiatrist, has done, has not discovered any issue.” “当然检查过,”阿加莎点点头,“不管是自我认知校准还是在精神医师的辅助下进行潜意识检查,都做过了,没有发现任何问题。” Bishop Ivan has not opened the mouth suddenly, several seconds later, he has the thinking to break silent: Then this may be is your intrinsic is warning —— possibly to come from your subconscious, possibly Spiritual Vision from you, even possibly came from your belief.” 伊凡主教一时间没有开口,过了几秒钟,他才带着思索打破沉默:“那么这就有可能是你自身的‘内在’正在示警——可能来自你的潜意识,可能来自伱的灵视,甚至可能来自你的信仰。” I will return to there to confirm again,” Agatha nods, before then, I must first pray that the room prays meets —— to hope the lord to give me the direction.” “我会返回那里再确认一下,”阿加莎点了点头,“在这之前,我要先去祈祷室祷告一会——但愿主能给我一些指引。” Bishop Ivan nods slightly: Goes, hoping the prayer can reduce your puzzle.” 伊凡主教微微颔首:“去吧,希望祷告可以减轻你的困扰。” Agatha un, set out to leave the platform of parking spirit coffin, a moment later vanishes outside pondering the front door of sacred hall. 阿加莎嗯了一声,起身离开停放灵棺的平台,片刻之后消失在冥思圣堂的大门外。 In broad sacred hall is peaceful suddenly, only then still sat like mummy Bishop Ivan in the spirit coffin edge, he looks at the direction that Agatha leaves, seemed lost in thought that how long crosses did not know, he sighed gently, put out a hand to outline the God of Death Bartok triangle symbol in the chest: Is willing to advocate the direction......” 宽阔的圣堂中一时间安静下来,只有如同木乃伊般的伊凡主教仍旧坐在灵棺边缘,他看着阿加莎离开的方向,仿佛陷入沉思,过了不知多久,他才轻轻叹了口气,伸出手在胸口勾勒着死亡之神巴托克的三角形徽记:“愿主指引……” In silent ponder sacred hall, mounts candlestick static combustion in niche, in the flame silent vibration, such as in the mirror bright and clean black marble ground is producing an inverted image the brilliance of various candlesticks, around flame that these leap, as if has many illusory image indistinctly to flash to pass. 寂静的冥思圣堂中,镶嵌在壁龛中的一座座烛台静静燃烧,火焰无声抖动中,如镜般光洁的黑色大理石地面上倒映着各处烛台的光辉,在那些跃动的火焰周围,仿佛有许多影影绰绰的幻影一闪而逝。 ...... …… Outside Cold Frost city, in the boundary line of greater coasting area, a picket ship that is hanging the Cold Frost navy flag is deferring to the pre-determined course inspection sea level. 寒霜城外,近海区域的边界线上,一艘悬挂着寒霜海军旗帜的巡逻舰正在按照规定航线巡视海面。 A navy commander arrived in the bow deck, knits the brows to look that the sea level —— World Creation chilly brilliance of distant place sprinkles from the sky, making in the sea level clear wave light exude a paleness, but in these wave light, can see the every large or small floating ice fragment occasionally, these floating ice fragments fluttered in a neat direction in the distant place, is indistinct as if formed one invisible boundary line. 一名海军指挥官来到了舰首甲板上,皱眉看着远方的海面——世界之创清冷的光辉自天空洒下,令海面的粼粼波光中泛着一丝苍白,而在那些波光之间,又偶尔可以看到大大小小的浮冰碎片,那些浮冰碎片在远处沿着一个整齐的方向飘动,隐隐约约间仿佛形成了一道无形的“边界线”。 The commander knows certainly that these seem like nature production floating ice what's the matter —— they in fact at all are not floating ice fragment, but is a part of Sea Mist fleet. 指挥官当然知道那些看似自然生成的“浮冰”是怎么回事——它们实际上根本不是什么“浮冰碎片”,而是海雾舰队的一部分。 