DSE :: Volume #4

#391: Shine

Goes to Cold Frost. 寒霜 Lawrence then thinks instantaneously previously Martha once told own those words —— him unable to distinguish clearly then Martha now is the own illusion, this Martha dissipates at present sense of existence, but is a little only certain, he should go to Cold Frost. 劳伦斯瞬间便想到了此前“玛莎”曾告诉过自己的那句话——他现在已经分不清当时的玛莎到底是自己的幻觉,还是眼前这个“玛莎”逸散出的“存在感”,但唯有一点可以肯定,他应该去寒霜 But can go? 可是要怎么去? We had sought for long time here,” Lawrence cannot bear knit the brows saying that „, since previous time leaves the City-State harbor after the dim light of night, White Oak had not found that City-State —— we to return along the old route again, there only has sea.” “我们已经在这里寻找了很长时间,”劳伦斯忍不住皱眉说道,“自从上次趁夜色离开城邦港口之后,白橡木号就再也没有找到过那座城邦——我们沿着原路返回,那里只有一片大海。” Like this looked could not find it,” Martha shakes the head with a smile, Lawrence, Cold Frost is hiding from you.” “这样找是找不到它的,”玛莎笑着摇了摇头,“劳伦斯,寒霜在躲着你。” Is hiding from me?” Lawrence stares immediately, why?” “躲着我?”劳伦斯顿时一愣,“为什么?” Martha has not spoken, but raised the hand referred to Lawrence the Ghost Spirit roaring flame of static combustion. 玛莎没有说话,只是抬手指了指劳伦斯身上正在静静燃烧的幽灵烈焰。 Lawrence understands instantaneously, he looks down oneself such as the spirit body arm, in the tone looking pensive: Therefore before...... us, leaves the City-State harbor time has not received any stop...... is not we left there, but was City-State was far away from White Oak?” 劳伦斯瞬间明白过来,他低头看着自己如灵体般的手臂,语气中若有所思:“所以……我们之前离开城邦港口的时候才没有受到任何阻拦……并不是我们驶离了那里,而是城邦远离了白橡木号?” He raised the head, the expression becomes a little subtle: What to do should that this? At that time present White Oak already compared with left the harbor the time is close to Vanished, if that City-State purposely far away from me, how I possibly did find it continuously?” 他抬起头,表情变得有点微妙:“那这该怎么办?现在的白橡木号已经比当时离开港口的时候更加接近失乡号,如果那座城邦一直有意识地远离我,我怎么可能找到它?” I look.” Martha tranquilly and said briefly. “我去找。”玛莎平静而简短地说道。 „Do you look?” Lawrence has not responded all of a sudden, you can find it?” “你去找?”劳伦斯一下子没反应过来,“你能找到它?” Naturally can, in many years of past, I and my ship throughout be part of this sea area, even if I am separated from this huge community now, it will not realize this point —— in a short time, but since, on the other hand, the Black Oak present existence way is close to White Oak inverted image, I have not made the contact with Vanished directly, at least does not have now, Cold Frost will not be hiding from me...... it you does not want likely that intelligent.” “当然能,在过去的许多年里,我和我的船都始终是这片海域的一部分,即便现在我脱离了这个庞大的群落,它在短时间内也不会意识到这一点——而从另一方面,黑橡木号如今的存在方式更接近白橡木号的‘倒影’,我并没有直接和失乡号建立联系,至少现在还没有,寒霜是不会躲着我的……它并不像伱想的那么‘聪明’。” Lawrence does not fully understand is nodding, but some doubts: But that what to do also only then can you approach its —— I and White Oak? So long as we appear, it definitely also meets escaping......” 劳伦斯半懂不懂地点着头,但又有些疑惑:“但那也只有你能靠近它——我和白橡木号怎么办?我们只要出现,它肯定还会‘逃跑’……” Martha smiles. 玛莎笑了笑。 On her first half step, presses the hand gently in the Lawrence chest, on the face brings the expression that fills including the profound meaning, opens the mouth in a soft voice: „Very simple, making us exchange position —— here, the boundary of main body and inverted image is not so distinct.” 她上前半步,将手轻轻按在劳伦斯胸口,脸上带着满含深意的表情,轻声开口:“很简单,让我们交换一下位置——在这里,本体和倒影的界限并不那么分明。” Lawrence was startled, subconscious then wants to ask the meaning of opposite party these words, however he has not opened mouth with enough time, then the feeling chest transmits a thrust force slightly. 