DSE :: Volume #4

#393: Inside and outside mirror

Agatha stopped the footsteps suddenly. 阿加莎突然停下了脚步。 The field of vision end, the difference of alley crossroad broke her indulging in flights of fancy. 视野尽头,小巷路口的异样打断了她的胡思乱想。 In corner that in that piece was covered dimly, the revolting black material is surging one after another, they seep out from nearby ground and wall surface, such as the viscous fat overflow pipeline, in the sticky disgusting sound, bunch of mud materials almost then start to have the human common physique suddenly, and threw to Agatha vision that filled with the hostility. 在那片被昏暗笼罩的角落中,一团又一团令人作呕的黑色物质正涌动起来,它们从附近的地面和墙壁表面渗出,如粘稠的油脂溢出管道,黏腻恶心的声响中,一团团泥浆般的物质几乎眨眼间便开始具备人类一般的形体,并向阿加莎投来了满怀敌意的目光。 Also is really haunted by the ghost......” “还真是阴魂不散……” Agatha cannot help but sighed lightly, but the movement on body has not hesitated slightly ——, when these mud did not have condensed with enough time completely, she has then lifted the cane, the direction from oneself recent one group. 阿加莎不由得一声轻叹,但身体上的动作丝毫没有迟疑——在那些泥浆还没来得及完全凝聚的时候,她便已然抬起手杖,指向其中距离自己最近的一团。 The pale roaring flame ignites baseless, swallows element that” that group wriggled instantaneously, the strength of cremation changes to the flying ash it directly, next second, there is a gray tornado to curl up in the alley together, the grey wind is howling across these human form sham that crawls one by one, as if has powerful swallowing and decency strength to be the same, changes , the erosion dust them dry. 苍白烈焰凭空燃起,瞬间吞噬了那团蠕动的“原素”,火葬的力量直接将其化作飞灰,下一秒,又有一道灰色的旋风在小巷中卷起,灰风呼啸着穿过那些正逐一爬起的人形赝品,仿佛带着强大的吞噬、风化力量一般,将它们化作干燥、销蚀的粉尘。 However still had more and more mud materials infiltrates from nearby wall and ground, more and more human form anomalies appear in the crossroad, is preventing the action of Agatha. 然而仍然有越来越多的泥浆物质从附近的墙壁和地面中渗透出来,越来越多的人形怪胎出现在路口,阻挡着阿加莎的行动。 The grey wind has curled, the Agatha form condenses from the wind, on her face were also many several exhausted, but after some sudden unusual aura of sensation to these mud, her look is more dignified. 灰风卷过,阿加莎的身影自风中凝聚,她脸上又多了几丝疲惫,而在感知到那些泥浆中突然出现的某个异样气息之后,她的眼神更是凝重起来。 She looked that to direction that aura transmits, was seeing that one sham that” is formed by the element is wriggling rapidly, variation, within seconds, that thing then changed to one has the golden short hair, to wear the white shirt and black waistcoat, the be with smile on the face young people. 她看向那气息传来的方向,正看到一个由原素形成的“赝品”正在飞速蠕动、变异,几秒钟内,那东西便化作了一名留着金色短发、身穿白色衬衫和黑色马甲的、面带微笑的年轻人。 Miss Gatekeeper, your physical strength may be really good,” young people slight nod, the tone is very polite, does not know your here movement can also enjoy oneself to the full?” 守门人小姐,您的体力可真好,”年轻人微微点头,语气十分礼貌,“不知您在这里运动的可还尽兴?” If you want dead of exhaustion me through this consumption tactic here, that was rather naive,” the Agatha vision ice-cold is gazing at another incarnation of that young people, is returning to normal the own aura, death did not have the significance to me, I may still the fight —— Gatekeeper soul be never exhausted after dying, but you always had by one day that I found.” “如果你想通过这种消耗战术把我累死在这里,那未免过于天真了,”阿加莎目光冰冷地注视着那年轻人的又一具化身,平复着自己的气息,“死亡对我没有意义,我在死后仍可战斗——守门人的灵魂永不疲惫,而你总有被我找到的一天。” Naturally, naturally, must kill a Bartok disciple is not certainly simple truly,” that