DSE :: Volume #4

#392: In mirror?

In the Duncan sensation, two have brought to his attention be at the mark of Anomaly condition. 邓肯的感知中,两个处于异常状态的印记已经引起了他的注意。 And a mark comes certainly from White Oak. 其中一个印记当然来自白橡木号 That was once used the flame to burn down a ship by him completely now is still sending out intensely sense of existence, such as a hot group of flaming combustion wanders when his sensation, but he is still not able to determine real position —— of that ship, whenever he attempts to determine white oak position, will only obtain a strange and fuzzy result, this result demonstrates White Oak some region by Cold Frost City-State, but there already by the Sea Mist fleet and Cold Frost navy union blockade. 那艘曾被他用火焰完全焚烧过一遍的船如今仍然在散发着强烈的“存在感”,如一个熊熊燃烧的火团般游荡在他的感知里,但他仍然无法确定那艘船的真实位置——每当他尝试确定白橡木的位置时,都只会得到一个怪异而模糊的结果,这结果显示白橡木号就在寒霜城邦旁边的某个区域,而那里早已被海雾舰队和寒霜海军联合封锁。 Another having problems mark on Gatekeeper Agatha. 另一个“出问题”的印记则在守门人阿加莎身上。 In the past period of time, Duncan suddenly discovered that oneself previously kept Agatha mark to receive some disturbance, in the disturbance, the Agatha aura became weak several times . Moreover the position also started presents with the White Oak same fuzziness and distortion sign, he attempted long-distance to confirm that Agatha condition, actually discovered that with amazement the aura of opposite party will vanish in City-State unexpectedly once for a while thoroughly. 在过去一段时间里,邓肯突然发现自己此前留在阿加莎身上的印记受到了某种干扰,在干扰中,阿加莎的气息变得微弱了数倍,而且位置也开始呈现出跟白橡木号一样的模糊、扭曲迹象,他尝试远程确认阿加莎的状态,却惊讶地发现对方的气息竟然会时不时地彻底消失在城邦里。 Two having problems marks, a ship, a person, different positions, similar condition. 两个出问题的印记,一艘船,一个人,不同的位置,相似的状态。 This is worth paying attention obviously. 这显然值得关注。 Therefore he chooses after at nightfall investigates that side this matter —— White Oak to have no clue personally temporarily, but the Agatha mark will still move in the Cold Frost city once for a while, moreover should nearby this. 所以他选择在入夜之后亲自调查这件事情——白橡木号那边暂时没什么头绪,但阿加莎的印记仍然会时不时在寒霜城内移动,而且应该就在这附近。 Duncan lowers the head, looks in Shirley that side oneself looks around. 邓肯低下头,看着正在自己身边东张西望的雪莉 Doggy could apply —— as the Nether Demon perception capability if, moreover really has Annihilationists to move in this, it can also smell probably similar aura. 阿狗作为幽邃恶魔的感知能力或许能派上用场——而且如果真有湮灭教徒在这附近活动的话,它大概也能嗅出“同类”的气息。 The curtain of night deeply, path both sides gas lamp had shone gradually completely, occasionally has the whistling sound or the yelp of going on night patrol person transmits from the distant place, the middle mixes with the ocean waves sound that the distant place is broadcasting. 夜幕渐深了,道路两旁的瓦斯灯已经全部亮起,偶尔有巡夜人的哨声或狗叫声从远处传来,中间夹杂着远方传来的海浪声音。 On the street of curfew time interval spacious lonely, even if some lights sprinkle from the building of roadside, was still hard to scatter this winter night the chill in the air, Duncan brings Shirley to pass through another alley, but in his field of vision, that bunch of flame that represented Agatha still stopped from time to time in not far away. 宵禁时段的街道上空旷冷清,即便有些灯光从路边的建筑物中洒出来,也难以驱散这冬夜的寒意,邓肯带着雪莉穿过了又一条小巷,而在他的“视野”中,那簇代表阿加莎的火焰还在不远处走走停停。 Mr. Duncan, you said that if that Gatekeeper does see me...... to be able a sword to cut?” Shirley somewhat does not have the words to look for the words saying that sees heresy such like Vanna......” 