That is the Sea Mist surrounding floating ice, when that cursed Ghost Ship appears in the sea level, will have such floating ice to appear in the surroundings, they are symbolizing that pirate Captain sphere of influence, is the Sea Mist curse strength manifests —— any to approach the Sea Mist ships will first receive these floating ice the baptism without the permission rashly, light point will be hindered to act, serious will be frozen directly in the sea level, the everyone on entire ship is turning into the ice the ghost. 那是海雾号周围的浮冰,当那艘受诅咒的幽灵船出现在海面上的时候,就会有这样的浮冰出现在周围,它们象征着那个海盗船长的“势力范围”,同时也是海雾号诅咒力量的体现——任何未经许可贸然靠近海雾号的舰船都会首先受到那些“浮冰”的洗礼,轻一点的会被阻碍行动,严重的甚至会直接被冻结在海面上,连带着整艘船上的所有人都变成冰中亡魂。 Sea Mist uses this type of way block fairway frequently, intercepts these process its spheres of influence the merchant ship, and gathers so-called floating ice processing service fee/spent —— in most situations, that ship does not need to open fire can complete this ignominious extorting behavior. 海雾号经常用这种方式封锁航道,拦截那些经过其势力范围的商船,并收取所谓的“浮冰处理服务费”——在大部分情况下,那艘船根本不用开炮就能完成这种可耻的勒索行为。 Naturally, the present Sea Mist fleet terminated and hostile relationship between Cold Frost navies temporarily, these floating ice will not spread to the navy picket ship in own initiative, but their has is in itself a deterrent attitude, the meaning of its transmission is very obvious: 当然,现在的海雾舰队暂时解除了和寒霜海军之间的敌对关系,那些浮冰也不会主动蔓延到海军巡逻舰头上,但它们的存在本身就是一种威慑态度,其传达的含义很明显: Even if here is Cold Frost main house gate, proceeds again is also the sphere of influence of Sea Mist fleet. 哪怕这里是寒霜家门口,再往前也是海雾舰队的势力范围。 Puts on the commander of Cold Frost naval uniform to clench teeth to sigh, wants to let the own mentality diligently gentle. 穿着寒霜海军制服的指挥官咬着牙叹了口气,努力想让自己的心态平和一点。 General situation for heavy, the soldier should obey judgment —— City-State of higher authority to need to be safe, but this safety requirement Sea Mist fleet. 大局为重,士兵应该服从上级的判断——城邦需要安全,而这份安全需要海雾舰队。 The blocked state of trim sea area is higher than all. 整片海域的封锁状态高于一切。 „The sea the haze,” a subordinate officer arrived in the deck, looks at the distant place to mutter, almost every day in haze.” “海上又起雾了,”一名下级军官来到甲板上,看着远方咕哝着,“几乎每天都在起雾。” The picket ship commander raised the head, looks at the front sea level. 巡逻舰指挥官抬起头,看着前方的海面。 If the subordinate said that the sea in the haze, such as the mist of gauze curtain is condensing little in the sea level, and floating ice boundary periphery proliferated in that say/way, the World Creation brilliance filled the air in the fog, making there appear a paleness. 如部下所讲,海上正在起雾,如纱似幔的雾气正一点点在海面上凝聚起来,并在那道“浮冰边界”周围扩散,世界之创的光辉弥漫在雾中,让那里显得一片惨白。 Is Sea Mist brings mostly,” commander is knitting the brows, which that ship arrives, the floating ice and mist follow.” “多半又是海雾号带来的,”指挥官皱着眉,“那艘船走到哪,浮冰和雾气就跟到哪。” Sea Mist in same place has not moved,” subordinate said, possibly is only that pirate general wants to demonstrate own sense of existence?” 