劳伦斯怔了一下,下意识便想开口询问对方这句话的意思,然而他还没来得及张嘴,便感觉胸口传来一阵微微的推力。 This strength is very gentle, makes him feel instantaneously dizzily general, he only thought that oneself is throwing down face up, in losing the flash before consciousness, he felt that oneself was supported the body from behind, the Martha gentle voice resounded in his ear: 这力量很轻柔,却让他瞬间感觉天旋地转一般,他只觉得自己在仰面摔倒,在失去意识前的一瞬间,他感觉自己被人从后面托住了身子,玛莎轻柔的嗓音在他耳边响起: Takes a nap a meeting, my spousal —— is an inconceivable journey.” “小睡一会吧,我的爱人——接下来是一段不可思议的旅途。” Lawrence goes off murkily, but he thought that oneself only went off the flash, then opened the eye suddenly, the subconsciousness shouted one: Martha!” 劳伦斯昏昏沉沉睡去,但他觉得自己只睡去了一瞬间,便又猛然睁开了眼睛,下意识喊了一声:“玛莎!” However spreads to his ear is actually the first mate Gosse's voice: Captain, did you awake?” 然而传入他耳中的却是大副格斯的声音:“船长,您醒了?” Lawrence thorough comes finally soberly, he tries hard to haunch the body, because of the deep sleep suddenly realized, but the big mouth is breathing heavily, then observes the situation all around, realized that oneself is lying down on the bed of Room Captain on —— first mate Gosse face has the worry expression to stand in the one side, the nearby also has several sailors. 劳伦斯终于彻底清醒过来,他努力撑起身体,因从沉睡中猛醒而大口喘着粗气,接着又环视四周,意识到自己正躺在船长的床铺上——大副格斯脸上带着担心的表情站在一旁,附近还有几个水手。 But in a corner point place, he also saw familiar form —— is Anomaly 077, that dry corpse was taking advantage that the person did not pay attention to take the root hangman's rope to gesticulate on the oneself neck, but after realizing the Lawrence vision, he received the string instantaneously, pretends that anything has not happened. 而在更角落一点的地方,他还看到了一个熟悉的身影——异常077,那干尸正趁人不注意拿着根绞索在自己脖子上比划着,但在意识到劳伦斯的目光之后,他瞬间收起了绳子,假装什么也没发生。 My this was......” Lawrence breathes uniform the air/Qi, is rubbing the forehead while muttered, suddenly is unable to distinguish clearly oneself unexpectedly in the dream in Reality, matter that some time ago had like illusion fluctuate in memory. “我这是……”劳伦斯喘匀了气,一边揉着额头一边咕哝道,一时间竟无法分清自己是在梦里还是在现实中,不久前发生的事情如幻象般在记忆中起起伏伏。 You have returned to White Oak, is sailor brings you,” first mate says immediately, and raised the hand referred to not far away that dry corpse, you already lethargic sleep several hours.” “您已经回到白橡木号上,是‘水手’把您带回来的,”大副立刻说道,并抬手指了指不远处那具干尸,“您已经昏睡数个小时了。” I remember that...... I remember oneself explores Black Oak, but also saw Martha above...... these matter really occurrences?” Lawrence makes an effort to rub the forehead, then lifts the eye, Black Oak? Now where is it at?” “我记得……我记得自己去探索黑橡木号,还在上面看到了玛莎……这些事情真的发生过吗?”劳伦斯用力揉着额头,接着又抬起眼睛,“黑橡木号呢?它现在在哪?” Your memory does not have the issue, you truly went to that ship, sailor also told us, you saw Ms. Martha on that” first mate Gosse put out a hand to support by the arm Lawrence, but the words told only half the complexion somewhat was also strange, which as for that ship now in...... Captain, the present situation is somewhat strange, I do not know how should explain to you......” “您的记忆没有问题,您确实去了那艘船,‘水手’也告诉我们,您在那上面见到了玛莎女士,”大副格斯伸手将劳伦斯搀扶起来,但话说到一半的时候脸色又有些古怪,“至于那艘船现在在哪……船长,现在的情况有些古怪,我不知道该怎么跟您解释……” Strange?” Lawrence is knitting the brows, what do you mean?” “古怪?”