邓肯先生,您说如果那个守门人看见我……会不会一剑砍过来啊?”雪莉有些没话找话地说道,“就像凡娜看见异端那样……” Gatekeeper does not use the sword,” Duncan spoke thoughtlessly saying that I listened to Vanna saying that they used the fight cane and death of domain special manufacture god technique cope with the heresy.” 守门人不用剑,”邓肯随口说道,“我听凡娜说,他们用特殊制造的战斗手杖和死亡领域的神术来对付异端。” Shirley shrank the neck immediately, does not speak. 雪莉顿时缩了缩脖子,不吭声了。 Duncan has not cared about this girl's response, after entering an alley, he stopped the footsteps suddenly. 邓肯则没有在意这姑娘的反应,在进入一条小巷之后,他突然停下了脚步。 Shirley also stopped immediately anxiously, the whole face looks around vigilantly: What did you discover? That Gatekeeper in front?” 雪莉也顿时紧张地停了下来,满脸警惕地东张西望:“您发现什么了?那个守门人在前面?” „...... She in front, she here,” Duncan did not say calmly, the vision has swept the entire alley slowly, „, moreover had stayed the period of time here.” “……她不在前面,她就在这里,”邓肯平静地说道,目光缓缓扫过整条小巷,“而且已经在这里停留了一阵子。” She here?!” Shirley stared in a big way the eye immediately, as if felt that cold wind has blown the neck, she made an effort to proceed to look, felt weak at heart more and more, „which...... I could not see, Doggy did you see?” “她就在这儿?!”雪莉顿时瞪大了眼睛,仿佛又感觉到一股冷风吹过脖子,她使劲往前看着,心里越来越发虚,“哪呢哪呢……我看不见啊,阿狗你看见了吗?” Has not seen,” the Doggy sound conveys from nearby shadow, sounds in a muffled voice, cannot see the person unable to feel the aura.” “没看见,”阿狗的声音从附近的阴影中传来,听上去闷声闷气,“看不见人也感觉不到气息。” Even can't Doggy see?” The Duncan brow wrinkles slightly, but in him at present, that small bunch of flame that is representing Agatha calmly is burning beyond several meters, appears weak and illusory. “连阿狗都看不到吗?”邓肯眉头微微皱起,而在他眼前,那一小簇代表着阿加莎的火焰就在几米外静静燃烧着,显得微弱又虚幻。 That Gatekeeper she rests on —— here here. 那位守门人就在这里——她就在这里休息。 Duncan walks toward the place that flame is at slowly, but stopped. 邓肯向着那火焰所在的地方慢慢走去,但又停了下来。 Agatha as if felt anything, that bunch of flame when he approached half suddenly jumped, then moved the past to another direction rapidly. 阿加莎”似乎感觉到了什么,那簇火焰在他靠近到一半的时候突然跳跃了一下,紧接着便迅速向另一个方向移动过去。 Duncan raised the head, looks in the sensation that bunch of flame to the direction that moves, suddenly, in the nearby building outer wall glass window a flashing past shadow captured his attention. 邓肯抬起头,看向感知中那簇火焰移动的方向,突然间,附近建筑物外墙玻璃窗上一个一闪而过的影子吸引了他的目光。 He noticed that leaf of glass surface has a fuzzy person's shadow to run fast, among the outlines can see the Agatha appearance vaguely. 他看到那扇玻璃表面有一个模模糊糊的人影飞快跑过,轮廓间依稀能看出阿加莎的样子。 Happen to raised the head Shirley that looked around also to notice that shadow, she almost frightened calls out in alarm makes noise, but responded promptly covered the own mouth, after waiting for that shadow to flash through, she looked to Duncan, had a lingering fear opens the mouth: Had a person's shadow a moment ago!” 正好抬头东张西望的雪莉也注意到了那个影子,她差点吓得惊呼出声,但及时反应过来捂住了自己的嘴巴,等那影子闪过之后她才看向邓肯,心有余悸地开口:“刚才有一个人影!” I saw, is the window reflects.” The Duncan sinking sound opens the mouth, the vision still looked tranquilly to the front, in place that Shirley cannot see, he was still fixing the eyes on that bunch of flame —— that flame already across the alley, flashed in the front crossroad, turned back runs to another direction. “我看到了,是窗户倒映出来的。”邓肯沉声开口,目光仍然平静地望向前方,在雪莉看不到的地方,他仍然紧盯着那簇火焰——那火焰已经穿过小巷,又在前面的路口闪了一下,折返跑向了另一个方向。 