海雾号在原地没有移动,”部下说道,“可能只是那个‘海盗将军’想展示一下自己的存在感?” „No matter how he thinks, commander shakes the head, we and have floating ice place —— Cold Frost unable first to make the violation close to the haze the matter.” “不管他怎么想,”指挥官摇了摇头,“我们不要靠近起雾和有浮冰的地方——寒霜不能首先做违约的事。” Yes.” “是。” The commander un, then looked to the distant that matter mist, in the look some doubts: On the other hand...... did the tonight's fog compare big a point ordinarily?” 指挥官嗯了一声,接着又看向远方那层雾气,神色中又有些疑惑:“不过话又说回来……今晚的雾是不是比平常大了一点?” The subordinates look following the vision of senior official, saw that piece is truly still expanding in the mist that around the floating ice fills, moreover appeared richer than the past, but in more and more thick mist deep place, indistinct had anything to sway probably general. 部下顺着长官的目光看去,看到那片在浮冰周围弥漫的雾气确实还在扩大,而且显得比往日里更加浓郁,而在越来越浓的雾气深处,又隐隐约约好像有什么东西在摇晃一般。 Fog bigger and bigger......” this subordinate officer was really whispering, what thing in fog has?” “雾真的越来越大了……”这名下级军官嘀咕着,“雾里是不是有什么东西?” „...... It is not quite right.” “……不太对劲。” The picket ship commander is saying, suddenly the expression changes, took up the telescope fast, looked to direction that thick fog fill, the after careful resolution of moment, he confirmed finally in that thick fog really has anything to rock the —— scale to be very big, is approaching. 巡逻舰指挥官说着,突然表情微变,紧接着飞快地拿起了望远镜,看向那片浓雾弥漫的方向,片刻的仔细分辨之后,他终于确认了那片浓雾中确实有什么东西在晃动——规模很大,正在靠近。 Is a ship! 是一艘船! Is a ship, drives the ship that from the Sea Mist fleet patrol region,” commander puts down the telescope, language fast fast, hit light signal —— Sea Mist fleet Crossing Worlds, making them stop immediately.” “是船,从海雾舰队巡逻区域驶过来的船,”指挥官放下望远镜,语速飞快,“打灯光信号——海雾舰队越界了,让他们立刻停下。” Yes!” “是!” The subordinate officer should say loudly, later ran fast to the deck, crossed not a meeting, went on patrol the large-scale searchlight of shipboard level installment then to shine, and turned toward that thick fog to make a series of light signals. 下级军官大声应道,随后飞快地跑向了甲板后面,过了没一会,巡逻舰上层安装的大型探照灯便亮了起来,并向着那片浓雾打出了一连串的灯光信号。 Sign that the ship shadow that however in that thick fog approaches unceasingly has not decelerated slightly. 然而那片浓雾中不断靠近的舰影丝毫没有减速的迹象。 The picket ship commander is staring at the fuzzy shadow in that fog stubbornly, looks at the opposite party, not only does not decelerate, instead even more acceleration flushed, moreover with nearness of opposite party, in the mist including surroundings sea level also in purposely spreads the general —— short moment time probably, the mist that surges has then filled the picket ship surrounding hundred meters places, even there is from surrounded the trend of this ship in all directions! 巡逻舰指挥官死死盯着那雾中的模糊影子,看着对方非但不减速,反而越发加速冲了过来,而且随着对方的靠近,连周围海面上的雾气也好像在有意识地扩散一般——短短片刻功夫,那涌动的雾气便已经弥漫到巡逻舰周围百米之处,甚至有了从四面八方包围本舰的趋势! Damn pirate!” “该死的海盗!” The picket ship commander could not bear criticize one, turned around then to run up to the bridge fast, charged into the bridge while is shouting: Backs up, shifts, is that thing hitting the —— Sea Mist fleet to have the response toward us straightly?” 