young people smiled, the smile is quite bright, I had not considered must kill you, so long as I can keep here as far as possible long time you enough, these use temporarily as the entertainment for the empty shell that you slaughter, when is gives you to be bored pastime.” “当然,当然,要真正杀死一个巴托克的圣徒当然没那么简单,”那年轻人笑了起来,笑容颇为灿烂,“我从来没考虑过要杀死您,我只要能把您留在这里尽可能长的时间就够了,这些供您杀戮的空壳权当招待,是给您无聊之余的消遣。” Your these heresies the hospitality of are really unique,” Agatha knows that the opposite party is using various ways to delay oneself, but at least at this moment, she did not mind that said several words recover the own energy, I a little am suddenly curious, is the you main body also so leisurely and carefree —— I can feel now, I gradually am close to your safe house, every time eliminates a monster that is controlled by you, I can obviously feel that your position...... you also do have several places to hide?” “那你们这些异端的待客之道还真别致,”阿加莎知道对方是在用各种方式拖延自己,但至少这一刻,她也不介意多说几句话恢复自己的体力,“我突然有点好奇,伱的本体现在是不是也如此悠闲——我能感觉到,我正在逐渐接近你的藏身处,每消灭一个由你控制的怪物,我都能更加明显地感觉到你的方位……你还有几个地方可藏?” The smile on that blonde young face finally stiff flash, but also is only the flash, he then smiles again happily: „, It seems like I neglect the —— Bartok watch-dog always has well sense of smell actually ‚’, simply how do we make a bet?” 那金发年轻人脸上的笑容终于僵硬了一瞬间,但也只是一瞬间,他便再次愉快地微笑起来:“啊,看来我倒是忽略了——巴托克的看门狗向来有着不错的‘嗅觉’,那要不我们干脆打个赌如何?” He lifts a hand, as if makes the gesture of invitation. 他抬起一只手,仿佛做出邀请的姿态。 Was you first found my main body on the gambling, Cold Frost first became the country of —— gambling stake that first mortal world Sacred Lord arrived is your soul, as well as Cold Frost everyone's life......” “就赌是您先找到我的本体,还是寒霜先成为圣主降临的第一个尘世之国——赌注是您的灵魂,以及寒霜所有人的性命……” The pale roaring flame blasts open together loudly, before the young people voice falls then sweeps across the position that he stood suddenly, the next second, Agatha has changed to the howling grey wind, this strong winds hit loudly to the crossroad, the sham anomaly that these assemble wells up immediately, the attempt stops the grey wind, actually disintegrated under the strength of wind of death, disruption —— only suddenly, that grey wind then hit on blonde young people , was encumbered by the pale roaring flame, hit to fly opposite on a streets and alleys low wall him directly. 一道苍白烈焰轰然炸裂,在年轻人话音落下之前便突然席卷了他所站的方位,下一秒,阿加莎已经化作呼啸灰风,这股狂风轰然撞向路口,那些集结起来的赝品怪胎立刻涌了上来,尝试阻拦灰风,却在死亡之风的力量下纷纷解体、碎裂——只眨眼间,那股灰风便撞在了正被苍白烈焰缠身的金发年轻人身上,将他直接撞飞到了街巷对面的一道矮墙上。 After a loudly loud sound, that roaring flame was blown off by the strong winds, the Agatha form came from the grey wind, she lifted the cane by the right hand draw, cane front direct nail was putting on the chest of that blonde young people, sewed him on the wall stubbornly. 一声轰然巨响过后,那烈焰被狂风吹散,阿加莎的身影从灰风中现身,她以右手平举着手杖,手杖前端直接钉穿了那金发年轻人的胸口,将他死死钉在墙上。 Sorry, does not bet,” Agatha is gazing at the eyes of opposite party, in the look a tranquility, clergy forbid to gamble.” “抱歉,不赌,”阿加莎注视着对方的眼睛,眼神中一片平静,“神职人员禁止赌博。” Interesting......” was sewn heretic on wall by the cane pulls the talking corner/horn, in the mouth and nose overflow filthy black mud while is saying, this body was dying fast, he as if not fears and painful, hopes self-confidently your calmly and can continue is longer......” “有趣……”被手杖钉在墙上的邪教徒扯动嘴角,口鼻中一边溢出污浊的黑色泥浆一边说着,这具躯壳正在快速死亡,他却仿佛毫无恐惧和痛苦,“希望您这份从容和自信能持续的更久一些……” The life passed from the body, the body of blonde young people breaks up and melt rapidly, turns into the viscous black material to flow, and in process of landing rapid dry, the surroundings survive, is also stopped the activity by these sham anomalies that he controls in abundance, returned to original state piles of no vitality element. 