He narrows the eye slightly, seems outlining the Agatha condition in the mind. 他微微眯起眼睛,仿佛在脑海中勾勒着阿加莎的状态。 She is as if breaking through from some difficult position, she is possibly injured , might be exhausted, she rested here shortly, then goes to —— in the Upper District direction in the crossroad, there is any thing to stop her, but cannot block. 她似乎正在从某种困境中突围,她可能受了伤,也可能很疲惫,她在这里短暂休息了一下,然后向着上城区的方向而去——在路口的时候,有什么东西阻拦了她一下,但没能拦住。 Duncan opens the eye, the vision falls in that glass window of not far away again, in the smooth windowpane does not have the Agatha form, calmly is only shining upon phantom of not far away street light. 邓肯睁开眼睛,目光再次落在不远处的那扇玻璃窗上,光滑的窗玻璃中已经没有了阿加莎的身影,只静静地映照着不远处路灯的虚影 Reflects......” Duncan to say in a soft voice, interesting......” “倒映……”邓肯轻声说道,“有意思……” „?” Shirley actually was still the appearance of being confused, what? Have you done to understand?” “啊?”雪莉却仍是一头雾水的样子,“什么?您已经搞明白了?” Perhaps.” Duncan said impartially, later before taking a step to arrive at that glass window, lifted the hand to hit a sound to refer to gently. “或许吧。”邓肯不置可否地说道,随后迈步来到了那扇玻璃窗前,抬起手轻轻打了个响指。 Small bunch of flame is jumping in his fingertip, illuminated his form. 一小簇火焰在他指尖跳跃着,照亮了他的身影。 He looks to that glass window, saw that on the window is producing an inverted image the flame in oneself hand, if the ray of that jump has the life to be common, calmly is burning in the world of mirror. 他看向那玻璃窗,看到窗户上正倒映着自己手中的火焰,那跳跃的光芒如有生命一般,在镜像的世界中静静燃烧着。 Shirley looks at the Duncan movement puzzled, then saw that the latter waves gently, diverges the flame of fingertip conveniently. 雪莉不解地看着邓肯的动作,接着便看到后者轻轻挥了挥手,将指尖的火焰随手散去。 But the weak green light was still jumping in her field of vision. 可一点微弱的绿光仍然在她视野跳跃着。 Shirley opened the mouth slowly, with astonishment looks at present one: After Duncan diverges in the hand the flame, the flame that sign —— that the flame that in the glass window the inverted image comes out has not actually vanished slightly reflects calmly was still burning, as if had own to exist independently general, is burning in the mirror surface! 雪莉慢慢张大了嘴巴,惊愕地看着眼前的一幕:在邓肯散去手中火焰之后,玻璃窗中倒影出来的火苗却丝毫没有消失的迹象——那倒映出来的火焰仍然在静静燃烧着,仿佛有了自己的独立存在一般,在镜面中燃烧着! This......?!” Shirley raised the hand points at flame in the glass window, the stutter is looking at Duncan, why this inside flame also in......” “这……这是怎么回事?!”雪莉抬手指着玻璃窗中的火焰,结结巴巴地看着邓肯,“为什么这里面的火苗还在……” Cold Frost of mirror,” Duncan has turned the head slowly, in the tone as if there is happy expression, is gradually fusing in together the —— very good ingenious conception in Cold Frost with Real World, I think creative this.” “一个镜像的寒霜,”邓肯慢慢转过头,语气中似乎带着笑意,“正在与现实世界中的寒霜逐渐融合在一起——很棒的巧思,我个人认为这充满创意。” Mirror......” Shirley actually does not fully understand, but was still repeating this word subconsciously, „you mean, in the mirror also has Cold Frost? That ‚did Gatekeeper go to the world of mirror?” “镜像……”雪莉其实半懂不懂,但仍然下意识地重复着这个单词,“您的意思是,镜子里也有一个寒霜?那个‘守门人’跑到镜子的世界里了?” Is inaccurate, but you can understand, Duncan said calmly, and returns the vision, looks in the mirror still in the flame inverted image of tranquil combustion, here has a small crevice, but is insufficient.” “不准确,但你可以这么理解,”邓肯平静地说道,并转回目光,看着镜子中仍然在平静燃烧的火焰倒影,“这里有一个小小的裂隙,不过还不够。” Also insufficiently?” Shirley is blinking the eye. “还不够?”雪莉眨巴着眼睛。 