劳伦斯皱着眉,“什么意思?” Our ships lose the control now, the ship's rudder and propeller no matter uses, White Oak is wandering like Ghost Ship,...... I leads you to look as for Black Oak.” “我们的船现在失去了控制,船舵和螺旋桨都不管用,白橡木号正在像幽灵船一样漂流,至于黑橡木号……我带您去看。” Is listening to the first mate heavyhearted words , the expression on Lawrence face instantaneous is dignified, he shoved open the opposite party to support by the arm own, took a step to follow in the sailors to walk toward out of the door behind. 听着大副忧心忡忡的话语,劳伦斯脸上的表情已经瞬间凝重起来,他推开了对方搀扶自己的手,迈步跟在水手们身后向门外走去。 But at the same time, he also noticed oneself as well as its others 's change —— 而与此同时,他也注意到了自己以及其他人身上的变化—— The spirit body flame of that spooky combustion does not know when has extinguished, everyone recovers the living person condition now, the surrounding floor and wall also no longer presented that type as if to restore the normal state like Vanished general flame burning state —— here all. 那幽幽燃烧的灵体火焰不知何时已经熄灭了,所有人的身体现在又都恢复了活人般的状态,周围的地板和墙壁也不再呈现出那种如同失乡号一般的火焰燃烧状态——这里的一切似乎都恢复了常态。 The first mate noticed the Captain vision, opened the mouth to explain: Flame abates before several hours, shortly after you come back.” 大副注意到了船长的目光,开口解释道:“火焰是在数小时前消退的,就在您回来之后不久。” Lawrence nods silently, compared with the abated Ghost Spirit roaring flame, he cares now exactly had anything, the oneself this calm first mate will always show the expression that so made excuses and is at a loss. 劳伦斯默不作声地点了点头,比起已经消退的幽灵烈焰,他现在更在意到底发生了什么,以至于自己这一向沉稳的大副都会露出这般支支吾吾、无所适从的表情。 Quick, he then and sailors left the cabin together, arrived in the White Oak deck. 很快,他便和水手们一同离开了船舱,来到了白橡木号的甲板上。 Only in a flash, he then realized in the environment...... strange. 只一瞬间,他便意识到了周围环境中的……诡异。 Moist, ice-cold, as if by the sea-water immersion, the sky could not have been seen a ray completely, only then such as the strange shadow mass float in the sky, the side is calm, has the ice-cold mobile feelings to touch skin every inchs, once for a while can see that the strange turbulent flow trace appears in the , was similar to the air to exude the tiny air bubble. 潮湿,冰冷,仿佛被海水浸泡,天空已经完全看不到一点光芒,只有如诡异阴影般的团块漂浮在上空,身边无风,却又有冰冷的流动感触碰着身上的每一寸皮肤,时不时可以看到怪异的湍流痕迹出现在附近,就如同空气中泛起了细小的气泡。 Lawrence feels the environment that periphery this is full to be out of sorts stunned, and realized indistinctly what happened, when first mate Gosse brings he is arriving at the broad side edge, he further confirmed the own suspicion. 劳伦斯错愕地感受着周围这充满违和的环境,并隐隐约约意识到发生了什么事情,而当大副格斯带着他来到船舷边缘时,他更进一步确认了自己的猜想。 Black Oak in that.” 黑橡木号在那。” The big substation in the broad side edge, points below sea water to say. 大副站在船舷边缘,指着正下方的海水说道。 Lawrence lowers the head, saw that sea fluctuates slowly, the ripple that in the White Oak travel process arouses spreads in periphery with a distortion strange sense of reality slowly, but in such as the distortion mirror surface sea level, he saw White Oak inverted image. 劳伦斯低下头,看到“大海”缓缓起伏,白橡木号行驶过程中激起的波纹以一种扭曲怪异的质感在周围慢慢扩散,而在如扭曲镜面般的海面上,他看到了白橡木号的“倒影”。 That is one by the jet black ships that the thick fog and shadow package, on the ship is lightened several ghost lights, it reflecting under White Oak, is braving all hardships the line. 那是一艘被浓雾和阴影包裹的漆黑舰船,船上点亮着几盏幽魂般的灯火,它“倒映”在白橡木号下方,正乘风破浪而行。 When this moment, Lawrence understands finally Martha on point of departure that words that spoke are what meaning. 在这一刻,劳伦斯终于明白了玛莎临别时所说的那番话到底是什么意思。 Now, White Oak was the Black Oak inverted image. 现在,白橡木号黑橡木号的倒影了。 Captain......” first mate Gosse is paying attention to the expression change on Lawrence face, many years of following experiences make him judge keenly what situation old Captain had possibly known this, „? Why will we inverted image in sea turn into the Black Oak appearance? Moreover the out-of-control of ship......” 