生命从躯壳中流逝了,金发年轻人的躯体迅速崩解、融化,变成粘稠的黑色物质流淌下来,并在落地的过程中迅速干涸,周围残存下来的、受他控制的那些赝品怪胎也纷纷停止活动,还原成一堆堆了无生机的“原素”。 Agatha draws out the cane from the wall, somewhat detested to fling the stick to carry the filthy material of contamination, later raised the head tranquilly, looks to Upper District some direction. 阿加莎从墙上拔出手杖,有些嫌恶地甩了甩杖端上沾染的污浊物质,随后平静地抬起头,看向上城区的某个方向。 Also eliminated an incarnation, in process that the life passes, Gatekeeper hides the contact that makes in the heresies of hidden place with that is further strengthening. 又消灭了一具化身,在生命流逝的过程中,守门人与那躲在暗处的异端之间建立的联系进一步加强着。 In the feeling...... was nearer. 感觉上……更近了。 Calm and self-confident...... I really always believe oneself......” “从容和自信么……我确实始终相信自己……” Agatha is thinking aloud, later deeply attracted several tones, is supporting the body with the cane, slowly walks toward the direction in oneself sensation, but in her behind water puddle, a bunch of quiet green flame is reappearing from the water surface inverted image, reflected to shine this dim lane quietly. 阿加莎自言自语着,随后深吸了几口气,用手杖撑着身体,慢慢向自己感知中的方向走去,而在她身后的一处水洼里,一簇幽绿的火光正从水面倒影中浮现出来,悄然映亮了这昏暗的巷子。 The water puddle in alley, the window of nearby building, the metal lamp post of distant place street light...... in all bright and clean mirror surfaces, is producing an inverted image the flame tiny shadow. 小巷中的水洼,附近建筑物的窗户,远处路灯的金属灯柱……所有光洁的镜面上,都倒映着火焰细小的影子。 ...... …… In silent Grand Cathedral the lamp candle is bright, the cane and shoe heel knocked the voice of ground to break pondered tranquility in sacred hall, in black selected the form to cross the front door that the luster sank secretly high, arrived at parking black spirit coffin by stage. 寂静大圣堂中灯烛明亮,手杖与鞋跟叩击地面的声音打破了冥思圣堂中的宁静,一个身着黑衣的高挑身影越过色泽暗沉的大门,来到了停放黑色“灵棺”的高台旁。 In the spirit coffin transmits Bishop Ivan the somewhat hoarse old sound: Agatha, how did you come back the situation of —— second waterway?” 灵棺中传来伊凡主教有些嘶哑苍老的声音:“阿加莎,你回来了——第二水路的情况怎么样?” First group of talents just arrived in the west district entrance, the light is cleans up the connection shaft and delivers the equipment to require day of time toward below,” Agatha shakes the head, somewhat said reluctantly, you must be somewhat patient, Bishop Ivan.” “第一批人才刚刚抵达西区入口,光是清理连接竖井和往下面送设备都需要一天时间,”阿加莎摇了摇头,有些无奈地说道,“你总得有些耐心,伊凡主教。” „......” The sound in coffin silent, then asked that that west district entrance situation how?” “哦……”棺材里的声音沉默了一下,接着问道,“那西区入口的情况怎么样?” Agatha: „......” 阿加莎:“……” After the moment, she sighed: Abandoned half a century of underground installation, how the situation can also? I assembled 12 very heavy machine guns and three steam walkie-talkies, all bullets by holy oil and flame blessing, 150 fully-armed silent member, scattered there darkness, the good news is we intersection under shaft has succeeded in building the first foothold, and restarted the electric power and illumination in several interface channels, following exploration possibly compared with estimate in smooth —— , if not meet many collapsing and toxic gas divulging.” 