I need a more accurate localization, a more intense relation,” Duncan puts out a hand slowly, the fingertip is touching the flame illusory image in mirror, must light the mirror opposite world, this ignition is insufficient. However......” “我需要更准确的定位,更强烈的联系,”邓肯慢慢伸出手,指尖触碰着镜中的火焰幻影,“要点燃镜子对面的世界,这点火可不够用。不过……” He, took back the finger. 他顿了顿,收回手指。 The flame illusory image in mirror rocked suddenly, then escapes into the dark deep place, only other together indistinct, as if turns toward the quiet green trace that the distant place spreads. 镜子中的火焰幻影突然晃动了一下,紧接着便遁入黑暗深处,只余下一道隐隐约约的、仿佛向着远处蔓延的幽绿痕迹。 Enough has helped Agatha one.” “已经足够帮阿加莎一把了。” ...... …… How many had eliminated the sham that is formed by element? How many also destroyed that blonde young people incarnation? 已经消灭了多少由“原素”形成的赝品?又摧毁了那个金发年轻人多少个“化身”? After over four figures, Agatha being disinclined has counted. 在超过四位数之后,阿加莎就已经懒得数了。 She only knows that had a matter that heresy not to deceive oneself —— oneself to be truly stranded in this strange world actually, moreover in a short time could not see to be separated from here hope. 她只知道有一件事那个异端倒是没骗自己——自己确实是被困在了这个诡异的世界里,而且短时间内都看不到脱离这里的希望。 The skylight is dim, the cloud layer chaos, do not have Cold Frost City-State that” Sun shines in this, the boundary of day and night has vanished, can only the cloud layers slight the illumination and street in the gas light that shine judge, now should be the night falls. 天光昏暗,云层混沌,在这没有太阳照耀的“寒霜城邦”,昼夜的界限已经消失,只能通过云层间细微的光照变化以及街头亮起的瓦斯灯光判断,现在应该已经是夜幕降临。 Agatha goes through in a narrow lane, hurries along while to return to normal the own aura, is repairing the injury of body and energetic aspect. 阿加莎穿行在一条窄巷中,一边赶路一边平复着自己的气息,修复着身体和精神方面的伤势。 Her black coat already because of continuous fight, but many breakages, operational soft armor of inside lining also damages heavily, shoulder, side abdomen and other places have even been able to see the bandage and skin of following winding, and has the faint trace bloodstain to infiltrate from inside. 她那身黑色大衣已经因接连不断的战斗而多处破损,内衬的作战软甲也损坏不轻,肩膀、侧腹等处甚至已经能看到下面缠绕的绷带和皮肤,并有丝丝血迹从里面渗透出来。 Giving the devil his due, the enemy is not strong, even if that blonde heresy use incarnation, where looks like in Agatha this Gatekeeper eye to has not gone, solving is about 2-3 minutes. 平心而论,敌人并不强,即便是那个金发异端使用的“化身”,在阿加莎这个守门人眼中看来也没强到哪去,解决起来不过2-3而已。 But they are inexhaustible. 但他们无穷无尽。 This entire City-State is material that” they regenerate and reserve military, the common fight method simply does not have the significance here. 这整座城邦都是他们再生的“素材”和“储备兵力”,寻常的战斗手段在这里根本没有意义。 Agatha goes through in the alley, while is calculating in the mind fast. 阿加莎一边在小巷中穿行,一边在头脑中飞快地盘算着。 Meanwhile, before she is also recalling for several minutes, that strange and fearsome feeling. 与此同时,她也回忆着几分钟前那股怪异而可怖的感觉。 At that time she short rest in a dark lane, that fearsome aura then suddenly appeared in her sensation, that pressure...... even made her feel that the own heart stopped the beat in several seconds. 当时她正在一条暗巷中短暂休息,那股可怖的气息便突然出现在她的感知里,那种威压……甚至让她感觉自己的心脏在几秒钟内都停止了跳动。 At that time she was less to ponder, then hastily left the safe house, but turn head thinks at this time again...... that fearsome aura as if did not seem like the thing in this strange sham City-State. 当时她不及细想,便匆匆离开了藏身处,可这时候再回头想想……那可怖的气息似乎又不像是这个诡异的赝品城邦中的东西。 What is that......? 那……到底是什么?
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