船长……”大副格斯注意着劳伦斯脸上的表情变化,多年的追随经验让他敏锐地判断出老船长可能已经知道了这到底什么情况,“这是怎么回事?为什么我们在海中的倒影会变成黑橡木号的模样?而且船的失控……” We do not have out of control —— we to follow the Black Oak navigation,” Lawrence shouted the tone gently, on the face showed the light smile, makes everyone rest well, conserves strength, we are going to one to solve all problems the places.” “我们没有失控——我们只是在跟随黑橡木号航行,”劳伦斯轻轻呼了口气,脸上露出了淡淡的笑容,“让大家好好休息,养精蓄锐,我们正在前往一个能解决一切问题的地方。” Can solve all problems the places?” The first mate blinks puzzled, „do we want to go?” “能解决一切问题的地方?”大副困惑地眨了眨眼睛,“我们要去哪?” We are going to Cold Frost.” “我们在前往寒霜。” ...... …… The curtain of night is covering City-State gradually. 夜幕正渐渐笼罩城邦 Two forms across have been at the curfew condition fast the streets and alleys. 两个身影正快速穿过已经处于宵禁状态的街巷。 A form is especially big tall and strong, the body wear reminded us of the black long windproof coat coat that the night fell, another form seemed especially diminutive, although the body wrapped a thick winter clothing, actually can still see under that winter clothing the quite emaciated figure. 一个身影格外高大魁梧,身上穿着令人联想到夜幕降临的黑色长风衣外套,另一个身影则显得格外矮小,尽管身上套了一件厚实的冬装,却仍能看出那冬装下颇为瘦弱的身形。 Cold wind blows, that emaciated diminutive form sneezes solid: „...... Achoo!” 一阵寒风吹来,那瘦弱矮小的身影结结实实地打了个喷嚏:“……阿嚏!” Duncan lowers the head, looks is rubbing Shirley of nose: Made you put on the scarf you not to wear the —— Cold Frost night to be possible Pland to be colder.” 邓肯低下头,看着正在揉鼻子的雪莉:“让你戴上围巾你偏不戴——寒霜的夜晚可比普兰德冷多了。” Good cold......” Shirley to tighten the clothes subconsciously, although this clothes actually resist the surrounding temperature sufficiently, she feels the cold wind to be piercing, since childhood was born in Pland she who grows up, obviously was unable to adapt to the Cold Frost climate, I a little regretted to come out......” “好冷……”雪莉下意识地紧了紧衣服,尽管这身衣服其实足以抵御周围的温度,她还是觉得冷风刺骨,从小在普兰德出生长大的她,显然还不是很能适应寒霜的气候,“我有点后悔出来了……” The Duncan faint smile looks at this miss: Was not you said that so long as did not do the homework, why good making you?” 邓肯似笑非笑地看着这姑娘:“不是你说的,只要不写作业,让你干什么都行吗?” Shirley one hear of this, immediately a supine neck, in cold wind obstinate argumentative: Right, I said!” 雪莉一听这个,顿时一仰脖子,在寒风中嘴硬:“对啊,我说的!” Whole body, is hardest on the mouth,” Duncan sighed reluctantly, later raised the head, the vision went to the alley in distant place, walked, I have not wanted to deal with Patrol Guard.” “全身上下,就嘴最硬,”邓肯无奈地叹了口气,随后抬起头,目光投向远方的小巷,“走吧,我还不想跟巡夜的守卫者打交道。” Shirley hurries to turn over the small short leg to keep up with the Duncan footsteps, proceeds with effort while cannot bear the curious opens the mouth: „Do we want to go to do?” 雪莉赶紧倒腾着小短腿跟上邓肯的脚步,一边费力地往前走着一边忍不住好奇开口:“咱们到底要去干什么啊?” Confirmed somebody's condition.” Duncan is walking forward while spoke thoughtlessly to say. “确认某个人的状况。”邓肯一边向前走着一边随口说道。 Somebody's condition?” Shirley is supine the face, looks at tall and strong Captain, who?” “某个人的状况?”雪莉仰起脸,看着身旁魁梧的船长,“谁啊?” Gatekeeper, Agatha.” Duncan said lightly. 守门人,阿加莎。”邓肯淡淡说道。 His vision crosses the curtain of night, is gazing at the front streets and alleys end. 他的目光则越过夜幕,注视着前方的街巷尽头。 Bunch of small quiet green flame is burning in his field of vision, flickering, the twinkle is uncertain, seems away from a thick curtain. 一簇小小的幽绿火苗在他的视野中燃烧着,忽明忽暗,闪烁不定,仿佛隔着一层厚厚的幔帐。
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