片刻后,她叹了口气:“废弃了半个世纪的地下设施,情况还能怎样呢?我调集了十二挺重机枪和三台蒸汽步行机,所有子弹都由圣油和火焰赐福,还有一百五十个全副武装的寂静修士,才驱散了那里的黑暗,好消息是我们已经成功在竖井下面的十字路口建立起第一个据点,并且重启了几条连接通道里的电力和照明,接下来的探索可能会比预想中的顺利一点——如果不遇上更多坍塌和毒气泄漏的话。” Hasn't discovered the heresy the form?” “没有发现异端的身影?” Temporarily no,” Agatha shakes the head, „, but the situation in deep place still not the bright —— second waterway scale was too bigger, each collapsing region isolates mutually, we now in the first channel of region coming to a stop foot. However the actually situation comparison made one care......” “暂时没有,”阿加莎摇了摇头,“但更深处的情况尚不明朗——第二水路规模太大了,各个坍塌区域又相互隔绝,我们现在只是在其中一个区域的第一个通道里站稳脚。不过倒是有一个情况比较令人在意……” In the coffin hears the rustling sound that the cotton material rubbed, later that dark coffin covers then from interpolating, sat from inside like mummy common Bishop Ivan. 棺材里传来了布料摩擦的沙沙声,随后那黑沉沉的棺材盖便被人从内推开,如同木乃伊一般的伊凡主教从里面坐了起来。 Made the situation that one cared about?” Mummy voice is low and deep, what had?” “令人在意的情况?”“木乃伊”嗓音低沉,“发生了什么?” In some ancient pipeline terminals, we discovered by the trace of restoration and transformation, but also somewhat suspicious branch pipeline, they extend to the dark deep place,” Agatha knits the brows saying that we pulled and read the original blueprint in archives, confirmed these pipelines not on the past blueprint.” “在一些古老管道末端,我们发现了被人修缮、改造的痕迹,还有些可疑的分支管道,它们延伸向黑暗深处,”阿加莎皱眉说道,“我们调阅了档案馆里的原始蓝图,确认那些管道并不在当年的设计图上。” Bishop Ivan silent a meeting, asked back: „...... Your view?” 伊凡主教沉默了一会,反问道:“……你的看法呢?” Whom seems like after the second waterway was abandoned still to maintain there continually, and made the transformation of certain extent to them,” Agatha said the own idea, this maintenance is not continual, therefore many regions maintain after several years was still abandoned, but in the sewer deep place, possibly has the thing that still operated.” “看上去像是有谁在第二水路被废弃之后仍然持续维护着那里,并对它们进行了一定程度的改造,”阿加莎说出了自己的想法,“这种维护并不连续,所以很多区域在数年维持之后仍然被废弃了,但在下水道更深处,可能存在仍然运作的东西。” Bishop Ivan calmly is listening, crossed for a long time, he opens the mouth slowly: „The second waterway...... that is a huge underground kingdom, holds the innumerable secrets sufficiently, even if you fill in all Unit Guardian, cannot fill up its all corridors and crossroads, therefore extremely do not pay attention to these immaterial transformation trace —— to search these heresies with single-hearted devotion, other things, gave the person in city hall to have a headache on the line.” 伊凡主教静静听着,过了许久,他才慢慢开口:“第二水路……那是个庞大的地下王国,足以容纳无数的秘密,哪怕你把所有的守卫者都填进去,也填不满它所有的走廊和路口,所以不要太过关注那些无关紧要的改造痕迹——专心搜索那些异端,其他的事情,交给市政厅的人头疼就行了。” Agatha looked at Bishop Ivan, later nods looking pensive. 阿加莎看了伊凡主教一眼,随后若有所思地点了点头。 Bishop Ivan noticed exhausted in this Gatekeeper look: You seemingly do not have the rest good —— this degree of exploration action to be insufficient to make you become this tired, isn't the condition good? You from came in probably to be worried a moment ago.” 伊凡主教则留意到了这位守门人神色中的疲惫:“你看上去没休息好——这种程度的探索行动应该不至于让你累成这样,状态不好?你从刚才进来就好像心事重重。” Agatha opens mouth, after hesitant several seconds of type, opens the mouth: A little...... restlesses.” 阿加莎张了张嘴,犹豫几秒种后才开口:“是有一点……心神不宁。”
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