巡逻舰指挥官忍不住暗骂了一声,转身便飞快地跑到了舰桥上,一边冲向驾驶台一边大喊着:“倒车,转向,那东西在笔直地朝我们撞过来——海雾舰队有没有回应?” Light signal had not responded! The short distance call has not responded!” The soldier before nearby control bench returns loudly said, we are calling Sea Mist with the agreement frequency, but that side has not replied...... wait/etc, had the response!” “灯光信号没有反应!短距离呼叫也没有回应!”旁边控制台前的士兵大声回道,“我们正在用约定频率呼叫海雾号,但那边还没回音……等等,有回应了!” Communication lamp on the control bench shone suddenly, the automatic recording apparatus also start ka the revolution, a long punch paper tape puts out from the machine mouth unceasingly, the signals operator takes up the paper tape to distinguish the above symbol fast, after the moment, actually raised the head at a loss: „The Sea Mist fleet said that they do not have Crossing Worlds —— their all ships same place not to move.” 控制台上的通讯灯突然亮了起来,自动记录机随之开始咔哒咔哒地运转,一条长长的打孔纸带从机器口中不断吐出,通讯兵飞快地拿起纸带分辨着上面的记号,片刻后却茫然地抬起头:“海雾舰队说他们没有越界——他们的所有船都在原地没动。” „In same place?” “都在原地?” The picket ship commander stared in a big way the eye, then raised the head suddenly, looked that the —— thick fog had filled the bow of this picket ship to the porthole, although the helmsman has been shifting diligently, but the velocity of movement of ships could not catch up with the spread of this strange mist obviously, mist that in that continually welled up, that dim shadow is getting more and more near. 巡逻舰指挥官瞪大了眼睛,紧接着便猛然抬头,看向了舷窗之外——浓雾已经弥漫到这艘巡逻舰的船头,尽管舵手已经在努力转向,但显然船只的运动速度还是赶不上这诡异雾气的蔓延,而在那不断涌过来的雾气之间,那个朦朦胧胧的影子已经越来越近。 Shifts, all aport, shifts!” “转向,左满舵,转向!” The picket ship inclines violently, the steam core exudes the hoarse roar, shifts to the rudder and side boosts the propeller to catch up together, to as if must actuate this ship to turn around in the mist the entire ship disintegration effort, but in fierce swaying and in a series of noises, the picket ship commander made an effort to grasp parapet, and stared in a big way the eye to look at scene —— outside porthole 巡逻舰猛烈倾斜起来,蒸汽核心发出嘶哑的吼声,转向舵和侧面助推螺旋桨一同发力,以仿佛要将整艘船解体般的力度驱动着这艘船在雾气中转身,而在一阵剧烈的摇晃和一连串的噪音中,巡逻舰指挥官用力抓紧了身旁的栏杆,并瞪大了眼睛看着舷窗外的景象—— In mist that breaks open suddenly, huge ships almost scratched the broad side parapet of picket ship to clash. 在突然破开的雾气中,一艘庞大的舰船几乎擦着巡逻舰的船舷栏杆冲了出来。 That is not crew of Cold Frost navy, is not Sea Mist member —— that is a Old Age battleship of motley corrosion, the hull paint level and obsolete obsolete bow structure of serious damage as if were telling speechless Time vicissitudes that it once experienced. 那不是寒霜海军的一员,也不是海雾号的成员——那是一艘斑驳锈蚀的旧时代战舰,严重损毁的船身漆层和过时老旧的船头结构都仿佛在无言地诉说着它曾经历的岁月沧桑。 The picket ship commander looks dumbfoundedly that huge ships and own picket ship scraped past, crossed for several seconds, he responded suddenly, and recalled oneself once and records —— in the illustration that in an obsolete material saw 巡逻舰指挥官目瞪口呆地看着那庞大的舰船与自己的巡逻舰擦身而过,过了好几秒钟,他才突然反应过来,并回忆起了自己曾经在一份老旧资料中看到的插图和记录—— Is 40 years of front-heavy no Warrior......” “是四十年前沉没的‘勇士’号……”
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